Open Letter to Michael Jackson's Accuser - by Chris Tucker's Ex

You know what pisses me off bad... The media will totally ignore this letter and not mention it BUT if it were a letter to the accusers stating the opposite, stating that she believed MJ was guilty and that the accusers should get peace I GUARANTEE you it would be FRONT page news everywhere & they would of gone on and on and on about it!

I don't understand God and I don't understand this world. All the good people suffer but the evil people get away with everything!

Yes - it sux. I really felt you when you stated the above. But - then there's us. We are people who love Michael, truth, purity and we're constantly learning from his example. So there really is good on the earth too. The evil just seems to take precedence in the media because as we all know, that's what sells.

If we keep hoping and expending positive energy (I know this sounds freaky) perhaps the movie with Spike Lee will actually come to fruition. Wouldn't that be lovely? I'm going to write him.

I just watched an interview with Michael, Lisa Marie Presley and Diane Sawyer. She point blank asked him if the rumors about being suicidal were true (after the court fiasco) and he said "No! Never. I love life. I've never been suicidal". He admitted to being hurt and depressed but then he pointed to his skin and said he was "indestructible". I'm certain he meant in his own mind. THAT mental attitude in part, is what catapulted him to fame. He believed in himself.

All that said just to say "we need to keep believing in him". What will happen is all the good, vindication etc it will manifest itself. It's going to take time but we're still the living breathing MJ machine and we can keep him alive. I can't believe for a second that this will blow over and get swept under the rug. Those kids/people who falsely accused Michael are probably fearing for their lives right now because the man who would've prevented people from retaliating is physically gone. And now the gloves are off, so to speak. I truly hope they come forward. I truly hope the guilt for the lies weighs heavily on their hearts day and night until they tell the truth.

p.s. I'm not advocating retaliation. This letter is just the beginning (I hope) of people coming forward with the truth.
Who wants to kill them?

One thing is for sure, they will never come forward. Those people are pure evil!!!
A fan wanting revenge obviously. Someone might not want to murder them per se, but I'm sure a lot of people want to beat them up or harrass them. You could say who would want to kill John Lennon? A fan who got it in his head that Lennon was "phony". There's speculation that Lennon's killer was "programmed" (even Sean Lennon has mentioned this), but that's a whole different story.
A fan wanting revenge obviously. Someone might not want to murder them per se, but I'm sure a lot of people want to beat them up or harrass them. You could say who would want to kill John Lennon? A fan who got it in his head that Lennon was "phony". There's speculation that Lennon's killer was "programmed" (even Sean Lennon has mentioned this), but that's a whole different story.

Cursing is good way to do it. Plus they look different now. May God curse them all. ameen

i think John Lennon was murdered because of his anti-war
Originally Posted by rsw22
They may not come forward but such letters reinforce Michael's innocence.

In years to come, such things will be reflected upon.

I also wish we could urge Spike Lee, as Michael's friend, to do a documentary-type that puts forward Michael's side of the story by taking an indepth examination of his accusers from 1993 till 2005.

Spike Lee has a high profile and if he did this and took an indepth look, it would blow open these people.
They don't need to confess anything, they just need to be exposed.

You see what Michael has suffered from is that his story has never been told. The media has persistently only told the story of his accussers and slander.

But if Spike Lee did a movie documentary like "The victimization of Michael Jackson", exploring not only the allegations but also things like Lupus/vitiligo and how the media progressively misinformed the public as well as motives behind each and every thing that was happening, this thing would blow the accussers, LWMJ and all other stuff out of the waters.

He would also do well to delve into the world of the music industry, catalogues and infighting, two-faced and all that.

The thing would be a blockbuster.

:clapping:I've been thinking the same thing for the past couple of weeks. I was just telling my mother the other day that I know many greedy people are scrambling for the rights for a MJ biopic, but the only person I trust to do it the right way is Spike Lee.
Spike Lee c/o
They can if they really want to. They can have their faces blurred on the TV screen if they want. No law can hold them back from telling the truth if they really want to.
Any legal system that can't allow accusers to reveal the truth without maintaining their safety, IMO, is faulty.

