We WILL get to visit Michael's grave!

A grave is a place where family and friends should be able to go and feel free to mourn, reflect and be peaceful. I think that making certain times available when fans can go and visit the grave will restrict when those who knew and love Michael will have access. I hope it works out though.

To me Michael was more than a friend. In my heart and soul I want to be able to visit him and tell him all the things I did not get a chance to in life. I want to be able to be near his remains and grieve.

However, what I would never want is his grave treated like a tourist attraction. People taking photos of his final resting place like it was a thing to tick off on their holiday agenda. People showing their friends snaps of his grave like they had visited the Eiffel Tower or the leaning tower of Pisa. If they opened his grave to the public, that is what would happen, it is inevitable unless you had a mammoth screening process in place.
To me Michael was more than a friend. In my heart and soul I want to be able to visit him and tell him all the things I did not get a chance to in life. I want to be able to be near his remains and grieve.

However, what I would never want is his grave treated like a tourist attraction. People taking photos of his final resting place like it was a thing to tick off on their holiday agenda. People showing their friends snaps of his grave like they had visited the Eiffel Tower or the leaning tower of Pisa. If they opened his grave to the public, that is what would happen, it is inevitable unless you had a mammoth screening process in place.

yeah thats why id prefer there be something seperate so joe bloggs wont be so bothered about going cause its not thee place its just a memorial for fans to gather.but the only place thats really gonna hap is at forest and whether it would be allowed i dunno or the ranch
So will we be able to visit his grave or not?

Has anything been confirmed yet?
So will we be able to visit his grave or not?

Has anything been confirmed yet?

no. i doubt anything will be said for a long time its not really a priority for those who would decide
knew it wouldnt take long re the ranch


Neverland Owners’ Trademark Requests for Jackson Souvenirs

By: Roger Friedman // Monday September 7, 2009

Michael Jackson’s partners in his Neverland Ranch, Colony Capital LLC, have filed 20 trademark requests to brand the ranch for souvenirs with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

I do mean lots of souvenirs. Here’s a partial list of where Colony would like to see the Neverland name stamped. If they’ve forgotten something, it beats me:

Games and playthings, namely: plush toys, paper dolls, dolls and accessories, toy action figures, toy vehicles, toy cars, toy trucks, toy bucket and shovel sets, roller skates, toy model hobbycraft kits, musical toys, jigsaw puzzles, badminton sets, bubble making wand and solution sets, toy banks, puppets, toy balloons, yo-yos, kites, baseball bats, balls of all kind, play wands, board games, playing cards, and children’s games to play during travel; ornaments, and decorations for a Christmas tree; sporting goods, museum services- namely: operating a museum in Michael Jackson’s former home and providing tours thereof; providing theme park services; entertainment services, namely: live shows and events; tennis and golf resort services; recreation and sporting club services; organization of meetings and conferences as well as clothing, footwear, headgear, and printed matter, namely: post cards, holiday/greeting cards, art prints, art reproductions, bumper stickers, stickers, decals, tissue/giftwrap, printed tickets, posters, wall calendars, flags and pennants of paper, printed and paper emblems, brochures, catalogs, and merchandise bags; books, namely: non-fiction books about Michael Jackson, activity books, address books, appointment books, coloring books, picture books, and comic books; paper and paper articles, namely: photographs, stationery, memo pads, notebooks, envelopes, pencil sharpeners, pen and pencil cases and boxes, pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, paper weights, staplers, binders, notebooks, stationery consisting of writing paper and envelopes, memo pads, writing tablets, paper table cloths, paper napkins, paper coasters, and paper mats; money clips, and in keeping with Michael Jackson’s theme of peace — toy rockets, toy guns, toy holsters.

Got the picture? The requests were made on August 12, 2009. Sycamore Valley Ranch, which made the filings, is the joint venture of Colony Capital LLC and Michael Jackson. Of course, the problem with at least some of this is that the town of Los Olivos, California, where Neverland fills 2,900 acres, is against the ranch being turned into a Graceland-style museum. The road that leads to Neverland is a country two lane blacktop that runs through horse country. A private school sits across the street from the Neverland entrance.

Colony has invested over $50 million in Neverland so far. They probably figure they’re going to make their money back somehow. Of course, they don’t seem to realize that Jackson had parted company with Neverland in June 2005 and didn’t want to go back. And that there are many associations with the ranch, including police raids, searches for evidence and pornography. Jay Leno is probably getting Back to School jokes ready right now.

But Thomas Barrack, who owns Colony, lives in the county and sources say he is pressing on the local government to give him what he wants. Whether or nor he succeeds remains uncertain. In the meantime, I think they should make Neverland into a Playmobil Playset where the gates open to find zoo animals, rollercoasters, and several Rolls Royces and Bentleys. Featured characters could include Colony’s Tohme Tohme, Bubbles the Chimp, Shmuley Boteach, and Tatum O’Neal.

The, er, attempted selling of Michael Jackson continues.

(A tip of the hat to michaeljackson.hu)
well i guess it depends on whether they want short or long term profit. and tbh i doubt barack and jermaine etc wont care as to what mjs feelings were on the place. jerm certainly aint its all about the possibilites and the $
so long as there is air in taj's lungs, i don't think he'll stand for this. they whole family stood against jermaine and joe on the neverland burial.

also, the estate owns part of neverland so i don't think they'll allow this. it's exploitation. exploiting the place mj used for GOOD not for GREED.


I think the estate should just sell Neverland to Tom Barrack and deny him any licenses for merchandising or turning it into an amusement park or a Graceland type deal.

If Michael did not want any part of Neverland ever again - then let his wishes stand.

so long as there is air in taj's lungs, i don't think he'll stand for this. they whole family stood against jermaine and joe on the neverland burial.

also, the estate owns part of neverland so i don't think they'll allow this. it's exploitation. exploiting the place mj used for GOOD not for GREED.
I think the estate should just sell Neverland to Tom Barrack and deny him any licenses for merchandising or turning it into an amusement park or a Graceland type deal.
but if they sold the % to colony how could they denie him anything they would have no say. the only way is to keep the reported majority ownership and stop their ideas.if the estate is majority owner then they have to approve it anyway
his estate can benefit from the sale of multiple properties from that land. nothing tied to michael jackson. tear down that damn house. transfer the giving tree to encino (hayven) and be done w/ it.
Michael's image and likeness belongs to the MJ estate. Not Tom Barrack.

but if they sold the % to colony how could they denie him anything they would have no say. the only way is to keep the reported majority ownership and stop their ideas.if the estate is majority owner then they have to approve it anyway

his estate can benefit from the sale of multiple properties from that land. nothing tied to michael jackson. tear down that damn house. transfer the giving tree to encino (hayven) and be done w/ it.
Michael's image and likeness belongs to the MJ estate. Not Tom Barrack.
its the neverland name they are wanting to use/registar though. wont have mjs name or likenss on stuff i guess just the ranch name
Michael's image and likeness belongs to the MJ estate. Not Tom Barrack.
i think that's what tombarack is trying to do. to licence the neverland logo as well as mj's name to sell a bunch of crap. like a cheesy giftstore. how pathetic. ugh i wish the executors can buy them out. maybe ask katherine if they can. and tehn sell this property.
Or they should sell Neverland as a regular home since all of the things that made it Neverland are long gone. Hopefully the trademarking of the neverland thing belongs to the estate and not that guy.

And like soso deaf said move the tree to the family home over at havenhurse(sp?).
mjs name etc is being licenced by triumph they are also going after the nev logo which make it intresting re barrack. u cant just use the name nev and not the logo.intresting if its all happ at the same time. ppl trying to get in there first

from the news thread

The same time TI applied for the trademarks of Jackson's well known signature, as well his name, the Neverland logo, the "Moonwalker" logo, the "King Of Pop" and "MJ" titles to use them for merchandising purposes. TI neither any of Jackson's companies owned these for a very long time.

u cant move a tree have u seen the roots on the things. it will just die
Doesn't matter.

The MJ estate can do a cease and desist on this because it's capitalizing on Michael Jackson's legacy there.

Another issue could even be the Barrie estate as well by the implied use of the word "Neverland" itself.

The Barrie estate did not have any problem with Michael naming it Neverland because Michael did not capitalize off the name. That was his home.

So we'll see.

its the neverland name they are wanting to use/registar though. wont have mjs name or likenss on stuff i guess just the ranch name
The Barrie estate did not have any problem with Michael naming it Neverland because Michael did not capitalize off the name. That was his home.
yeah intresting point
all the money in the world wont get at the roots of it. aint bothered about the ranch but bothered about the tree?
yep.the ranch is just property. it means nothing w/o mike. he put the magic into thatPLACE. but the tree? it gave him inspiration.

so yea, who cares about neverland? it's a state of mind, not a real physical place. they tainted it. it's impossible and it would only be used to exploit michael, his legacy, and his fans.

but the tree? his kids....to be near what their father loved. what he DID miss...what he wanted to be brought to him in las vegas...too bad.
Michael Jackson -- Tales from the Crypt

Posted Sep 8th 2009 2:00AM by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson's body is already causing a market shift in the cemetery world -- the price of graves near his tomb are already sky-rocketing.

TMZ spoke with a sales rep at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale who told us plots surrounding Jackson have already gone up $2,000-$3,000 each since MJ joined the neighborhood.

FLM was selling pre-***** units in the mausoleum for $7,000 a pop -- now they're up to $9,900.

The cemetery rep tells us, "When a high-profile person comes in, it can affect the prices of the surrounding plots."

Some people who own private units near MJ's crypt are looking for a bigger payday -- one person is asking $34,000 for a double unit inside Jackson's mausoleum.

We spoke with owner of the double unit who told us, "We've had a tremendous response ... we're weighing all of our options."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0QUszo18I
TMZ spoke with a sales rep at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale who told us plots surrounding Jackson have already gone up $2,000-$3,000 each since MJ joined the neighborhood.

FLM was selling pre-***** units in the mausoleum for $7,000 a pop -- now they're up to $9,900.

Some people who own private units near MJ's crypt are looking for a bigger payday -- one person is asking $34,000 for a double unit inside Jackson's mausoleum.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0QUszo18I
No comment. Oh, ok, a short one. I have to admit that, as pitiful and stupid as it may sound (after all, it's not like it really matters ... I wouldn't really be there and he wouldn't really be there, etc), if I had the extra money, um...
I agree with you. I think the fans should have something somewhere maybe, where we can visit and maybe leave things.

The fans need to leave Michael in their heart. Leaving flowers, cards, teddy bears, candles, and other memorials eventually just become tacky.

The reason Michael is laid to rest in a wing of a stately mansion is that he wants he wants to be as private in death, as he was in life.

If you want to pay respects to Michael at the cemetary, pray in one of the many chappels, and leave everthing else outside the gate.

But if you actually want to pay tribute to Michael, play a CD, play a DVD, and just spread his music to the world.
But if you actually want to pay tribute to Michael, play a CD, play a DVD, and just spread his music to the world.

To some people, playing a CD etc is not the same as paying respects at someones final resting place or a memorial to that person. It is about an ending and a chance to say goodbye.
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Hi Cleopatra 09 I am just wondering how did you do the letter I would like to do some so Please let me know Thanks
The fans need to leave Michael in their heart. Leaving flowers, cards, teddy bears, candles, and other memorials eventually just become tacky.

The reason Michael is laid to rest in a wing of a stately mansion is that he wants he wants to be as private in death, as he was in life.

If you want to pay respects to Michael at the cemetary, pray in one of the many chappels, and leave everthing else outside the gate.

But if you actually want to pay tribute to Michael, play a CD, play a DVD, and just spread his music to the world.
I agree. REally, Michael is now a spirit. He sees all of us. I beleive that of the dead. So talk to him in spirit.