We WILL get to visit Michael's grave!

...maybe they have made some arrangements. I can not understand why Karen would be lying. She is a nice person...she is not a Jackson but if she was good enough for Mike, sure she must be good enough for us. Lets wait and see.

have u ever met her? have u seen her in 'action' in front of the fans? till then, maybe um....don't take every thing at face value. the karen fake fan club usually consists of the fans she tries to sneak into places or the fans who gave mj stuff and she promised them she'd pass it along...hmmmm
People need to relax a little bit and stop attacking Karen Faye. She IS in contact with the family and she WAS at the funeral and she was a close friend to Michael, stop disrespecting her.
She DID disclose this information out of kindness and in fact it was again re-iterated by family and friends at the after-party yesterday in Pasadena that the family WAS making arrangements for fans to be able to visit.
Orderly fashion means with security and without stopping for long or placing flowers or gifts or chanting or screaming "we love you MJ" and shit like that.
I, like some others here, wonder why this "announcement" is coming from Ms. Faye. Shouldn't this news be coming from the JACKSON family?

If this IS true maybe the family wants to make an official announcement when the time is right. Ms. Faye has no right making this announcement and if this turns out to not be true, she will pay the price for talking out of turn!

As a matter of fact, this shouldn't even be posted, UNLESS it's from the family.

I agree with you 100%.
All I heard was no one could get into this place where Michael is now resting, that's why all the money, security and trouble to make his final resting place secure.
I'm sure the family will make arrangements for us fans. Just let them mourn and have their peace. They've been good to us fans so far...
I'm sure Ms Faye means well, but she should not build up the hopes of fans before it's legitimate I agree.
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Associated Press
Jackson tomb remains a mystery at LA-area cemetery

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY, AP Entertainment Writer

Friday, September 4, 2009

(09-04) 15:27 PDT Glendale, Calif. (AP) --

The massive marble and concrete Great Mausoleum at Forest Lawn Memorial Park was slightly accessible by the public before Michael Jackson was entombed somewhere in its maze of floors and hallways.

Tell the entrance guard you were there to see the "Last Supper" stained-glass window show, and you were allowed to roam a portion of the catacombs for about 10 minutes before anyone hassled you.

But those open sections are only a fraction of the sprawling building that rises many stories and plunges deep underground.

So wherein lies the King of Pop in the monolith? That may be a secret for the ages.

On Friday, a tourist family asked a guard whether the superstar's tomb was private. The guard said it was.

"Private ... forever?" one of them asked.

"Private forever." he said.

No fans, no paparazzi, and so far no one trying too hard to steal a glimpse of the vault containing Jackson's golden casket.

The exact location may forever remain unknown to all but a select few: A guest who attended the Jackson ceremony told The Associated Press the casket had not been put into the vault by the time mourners left.

The guest spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the day.

Under Friday's hot midday sun, a woman with a camera was denied entry to the mausoleum. Guards shooed away a radio reporter who tried to go inside then began interviewing people outside.

The funeral began Thursday night nearly two hours after its scheduled 7 p.m. time. Some 200 mourners, including 77-year-old Elizabeth Taylor and other celebrities associated with Jackson, showed up promptly, only to wait at the outdoor seating area, under a withering late-summer sun that pushed temperatures to 90 degrees even as it was going down.

The ceremony began with remarks and song after the family arrived to fill the front five rows of white folding chairs.

Mourners then followed Jackson's brothers as they carried the casket into the mausoleum. The singer's daughter, 11-year-old Paris, cried and was comforted by her aunt, LaToya.

Paris and brothers Prince Michael, 12, and Prince Michael II, 7, known as Blanket, began the service by placing a bejeweled crown on their father's casket. They were composed through most of the 90-minute ceremony, the guest said.

Once inside, Gladys Knight performed the hymn "Our Father" (The Lord's Prayer) and moved many to tears, according to the guest. When it was over, many of the 200 mourners hugged each other. Among them were Taylor, Jackson's ex-wife Lisa Marie Presley, Barry Bonds and Macaulay Culkin.

As it ended, Katherine Jackson appeared extremely weary and had to be helped to her car, according to the guest. Earlier, she had a difficult time going into the mausoleum; she was overcome and turned back, making it unclear if she went in at all, the guest said.

More than 400 media credentials were issued to reporters and film crews who were kept behind barricades. The few clusters of fans who gathered around the secure perimeter encircling the cemetery entrance struggled to see.

Glendale police said all went smoothly and there were no arrests.

