We WILL get to visit Michael's grave!

No that is what a crypt looks like. Each one of those openings is basically like a drawer where a casket is inserted. On the front of the "drawer" is a name plaque showing pretty much the same information a headstone shows.

That is exactly what an above ground burial ground looks like. And it is from the building in which Michael is entombed.

And no, Clark Gable and Carol Lombard were not cremated.

Sorry, but can you (the family) really open the drawer and look at the casket when they visit or is that impossible once the casket is inserted?
yeah thats the jean harlow one but from looking at the pic i dont really get how it is can someone explain?
It's just bigger and encased in cement, it's the same thing as the drawer just by itself. It would explain why they bought so many drawers (12?). He just wouldn't be surrounded by so many like Clark Gable was at. This is what Walt-Disney has as well.
ok but in the bottom picture is there something behind the railings it looks like theres something behind it u know the brown bit or is there no gap and from the railings it goes straight into the wall.
Sorry, but can you (the family) really open the drawer and look at the casket when they visit or is that impossible once the casket is inserted?

i dont see how u could put a casket in there espeically a huge big thing. the weight and size of it. it looks nothing more than something in a morg
ok thanks. is that the only types they have then because i think i saw a pic of jean harlow and it looked like it was some room on its on. i dunno i was just under the impression that it was like burial chamber underground like what u get in churches on like with the eygptians. i hate the above . yeah i know its not mike and hes not aware its just i dunno no better than being left in the morg he wont even be in a coffin. *sigh* put in a wall. how very dignified!

Jean Harlow is in a "private room" or sanctuary inside the Great Mausoleum. It has a gate in front of the room. But she also died in 1937. The Great Masoleum was pretty young back then.

Forest Hills Glendale has many options for burial. Actually Walt Disney is not in the Great Mausoleum, he and his wife are in a private garden found on the grounds.

Over the years I have visited many graveyards, mausoleums, crypts, and niches (where you keep cremains), and Forest Hill is the most class act I have ever seen.

I feel confidant that Michael can rest in peace.
Jean Harlow is in a "private room" or sanctuary inside the Great Mausoleum. It has a gate in front of the room. But she also died in 1937. The Great Masoleum was pretty young back then.
ok thanks. im hoping for something like this. is it an actual room u can go into like a crypt/chamber or are they just in the wall aswell
Sorry, but can you (the family) really open the drawer and look at the casket when they visit or is that impossible once the casket is inserted?

Ok I am sorry I said drawer. By drawer what I meant is that it like a drawer in that you insert the casket into an opening. Each tomb is a cement enclosed block that the casket is inserted into. Once the casket is placed inside, it is closed and sealed with a concrete slab, and in the case of the Great Mausoleum, a marble headstone is permanently mounted to the concrete.

No you can't just roll the body out anytime you want. Once it is entombed it is there forever.
ok thanks. im hoping for something like this. is it an actual room u can go into like a crypt/chamber or are they just in the wall aswell

Even Jean Harlow is in the wall. The alcove you see her in is only about 2 feet from the outside wall. The iron gate just give you the impression her's is a little more private. The thing that is interesting is that there are many available spaces in Jean's crypt.

I have always wondered who they were intended for? Maybe Howard Hughes?

Someone from forest lawn was on tv here in Holland. And he said that you can visit the Mausoleum, but the crypts can't be visited and are of limits for the public.
ok thanks jean seems a little more tactfull. *sigh*

No problem.

Actually the most tactless grave I ever found was my great, great, great grandfather's in Philidelphia. I was told he was buried "4 down", which meant there were 3 bodies on top of him in the same grave. Each generation they just brought in more dirt and built up the graveyard. What I thought was a beautiful old graveyard on a hill, was a man made hill.

They just brought up each tombstone to the next level. I couldn't figure out why there were 4 tombstones 3 inches from each other over the same place until I talked to the sexton (caretaker of the graveyard).
She has said more than once on there that the family isn't telling the whole truth.

