Open Letter to Michael Jackson's Accuser - by Chris Tucker's Ex

No offense to Michael, but he said that after every tour. He said he would never do another tour again after Bad. He also took the same drug during the History Tour, before Bashir. He also might of have taken for other tours as well.

Michael was going to do the tour for multiple reasons. It was his decision to hit the road again, it it hardly the first time he lied about not touring again.
as i said im basing my comments on what directly happened because of the trial not ifs and but and whether mj might have decided to tour at another time.. if u go that route u can go on forever with ifs and but im focusing on what DID happen and what directly led to the sitaution we ended up at. that been the trial mj not working for years becasue of it going to bahrain and europe for a year and a half the cash issues that were caused by that which led togetting involved with colony/aeg. what happened with the trial totally changed mjs life path at the time and obviously effected his life there after. and thats what im judging this on. not that mj might have walked infront of a bus if he werent in court or might have decided to tour 2 years earlier instead if 03 hadnt happened. becasue we can only judge on what did happen and what caused those things to happen
These people dont give a damn. They only care about themselves and money. They wont come out and say it.

Wasnt Jordan Chandler supposed to have been fed lies by his father while he was under some sort of anaesthetic? Or whatever you call it.

Wouldnt that mean he actually does believe MJ molested him.

I realise we are talking about the Arvizo's here. Just asking that question.
as i said im basing my comments on what directly happened because of the trial not ifs and but and whether mj might have decided to tour at another time.. if u go that route u can go on forever with ifs and but im focusing on what DID happen and what directly led to the sitaution we ended up at. that been the trial mj not working for years becasue of it going to bahrain and europe for a year and a half the cash issues that were caused by that which led togetting involved with colony/aeg. what happened with the trial totally changed mjs life path at the time and obviously effected his life there after. and thats what im judging this on. not that mj might have walked infront of a bus if he werent in court or might have decided to tour 2 years earlier instead if 03 hadnt happened. becasue we can only judge on what did happen and what caused those things to happen

I didn't say anything about 'what if' in that last comment. I simply stated that Michael said he would never tour again after every tour. So, the fact he broke this promise is not new and cannot be directly connect with Bashir.

Michael was also having cash issues before Bashir, so I do not see the direct connection. Not working for a couple years did not help, but he still had a cash problem.

I simply said I fail to see how all this add up to Michael taken a drug he took before to sleep before a tour. I simply do not see the situation the same as you and you do not see it the same as me. That is okay, we just do not see eye to eye on this subject.
Wasnt Jordan Chandler supposed to have been fed lies by his father while he was under some sort of anaesthetic? Or whatever you call it.

Wouldnt that mean he actually does believe MJ molested him.
that was written about in the fischer article think the drug was sodium amthyal (sp) becasue used to implant memories in ppl but its been debated and denied by some that this was basically just a cover so ivan could get jordan out of testfiying cause such testimony under that drug is inadmissable. (but thatshould make the whole case inadmissable?) anyway that story doesnt fit considering we know jordan has told many ppl that mj never did anything and he hated his parents for what they did. these ppl were lined up to testify if he came to court in 05. they were ppl he went to college with who attened house parties he had that played mj music etc
Haven't any of you had a random someone come out and say that MJ was a pedophile and you were upset that even to this day some still believe it? I have had arguments with people about it and there are a lot of people out there who will STILL say how wrong he was to do what he did in 'sleeping' with little boys. They don't know the facts and they hear or read the stories and don't understand.
Absolutely, because they aren't teenagers who have all day to sit around reading court documents or digging for the truth. Most people have very busy lives, so figuring out if Michael Jackson is/was a pedophile was never high up on their list of priorities. They were counting on the press to summarize and condense the information for them, but in MJ's case, the press did their best to make him look guilty. So, I don't get in arguments with people or get upset at their opinions, because I completely understand how they came to their conclusions. The media completely manipulated all the information and made people think what they did.

The Bashir thing was disgraceful and it just shows that people are two faced and unkind in damaging ways.
Bashir went above and beyond what a typical person would do. He was playing on people's suspicions and fears and simply used Michael to play up the drama. Unfortunately, it make Bashir famous and now he's on NightLine.
thats the same with anything in life. i aint gonna care what someone who reads the daily mail (right wing paper) in the uk thinks about immigration cause i know very well what their opinion will be based on the B.S that paper prints
Exactly. Just like those who don't care what people who read left wing drivel think, because it is asinine B.S. I get your point, I just don't go around calling people "ignorant" because all it does is get people to stop listening.
it helped to lead to the situation where mj was doing these shows in the first place which led to using this drug. mj had said b4 he didnt want to do big tours/amounts of shows again. this was prob the reason why as he said to the sony reps.