Or give the scoop to a newspaper on condition that they don't use their names. There are ways they could come clean anonymously.
Or give the scoop to a newspaper on condition that they don't use their names. There are ways they could come clean anonymously.
They would have to use their real names. Anonymous & blurring their faces doesn't mean anything. It's the same as quoting a "source" or "someone close to so & so". And you can get anybody and pixellate their face and disguise their voices.
Nice letter but I just say what I said to myself while watching the memorial:

too late...:(
They would have to use their real names. Anonymous & blurring their faces doesn't mean anything. It's the same as quoting a "source" or "someone close to so & so". And you can get anybody and pixellate their face and disguise their voices.

I meant they could disclose their identities on condition that the paper does not use their current name. The paper could refer to them by their former names, not as an undisclosed source.
I wish they would tell the truth, but I'm not holding out hope.

Maybe they will surprise me.

People like the Arvizo's and Chandlers just DON'T CARE. If you have the nerve to lie on someone about the most disgusting crime, lie about a man who helped save yourlife, gave you money food, medicine opened up his home, when you didn't have a pot to piss in..

then a death will have no effect on them... it was like they were already shoving the knife in his heart when they accused him..they simply do not care. They have emotionally detatched themselves from Michaels hurt and suffering. as Michael said, "...if we cared enough for the living"

yes, if only they cared enough. Some people in this world only care about themselves and the Arvizos and Chandlers are such people. They embody the exact type of apathy and selfishness Michael was trying to heal in the world.

They took Michael for granted, used him for their own means and there was no looking back.

Perhaps on their death bed they may tell the truth, but by then no one will care, maybe a few news outlets, but by then Michael legacy will have been given a foundation, as surely the accusers will live a long life as it is with those who are wicked...but be assured long life or not in the end, they will be judged by the ONE who can see their true heart and soul. I hope for them they change their hearts.
Personally, as much as I think it would be great if both young men came forward, I am just glad that this letter is out there. This letter is powerful. There are those who will read it and dismiss it and then there are those who will pause and think and reconsider.

Thank you, Ms Pryor!
Since there is no article with this letter and we do not know where it came from or how they supposedly got it, I am a little skeptical of the letter. If it is real, thats great but they will never admit they lied and even if they did it wont bring Michael back and that is all that really matters.
Wonderful, brought me right back to tears. Even though I've haven't thought about it, seeing that just made everything so clear. It was horrible what MJ had to go through back then, so big ups to Ms. Pryor for adressing that. The Arviso family will get theirs one day :sleep:
*co-signs letter*

Thank you for putting into words what the rest of us feel, Azja. Gavin and his mother embody everything that is wrong with this world. All the greed and all the rotten evil. I wonder how they live with themselves now that he is dead. I hope they are filled with the same disguist with themselves as the rest of us are. What they have done is dispicable beyong words.

May Gavin Arvizo and his mother Janet forever burn in hell.
*co-signs letter*

Thank you for putting into words what the rest of us feel, Azja. Gavin and his mother embody everything that is wrong with this world. All the greed and all the rotten evil. I wonder how they live with themselves now that he is dead. I hope they are filled with the same disguist with themselves as the rest of us are. What they have done is dispicable beyong words.

May Gavin Arvizo and his mother Janet forever burn in hell.

I hope they finally do the right thing.
If I knew a way to contact Ms. Pryor, I would let her know how much I am grateful that she, Chris Tucker, and the Casios, etc. were around during the whole Arvizo "kidnapping" by Michael Jackson. I am glad that Eurweb was willing to publish her letter for the public (at least, the black reading public since Eurweb is geared towards African-Americans) to read and process.

I believe you can find her on Myspace. But in order to see her profile, you have to be a friend. I too would like to thank Azja for this powerful letter.
Fantastic letter. Jordie and Gavin need to do the right thing.
*co-signs letter*

Thank you for putting into words what the rest of us feel, Azja. Gavin and his mother embody everything that is wrong with this world. All the greed and all the rotten evil. I wonder how they live with themselves now that he is dead. I hope they are filled with the same disguist with themselves as the rest of us are. What they have done is dispicable beyong words.

May Gavin Arvizo and his mother Janet forever burn in hell.

That's only if they have a conscience. Some people really have no remorse at all.
Wonderful letter indeed. Perfectly said.

