
I love snow as long as I don't have to get to work. I hate digging out my car from underneith the snow and I hate the slippery roads. I wish I could stay at home and enjoy the snow.
Just for all of you in cold climates right now :p


Ok, one thing I don't like about snow, or actually it's more about the cold but anyhow: our door lock freezes and sometimes we have to leave it open :eek: I'm not feeling the most comfortable sleeping in a house that's door is open! Though we haven't got to do that yet :D I hope we never will.

The beautiful sunshine is back again, thanks to the almost -20C weather :give_heart:

LOL @ the hair and eyebrows! :toofunny:

It was quite a shock to return home from London. London didn't have any snow left and it was actually raining there but when I was sitting in a plane I read from the newspaper there's even more snow to be expected in Finland :mello:

Also in London people were wearing T-shirts and ballerina shoes when at the same time here you need to wear several layers of clothes (and not to forget your hat and gloves) so you won't freeze outside! :cold:
If it wouldn't be so cold outside, the streets not all glazed up, the driving so hard, it would actually be beautiful :wub:
Impressions from my balcony on Jan. 25 (!).
(Today all the white stuff was gone. :( But probably there will be new snow at the weekend. :angel:)




some more greetings of my birdy friends from today for you guys ;)




Aww Mechi I love that bird with red/brown in the front :) Beautiful pics guys!
Hehe it's so cute ^_^

We have about 50 cm snow here atm! And more is coming! Looove it :heart:
I´ve made a path to the shed and when my cats are out you just see the tails when they are walking there.

*lol* You have the blue tits, I have the great tits (which in spring are also breeding in a nesting box on our balcony each year). :D

We had lots of new snow today, everything is white again (two days ago the old snow was all gone).
i was reading in the newspaper this morning that germany will probably will have snow till end of march or even april... since 30 years germany never saw this much snow... in fact, since 5 weeks there is snow here... i never experienced something like this lol
Yep, snow of this dimension all over Germany has been in winter 1978/79.
It's snowing again right now ...