IMO that kinda goes without saying . . . like I would expect that.

I'm not familiar with Karen and what she has said or hasn't said and her relationship with the family (if any) so all this kind of makes no sense to me. I do know though that she seems to have gone out of her way to reach out to the fans. My thought it was more sweet than sinister but maybe it's not based on some of the posts here.
hmmm..and I can't get rid of a thought that once Katherine Jackson is dead, the family(or some members) will try to bring his body to Nevereland...I just hope I'll be wrong:(

Not gonna happen. Firstly, Jermaine really has no say-so, outside of "family agreement" type things. Katherine (and maybe Joe along with her) probably had ultimate say in the first place, and if there was any riff, it was only because they were trying to make everyone happy and come to an agreement.

Jermaine has no legal rights in the matter. Especially if Michael's youngest son is over 18 when Katherine passes.

I think the family has been MORE THAN GENEROUS in regards to us fans. For goodness sakes they had his remains at the memorial! They allowed fans to either be at or view the memorial. They didn't have to do ANY of that, but they did. Michael gave his whole being to the world in life, and he never had a day of peace or solitude because of it. They don't owe us anything especially after we've received so much.

The very least that can be done is to allow Michael to have in death what he was never given in life. I trust Katherine Jackson, I do not trust Karen Faye.

Michael never owed us anything, but he ALWAYS GAVE AND GAVE AND GAVE us so much! Now, in his passing, I think WE OWE HIM. Let him have that peace he never got in Life.

Word. I totally agree. I can see where fans would want to visit the resting place, but damn... in no way is it OWED to anyone.
It looks a lovely place and peaceful. I guess after the family had to buy extra blocks, Katherine and Joe will be buried next to MJ.

I wanted to take a safe quote here and answer the question ...will we be able to visit the grave?

What is quote above gives an indication that katherine has gone through large measures to protect her son. That's understandable.

Now I went one more step. Dear God don't all bite off my head ok, I know how all of you are hurting, myself included. And I don't wish to bash Ms. Karen Faye Kissenger either. As she has gone through quite an ordeal losing her closest friend. Just be respectful at this time.

Now I contacted the head of the place where Michael was just laid to rest. ( Please don't bite off my head...I'm doing this for all of you)

What I wrote:
I am writing to you about a very important matter that needs to be addressed. Recently they're have been mixed messages given as to the possible visit to the mausoleum, where Mr. M. Jackson was just recently laid to rest. if permission was given, the visit would have to be done in an orderly fashion once a week.
The Jackson family went through great measures to make sure that their son is well protected and safe. I for one feel they're wishes should be respected.
So could you please set the record straight about this.

Thank you,
The reply:

September 5, 2009
Dear Ms. Marjorie:
Thank you for your inquiry. The Great Mausoleum is a private area of our Memorial-Park. Mr. Jackson's interment location is and will remain private, per the family's request. Other families choosing entombment of their loved ones in the Mausoleum have made this choice because it is a private area. Forest Lawn respects the wishes of all families we serve, and the privacy of all decedents interred on our grounds. I hope this answers your questions. Again thank you for your patience and understanding.
June Pengpol

The thing that is interesting is that there are many available spaces in Jean's crypt.

I have always wondered who they were intended for? Maybe Howard Hughes?


That's why I think Michael have something very mch like Jean's. The Jackson's bought 12 drawers
Thank you. I guess you have said what I have tried to tactfully say. We aren't going to get near Michael Jackson's crypt. The only reason I ever saw some of the crypts at the hall was because people no longer were so weird about them. While you can see Clark Gable's crypt, you still are not allowed to see Sammy Davis Jr's crypt. It will be years before we can see Michael's crypt. :angel:

I wanted to take a safe quote here and answer the question ...will we be able to visit the grave?

What is quote above gives an indication that katherine has gone through large measures to protect her son. That's understandable.

Now I went one more step. Dear God don't all bite off my head ok, I know how all of you are hurting, myself included. And I don't wish to bash Ms. Karen Faye Kissenger either. As she has gone through quite an ordeal losing her closest friend. Just be respectful at this time.

Now I contacted the head of the place where Michael was just laid to rest. ( Please don't bite off my head...I'm doing this for all of you)

What I wrote:
I am writing to you about a very important matter that needs to be addressed. Recently they're have been mixed messages given as to the possible visit to the mausoleum, where Mr. M. Jackson was just recently laid to rest. if permission was given, the visit would have to be done in an orderly fashion once a week.
The Jackson family went through great measures to make sure that their son is well protected and safe. I for one feel they're wishes should be respected.
So could you please set the record straight about this.

Thank you,
The reply:

September 5, 2009
Dear Ms. Marjorie:
Thank you for your inquiry. The Great Mausoleum is a private area of our Memorial-Park. Mr. Jackson's interment location is and will remain private, per the family's request. Other families choosing entombment of their loved ones in the Mausoleum have made this choice because it is a private area. Forest Lawn respects the wishes of all families we serve, and the privacy of all decedents interred on our grounds. I hope this answers your questions. Again thank you for your patience and understanding.
June Pengpol
Thank you. I guess you have said what I have tried to tactfully say. We aren't going to get near Michael Jackson's crypt. The only reason I ever saw some of the crypts at the hall was because people no longer were so weird about them. While you can see Clark Gable's crypt, you still are not allowed to see Sammy Davis Jr's crypt. It will be years before we can see Michael's crypt. :angel:

Thank you so much for this information...I love Michael SO SO very much....however I could NEVER picture my self going to his crypt.....not because I dont love him..I would love to visit and pay my respects just not that close. I think I need to leave Michael alone and to rest in Peace. It pains me to say this but he DOES NEED TO REST IN PEACE. Again thank you so much for the information.
I wanted to meet the man in life. It would be nice to pay my respects to his grave, yet it's not the same.

With that, I'm fine not being able to visit his grave at all. One dream has died for me, seeing his grave only proves it further. Nothing kills your dreams like death. Never having a dream come true....
I wanted to meet the man in life. It would be nice to pay my respects to his grave, yet it's not the same.

With that, I'm fine not being able to visit his grave at all. One dream has died for me, seeing his grave only proves it further. Nothing kills your dreams like death. Never having a dream come true....

I agree this is not the same.. :cry:
oh I couldnt handle it.. :(
I wanted to take a safe quote here and answer the question ...will we be able to visit the grave?

What is quote above gives an indication that katherine has gone through large measures to protect her son. That's understandable.

Now I went one more step. Dear God don't all bite off my head ok, I know how all of you are hurting, myself included. And I don't wish to bash Ms. Karen Faye Kissenger either. As she has gone through quite an ordeal losing her closest friend. Just be respectful at this time.

Now I contacted the head of the place where Michael was just laid to rest. ( Please don't bite off my head...I'm doing this for all of you)

What I wrote:
I am writing to you about a very important matter that needs to be addressed. Recently they're have been mixed messages given as to the possible visit to the mausoleum, where Mr. M. Jackson was just recently laid to rest. if permission was given, the visit would have to be done in an orderly fashion once a week.
The Jackson family went through great measures to make sure that their son is well protected and safe. I for one feel they're wishes should be respected.
So could you please set the record straight about this.

Thank you,
The reply:

September 5, 2009
Dear Ms. Marjorie:
Thank you for your inquiry. The Great Mausoleum is a private area of our Memorial-Park. Mr. Jackson's interment location is and will remain private, per the family's request. Other families choosing entombment of their loved ones in the Mausoleum have made this choice because it is a private area. Forest Lawn respects the wishes of all families we serve, and the privacy of all decedents interred on our grounds. I hope this answers your questions. Again thank you for your patience and understanding.
June Pengpol

Thanks for that!! I appreciate the fact that you asked about it.
Ok I am sorry I said drawer. By drawer what I meant is that it like a drawer in that you insert the casket into an opening. Each tomb is a cement enclosed block that the casket is inserted into. Once the casket is placed inside, it is closed and sealed with a concrete slab, and in the case of the Great Mausoleum, a marble headstone is permanently mounted to the concrete.