If Bashir didn't twist facts, it's quite possible that trial wouldn't have happened. Maybe Michael would have realeased his new album in 2005 and toured, just like he used to do every 4 years. And I believe he would still be here with us. It's Bashir this so-called journalist giving Michael a fatal attack from behind. Shame on him.
Absolutely, because they aren't teenagers who have all day to sit around reading court documents or digging for the truth. Most people have very busy lives, so figuring out if Michael Jackson is/was a pedophile was never high up on their list of priorities. They were counting on the press to summarize and condense the information for them, but in MJ's case, the press did their best to make him look guilty. So, I don't get in arguments with people or get upset at their opinions, because I completely understand how they came to their conclusions. The media completely manipulated all the information and made people think what they did.

Bashir went above and beyond what a typical person would do. He was playing on people's suspicions and fears and simply used Michael to play up the drama. Unfortunately, it make Bashir famous and now he's on NightLine.

This is what I meant, thank you LauraLovesMJ.

I did not follow the case. I never once doubted Michael was innocent and neither did my family. We did not follow the case, because we knew Michael did not wrong. My dad never doubted that Michael would be found innocent or appeal and win if he was. To me, Michael did not have the personality of someone who could hurt a child and that was good enough for me.

Saying that, I watch people summery the case later on and Michael looked guilty of something. He did not molest the boy, but there was strong hints they he may had done it to someone else. This made me feel really uncomfortable and a little worry when he died.

I looked at notes on wikipedia to learn how 'WTF' the case was and realize that it should not even gotten into court.

If someone like me can have a twinge of doubt, even for a moment, I can only imagine how people who didn't have my blind fate would feel. So, I really do not blame these people.

Btw Veromca, the dealing of 'what ifs' are never clear. So, we can never say for certain what would had happen if the case of 2005 never happen.
Exactly. Just like those who don't care what people who read left wing drivel think, because it is asinine B.S. I get your point, I just don't go around calling people "ignorant" because all it does is get people to stop listening.

well im talking to fans on a fan board so its different to whether im talking to someone who is intrested in learning what went on.if someone calls mj a u know what but refuses to learn about the facts then they are ignorant as the the bottom line is one of the definitions of ignorant from a dictionary is

lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject
This is what I meant, thank you LauraLovesMJ.
You're welcome. :) We are often thinking along the same lines. :punk:

I did not follow the case. I never once doubted Michael was innocent and neither did my family. We did not follow the case, because we knew Michael did not wrong. My dad never doubted that Michael would be found innocent or appeal and win if he was. To me, Michael did not have the personality of someone who could hurt a child and that was good enough for me.
I didn't follow the case either, or know anything about Michael at the time, so I was in the "I don't know what to think" category, but I was always leaning towards not believing the allegations. I simply didn't want to believe something like that about him.

I looked at notes on wikipedia to learn how 'WTF' the case was and realize that it should not even gotten into court.
Absolutely! Aphrodite Jones' makes a point of that in her book. The charges should've never even been brought against Michael.

If someone like me can have a twinge of doubt, even for a moment, I can only imagine how people who didn't have my blind fate would feel. So, I really do not blame these people.
I don't either, especially after Michael settled the first case, and it was not made clear what he was actually settling over, (I think it was negligence or alienation of affections, or something like that,) so, people thought Michael just paid the Chandlers off. Unfortunately the settlement made MJ look a lot more guilty than if MJ had let it play out in court.
Absolutely, because they aren't teenagers who have all day to sit around reading court documents or digging for the truth.
im way past being a teeenager lol seriously though i dont think its about fans being angry with the gen public. thats not the case at all and yes you are totally right that they cant be blamed in one sense for having the opinions they have because they only know what they get told in the papers and news shows they watch. and thats half the problem.the power the media has to help form ppl opinions based on the agenda they have. the issue fans have is when ppl continue to call mj such things yet refuse to look at the facts of the case. and claim that they are right even though they ahve no clue what so ever about the case. id never claim to an opinion on something i have no knowledge of. if a big case happens over here and someone gets found guilty. my opinion on that. well i dont know myself if they did it cause i wasnt sat in the courtroom i havnt heard the evidence. yet u will get ppl whol claim mj is this that and the other yet will freely admit they know nothing about the case.that is ignorance plain and simple
Absolutely! Aphrodite Jones' makes a point of that in her book. The charges should've never even been brought against Michael.
very true. it was all about sneddons vendetta. and nothing more

