
Hopefully tommorrow will be a snow day :pray:
This is the view from outside my back garden. I love snow, except when I have to drive in it of course.



Its been snowing for like 3-4 days here like crazy, all the schools and colleges are shut so I haven't been yay LMAO and neither has my parents been to work because of it. The local kids love it though, someone made a huge snowman right in the middle of the road :lol:
sloride - that looks like a wonderful place to live in! :)

Here snowing again, yay!

edit: on the news they just showed people in the UK walking down the street and falling because the street is so slippery.. my mum was horrified watching it, lol.
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awwwww. they are having a lot of fun!!!!! i love how the little ones face is all smooshed from the hat hehe

my niece and her friends were sledging today, but it ended in tears! typical
It's snowing here too,where I live North America East Coast..It's been snowing like this on & off for the last couple weeks..There's a fresh coat of about 6 inches and still falling..but there was still snow from other days that didn't melt..I just tried to get a couple snap shots of outside but I about frooze my toes off :lol: I'll put some better shoes on and get some later.
My husband and I got home from a visit near Morgantown, WV.. his family lives an hour outside from there, and we had snow everyday we were there. They are getting more now, until Saturday, I think.

Back here in VA., we are expected to get snow here tomorrow sometime. A few inches, I think. I love it.
I had that problem when we had our snow storm with my wireless. I had no idea weather could be a factor, but I guess it can be.
I love the snow!

Here in the West Midlands, on Monday night had about 3 inches, but we are expecting more heavy snow this weekend.

Most places up North have loads of snow, I was talking to someone today and they have a foot of snow and more to come!

I can't wait to make a snowman!! :)
sadly yes -_- 5 inches in all, from all day yesterday into this morning. I hate cold weather. I like summer lol.
its snowing like mad in ireland like and my school said today it may be closed on monday

:angel: please please please be closed!!
Too much snow is annoying

Buses and cars are really slow so people take subway these days.

Hard to breathe in a crowded train

I almost slipped last week twice!

Since I don't enjoy skiing or ice skating outside, I'm not happy with snow
Where is all the snow going!? :mello: I was hoping for another day or 2 off :weeping: