
Are any of you from Washington? I heard they broke the snow record there! There must be more snow than here by now!
I think it may be a snow record here in North Texas. We have snow for the second time this winter. Once on Christmas Eve, and now today! It's exciting for us. If I had a camera that works, I would take pictures.
I must say, I'm officially tired of snow. I love it for a while, but then it becomes very tiresome!!

Here is what is outside of my front door, and there has been more since I've taken these pictures:


I'm so sick of the snow!!!

While trying to take more pics of the snow from my porch, I slipped on a patch of ice and snow mix and did a hard face plant on the sidewalk. I have a 2" gash on my forehead, a small gash under my chin, bruise by my nose, and a busted lip.

I'm seriously counting down the days on my calendar until Spring.
I'm so sick of the snow!!!

While trying to take more pics of the snow from my porch, I slipped on a patch of ice and snow mix and did a hard face plant on the sidewalk. I have a 2" gash on my forehead, a small gash under my chin, bruise by my nose, and a busted lip.

I'm seriously counting down the days on my calendar until Spring.

OMG!! I hope you heal quickly, and I hope you're doing ok! :better:

Winter is such a beeyotch!! ;)
OMG!! I hope you heal quickly, and I hope you're doing ok! :better:

Winter is such a beeyotch!! ;)

Old Man Winter can bite my butt.

I'll be fine. I've been hurt a lot worse. Case in point: losing my balance while trying to take a photograph of a sun set on the beach and rolling down a 15 foot sand dune, landing in a pile of prickly thorny twigs. I came out looking like I had just made love to a porcupine. I was covered head to toe in little thorny twigs. LMAO! :lmao:
oK...I just learned that my skul...George Mason will be open on FRIDAY!!! they closed everyday except Friday... its impossible to get out of my house...the sun today didnt help at all...And i also have a quiz, thats part of Y i'm Pisst...:lol:

But WHO Opens on the last day of the week??? Mannn!!!

Old Man Winter can bite my butt.

I'll be fine. I've been hurt a lot worse. Case in point: losing my balance while trying to take a photograph of a sun set on the beach and rolling down a 15 foot sand dune, landing in a pile of prickly thorny twigs. I came out looking like I had just made love to a porcupine. I was covered head to toe in little thorny twigs. LMAO! :lmao:
Old Man Winter can bite my butt.

I'll be fine. I've been hurt a lot worse. Case in point: losing my balance while trying to take a photograph of a sun set on the beach and rolling down a 15 foot sand dune, landing in a pile of prickly thorny twigs. I came out looking like I had just made love to a porcupine. I was covered head to toe in little thorny twigs. LMAO! :lmao:

LOL!!! Oh my! I feel bad for you, but it's also hilarious! :lol: That sounds like something you'd see on America's Funniest Videos. :D

oK...I just learned that my skul...George Mason will be open on FRIDAY!!! they closed everyday except Friday... its impossible to get out of my house...the sun today didnt help at all...And i also have a quiz, thats part of Y i'm Pisst...:lol:

But WHO Opens on the last day of the week??? Mannn!!!


School here has been closed all week, and they'll be closed tomorrow too. Even though I graduated HS four years ago (going on five in May), I still check out the school closings. :lol: But it is crazy to go to school on a Friday after it's been closed all week, especially since you cannot even get out of your house!

Kick ass on your quiz tomorrow!! :)
LOL!!! Oh my! I feel bad for you, but it's also hilarious! :lol: That sounds like something you'd see on America's Funniest Videos. :D

LOL, don't feel bad. I laugh my ass off about it now. I wish one of my friends who were with me had taken a pic of me looking like a human pin cushion, but they dropped the cameras and ran over to me when they saw me crawl out of the brush and shaking. They thought I was going into shock from the pain, but I was actually shaking from the cool air and being wet from playing in the waves fifteen minutes prior. LOL, I loved the look the sexy doctor on call in the ER gave me when he saw me embedded with thorns.

