

This night it was about -15 to -17°C, at 11 am it still was -10°C. And this in an area with a usually more mild climate. I love snow, perhaps because I was born in a very cold winter.

More and more birds of different species are coming to my birds house on the balcony, there was much traffic this morning. :D


This night it was about -15 to -17°C, at 11 am it still was -10°C. And this in an area with a usually more mild climate. I love snow, perhaps because I was born in a very cold winter.

More and more birds of different species are coming to my birds house on the balcony, there was much traffic this morning. :D


awwww I so love that picture!!!! thanks for sharing! :D
This morning it was somewhat darker in my place although the sun was shining! lol

here's the birdy houses of my mom...

and my little bird feeding 'owl' I have hanging outside my kitchen window! :)
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We have snow here, i'm hoping that we'll get some more tonight so that tomorrow when my family come to visit I can make a snowman with the kids!

Heck, I don't need an excuse!! *traipses out into the snow and starts making one* :p
Oh I love SNOW!!!

Unfortunately the Midlands is about the ONLY place in Britain that HASN'T had snow, it sucks :(:( Although it was very cold yesterday, -5 and that's cold for us!!
We woke up to the snow here to today! It looked beautiful, but was so cold! I even got a few thrown at me walking down the road. Unfortunatly the snow here has disappeared already :( But it forcasts a white christmas, fingers crossed! :)
well folks here were I live we are suppose to get about any where from 1-2 feet of snow between tonight and tomorrow.......anyone who knows me ...knows I cannot stand the is too cold for me....I hope we dont lose the power....if we do then we will be freezing...good thing I made lots of food today so the family will not starve.....My kids will go crazy without the cell phones and the computers though..LOL
Snow will continue throughout the night in NYC and we could have a foot by the morning...YAY! It's blustery outside! Love long as the electricity and cable keep working. :D

I got in a little Christmas shopping before the storm started. I hadn't even begun yet. Oh the pressure.
Snow will continue throughout the night in NYC and we could have a foot by the morning...YAY! It's blustery outside! Love long as the electricity and cable keep working. :D

I got in a little Christmas shopping before the storm started. I hadn't even begun yet. Oh the pressure.

OMG....well atleast you got some done..:lmao:......there is still time before Christmas for you to get what you need..:)...good luck..
I'm not sure how much is on the ground right now, but the Weather Channel said 5-8 in., with an additional 6 to 10 overnight. :bugeyed
I'm not sure how much is on the ground right now, but the Weather Channel said 5-8 in., with an additional 6 to 10 overnight. :bugeyed

oh boy.....its headed this way..eewww...:bugeyed:....well I guess we can atleast enjoy a home day running around we will be snowed in..:)
I heard in the news about the snowstrom in the east cost, hope you all will be fine there!

It's snowing little bit here now, we're expecting more snow on Wednesday :)
more snow here too! :)

wheeeeew airports in Düsseldorf and Brussels standing still... too much ice and snow!!!
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It's been snowing here the whole day and I love it! Now it's really starting to feel (and look) like Christmas! :)
I live in Texas, and we rarely get snow. We got a few snow flurries earlier this year.
Snow is pretty!!
Hope everyone is safe.. I heard that Washington had 6-8 inches of snow, and some places have 2 FEET!!!!
well we ended up with 15 inches of measurable snow.....:bugeyed:....eeww
In Europe several people have already died because of the cold. In Poland there were 29 people frozen to death only on this weekend, in Germany at least 9. :(
14" here in VA!!! My parents are digging on the snow...IT was beautiful yesterday...but now and after today...its gonna be a mess!!!


:lmao:...oh yeah I agree with ya......cold too..I dont like the cold it hurts my poor old bones..:lmao: