We WILL get to visit Michael's grave!

It was said on The Today Show this morning, the closest the public will ever be able to get to Michael is driving outside the Mausoleum.
Although we will not know exactly where Michael is buried for a while (I believe someone, somewhere will eventually disclose the details) at least fans who wish to, can take the tour and be near him.

We do know where is will be laid to rest at, and it's a place the public is not allowed. Hopefully the family has a memorial in the works.
Why is she even giving this info out? Karen's just asking to be cut off from the family. Keep talking hun, eventually you'll get the Mark Lester "bitch GTFO of here" treatment from the Jacksons :smilerolleyes:
Why is she even giving this info out? Karen's just asking to be cut off from the family. Keep talking hun, eventually you'll get the Mark Lester "bitch GTFO of here" treatment from the Jacksons :smilerolleyes:

I was REALLY surprised that she was invited after some of the stuff she wrote on FB.
I don't understand why everyone is saying it's -kind of the family- screw that. Yeah yeah I get the whole 'his family is more important than his fans' speech but come on! His fans never turned their backs on him. Wtf. I think it's RIDICULOUS for him to be Laos to rest somewhere the fans wouldn't have access to. U can visit elvis, u can visit presidents, but u can't visit one of the most loved and adored men in the world? Gimme a break. This man adored his fans and I think it's f**d up of them to not have taken that into consideration from the get go. There's no reason why it can't be set up in an organized fashion just like other big names that have been laid to rest, it's not something we should be sitting therethanking them for. It's the way it should be. Ugh!

I think it's ridiculous to expect the family to just let the public have all that access to Michael's grave. Besides the Jackson family has already made it known that it will be closed off to the public. Yes Michael loved his fans and we had him in life. Let his family ESPECIALLY his children have their privacy with him. They deserve that...

Yeah, god forbid he gets laid to rest in a peaceful, quiet spot free from fans. And remember, if fans are allowed access, so are jokesters, pranksters and who knows who else.

Agreed :)

"Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glint on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you wake in the morning hush, I am the sw......ift, uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circling flight. I am the soft starlight at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there. I did not die." Mary Frye. 1932Rea

This is so beautiful :)

it's gaudy and tacky. and it won't be respected IF this does happen. i can only se eit happening if they put a fan's name on the list and only certain times a yr....and only fans they know for sure are fans. and it's not hard to find out. they know the ins and outs.

I don't understand why everyone is saying it's -kind of the family- screw that. Yeah yeah I get the whole 'his family is more important than his fans' speech but come on! His fans never turned their backs on him. Wtf. I think it's RIDICULOUS for him to be Laos to rest somewhere the fans wouldn't have access to. U can visit elvis, u can visit presidents, but u can't visit one of the most loved and adored men in the world? Gimme a break. This man adored his fans and I think it's f**d up of them to not have taken that into consideration from the get go. There's no reason why it can't be set up in an organized fashion just like other big names that have been laid to rest, it's not something we should be sitting therethanking them for. It's the way it should be. Ugh!
I understand your frustrations. I don't believe the family realizes how MUCH michael's fans love him. Im an older fan, has had many family members to pass on and Michael was/is just like losing a loved one. He really was/is like family to many of us. When Janet spoke at BET saying, 'to you he's an icon...." I thought, they reeeeeally aren't aware of the devotion. I was angry at how fans were treated during the memorial (although I did not blame family) I guess I blamed AEG or LAPD.... anybody but the family because they were hurting so.
So I hope someday there WILL be someway fans can visit Michael. I really think he would want that. maybe when Paris and Prince grow up, they'll do a better job of accomodating the fans.
As much as Michael loved his fans, didn't he also dislike the fact that he could not do things like the average person good? That he had no privacy? That people often treated him as a "personality" rather than as a real person? I am sure that I have read and seen him on interviews saying all of these things. And he isolated himself (even bought Neverland) because he could not get the privacy that the rest of us take for granted.

So isn't it possible, despite that fact that Michael truly loved all of his fans, that in his death, his family just wanted to give him as much privacy as they possibly could? After all, he gave his entire life and career to the public, and he sacrificed so much in doing so. It just seems to me that his family just wanted him to be able to have the privacy and peace in death that he was never able to have in life. And they also had legitimate concerns for the safety of his remains and the resting place/grave etc.

So it just makes perfect sense, IMO, for them to have chosen the mausoleum at Forest Lawn for his final resting place.
Okay...now I'm questioning this weather it may be true or not. All reports say it is NOT open to the public.
CNN has been talking about the big stain glass Last Supper, it was also said before that Michael would be laid to rest possibly under it or close by.
On the Forest Lawn web site, this is what it says
"This stained glass masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci's immortal painting was crafted in Italy by Rosa Caselli Moretti. Using Leonardo's own sketches, she sought to capture for posterity the original appearance of the now damaged and faded painting. Come see this spectacular work 365 days a year; it is displayed every half-hour, 9:30 a.m. through 4:00 p.m."
That is what they used as the description for The Last Supper....

Then, you go to the Great Mausoleum
With its architectural inspiration coming from the world-famous Campo Santo in Genoa, Italy, the Great Mausoleum has been called the "New World's Westminster Abbey" by Time Magazine. Shown here is Memorial Terrace, the entrance to the Last Supper Window and the Memorial Court of Honor, where exact reproductions of the greatest works of Michelangelo are on display.

So....can you go in or not....
All I can say is that according to the various news reports out there, Katherine got her 'way' by having Michael buried in the mausoleum.

Now whether or not the public will or will NOT be allowed to visit Michael's final resting place, we must trust in Katherine's judgement in choosing this spot as his eternal home.

Katherine must have settled on the Forest Lawn mausoleum for a reason, whilst knowing that access that Michael's fans would have to it would be limited.

Maybe, as a Mother, she is finally giving her son the privacy in death that she had no control over whilst her son was alive.

Having said that, I'm sure that some sort of public memorial will be built for us fans in order for us to pay our respects to.
I hope this is true. I would so much like to go and leave flowers and say a little prayer for him...really thank him for everything. I feel so blessed to have grown up with him in my life. He was always so much fun, he made me believe in magic, love, art and innocence ...he made me so happy. Michael is love.
It's nothing new. It's like seeing the trial Karen v2.0. The power gets to her head easily.. I thought being fired once already would have set her straight :smilerolleyes:

Jesus Christ, how some people have no idea just how lucky they are to have known such an amazing person let alone worked with him, I'll never understand. Some of us have tried for years to have just one minute to speak to him, to ask him about his thoughts on a certain author...or how we would go about writing a song, or asking advice on the business...or just to be able to chill-out with him, or support him with words of encouragement.

Some people take sooo much for granted...God, if they only knew...
Okay...now I'm questioning this weather it may be true or not. All reports say it is NOT open to the public.
CNN has been talking about the big stain glass Last Supper, it was also said before that Michael would be laid to rest possibly under it or close by.
On the Forest Lawn web site, this is what it says
"This stained glass masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci's immortal painting was crafted in Italy by Rosa Caselli Moretti. Using Leonardo's own sketches, she sought to capture for posterity the original appearance of the now damaged and faded painting. Come see this spectacular work 365 days a year; it is displayed every half-hour, 9:30 a.m. through 4:00 p.m."
That is what they used as the description for The Last Supper....

Then, you go to the Great Mausoleum
With its architectural inspiration coming from the world-famous Campo Santo in Genoa, Italy, the Great Mausoleum has been called the "New World's Westminster Abbey" by Time Magazine. Shown here is Memorial Terrace, the entrance to the Last Supper Window and the Memorial Court of Honor, where exact reproductions of the greatest works of Michelangelo are on display.

So....can you go in or not....

u can go in, but not in the building itself
this is how they said it on tv here
...maybe they have made some arrangements. I can not understand why Karen would be lying. She is a nice person...she is not a Jackson but if she was good enough for Mike, sure she must be good enough for us. Lets wait and see.
I think I will go driving past the Mausoleum next week. I will only believe the family. I know they will want fans to visit Michael, but it May not be at Forrest Lawn.
They showed it and it's inside the building

Yep, it is 100% inside the mausoleum, and from what I heard on T.V., once his remains are interred and secured, his casket will then be covered by cement.
I think I will go driving past the Mausoleum next week. I will only believe the family. I know they will want fans to visit Michael, but it May not be at Forrest Lawn.

..well I don't know...one day a week is not bad even if it was inside the building...part of a tour at least. It would be more than what I would expect since MJ gave his life to fans...to the public. Surely, he deserves to be left alone. But I just would like to visit one day...just once even... but what ever Katherine says must be good for us. She is his Mother...God bless the family, they must go through hell right now. If we are feeling this sad, imagine what they are going trough. God bless.
I think I will go driving past the Mausoleum next week. I will only believe the family. I know they will want fans to visit Michael, but it May not be at Forrest Lawn.

Yes please do! Because now I'm totally confused Forest Lawn's web site said you can go inside the Great Mausoleum to see the Last Supper stain glass every half hour. But you hear on TV the closest you will get is to drive by.
Yes please do! Because now I'm totally confused Forest Lawn's web site said you can go inside the Great Mausoleum to see the Last Supper stain glass every half hour. But you hear on TV the closest you will get is to drive by.

I think this was during the funeral preparations.
I don't believe this. There are at least 3 security checks before get to the building he's in.
I understand your frustrations. I don't believe the family realizes how MUCH michael's fans love him. Im an older fan, has had many family members to pass on and Michael was/is just like losing a loved one. He really was/is like family to many of us. When Janet spoke at BET saying, 'to you he's an icon...." I thought, they reeeeeally aren't aware of the devotion.
This is just how I feel. Only the loss of very close family members could equal this pain for me. I have loved Michael for so many years, since I was a kid, and in what has been for me a very personal and spiritual way. I also felt a bit cringey when Janet said those words. It's true for the general public, but many of us truly love him. It's like all the talk in the media about him being "humanized" after death. I'm like... ummm... that opportunity to see and understand him as something more than an icon, a performer, a celebrity/personality, a controversy, etc has been there the whole darn time! I understand that I didn't know him pesonally. I'm well into adulthood and I'm not stupid or crazy. But I can guarantee that we "devotees" (as they like to call us, lol) know and understand a lot more than the general public. And love him for so much more than Thriller ;D I don't think the depth of love and respect can be summed up in the word "fan"... or seemingly understood very well by others. I'm a "fan" of Prince or Aerosmith or Alanis Morissette. With Michael there was a whole, whole, whole different thing entirely. If it were possible, my heart would build him the most beautiful and ornate place ever seen on Earth, filled with the very best of every beautiful thing one could imagine, as a tribute. I totally get the Taj Mahal now.

As for the mausoleum, it does hurt me to think we can never visit, but I also think the place is very beautiful and I understand the security and privacy issues. I certainly don't want to bother the family or his children and I want him kept safe and honored forever. I just hope that there is some place for us, though, even if we can't go there directly. Could there at least be a memorial stone (a possibility even at Forest Lawn, in a public area) for the rest of the world? After all, not everyone whose heart he touched, whose life he changed or saved (heck, think of all the sick kids who spent time at Neverland as one small example!) will be allowed to visit inside the mausoleum. Many would like to pay their respects. I just hope there are plans to have something like that eventually. [And, sorry, but anytime I read about the need for "resting in peace" I'm just, um...the reality is that it doesn't matter if his body is alone in a crypt or in a small mausoleum surrounded by a million flower-bearing people because.. hey, he ain't there! He's not being bothered or having peace taken away from him no matter who visits (or even what they do when they visit). HE is not resting there. HE is somewhere no one can bother him now!! The real 'peace' issue is for the family (their privacy and that of other visitors to the cemetery), for proper respect and honor and for the protection against vandalism. That's the real issue.
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Just read a smililar messager on her facebook... it would be so kind for us... I actually thought I'd never had the chance, but this is giving me a bit hope, but still we have to wait for an official announcement
I think the family has been MORE THAN GENEROUS in regards to us fans. For goodness sakes they had his remains at the memorial! They allowed fans to either be at or view the memorial. They didn't have to do ANY of that, but they did. Michael gave his whole being to the world in life, and he never had a day of peace or solitude because of it. They don't owe us anything especially after we've received so much.

The very least that can be done is to allow Michael to have in death what he was never given in life. I trust Katherine Jackson, I do not trust Karen Faye.

Michael never owed us anything, but he ALWAYS GAVE AND GAVE AND GAVE us so much! Now, in his passing, I think WE OWE HIM. Let him have that peace he never got in Life.
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