Open Letter to Michael Jackson's Accuser - by Chris Tucker's Ex

I hope ppl will pay attention to her letter too cozzie
Cindy Rilla- Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for that video. I was able to download it and than upload to youtube, so it's out there now. I aslo included Azja's entire letter in the information box so that viewers can read it and hopefully get the same reaction that we all did.

Please pass the link of the youtube video around so that many people can watch it and read Azja's letter.

Azja Pryor's (Chris Tucker's Ex-gf) Open Letter to Michael Jackson's Accusers: 'TELL THE TRUTH!!!!'

Now if only I can find that Donals Trump phone interview on LKL. . . :)
Awesome. Thanks, guys.
It'd be great if we collected all these videos and recounts together and put them on a website for this purpose.
I remember someone made an awesome site during the trial with all the information any MJ fan needed to know about the case, the papers and an explanation of all the goings on.
Azja sent this to the fans of

Although I have yet to hear from the subjects of my letter, the Arvizo family, I have received an overwhelming show of support from Michael Jackson fans around the world. I have received encouragement from others like myself, who believe in standing up for the truth, and honoring Michaelʼs legacy free of these disgusting lies. For me this was such a heartfelt letter, and one of the easiest letters Iʼve ever written. The support I've received only confirms to me that I am doing the right thing in demanding publiclythat Gavin Arvizo finally come forward and clear an innocent man's name.

I will not stop until this is done.

It is my hope that once Gavin comes forward, he will then set an example for others to come forward publicly and state the truth about Michael! We are all faced with choices in life. We must then be able to live with the choices weʼve made. I do not know how on earth the Arvizo family can live with themselves knowing the choices they made ultimately led to the demise of such a caring, compassionate soul. The Arvizoʼs will never find peace in this lifetime, unless they do the right thing. I ask every Michael Jackson fan to please share this letter with everyone they know. It is crucial that this letter is received by the Arvizo family. Gavin speaking up and exonerating Michaelʼs name from his false accusations is a critical part of the healing process that is needed for everyone who loved Michael, and are now mourning his death. Some may say that itʼs too late. I say better now than never. Michaelʼs legacy will forever reign and touch lives around the world. The Gavin I know is a remarkably brave young man. I know he is capable of speaking the truth even amid the controversy. Letʼs all make sure that the truth is told for Michael, his family, and his millions of fans.

Azja Pryor
i don't know how could this family sleep at night.!!
i mean they're SO (heartless)!!
I am pleased to have found this here. I applaud her but feel it will fall on deaf ears.

I believe his innocence and always did, but it would be nice to have them say it. The sad thing is these people did ruin his life and walked away with his hard earned money.
I'm so glad someone stood up for good decency and did the right thing. I'm glad that letter is posted in other fan clubs. Afterall, Azja knew these people and everyone involved. I hope the guilt eats away at them at a feverish pitch. Thank YOU Azja Pryor, we will not forget this and we will not brush it under the rug EITHER!
I hope and pray the day will come.

Thank you for posting that letter here.

^^ Yes I do as well. It just seems like they all should stand up and speak the truth.
Although reading through the thread so far,I've read some good points,like Mechi. Thank You for your thoughts,it's nice to see someone think 'outside the box' or go against popular opinion. You had mention perjury and wondered about that in USA,and that's one of the thoughts that came to my mind as well while reading the open letter,perjury. In the USA courts,the general perjury statute under Federal law defines perjury as a felony and provides for a prison sentence of up to five years.
So,it's taken serious here as well. I would think that perjury is huge anywhere in any court across the globe.
Thanks to StephluvsMJ for posting the open letter.
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they have no conscience.if they did they wouldnt have done this in the first place.his brother was supposedly talking shit about mj on his facebook account. easy enough way to get the letter to him. its nice of azja to do this but i think shes pretty naive like she was during the trial when she thought the family were all sweet and innocent until she saw the facts.
Craaapp I accidently friend requested her on facebook :bugeyed

I meant to send her a message but she doesn't have that option so..

I was going to write the message where you can write in the friend request box and also say she doesn't need to add me, but that this was the only way I could write to her. However, unfortunately I clicked the wrong thing..and now I've just friend requested her with no message. :/ Shizzle..
they have no conscience.if they did they wouldnt have done this in the first place.his brother was supposedly talking shit about mj on his facebook account. easy enough way to get the letter to him. its nice of azja to do this but i think shes pretty naive like she was during the trial when she thought the family were all sweet and innocent until she saw the facts.
Yes, they are on facebook. azja could easily send them her letter. Why didnt she do so?
But even if the letter is sent, i doubt the conscienceless arvizo brothers would do anything about it since I know his brother was talking crap about MJ still. No conscience at all those bastards, Raised by crooks, ended up crooks.
Is it really them on facebook though... anyone could be pretending
Even though we could say she's being naive thinking the family will come out with the truth at least she is trying and is doing what she feels in her heart to be the right thing. I agree that people may never believe the truth, they believe what they want to believe and have often already made their minds up about things before they get the facts - that's just the way a lot of people are - BUT to send a letter like this demanding the truth is being positive it is a good thing, even if the truth didn't change the way some ignorant people view Michael - it would help us heal the wounds of Michael that we have taken on personally, we have always hurt for Michael about this and it is never too lte to do something about it. I say that all the fans get together and write to the accusers - both of them.
I agree. There NEEDS to be put pressure on these people. Their actions led to Michael's death and I cannot believe how they sleep at night.

TELL THE TRUTH ALREADY. Everyone knows they are liars.
^^ I have always believe this too. Altough it was ultimately Murray's actions that did it - it was the accusers that attacked his very soul. I really believe that if it wasn't for the disgusting lies of these people Michael would still be with us today. It makes me so angry and so sad at humankind.
If these idoits were half human, they would have NEVER did what they did in the first place. I will leave them in God's hands. I think most people think that trial was joke. The bastard I want to say sorry even more is that Jordan Chandler.
Even though we could say she's being naive thinking the family will come out with the truth at least she is trying and is doing what she feels in her heart to be the right thing.
Yes, let's at least give her credit for trying.

I agree that people may never believe the truth, they believe what they want to believe and have often already made their minds up about things before they get the facts
I think minds can still be changed if the information gets out there.

even if the truth didn't change the way some ignorant people view Michael
Let's not call people "ignorant" simply because they don't see things the same way we do. They may very well have viewed all the same info that you or I did, but still came away with a different opinion. That doesn't make them "ignorant". I think this is more a matter of people learning how to open their HEARTS rather than their heads.

I say that all the fans get together and write to the accusers - both of them.
I love that idea and hope others will too. :yes:
I would be nice if these idoits confess; however, at this point, with Michael selling out 50 shows, and now this after death, it proves that many people in the PUBLIC still loved this man. I do not think he would be receiving this much love for his movie, music, and concert if these people believe he abused children. I think when it comes to the media, most people have the common sense to know the media is full of it however the media will put the idioits on tv and give them air time compare to the people who do not care or who do not believe the false claims.
Let's not call people "ignorant" simply because they don't see things the same way we do. They may very well have viewed all the same info that you or I did, but still came away with a different opinion.
i very much doubt that. anyone who read all the court docs and the testimony is plain stupid or just a hater if they took the arvizos side. the gen public are ingorannt becasue they make their judgements based on what info the media allow them to know.their opinion is irrelevent as they are clueless to the facts.the only ppl who bothered to read the court transcripts/motions were the fans.haters arent intrested in the facts it goes against thier agenda so wouldnt waste their time reading the documents
Not everyone has TIME to read the court documents, or study up on who Michael Jackson was as a person. That doesn't make them "ignorant" as if they are stupid. It means they are busy with life and have other priorities. Not everyone is a fan, or even wants to be.

If the general public's opinion is so "irrelevant" they why go around calling them names?

I think there are probably a lot of people out there who don't know WHAT to think, and they need more info, and they could even be reading this site out of curiosity. ;) But I can assure you... calling them names is going to turn them off to hearing anything. It just makes MJ fans look close-minded and "fanatical" which is what a lot of people think about fans in general anyway. Calling the other side names is NOT a good strategy if you truly want to change minds about MJ and his innocence.
Not everyone has TIME to read the court documents, or study up on who Michael Jackson was as a person. That doesn't make them "ignorant" as if they are stupid. It means they are busy with life and have other priorities. Not everyone is a fan, or even wants to be.

what i said is that if they read the court documents and came to the conclusion of supporting the arvizos then yes they are stupid.anyone who lived through 03-05 spending a year and half trawling through transcipts will tell you that.yes they are ignorant if they havnt read the transripts yet support the arvizos. because you tell me how you can have an opinion when u have no knowledge of the subject you are talking about?they base thier opinion based on the tabloid media which shows ignorance.if someone wants to educate themseves by reading up on the case then thats great but as i said someones opinion to me is irrelvent if they dont educate themselves on the subject.because they dont have enough knowledge on the subject to form a legitimate and relevent opinion.and that stands for many things in life
what i said is that if they read the court documents and came to the conclusion of supporting the arvizos then yes they are stupid.anyone who lived through 03-05 spending a year and half trawling through transcipts will tell you that.yes they are ignorant if they havnt read the transripts yet support the arvizos. because you tell me how you can have an opinion when u have no knowledge of the subject you are talking about?they base thier opinion based on the tabloid media which shows ignorance.if someone wants to educate themseves by reading up on the case then thats great but as i said someones opinion to me is irrelvent if they dont educate themselves on the subject.because they dont have enough knowledge on the subject to form a legitimate and relevent opinion.and that stands for many things in life