On a good note, I did get the shot I wanted so I can't complain. :)
I cannot stand this snow. And whenit partially melts and freezes over night, it is just the worst. All we have now are sheets of ice with snow on top.
School here has been closed all week, and they'll be closed tomorrow too. Even though I graduated HS four years ago (going on five in May), I still check out the school closings. :lol: But it is crazy to go to school on a Friday after it's been closed all week, especially since you cannot even get out of your house!

Kick ass on your quiz tomorrow!! :)

:lol: well I'll just give it a go i guess...Tnx hun...:D

oK...I just learned that my skul...George Mason will be open on FRIDAY!!! they closed everyday except Friday... its impossible to get out of my house...the sun today didnt help at all...And i also have a quiz, thats part of Y i'm Pisst...:lol:

But WHO Opens on the last day of the week??? Mannn!!!

When I was a student at Penn State, they NEVER closed. It would literally have to be Armageddon outside for them to shut down. I can remember only one day that there were no classes for anybody. It was a real pain in the butt.
LOL, don't feel bad. I laugh my ass off about it now. I wish one of my friends who were with me had taken a pic of me looking like a human pin cushion, but they dropped the cameras and ran over to me when they saw me crawl out of the brush and shaking. They thought I was going into shock from the pain, but I was actually shaking from the cool air and being wet from playing in the waves fifteen minutes prior. LOL, I loved the look the sexy doctor on call in the ER gave me when he saw me embedded with thorns.

On a good note, I did get the shot I wanted so I can't complain. :)

LMAO!! :hysterical: At least you got your picture....and a sexy doctor at the ER!! I guess it did not turn out so bad for you in the end. :lol:
It's a complete Winter Wonderland out there and no signs of slowing down just yet. Supposed to get another possible 3-5" on top of the 8+" we already have. I have some photos I took this morning.








OMG! Now that is a lot of snow! :eek:
It's even MORE here in Norway. Winter... Hmm, I guess it's okay for a couple of months.. Maybe 1. But from November till mars-april is TOO LONG. I'm tired of going out everyday in 12 minus. Some weeks ago, there were 25 minus in my town. A bit north it was 43 minus!

Okay, I HATE SNOW to be honest X)
I actually love snow. But it's gettin way too much. I'm kind of annoyed by it. Here in Northern Germany it looks like in Porcelains pictures.
Busses are not driving regulary anymore, maybe even leave out some stops because they simply can not drive there, you can't drive in the car because all roads are full with snow, it's slippery everywhere, you have to watch every step, the girlfriend of my dad broke her arm because it was too slippery, I don't know how many times I almost fell down. I'm really sick of it currently, although it looks so beautiful. Please ... SUN where are you??
I love the cold and I love the snow, and I appreciate it a whole lot because I live here in California but this snow-mageddon has affected a lot of people and businesses. Be careful everyone and bundle up.

It just snowed here (Savannah, GA) for the first time since December 24th, 1989 ...Snowed for 45 minutes, just after 9pm. LoL. All gone now =/ Guess we'll have to wait another couple decades, LoL. =P
It just snowed here (Savannah, GA) for the first time since December 24th, 1989 ...Snowed for 45 minutes, just after 9pm. LoL. All gone now =/ Guess we'll have to wait another couple decades, LoL. =P
Really, haha :lol:

If I'm honest I'm getting a bit bored with the snow too. I love it but this has continued for pretty long now and it takes some time for it to melt and I just wish there wouldn't be anymore snow on May or something..
There is so much snow on the roof and I´m wondering if it´s going to break.At least it´s not snowing today, sun is shining but it´s cold.
This winter's cold weather record broke few days ago here, -41,3C. :bugeyed
As much as 8 inches is expected here by the time all is said and done,
which will be around 7 p.m tomorow. (Monday)
I'm thinking about calling off work!. :mellow: