
It was really cold when I woke up this morning - I jumped out of bed thinking that maybe we have snow, but it was just frost :lol:

We don't generally get snow til february in the UK anyway :p

Arh but just 6 days after you posted that we rarely get any snow here it snowed!! :cheeky:
Forecast is showing a strong possibility for a white Christmas here in the UK for what will be the first time in decades!!!

Daft thing is no trains running to London cos of the cold snap which is madness as other countries manage to keep public transport running smoothly with far worse wintery conditions!! :doh:

its been snowing soooo bad the last few days here! its comes almost to you knees :shock: its cool though, christmas and snow = good year ending. last time it REALLY snowed this much here was like, 2/3 years ago
Here are a few pics I took around my apartment during our NYC snowstorm. It was fun. Look at that pitiful snowman someone made in the front of my building. Oh, but maybe it was a little kid. In that case, it's kinda cute.

It's snowing here today...But we've had snow since before
wooo its started snowing again. only downside is in the morning ive a driving lesson..and i may not be able to go out for it if the snow is bad or if the roads are really icy!! :(
i thought i would bump this thread up considering the weather conditions here in the ok lol this snow is really getting on my nerves now. not been able to leave the house since friday. so bored!
Don't forget to feed the birdies everybody!!!!!


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It snowed for hours this morning! Had to walk to the bus stop which is about 20mins away and then wait half an hour for the thing to turn up, all in heavy snow! Talk about cold :cold:
I LOVE it here now! :heart: So much snow and everything looks so beautiful.. best winter in a long time, loooove it!
What I really want it summer snow. :giggle: The warmth of summer but with snow :lol:
Haha I love summer too (when it's hot and not raining all the time..) but I really do like these cold weathers too! I love to wrap myself in warm scarf and go out in the snow :give_heart:
we had the day off school today because of it! wooo :D
The snows thick here to! I love it and all but had to endure about 50 snow balls in the face just on the way to school this morning! Please let it carry on snowing so ill get a day off tomorrow though! he he
Everyone keep enjoying the snow! he he
Ebay it?

I love this country, how crap it is. Its funny.

England gets like 3 inches of snow and the whole country comes to a stand still, nobody gets to work and no planes go anywhere. It gets to -1c or -2c and everyone starts cryin when they go outside like its the arctic when it got to -16c for someone else.

hehehe...-16? try -59 here mid-December!
but I really do like these cold weathers too! I love to wrap myself in warm scarf and go out in the snow :give_heart:

Me too!

I always check from the window what the people outside are wearing and make my decisions of what to wear pretty much based on what I see.

"Many of them have their hats on..." So I'll put my hat on too :D

I have to admit, though a couple of times I have done some big errors in estimating what to need and what to wear because as soon as I have stepped out I've been forced to come back to add more clothes. So either the people outside all fooled me or then the temperature decreased and went down very quickly while I was in an elevator on my way to out :lol:
Me too!

I always check from the window what the people outside are wearing and make my decisions of what to wear pretty much based on what I see.

"Many of them have their hats on..." So I'll put my hat on too :D

I have to admit, though a couple of times I have done some big errors in estimating what to need and what to wear because as soon as I have stepped out I've been forced to come back to add more clothes. So either the people outside all fooled me or then the temperature decreased and went down very quickly while I was in an elevator on my way to out :lol:

Haha, if I had known this earlier and if I bought you a christmas present I would've known what to get! Girl you need a thermometer! :D
Haha, if I had known this earlier and if I bought you a christmas present I would've known what to get! Girl you need a thermometer! :D

Thanks, but I do have one :yes: It's right outside the living room window, but for some reason I just prefer to check what and how much the other people are wearing :D
Thanks, but I do have one :yes: It's right outside the living room window, but for some reason I just prefer to check what and how much the other people are wearing :D

Hehe :D my house is down a driveway in a quiet residential area in St. Leonards, so I can't see people walking around from here :lol: I'm wearing my pyjamas and a hoodie at the moment (not being lazy, just doing my essay!) - it's safer to stay in when it's this cold!
Hehe :D my house is down a driveway in a quiet residential area in St. Leonards, so I can't see people walking around from here :lol: I'm wearing my pyjamas and a hoodie at the moment (not being lazy, just doing my essay!) - it's safer to stay in when it's this cold!

I live in center of the city, so that's why I see people without even leaving my apartment :)
Ebay it?

I love this country, how crap it is. Its funny.

England gets like 3 inches of snow and the whole country comes to a stand still, nobody gets to work and no planes go anywhere. It gets to -1c or -2c and everyone starts cryin when they go outside like its the arctic when it got to -16c for someone else.

:giggle: Lol so very true! We just can't cope, its hillarious!
Wow! did u take that photo?? I live here in San Diego CA so it never snows.....last weekend during mid day it was like 74 degrees!!! I have to drive 3 hours just to see snow and really enjoy my hot cocoa!!
Yep, that's my little potted yew tree on my balcony. :D
According to the weather forecast there will be lots of new snow this weekend.

I had to deice my car today which is standing outside on a small courtyard. Silly me had forgotten to put a protective foil on the windscreen. Yikes, that was pure ice there ... :blink:
its the same where i am people its been average of -9 for the last week !! there has been constant snow since about 21st december !!!... i miss normal weather !!! lol
We are likely to get some snow in the Atlanta, Georgia area tomorrow evening. We have been having a huge blast of cold air coming through here and it's affecting much of the country. We have moisture coming in, making a recipe for wintry precipitation. We get snow in Georgia every now and then, but it's nothing more than an 1 to 3 inches, unless you live in the extreme North Georgia mountains.
we are totally snowed in here, however pretty it is... it's soooo annoying lol

mechi- i was also going to say please dont forget to feed the birdies. they have a hard time at this time of year. poor little things!
