
Oh my, it's snowing so heavily outside I can barely see anything from the window! Only lights are recognizable, but everything else is just a blur!
1 week ago I was in Finland, so I saw so much snow compared to where I live in France! xD But that was just so cool! :D I wanna go there again! :D And I will! :D
We had loads of snow in London in January and a dusting on February 10th but now we just keep getting lots of heavy rain and I hate the rain!!!!! :(

I want more snow!!!!!!! I love the snow :)

Lovely pictures from Finland, thanks for posting them!
I live in Indiana and we have around a foot of snow here...12 inches or more. It's insanity. It makes it so hard to drive an hour to school for me! Haha

I was in Wisconsin 2 weekends ago and they had snow drifts alongside the road that were taller than the car. It was so intense!
1 week ago I was in Finland, so I saw so much snow compared to where I live in France! xD But that was just so cool! :D I wanna go there again! :D And I will! :D
Oh that's cool where here were you?

The snow in our backyard is now above my knee, yesterday was a snowy day again..
I live in Indiana and we have around a foot of snow here...12 inches or more. It's insanity. It makes it so hard to drive an hour to school for me! Haha

I was in Wisconsin 2 weekends ago and they had snow drifts alongside the road that were taller than the car. It was so intense!

Wow thats crazy!!!!!

I went to New York and New Jersey in January 2001 and I remember the snow was taller than me, pushed up by the sidewalk lol :)

We just about get 4 or 5inches on snow in London which isnt much at all.....I want a huge snow storm lol I love the snow :)
We are expecting a snow storm tonight through tomorrow.:no:
Mom told me today that according to the weather news the temperature is going to raise for the next week and it's going to be a bit warmer. Heck, I don't even own any gumboots when all that snow starts to turn into a water! Should I buy a life vest? :scratch: :lol:
Oh comes another one. How many inches this time? :smilerolleyes:
I love Winter too :) It's my fave season.... I want more snow!!!

Ditto. :D

And I got it!!! :clapping: It's been snowing for two days straight. I stepped out into Siberia when I opened my apt door around 7 this morning. Looooooved it! So exciting! :wild: School was cancelled and I've been frolicking across the street in the park all day :D My friend is coming in from Boston in about an hour and I'm so going to enlist her help in making a 'Snow Michael' :) Not sure how I'm gonna do it, yet, though. :scratch:
I Love the 4 season's, including the snow...Bring It On~~~

:angel:Knowledger IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
And I am hoping for yet another snow day! :clapping:

I still LUV winter. :)

I hate winter (if I have to go outside). Unfortunately since I work M-F 8-4, I have to go to work regardless of all of the snow. When I awoke this morning to a foot of snow, I had to just put on my boots and suck it up. So bogus!!

If it snows please snow enough so my job is closed.
Winter has always been my favorite season. I love snow. But this winter has been so long and cold. I can't wait for spring already.
The snow is starting to melt and it's supposed to reach 43* within the next week or so. I'm glad. I'm so sick of the massive piles of snowman diarrhea that has been dumped upon us.

Very appropriate name for it. :lol:
i got excited for a minute ... thought it was gonna snow in england :(
Ditto. :D

And I got it!!! :clapping: It's been snowing for two days straight. I stepped out into Siberia when I opened my apt door around 7 this morning. Looooooved it! So exciting! :wild: School was cancelled and I've been frolicking across the street in the park all day :D My friend is coming in from Boston in about an hour and I'm so going to enlist her help in making a 'Snow Michael' :) Not sure how I'm gonna do it, yet, though. :scratch:

Your soooo lucky!!!!! I want some......send some to London for me :lol: :)

So did you make your snow angel with your friend? I love making snow angels I'm always doing them hehe when it snowed really heavy in London on January 6th I walked to the park from my house, took me 50 minutes!! I lay down and did a snow angel, my jeans and coat were sooo wet then I had to walk home but I was just so excited that it was snowing!! Hehe :) I want more.....we just keep having loads of sun now and I hate it....cant wait till December!!!! :) :)
Oh Gosh I just noticed it's snowing again! Will this EVER stop?! :doh: :D
I am so ready for the snow to be gone...Its wet and its cold. I think it looks really pretty until it gets dirty..then ..not so pretty. I think I am ready for warmer weather..:)
white horrible mucky stuff
summer here i come

haven't had any of that white crap for over a month im highly honoured :lmao:

lol..i see we both dislike snow with a passion. unless maybe christmas, but even then with me. i had a habit of calling it bird poo...but its kinda foul, my mom liked to slap me as a kid saying that. but, it looks so gross sitting on the grass for months. what really annoys me when the snow finally melts and its warmer and sunny, but then theres always some gross pile of snow in some corner still sitting there unmelted...i always want to go over there a stomp on it until it disappeared lol

thank god its finally melted in indiana, it was actually 60 today. hallelujah! although there was still that random pile i wanted to take my hot blow dryer to.