We WILL get to visit Michael's grave!

There are two Forest Lawn cemetaries. The Forest Lawn near Burbank, Ca where the 1'st funeral was on the day of the Memorial and the forest Lawn in Glendale where Michael was interned on Thursday. From what I saw on the local news here in Los Angeles, The Jackson family wanted Michael interned at the Forest Lawn in Glendale because it was more secured and they didn't want hundreds of fans visiting his grave everyday. The Glendale Forest Lawn where Michael is, is the section that is almost like a fortress. Michael is with lots of other major celebrities. It is very secured and very hard for people to just walk up a visit. If the Jacksons can get the cemetary to allow visitors in that section, that will be a big deal.

Actually there are 10, but you are right, the one in Glendale is the most secured.
I think that the family should be announcing this -- not Karen Faye.

no karen just said it might be possible and she thought it would be.. but that we should respect that its not a priority for katherine at the mo (of course)

this is exactly why she didnt want her comments being repeated in the incorrect context (ie outside her facebook)
I can understand why the family wants to keep his crypte private, although I also understand that fans would want a place to go to. If I had the chance I would.

But everyone around the world is able to pay their respect to Michael. Just keep playing his music and videos. He will be remembered forever by doing this and I think it´s the best way of remembering him!!

In Dutch there is this beautifull one-liner that goes: "Achter elke traan schuilt een glimlach van herrineringen."

Which in english means: "Behind every tear you will find a smile of memories."

That's how we should remember Michael!
personally i think it woud be better to bring back nev to its former glory and create some memorial/ monument there that can be a focus for the fans to go and leave things etc. then use the ranch for charitites to visit etc
personally i think it woud be better to bring back nev to its former glory and create some memorial/ monument there that can be a focus for the fans to go and leave things etc. then use the ranch for charitites to visit etc

Like that idea!
I remember seeing a video of a birthday party for Michael that fans gave. There he said he wanted to make Neverland more accessibel for the fans.
In Dutch there is this beautifull one-liner that goes: "Achter elke traan schuilt een glimlach van herrineringen."

Which in english means: "Behind every tear you will find a smile of memories."

What a great sentiment!
I haven't meet him either. I'm hoping to meet him in Heaven. It's the only possible place now! I think we will all be together again! I don't know if we all turn to dust or go to another world/ realm in the end, but I like to believe in the better option! Be optimitic and just believe!

Aww thanks hun. That's what I'm trying to do.
personally i think it woud be better to bring back nev to its former glory and create some memorial/ monument there that can be a focus for the fans to go and leave things etc. then use the ranch for charitites to visit etc
and who will pay for those charity parties? mj did that for free out of love.

no one in that county will allow something like this. the road is terrible on it's own. not made for a tourist attraction. all the wineries are in accessible areas...this is not a business area, it's rigth across the street from a school (immediately across is midland) and across the main actual street (fig) is the dunn school...so it's not feasible

the magic was michael. not the property
Can someone print screen what she's said cus I'm on her FB and I can't see her saying this at all???????
sorry this is my frist post ill introduce my self in another thread but

i call frost lawn yesterday and ask them if we the fan can buy a plot for us to come and visit and put flowers on it since we cant visit his real grave and they said they dint have any problems with that but in order to do that we would have to have permission of the Jackson to buy the plot and put a head stone on it with his name on it
and who will pay for those charity parties? mj did that for free out of love.
the money made from charging entrance fees to the gen public. yeah i know its never gona be allowed unless barrack does some bribary but that was already starting in the weeks after the 25th with the invited visits so who knows. money talks
I wanted to take a safe quote here and answer the question ...will we be able to visit the grave?

What is quote above gives an indication that katherine has gone through large measures to protect her son. That's understandable.

Now I went one more step. Dear God don't all bite off my head ok, I know how all of you are hurting, myself included. And I don't wish to bash Ms. Karen Faye Kissenger either. As she has gone through quite an ordeal losing her closest friend. Just be respectful at this time.

Now I contacted the head of the place where Michael was just laid to rest. ( Please don't bite off my head...I'm doing this for all of you)

What I wrote:
I am writing to you about a very important matter that needs to be addressed. Recently they're have been mixed messages given as to the possible visit to the mausoleum, where Mr. M. Jackson was just recently laid to rest. if permission was given, the visit would have to be done in an orderly fashion once a week.
The Jackson family went through great measures to make sure that their son is well protected and safe. I for one feel they're wishes should be respected.
So could you please set the record straight about this.

Thank you,
The reply:

September 5, 2009
Dear Ms. Marjorie:
Thank you for your inquiry. The Great Mausoleum is a private area of our Memorial-Park. Mr. Jackson's interment location is and will remain private, per the family's request. Other families choosing entombment of their loved ones in the Mausoleum have made this choice because it is a private area. Forest Lawn respects the wishes of all families we serve, and the privacy of all decedents interred on our grounds. I hope this answers your questions. Again thank you for your patience and understanding.
June Pengpol

Thanks for posting that

Yeh, I've come to the conclusion, that as much as I thought I'd like to visit his grave to pay my respects, now I think it would be violating him and his privacy. I really think his family should be able to have this part of Michael private, just for them. He's shared so much of his life already. His children have shared so much of their father, especially in the recent months, they deserve this to remain private, just for them.

Thank you so much for this information...I love Michael SO SO very much....however I could NEVER picture my self going to his crypt.....not because I dont love him..I would love to visit and pay my respects just not that close. I think I need to leave Michael alone and to rest in Peace. It pains me to say this but he DOES NEED TO REST IN PEACE. Again thank you so much for the information.
Yeh, I've come to the conclusion, that as much as I thought I'd like to visit his grave to pay my respects, now I think it would be violating him and his privacy. I really think his family should be able to have this part of Michael private, just for them. He's shared so much of his life already. His children have shared so much of their father, especially in the recent months, they deserve this to remain private, just for them.

I agree with you. I think the fans should have something somewhere maybe, where we can visit and maybe leave things.
A grave is a place where family and friends should be able to go and feel free to mourn, reflect and be peaceful. I think that making certain times available when fans can go and visit the grave will restrict when those who knew and love Michael will have access. I hope it works out though.
the money made from charging entrance fees to the gen public. yeah i know its never gona be allowed unless barrack does some bribary but that was already starting in the weeks after the 25th with the invited visits so who knows. money talks
then it would defeat thepurpoes and idea of nvr. mj charged ONCE and it was for charity.

and if u could see what he was doing at the ranch, it was sick. had ceo's and rich folk, had shirts that said neverland 09 and throwing bbq's it's wrong. sorry but that's not neverland. it's SYCAMORE VALLEY LLC

if the fans want to go somewhere, they can make their own place to go to. what's significant to u? a former home? the place where he passed? his mother's home where his children now live? or maybe the park near his old house in las vegas (the first one, on monte cristo) or maybe the park at the flagpole in los olivos, across the street from his main stree?

mj is wherever u want him to b.
then it would defeat thepurpoes and idea of nvr. mj charged ONCE and it was for charity.

and if u could see what he was doing at the ranch, it was sick. had ceo's and rich folk, had shirts that said neverland 09 and throwing bbq's it's wrong. sorry but that's not neverland. it's SYCAMORE VALLEY LLC

if the fans want to go somewhere, they can make their own place to go to. what's significant to u? a former home? the place where he passed? his mother's home where his children now live? or maybe the park near his old house in las vegas (the first one, on monte cristo) or maybe the park at the flagpole in los olivos, across the street from his main stree?

mj is wherever u want him to b.

i totally agree!
then it would defeat thepurpoes and idea of nvr. mj charged ONCE and it was for charity.

and if u could see what he was doing at the ranch, it was sick. had ceo's and rich folk, had shirts that said neverland 09 and throwing bbq's it's wrong. sorry but that's not neverland. it's SYCAMORE VALLEY LLC

yeah it would defeat the purpose but mj aint here and ppl will want to use the land to make $ they aint gonna do nothing for free.they will exploit it to its max more than likely as we saw with barrack having ppl at the ranch within 5 mins of the 25th.so if they are gonna exploit it they can at least do something charity wise which mj would approve of. thome talked about that when mj was still here. but they aint gonna do it for free so they will charge others to cover the costs.but using the place charity wise would carry on what mj did..id rather charites use the place x amount of times a year than the land simply being sold off. it would carry on mikes legacy
Maybe there should be a park or something built to honor Michael. And we can put flowers, cards and bears there to remember him on a monument somewhere in the park.

Edit: I didn't mean Neverland, just somewhere else, anyplace would be good other than neverland.
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I still think the Neverland Valley Ranch would be the
perfect place to remember Michael Jackson.
nah. it's not feasible. he didn't like it anymore and if u want to make money from it,split it into many different properties and sell it.

they will never get permission to do what they want there. number one, it's in sbc. number two,it's a safety issue. number three, mj never went back...that's the most signifying thing.

i remember all the wonderful pics u used to post cheribum BUT it's no longer like that. theneverland past is nothing of neverland today. neverland no longer exists.
then it would defeat thepurpoes and idea of nvr. mj charged ONCE and it was for charity.

and if u could see what he was doing at the ranch, it was sick. had ceo's and rich folk, had shirts that said neverland 09 and throwing bbq's it's wrong. sorry but that's not neverland. it's SYCAMORE VALLEY LLC

if the fans want to go somewhere, they can make their own place to go to. what's significant to u? a former home? the place where he passed? his mother's home where his children now live? or maybe the park near his old house in las vegas (the first one, on monte cristo) or maybe the park at the flagpole in los olivos, across the street from his main stree?

mj is wherever u want him to b.
That is so true :yes: And that's why I think the grave should be only for his family, children and friends.. I think most of us fans are alright if we just have some place to go to show him respect, bring flowers or something like that. But the family should have all days of the week to visit the grave by themselves, in my opinion.
Yeh, I've come to the conclusion, that as much as I thought I'd like to visit his grave to pay my respects, now I think it would be violating him and his privacy. I really think his family should be able to have this part of Michael private, just for them. He's shared so much of his life already. His children have shared so much of their father, especially in the recent months, they deserve this to remain private, just for them.

Yes I agree the children deserve to visit his grave in private IMO.
That is so true :yes: And that's why I think the grave should be only for his family, children and friends.. I think most of us fans are alright if we just have some place to go to show him respect, bring flowers or something like that. But the family should have all days of the week to visit the grave by themselves, in my opinion.

I agree with you.
I also agree with the sentiment that visitation to his grave should be for family, Friends and His children only. I think that the family deserves their time to themselves. They want mourn him as a relative, friend or family member without all the hoopla and stuff. And I understand that, and that Is the reason why I would like Mike to finally have the privacy that he deserves.
I wish I could pay respect to Michael but if his family decides to keep his crypt in private for them I'll respect.
Knowing how bastards the media are, they'd do anything to have the exclusive and make $ through Michael
nah. it's not feasible. he didn't like it anymore and if u want to make money from it,split it into many different properties and sell it.
well i guess it depends on whether they want short or long term profit. and tbh i doubt barack and jermaine etc wont care as to what mjs feelings were on the place. jerm certainly aint its all about the possibilites and the $