No you can't just roll the body out anytime you want. Once it is entombed it is there forever.

It is not quite right.I've seen mausoleums for regular people and the idea is pretty much the same to put body inside the wall. A concrete slab is possible to remove if family wants to bring his body somewhere else. I know many stories when people removed their relatives bodies from crypts. Also I know that body decomposed a different way if it stays in crypt for many years. As soon as you open casket it looks like real body for 1 minute, then changes color and then becomes like ash, powder. In the end you just see bones. One my relative told me it happens when they removed somebody's body from crypt and decided to open casket.
Can anyone confirm that Michael is above ground or below ground? On CNN, or similar, I heard that they were all below ground (basement)? crypts purchased by the Jacksons.

Also, who will be buried in the 12 purchased crypts (or 11 if Michael was one of those 12)? I would hope they bought them for Michael's children.
Can anyone confirm that Michael is above ground or below ground? On CNN, or similar, I heard that they were all below ground (basement)? crypts purchased by the Jacksons.

Also, who will be buried in the 12 purchased crypts (or 11 if Michael was one of those 12)? I would hope they bought them for Michael's children.

thats a good question? maybe the whole family is planning to be there?

I still cant believe all this :(
It is not quite right.I've seen mausoleums for regular people and the idea is pretty much the same to put body inside the wall. A concrete slab is possible to remove if family wants to bring his body somewhere else. I know many stories when people removed their relatives bodies from crypts. Also I know that body decomposed a different way if it stays in crypt for many years. As soon as you open casket it looks like real body for 1 minute, then changes color and then becomes like ash, powder. In the end you just see bones. One my relative told me it happens when they removed somebody's body from crypt and decided to open casket.

I know singer Karen Carpenter and her parents were removed from a crypt at Forest Lawn, to go to another crypt in Thousand Oaks, CA. Fans used to go to her grave all the time.
There are two Forest Lawn cemetaries. The Forest Lawn near Burbank, Ca where the 1'st funeral was on the day of the Memorial and the forest Lawn in Glendale where Michael was interned on Thursday. From what I saw on the local news here in Los Angeles, The Jackson family wanted Michael interned at the Forest Lawn in Glendale because it was more secured and they didn't want hundreds of fans visiting his grave everyday. The Glendale Forest Lawn where Michael is, is the section that is almost like a fortress. Michael is with lots of other major celebrities. It is very secured and very hard for people to just walk up a visit. If the Jacksons can get the cemetary to allow visitors in that section, that will be a big deal.
I agree this is not the same.. :cry:
oh I couldnt handle it.. :(

I wanted to meet the man in life. It would be nice to pay my respects to his grave, yet it's not the same.

With that, I'm fine not being able to visit his grave at all. One dream has died for me, seeing his grave only proves it further. Nothing kills your dreams like death. Never having a dream come true....

I haven't meet him either. I'm hoping to meet him in Heaven. It's the only possible place now! I think we will all be together again! I don't know if we all turn to dust or go to another world/ realm in the end, but I like to believe in the better option! Be optimitic and just believe!
I haven't meet him either. I'm hoping to meet him in Heaven. It's the only possible place now! I think we will all be together again! I don't know if we all turn to dust or go to another world/ realm in the end, but I like to believe in the better option! Be optimitic and just believe!

yeah, well... I used to be kind of afraid of death. But now I think, no big deal, when I die, I'll go to Michael's concert. I know it sounds stupid, but thinking this gives me some comfort.