We WILL get to visit Michael's grave!

ugh someone needs to tell the 'turkle' to stand back and hush. cuz she ain't a jackson. she'll never be a jackson. she's no longer michael jackson's anything, and um...she aint important.

if the family wants this known, they'll say it...WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT. he hasn't even been put to rest and she already blabbing
I will probably wait awhile before I go as there will be a HUGE line for months or more.

RIP Michael. We love you more. See you on the otherside.
I hope it's true .. I really hope so. If it's true then it's very kind of his family.
I don't understand why everyone is saying it's -kind of the family- screw that. Yeah yeah I get the whole 'his family is more important than his fans' speech but come on! His fans never turned their backs on him. Wtf. I think it's RIDICULOUS for him to be Laos to rest somewhere the fans wouldn't have access to. U can visit elvis, u can visit presidents, but u can't visit one of the most loved and adored men in the world? Gimme a break. This man adored his fans and I think it's f**d up of them to not have taken that into consideration from the get go. There's no reason why it can't be set up in an organized fashion just like other big names that have been laid to rest, it's not something we should be sitting therethanking them for. It's the way it should be. Ugh!
BBC after reporting that the public will never get to see his part of the cemetary even when there are tour days.
I don't understand why everyone is saying it's -kind of the family- screw that. Yeah yeah I get the whole 'his family is more important than his fans' speech but come on! His fans never turned their backs on him. Wtf. I think it's RIDICULOUS for him to be Laos to rest somewhere the fans wouldn't have access to. U can visit elvis, u can visit presidents, but u can't visit one of the most loved and adored men in the world? Gimme a break. This man adored his fans and I think it's f**d up of them to not have taken that into consideration from the get go. There's no reason why it can't be set up in an organized fashion just like other big names that have been laid to rest, it's not something we should be sitting therethanking them for. It's the way it should be. Ugh!

Yeah, god forbid he gets laid to rest in a peaceful, quiet spot free from fans. And remember, if fans are allowed access, so are jokesters, pranksters and who knows who else.
I don't have a problem with what they decide, but the fact is he was someone's father, brother and son. Maybe his kids don't want fans visiting the grave? His oldest son is what, 12 or 13 now? That's old enough to have a small say in what happens to your father. Maybe MJ requested not to have a private resting place.

People may not like that its the family choice, but it is.
And that is why I think of can be done in an orderly fashion. No one is talking about building a circus around his casket. Or having -jokesters- come in and do as they wish. I'm talking about fans paying their respect. If to u that means hiding him from the world then good for you. Personally, I've visited graceland. Beautiful, and it's not like u can walk up and piss on his grave, but you ARE able to drop off flowers and do a quick prayer while walking past the site and at quite the respectable distance may I add. I bet that if they DO decide to make it accessible to people it will be in a Circus manner. I could put money on that ish. They would make a sick ridiculous spectacle out of it.
....I'm not gonna believe it for now.
I really don't want to keep my hopes up.
Oh my God, please let this be true. I never got the chance to ever see Michael. I wanna visit.
Well if Katherine and Joe Jackson want us to visit they will let us know, nothing against Karen but um she might want to let the family put out this type of news.. Loose lips sinks ships.. She may ruin it if she keeps opening her mouth..
"Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glint on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you wake in the morning hush, I am the sw......ift, uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circling flight. I am the soft starlight at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there. I did not die." Mary Frye. 1932Rea
And that is why I think of can be done in an orderly fashion. No one is talking about building a circus around his casket. Or having -jokesters- come in and do as they wish. I'm talking about fans paying their respect. If to u that means hiding him from the world then good for you. Personally, I've visited graceland. Beautiful, and it's not like u can walk up and piss on his grave, but you ARE able to drop off flowers and do a quick prayer while walking past the site and at quite the respectable distance may I add. I bet that if they DO decide to make it accessible to people it will be in a Circus manner. I could put money on that ish. They would make a sick ridiculous spectacle out of it.

Maybe they will and maybe they won't.

But maybe they don't want anyone who isn't a family and friend there. I understand what you're saying, but flat-out dissing the wishes of the family isn't really anyone's place. Orderly or not.... if they want a private resting spot, that is their right. And perfectly reasonable, might I add. He wouldn't be the only one with a private resting place.
it's gaudy and tacky. and it won't be respected IF this does happen. i can only se eit happening if they put a fan's name on the list and only certain times a yr....and only fans they know for sure are fans. and it's not hard to find out. they know the ins and outs.
ugh someone needs to tell the 'turkle' to stand back and hush. cuz she ain't a jackson. she'll never be a jackson. she's no longer michael jackson's anything, and um...she aint important.

if the family wants this known, they'll say it...WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT. he hasn't even been put to rest and she already blabbing

Dude you gotta chill....
The BBC interviewed a historian who studies cemeteries and she said that you can visit the Mausoleum on a tour but security is so tight you cannot go off by yourself. If you do get in privately and do not know where you are going you are swiftly escorted out of the building.
they give a tour and talk of the last supper painting which is where mj is
I really hope this is true, because one day i would really like to visit Michael to pay my respects. I think Michael would like this to, to see his fans visit him. Lets hope this is the case! I trust Karen to, i think she was one of few people who Michael could actually trust & who actually cared about Michael as a person.
i cant remember what channel i was watching but they said that the jackson family has bought 12 plots in forest lawn and that fans will not be able to visit
Is it really Karen Faye's place to be announcing this on the internet?

Personally I would not imagine it possible because of the other people interred there, the security is so tight.
hate to be a pessimist but i don't think this is true. if it is true.... karen shouldn't be announcing it. it should be the family. it is so tacky really.

as much as i would like to have the opportunity to visit, I for one am glad michael has peace and privacy. both he lacked in life. i am so sad..... just when you think you are managing the grief... you relive it.
I just hope that if it is not allowed to visit Michael, they will put some memorial stone somewhere in the open area of the cemetery where fans will be able to bring flowers... In any case I am already thinking of going to LA next year. Even being there and bringing flowers to the gate of the cemetery (or the entrance of the mausoleum) would be enough for me.
Although we will not know exactly where Michael is buried for a while (I believe someone, somewhere will eventually disclose the details) at least fans who wish to, can take the tour and be near him.