I don't either, especially after Michael settled the first case, and it was not made clear what he was actually settling over, (I think it was negligence or alienation of affections, or something like that,) so, people thought Michael just paid the Chandlers off. Unfortunately the settlement made MJ look a lot more guilty than if MJ had let it play out in court.
the insurance company settled the claim of negligence against mj and his lawyers wishes. but its not like the media would report such info as it went against the agenda they have had against mj for over 15 years
well im talking to fans on a fan board so its different to whether im talking to someone who is intrested in learning what went on.
But we always have visitors here too, which I mentioned in my 2nd post about this. Fans aren't the only ones reading these boards.

if someone calls mj a u know what but refuses to learn about the facts then they are ignorant as the the bottom line is one of the definitions of ignorant from a dictionary is

lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject
Trust me, I KNOW what ignorant is, ;) and I agree that you were always technically right in calling people "ignorant" but name calling still turns peope off and shuts down discussion. If you/we want people to learn the truth, then presenting the facts is probably much more productive, and really all that's needed.
But we always have visitors here too, which I mentioned in my 2nd post about this. Fans aren't the only ones reading these boards.
well if ppl are here to learn thats fine and they know it wont apply to them but theres also many haters who refuse to learn the facts and that is who its directed at. im not having a one on one discussion with a non fan im posting on a fan message board. if i were having a one on one with someone i work with etc then obviously they are intrested in learning the facts. so it doesnt apply to them anyway. they are different to the bonafide haters that used to live on the court tv boards during the triall and used to troll here.

If you/we want people to learn the truth, then presenting the facts is probably much more productive, and really all that's needed.
which is what is done on this board many a time.
well if ppl are here to learn thats fine and they know it wont apply to them but theres also many haters who refuse to learn the facts and that is who its directed at. im not having a one on one discussion with a non fan im posting on a fan message board. if i were having a one on one with someone i work with etc then obviously they are intrested in learning the facts. so it doesnt apply to them anyway. they are different to the bonafide haters that used to live on the court tv boards during the triall and used to troll here.

which is what is done on this board many a time.

But I have notice this place sometimes is not very welcoming to new fans. I have seen the term 'true' fan used at a drop of a hat around here. Also, the wide generalization about the public can really turn people off.

Some people also have the habit of making anyone who is not a fan seem stupid and blindly follow the media. Especially when it comes to American and the UK.
its a difficult time. i wouldnt take anything personal. alot of new members joined after june 25th. alot of the boards changed
But I have notice this place sometimes is not very welcoming to new fans. I have seen the term 'true' fan used at a drop of a hat around here. Also, the wide generalization about the public can really turn people off.
As a new fan I have felt very welcome here, but I know exactly what you mean about people using the " 'true' fan" terminology. It's usually used against someone who doesn't agree with what another poster is saying. It's a desperate attempt to make a point, and only displays that the person making the accusation can't prove their point, so they resort to character attacks.

Some people also have the habit of making anyone who is not a fan seem stupid and blindly follow the media. Especially when it comes to American and the UK.
Agreed. And if I were someone who was seeking the truth, and came in here to see people being called "ignorant" or "haters", I'd turn right back around and leave. Not the level of discussion I'm looking for when seeking the truth.
Dont know if anyone have mentioned this, dont wanna go throuh 18 pages.
The whole thing about Gavin confessing? Well, I would have any hopes whatsoever.

I stumbled upon a blog where the blogger claims she sent Star Arvizo (now under another name) a message and he wrote her back. IF that is indeed the real Star, then he is the lowest of the low, well we already knew that too bt whatever. What he wrote back to the blogger is just despicable. There are also new pics of Star and his girlfriend circling around on the blog. I just wanna throw up just by the look of him.
Important note again, dont know if thats the real Star who wrote her back, but the pics looks sure like him.

I have no faith in that family at all, that they would admit they lied. They were raised to as liars and thieves.
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