Unfortunately, I think Michael is one of the best examples in history of how unfair life can be. He had to go through more sh*t than anyone I've ever seen :no:

I'm slightly confused about something. We all know the tens of articles that have been going around about Jordy confessing - articles we considered fake. But my mom came to me the other day and told me she SAW the guy on tv confessing the whole thing :huh: I asked her if she was sure, and she said that it was the guy from '93, currently in his 20s.
I know she wouldn't have made this up, but at the same time, I'd imagine this video would be all over youtube if it existed :unsure: Anyone else know something about it?
Wonderful letter indeed. Perfectly said.

Unfortunately, I think Michael is one of the best examples in history of how unfair life can be. He had to go through more sh*t than anyone I've ever seen :no:

I'm slightly confused about something. We all know the tens of articles that have been going around about Jordy confessing - articles we considered fake. But my mom came to me the other day and told me she SAW the guy on tv confessing the whole thing :huh: I asked her if she was sure, and she said that it was the guy from '93, currently in his 20s.
I know she wouldn't have made this up, but at the same time, I'd imagine this video would be all over youtube if it existed :unsure: Anyone else know something about it?

I remember on Entertainment Tonight they showed the first boy confessed that he lied about MJ molesting him, he was on video saying that but I don't remember his face. The boy had blonde hair, my family and I saw it. I wonder what ever happened to that footage, because I never see ET showing it nor any other media showing it now. It was around the '90s my family and saw it. All I remember was wanting to kick that boy's butt. I was kid at the time lol.
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I remember on Entertainment Tonight they shoed the first boy confessed that he lied about MJ molesting him, he was on video saying that but his face was blotted out. The boy had blonde hair, my family and I saw it. I wonder what ever happened to that footage, because I never see ET showing it nor any other media showing it. It was around the '90s my family and saw it. All I remember was wanting to kick that boy's butt. I was kid at the time lol.

Oh, so it wasn't something recent.

Interesting how anything pro-Michael disappears into thin air in time :rolleyes:

I hope that video surfaces again one day.
Oh, so it wasn't something recent.

Interesting how anything pro-Michael disappears into thin air in time :rolleyes:

I hope that video surfaces again one day.
God I wish I had recorded it, but most people didn't believe MJ did it because this was before people were attacking MJs character. I thought I was the only one that remembered it but my brother stated the same thing a few days ago about the boy confessing. I thought people saw it. I was shocked that people still believe he molested the boy in the first case, because I saw him confess on ET(entertainment tonight). Does anyone else remember seeing it?
I have never seen this footage of jordy "confessing"

But if there is such a video, u can bet any money that the media just wont show it and why is that?? CAUSE TO THE MEDIA ANYTHING SHOWING MIKE IN A GOOD LIGHT, IS JUST NOT RIGHT!
Great video. Thank you for sharing. Isn't this created by one of my favs on this forum TSCM?

Love TSCM stuff.. can't get enough of it!

I don't know who created it. I've devoured hours and hours (more like days and days) of MJ video's from Youtube. I came across the video and thought the title said it all.

"Michael Jackson Jordan Chandler Molestation Extortion Scheme"

I ordered a book from entitled something like, "Michael Jackson: a conspiracy". Can't remember the exact name - and I haven't received it yet, but it's written by a reporter who couldn't stand living the lie any longer and opted to expose the crap the media makes up and put him through. Should be interesting. If anyone knows if there's a thread regarding this book please point me to it. :)

I love you Michael.
I have never seen this footage of jordy "confessing"

But if there is such a video, u can bet any money that the media just wont show it and why is that?? CAUSE TO THE MEDIA ANYTHING SHOWING MIKE IN A GOOD LIGHT, IS JUST NOT RIGHT!

That's not true. If there were such a video, the media would be all over it. There's nothing else they can do with the MJ-might-be-guilty-but-we-have-no-proof-angle. A Jordan Chandler confession would be good for a few news cycles. The media would be fighting over each other to get the "scoop" first if it existed.
That's not true. If there were such a video, the media would be all over it. There's nothing else they can do with the MJ-might-be-guilty-but-we-have-no-proof-angle. A Jordan Chandler confession would be good for a few news cycles. The media would be fighting over each other to get the "scoop" first if it existed.
I agree with MoonGlider.

If Jordan or Gavin come out confessing, anyone in the media who ignores that story is stupid and shouldn't be in the business.
At the end of the day, the media is all about making 'BIG news' rather than being anti-anyone.