We WILL get to visit Michael's grave!

I guess we WILL be able to visit his grave! Post from Karen Faye Kissingeryes on Facebook less than an hour ago: The family has made arrangements with the mortuary that he can be visited in an orderly manner, one day a week.
I think that the family should be announcing this -- not Karen Faye.
This would be nice, I would start shaking being in his presence, thanks for the post, I hope its true.
I guess we WILL be able to visit his grave! Post from Karen Faye Kissingeryes on Facebook less than an hour ago: The family has made arrangements with the mortuary that he can be visited in an orderly manner, one day a week.

thank's for posting, Samantha :(
I, like some others here, wonder why this "announcement" is coming from Ms. Faye. Shouldn't this news be coming from the JACKSON family?

If this IS true maybe the family wants to make an official announcement when the time is right. Ms. Faye has no right making this announcement and if this turns out to not be true, she will pay the price for talking out of turn!

As a matter of fact, this shouldn't even be posted, UNLESS it's from the family.
I'll believe it when both The Jackson Family AND Forest Lawn BOTH announce it. Sorry, but this part of Forest Lawn is VERY private,
Karen did not "announce" this, she simply answered the question asked on her facebook if fans will be able to visit him...
Karen did not "announce" this, she simply answered the question asked on her facebook if fans will be able to visit him...
You can call it what ever you want to call it!

I call it an "announcement," which is now being spread amongst the fans. She is in no position to answer certain fan questions, which should be coming from ONLY the Jackson family, in my opinion.

Somebody needs to tell Ms. Faye that although she worked for Mr. Jackson, she is NOT a member of the Jackson family and should leave "sensitive" matters up to the family to dispense to the fan community. Because we all know what ever she says on her Facebook, will find it's way to the fan community one way or another.
I really hope this is true.

As much as I will burst into tears, it'll just help knowing he's laid to rest and is living a peaceful new life.
I'm not sure I believe this. Unless Katherine says so I'm not buying this.

But some kind of arrangement needs to be done so we all could have a proper chance to pay our respects. I'm sure Michael would have liked us to. I worry though about some people not being too respectful.
i like this. Michael's fans are actually the ONLY ONES besides his family and SOME friends who were with him throughout the entire trial and his life. We deserve to go see him and pay our respects. And i like how its once a week so his family, especially the kids can go see him when ever they want privately and without all the chaos and people. This is good
i like this. Michael's fans are actually the ONLY ONES besides his family and SOME friends who were with him throughout the entire trial and his life. We deserve to go see him and pay our respects. And i like how its once a week so his family, especially the kids can go see him when ever they want privately and without all the chaos and people. This is good

totally agreed.
if its really true i guess everyone will visit him around 25th june-3rd september lol
I guess we WILL be able to visit his grave! Post from Karen Faye Kissingeryes on Facebook less than an hour ago: The family has made arrangements with the mortuary that he can be visited in an orderly manner, one day a week.

I know its already been said, but I too will believe it when I hear it from the Jacksons.

"Orderly manner" sounds like limited amounts of people will be let in or security will be there with people as they are visiting. How will they be able to distinguish fans from media or people who want to deface the crypt? I think security would have to be present.
Until it is officially announced I won't believe it. They'll have to think of the other people buried there whose family might not want the public visiting on a regular basis like this.

Also, I'm curious to know why Karen isn't going to actually be at the funeral? - by the sounds of her posts on facebook shes only going as close as is possible for the public.
I know its already been said, but I too will believe it when I hear it from the Jacksons.

"Orderly manner" sounds like limited amounts of people will be let in or security will be there with people as they are visiting. How will they be able to distinguish fans from media or people who want to deface the crypt? I think security would have to be present.

If this is true, I gotta agree there are sadly going to be a few fools that will try to ruin it. There will have to be a ton of security for something like this.
Also, I'm curious to know why Karen isn't going to actually be at the funeral? - by the sounds of her posts on facebook shes only going as close as is possible for the public.

I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't invited, just from the things that she has said about the Jackson family on Facebook.
Oh really, tut, I haven't seen her talking about the Jackson family. I'm guessing she wasn't talking about them in a very good light? I have a feeling she has issues with Jermaine.

I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't invited, just from the things that she has said about the Jackson family on Facebook.
I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't invited, just from the things that she has said about the Jackson family on Facebook.

what has she said in the pass? i have her on facebook but alot of people write on her wall so it takes forever to go see her previous status'.
I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't invited, just from the things that she has said about the Jackson family on Facebook.

Hmm...about the family too? What exactly did she say? I know somebody was saying that she was talking shit about Mike when he didn't take her to Bahrain with him. What a good friend she was. :smilerolleyes: