
*lol* You have the blue tits, I have the great tits (which in spring are also breeding in a nesting box on our balcony each year). :D

We had lots of new snow today, everything is white again (two days ago the old snow was all gone).

lol oh well we also have lots of great tits but they are pretty shy actually and don't want a pic to be taken it seems!

That blue tit and that redbreast robin actually always come pretty close. I guess they both grew up in our backyard and are somewhat more used to me? lol The robin seems to be even posing for the camera lol like 'do a pic of me! do a pic of me!' lol... it loves the stage of the birdy houses when I'm sitting with the camera at the window!
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It just keeps snowing and snowing here and the weather forecast promised even more snow! :mellow: Seriously if it keeps snowing like this I'll have a very snowy birthday in june, cos that amount of snow does not melt in a second! :lol:
It just keeps snowing and snowing here and the weather forecast promised even more snow! :mellow: Seriously if it keeps snowing like this I'll have a very snowy birthday in june, cos that amount of snow does not melt in a second! :lol:
I LOVE IT !! There's sooooooo much snooow I don't know when I've seen this much here!
I just came from shoveling, the piles are already to my chest. If it keeps coming this way our yard is becoming a huge snow labyrinth :lol:

I also love summer though so I hope this doesn't continue to May, I'd like the weather be warm on my graduation day.
Finally a proper winter! I love snow so much, it's very beautiful. It has a calming effect on me seeing everything covered in white. I love it more than other seasons.

It was a very nice sunset a few days ago. The sky was red and purple and combined with snow...lovely.
LOL theone... that would be nice and easily enough stuff for a good long snowball fight. Actually over here the snow is almost gone... and you will not believe it the first flowers I've planted before the winter are already poking out their heads wow... I just hope they will not freeze...
LOL theone... that would be nice and easily enough stuff for a good long snowball fight. Actually over here the snow is almost gone... and you will not believe it the first flowers I've planted before the winter are already poking out their heads wow... I just hope they will not freeze...
Flowers, wow! Yep that's a good amount of snow we have :D I love it (I think I've probably said that already few times in this thread :lol: )
Aww, The One, gimme some snow, please!!! No snow here anymore. :(
But also no frozen windshields on my car anymore. :cheeky:

I hope my water lily can soon go back into her zinc bathtub outside. It is overwintering in a bucket inside. The lily wants oooooout!! :timer: :D
We are currently getting 8-12 inches in Western PA. Woohoo. >:/
haha. Ughh I hate this. lol. It's coming down so hard out there.

Edit: We have "blizzard conditions" and have about 14 inches right now...damn.
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Ya'll can send that my way! I'll take it off your hands... I miss it!! :p

I just talked to a friend of mine in Manassas, VA (right by D.C.) and holy cow they are getting hammered. She sent me a pic of a huge tree that just landed on her 2nd floor balcony because it was so weighed down by snow :ph34r:
I live in Washington DC and we are expected to have 30 inches on the ground by tomorrow afternoon!

I love snow but it did try to mess up my vacation to visit my Fiance in Germany on DEC 19th. Thank God I have a great pilot! My plane was de-iced 4 times and we got out of here! They have 16 inches in that last storm!

And since I have returned there was another lil storm of 5 inches!

The one we are getting now might be another record set for DC!:punk:

I have already been out taking pics and video! lol!:wub:
I live in Washington DC and we are expected to have 30 inches on the ground by tomorrow afternoon!

I love snow but it did try to mess up my vacation to visit my Fiance in Germany on DEC 19th. Thank God I have a great pilot! My plane was de-iced 4 times and we got out of here! They have 16 inches in that last storm!

And since I have returned there was another lil storm of 5 inches!

The one we are getting now might be another record set for DC!:punk:

I have already been out taking pics and video! lol!:wub:

Cool! I look forward to seeing the pictures! I SO miss snow :wub:

Is there a lot on the ground already? My friend in Manassas... I think she might have lost her power, because not long ago she disappeared from facebook and messenger at the same time :p
Cool! I look forward to seeing the pictures! I SO miss snow :wub:

Is there a lot on the ground already? My friend in Manassas... I think she might have lost her power, because not long ago she disappeared from facebook and messenger at the same time :p

Ja! I posted them on Facebook! hehe! I can't wait to go out today to take the real pics :) lol! awww... about your friends but I suspect that too! lol

Yeah! we got alot of snow and it's still snowing heavy now and will not stop until around 6:00pm:punk:

snow rocks as along as people stay home and off the highways driving.

I hope for no work on monday!:clapping:
I'm in central NJ and we're getting conflicting reports of how many inches of snow to expect. I've heard anything from 6 to 12." At the moment it's difficult to tell what we've got on the ground.

I hope it doesn't get too bad. I am supposed to be at work bright and early tomorrow morning.
22 inches in NW Washington DC and counting!

Some Parts of MD and VA have 25-40 inches! yay! lol!
I don't know how anyone can like this. Its being trapped inside, sometimes with the person you hate the most lol, & when you go outside to shovel it you fall in.

this sh** is up to my knees. :sad:

The only thing I can do is either pour boiling hot water over some to melt &/or wait for the sun to melt....
just after having a few weeks above 0, starting to get cold again, only got the snow falling here today for a few hours, not worse that it was last month.
Same here. The snow was gone completely but yesterday very, very thin snow started falling, and now it's white again. Not too much, but it's white. :dancin:
Blizzard today. Looks to be at least a foot of snow on the ground. And now I get to go shovel it!