We WILL get to visit Michael's grave!

Some people want to be so close to Michael and you can't really complain ,its their wish.
Some people want to be so close to Michael and you can't really complain ,its their wish.

I couldn't agree more. It's a very personal choice and neither choice is wrong IMHO.

From my own personal experience, listening to CD's and the like doesn't help to achieve a great sense of closure. The only thing that worked in my case was to stand at the foot of the grave site of the musician who had died and make my peace there and then. The weight that lifted off my shoulders when I did that, was immense and I'm eternally grateful for that opportunity.

It doesn't appear we will get this opportunity with Michael and I think I understand why. Too many security concerns and a need for privacy for the family. I quite like the possible resting place of Michael but the thing that gets to me most is, that it must be such a lonely place. Michael faced a great battle with loneliness throughout his life and it breaks my heart to think that he'll be lonely forever more. :(
I couldn't agree more. It's a very personal choice and neither choice is wrong IMHO.

From my own personal experience, listening to CD's and the like doesn't help to achieve a great sense of closure. The only thing that worked in my case was to stand at the foot of the grave site of the musician who had died and make my peace there and then. The weight that lifted off my shoulders when I did that, was immense and I'm eternally grateful for that opportunity.

It doesn't appear we will get this opportunity with Michael and I think I understand why. Too many security concerns and a need for privacy for the family. I quite like the possible resting place of Michael but the thing that gets to me most is, that it must be such a lonely place. Michael faced a great battle with loneliness throughout his life and it breaks my heart to think that he'll be lonely forever more. :(
He is not lonely. That is just a shell. His spirit lives and I believe it.
He is not lonely. That is just a shell. His spirit lives and I believe it.

I believe that too. That belief has only grown stronger this past few days. Thinking about his physical presence hurts very much and it does make me cry knowing he's not here on earth in that essence but knowing and believing in his spirit living on is a great comfort.

At first I did think I needed to visit his resting place to fully move on but now I know he's everywhere and that will help me move on. Eventually. That's only me personally though. I understand the need for others to pay their respects by visiting his resting place.