Jackson will share eternity at Forest Lawn with the likes of Clark Gable, Jean Harlow and W.C. Fields, entombed alongside them in the Great Mausoleum. The level of security and secrecy about the location of Jackson's vault all but guaranteed it won't be turned into a shrine or tourist stop.

The entombment also ends months of speculation that the singer's body would be buried at Neverland Ranch, in part to make the property a Graceland-style attraction.

The King of Pop died a drug-induced death June 25 at age 50 as he was about to embark on a comeback attempt. The coroner's office has labeled the death a homicide, and Jackson's death certificate lists "injection by another" as the cause.

Dr. Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal physician, told detectives he gave the singer a series of sedatives and the powerful anesthetic propofol to help him sleep. Prosecutors are still investigating, and no charges have been filed.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/artic...03/entertainment/e232933D41.DTL#ixzz0QC78ETI2
People need to relax a little bit and stop attacking Karen Faye. She IS in contact with the family and she WAS at the funeral and she was a close friend to Michael, stop disrespecting her.
She DID disclose this information out of kindness and in fact it was again re-iterated by family and friends at the after-party yesterday in Pasadena that the family WAS making arrangements for fans to be able to visit.
Orderly fashion means with security and without stopping for long or placing flowers or gifts or chanting or screaming "we love you MJ" and shit like that.
and she did what to help her friend?
karen menioned this a few weeks ago there isnt no grave though its a crypt.hopefully something will be done. there needs to be something

I agree with you. I also heard that fans will not be able to enter the building that Michael's body is in......I heard this from cnn or HNL one of them. I do hope as you say that they will make some type of arrangements.
Associated Press
Jackson tomb remains a mystery at LA-area cemetery

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY, AP Entertainment Writer

Friday, September 4, 2009

(09-04) 15:27 PDT Glendale, Calif. (AP) --

The massive marble and concrete Great Mausoleum at Forest Lawn Memorial Park was slightly accessible by the public before Michael Jackson was entombed somewhere in its maze of floors and hallways.

Tell the entrance guard you were there to see the "Last Supper" stained-glass window show, and you were allowed to roam a portion of the catacombs for about 10 minutes before anyone hassled you.

But those open sections are only a fraction of the sprawling building that rises many stories and plunges deep underground.

So wherein lies the King of Pop in the monolith? That may be a secret for the ages.

On Friday, a tourist family asked a guard whether the superstar's tomb was private. The guard said it was.

"Private ... forever?" one of them asked.

"Private forever." he said.

No fans, no paparazzi, and so far no one trying too hard to steal a glimpse of the vault containing Jackson's golden casket.

The exact location may forever remain unknown to all but a select few: A guest who attended the Jackson ceremony told The Associated Press the casket had not been put into the vault by the time mourners left.

The guest spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the day.

Under Friday's hot midday sun, a woman with a camera was denied entry to the mausoleum. Guards shooed away a radio reporter who tried to go inside then began interviewing people outside.

The funeral began Thursday night nearly two hours after its scheduled 7 p.m. time. Some 200 mourners, including 77-year-old Elizabeth Taylor and other celebrities associated with Jackson, showed up promptly, only to wait at the outdoor seating area, under a withering late-summer sun that pushed temperatures to 90 degrees even as it was going down.

The ceremony began with remarks and song after the family arrived to fill the front five rows of white folding chairs.

Mourners then followed Jackson's brothers as they carried the casket into the mausoleum. The singer's daughter, 11-year-old Paris, cried and was comforted by her aunt, LaToya.

Paris and brothers Prince Michael, 12, and Prince Michael II, 7, known as Blanket, began the service by placing a bejeweled crown on their father's casket. They were composed through most of the 90-minute ceremony, the guest said.

Once inside, Gladys Knight performed the hymn "Our Father" (The Lord's Prayer) and moved many to tears, according to the guest. When it was over, many of the 200 mourners hugged each other. Among them were Taylor, Jackson's ex-wife Lisa Marie Presley, Barry Bonds and Macaulay Culkin.

As it ended, Katherine Jackson appeared extremely weary and had to be helped to her car, according to the guest. Earlier, she had a difficult time going into the mausoleum; she was overcome and turned back, making it unclear if she went in at all, the guest said.

More than 400 media credentials were issued to reporters and film crews who were kept behind barricades. The few clusters of fans who gathered around the secure perimeter encircling the cemetery entrance struggled to see.

Glendale police said all went smoothly and there were no arrests.

Jackson will share eternity at Forest Lawn with the likes of Clark Gable, Jean Harlow and W.C. Fields, entombed alongside them in the Great Mausoleum. The level of security and secrecy about the location of Jackson's vault all but guaranteed it won't be turned into a shrine or tourist stop.

The entombment also ends months of speculation that the singer's body would be buried at Neverland Ranch, in part to make the property a Graceland-style attraction.

The King of Pop died a drug-induced death June 25 at age 50 as he was about to embark on a comeback attempt. The coroner's office has labeled the death a homicide, and Jackson's death certificate lists "injection by another" as the cause.

Dr. Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal physician, told detectives he gave the singer a series of sedatives and the powerful anesthetic propofol to help him sleep. Prosecutors are still investigating, and no charges have been filed.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/artic...03/entertainment/e232933D41.DTL#ixzz0QC78ETI2

Thank you for this post.....it is all still just so sad....it didnt have to be like this.....Poor Michael.....Poor Jackson family
You can call it what ever you want to call it!

I call it an "announcement," which is now being spread amongst the fans. She is in no position to answer certain fan questions, which should be coming from ONLY the Jackson family, in my opinion.

Somebody needs to tell Ms. Faye that although she worked for Mr. Jackson, she is NOT a member of the Jackson family and should leave "sensitive" matters up to the family to dispense to the fan community. Because we all know what ever she says on her Facebook, will find it's way to the fan community one way or another.
She has a history of spilling the beans. Women talk. :cheers:
I agree with that. I also think she could have helped and she's not a friend of mine. I was just sharing information. Time will tell of it is indeed true or not.
I was REALLY surprised that she was invited after some of the stuff she wrote on FB.

What does she say on her FB page that is so bad? I've seen on various boards and websites things she has said but nothing that would be horrible. Like I guess Janet was spending a lot of time at the service the other night or something like that.

People need to relax a little bit and stop attacking Karen Faye. She IS in contact with the family and she WAS at the funeral and she was a close friend to Michael, stop disrespecting her.
She DID disclose this information out of kindness and in fact it was again re-iterated by family and friends at the after-party yesterday in Pasadena that the family WAS making arrangements for fans to be able to visit.
Orderly fashion means with security and without stopping for long or placing flowers or gifts or chanting or screaming "we love you MJ" and shit like that.

Yeah I agree. People should be more compassionate.
"Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glint on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you wake in the morning hush, I am the sw......ift, uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circling flight. I am the soft starlight at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there. I did not die." Mary Frye. 1932Rea

I so love that - I read it at my mum's funeral and it's true. Your loved one is where ever you want them to be - especially in your heart.
What does she say on her FB page that is so bad? I've seen on various boards and websites things she has said but nothing that would be horrible. Like I guess Janet was spending a lot of time at the service the other night or something like that.

She has said more than once on there that the family isn't telling the whole truth.
I'm hoping there will be SOMETHING for the fans. Just something.

I love him so much and this is killing me...I never got to ever see Michael. :cry:

Here is Clark Gable's crypt, as well as his wives, in the Great Mausoleum. The building has numerous halls and rooms that are similar to this. Michael is in a hall similar to this.

This is not a place where you can leave flowers, or light a candle. It is meant to be a place of quiet introspection, and reverant respect for those that are resting there.

I have been there (on a Dearly Departed Tour), and while there are some places you can wander around, many of the halls are closed. There are plaques at the entrance of each hall that show the people who are entombed in the hall.

If you want to light a candle, there are numerous chapels on the grounds. But I can promise you that even if the family says they have cleared the way for fans to pay respects to Michael, Forest Lawn will not let you leave flowers, cards, memorials, or light candles.

The building itself is amazing. The artwork, statuary, and stained glass are beyond what you can imagine.

R.I.P. Michael.
I guess we WILL be able to visit his grave! Post from Karen Faye Kissingeryes on Facebook less than an hour ago: The family has made arrangements with the mortuary that he can be visited in an orderly manner, one day a week.

OMG...I will PRAY that this is TRUE. I simply must visit him. I need to! This is wonderful news! I hope it is true!
is that just ashes in that pic reminds me of a cremitoria (sp) with plaques on the wall.were gable etc cremated
is that just ashes in that pic reminds me of a cremitoria (sp) with plaques on the wall.were gable etc cremated

No that is what a crypt looks like. Each one of those openings is basically like a drawer where a casket is inserted. On the front of the "drawer" is a name plaque showing pretty much the same information a headstone shows.

That is exactly what an above ground burial ground looks like. And it is from the building in which Michael is entombed.

And no, Clark Gable and Carol Lombard were not cremated.
This is just how I feel. Only the loss of very close family members could equal this pain for me. I have loved Michael for so many years, since I was a kid, and in what has been for me a very personal and spiritual way. I also felt a bit cringey when Janet said those words. It's true for the general public, but many of us truly love him. It's like all the talk in the media about him being "humanized" after death. I'm like... ummm... that opportunity to see and understand him as something more than an icon, a performer, a celebrity/personality, a controversy, etc has been there the whole darn time! I understand that I didn't know him pesonally. I'm well into adulthood and I'm not stupid or crazy. But I can guarantee that we "devotees" (as they like to call us, lol) know and understand a lot more than the general public. And love him for so much more than Thriller ;D I don't think the depth of love and respect can be summed up in the word "fan"... or seemingly understood very well by others. I'm a "fan" of Prince or Aerosmith or Alanis Morissette. With Michael there was a whole, whole, whole different thing entirely. If it were possible, my heart would build him the most beautiful and ornate place ever seen on Earth, filled with the very best of every beautiful thing one could imagine, as a tribute. I totally get the Taj Mahal now.

This sums up perfectly how I feel. :cry:
Thanks for posting this! I was really wondering why they said on the site you could go see the Last Supper but then you hear "all you can do is drive by". I kind of figured that all the halls were blocked off.

Here is Clark Gable's crypt, as well as his wives, in the Great Mausoleum. The building has numerous halls and rooms that are similar to this. Michael is in a hall similar to this.

This is not a place where you can leave flowers, or light a candle. It is meant to be a place of quiet introspection, and reverant respect for those that are resting there.

I have been there (on a Dearly Departed Tour), and while there are some places you can wander around, many of the halls are closed. There are plaques at the entrance of each hall that show the people who are entombed in the hall.

If you want to light a candle, there are numerous chapels on the grounds. But I can promise you that even if the family says they have cleared the way for fans to pay respects to Michael, Forest Lawn will not let you leave flowers, cards, memorials, or light candles.

The building itself is amazing. The artwork, statuary, and stained glass are beyond what you can imagine.

R.I.P. Michael.
She has said more than once on there that the family isn't telling the whole truth.

Hmm....I think I agree elle - Well my original opinion of Karen changed the more I learned. I suppose the huge unanswered questions I would like to hear answered is this -

Why do you continue to allude to what you know - the "truth" that appears to alllude the fans? You allude to it but you don't actually want to share it with the fans yet you continually drop them little morsels to keep them interested - I wonder what that "truth" is.

Secondly - on telling fans you were doing all you could before he died perhaps you could tell us exactly that those efforts were.

And if, as you have said, there is more to this than we know, I wonder what moves you are making to ensure the proper authorities do know?

Are you basking in a little reflected glory I wonder?

If I am able to pay my respects one day that would be great - but I won't hold my breath and ultimately I hope Michael is afforded the peace and serenity that alluded him in his life. Whether or not I manage to visit his resting place is immaterial.
It looks a lovely place and peaceful. I guess after the family had to buy extra blocks, Katherine and Joe will be buried next to MJ.
No that is what a crypt looks like. Each one of those openings is basically like a drawer where a casket is inserted. On the front of the "drawer" is a name plaque showing pretty much the same information a headstone shows.

That is exactly what an above ground burial ground looks like. And it is from the building in which Michael is entombed.

And no, Clark Gable and Carol Lombard were not cremated.

ok thanks. is that the only types they have then because i think i saw a pic of jean harlow and it looked like it was some room on its on. i dunno i was just under the impression that it was like burial chamber underground like what u get in churches on like with the eygptians. i hate the above . yeah i know its not mike and hes not aware its just i dunno no better than being left in the morg he wont even be in a coffin. *sigh* put in a wall. how very dignified!
I'll believe it when the Jackson Inc. Family says it.

Me too, cause it's all over the news how there is a guard there 24/7 and how no one will ever be able to get to where MJ is. I heard that again last night, BTW!
This was on another site. It's Jean Harlow's crypt, Michael will more than likely have something very similar.

hmmm..and I can't get rid of a thought that once Katherine Jackson is dead, the family(or some members) will try to bring his body to Nevereland...I just hope I'll be wrong:(
yeah thats the jean harlow one but from looking at the pic i dont really get how it is can someone explain?
I doubt that. And he would not want to be there. (Responding to JUSTYNA)