
Ooooh it has snowed here all day! :give_heart: But there's still not too much snow on the ground.. they say it could be -10C next week :bugeyed That's really cold!
its so cold here :cold: we have a whole mountain of snow now. At work I am selling lots of shovels and ice melt.
Today has been such a beautiful day! I took few pics for you :) The Sun doesn't rise much higher than that here anymore, in few hours it's starting to become dark again..




Still not as much snow as I would like to but I think we'll have it more in the next days.. it has been freezing cold today, -16C!!! :cold:
Still not as much snow as I would like to but I think we'll have it more in the next days.. it has been freezing cold today, -16C!!! :cold:

It's been freezing cold here too! :cold:

No wait, did I forget something? :scratch: Oh yeah we live in a same city! :gone_nuts:
about 1.5 feet of snow here and rising :)
gonna go make some snow angels later



this is how it looked like this morning ... it still snows now ..:scratch:
first snow here today in the morning... well not staying at the ground yet. But it was snowing... well like the first snowflakes are still a bit shy... just a few falling pretty slow. It made me smile when I got the first one on my glasses on my way to my car. I'm a snow girl! I should move to the north lol for getting more each winter!
First snow pics from here :santa:





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Mechi, very romantic pictures! :wub:
Here it started snowing around noon and a whole bunch of small birds visited my bird house on the balcony.
Mechi, very romantic pictures! :wub:
Here it started snowing around noon and a whole bunch of small birds visited my bird house on the balcony.

LOL yep can't deny I'm always pretty romantic... I love to decorate... still I'm also not into too much of it.
Tomorrow I'll might do a few pics out there and also of bird houses of my mom lol by now she has like build an own small winter town of bird houses at her places. ;)
We are gonna get hit here in the DC/Metro area. We could get between 10 - 15 inches. YAHOO!!!
Uh oh. :( Big Nor'easter coming. 6-12 inches for my area. Good thing I don't have to work until Sunday.

it snowed a wee bit last night...but thats it. it never lays cus the grounds always wet.
Yay! A nor'easter's coming tomorrow. I love snow and this time of year. Those are some very pretty pictures of the snow posted here.

Only problem I have with this approaching nor'easter is that it's happening on a weekend. Usually they shut down the office early or for the whole day when we get big snowstorms. Well, the season is young.
okay ..who want's snow? i'll give it for free :D i have enough of it.

Ebay it?

I love this country, how crap it is. Its funny.

England gets like 3 inches of snow and the whole country comes to a stand still, nobody gets to work and no planes go anywhere. It gets to -1c or -2c and everyone starts cryin when they go outside like its the arctic when it got to -16c for someone else.
England gets like 3 inches of snow and the whole country comes to a stand still, nobody gets to work and no planes go anywhere. It gets to -1c or -2c and everyone starts cryin when they go outside like its the arctic when it got to -16c for someone else.

:lol: it's the same here in New Zealand. They just had a weather warning for a cm of snow over 12 hours tomorrow :p
According to my local news we are suppose to be getting up to 14 inches of snow today. And it is really unusal for this area of my state Pennsylvania to get snow in December. I have always been a cold weather person. I just love the cold weather especially the snow. Even though it is very bad for my skin disorder. My eczema tends to be really bad during the cold weather. But I really don't care about that. I have been used to it my entire life now. I just have to keep applying hand lotion on my hands through out the day.