Most people do not read court cases. I did not even read those documents because they are long-winded, boring, and confusing at times. Most people did not come to their conclusion about the case by reading 'tabloids'. They read the clip notes and looked at the news. That is what I did and you can a good summery on the case on wikipedia.

The average Joe is not going to waste time looking up a case that does not effect them. They do what million of people do and watch the news for their information. The problem was and still is, is that the media was bias. Unless someone went out of their way to look up certain information, Michael does look like he could be guilty of something.

The general public do not believe the boy in the case was molest, but Michael's personality leans towards someone who could molest a child. That is how the media portray him. So, calling people ignorance because they are not willing to read thousands of pages of court docs is not far. For most, Michael was found not guilty and that is the end of that for them.
Today people are mainly relying on media to get kinds of news. It's impossible for us(including you and me) to do every research. To some extent, it's understandable because we haven't enough time and resources and power. That's why people choose to believe media. That's also why I think media is a monster now. They can easily effect thousands/millions of people. So if someone come out and say he personally think Michael is ***, I will respect him and think he is only lazy and lack of own research. But I am really sick of those who say like with definite tone(ie "sure""must"). Who do they think they are? They know what???
That's a great letter I hope as many people read it as possible.

Thanks for posting.
Most people did not come to their conclusion about the case by reading 'tabloids'.
the general public get their news mainly from tabloids. why do u think ppl call him a u know what? wheres that opinion come from? it comes from the media because thats where they get their selective info from. so im stating that such ppls opinions are ignorant and irrelvent because they are only been told info that the media want them to hear.if the media had gone the defending mj route in 93 for example like they did say with celines dions husband for example the opinion of many would be different. but they went out of thier way to spread their agenda as they did in 05.

i doubt the truth will ever out. those ppl are to evil.they are more likely planning their book.chandler has his chance in 05 but refused yet told everyone under the sun that mj didnt nothing.end of the day there actions led to where we are now. knowing htem they probablysleep quite well at night. nothing can change that
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Today people are mainly relying on media to get kinds of news. It's impossible for us(including you and me) to do every research. To some extent, it's understandable because we haven't enough time and resources and power. That's why people choose to believe media. That's also why I think media is a monster now. They can easily effect thousands/millions of people. So if someone come out and say he personally think Michael is ***, I will respect him and think he is only lazy and lack of own research. But I am really sick of those who say like with definite tone(ie "sure""must"). Who do they think they are? They know what???

pretty much. the media are a dangerous weapon. as the saying goes the pen is mighter than the sword. modern day from of brainwashing. why do you think a taxi driver shouted pedo at fans and mjs hotel window as he drove past in london in march? cause he sits in his cab all day reading the sun or mirror so hes been brainwashed. he has no clue about facts of the case. hes just as MJ would say an ignorant fool whos opinions are irrelevent cause he has no knowlege of the case.just beleives whatever his paper/media outlets tell him to believe. as mj said prejudice is ignorance. prejudice based on a lack of knowledge and believing sterotypes on a certain members of this board during 03-05 used to say to haters. go read the transcripts them come back and discuss the subject. cause you cant have an opinion/argument about something u know nothing about
pretty much. the media are a dangerous weapon. as the saying goes the pen is mighter than the sword. modern day from of brainwashing. why do you think a taxi driver shouted pedo at fans and mjs hotel window as he drove past in london in march? cause he sits in his cab all day reading the sun or mirror so hes been brainwashed. he has no clue about facts of the case. hes just as MJ would say an ignorant fool whos opinions are irrelevent cause he has no knowlege of the case.just beleives whatever his paper/media outlets tell him to believe. as mj said prejudice is ignorance. prejudice based on a lack of knowledge and believing sterotypes on a certain subject.

anyway the only justice arvizo will get is if it comes back and takes him out

I think it in the case of the taxi driver he was just being a jerk.

Most people who go out of their way to like the person you just mention does like like Michael and would find any excuse to hate on them. I have seen fans here do the same thing to artist they do not like, so Michael goes through the same thing.

The people I learn who believe he is a pedo do not go out of their way to tell everyone. They may make sly remarks or suggesting, but they rarely outright say it. When they do, they usually say "I think he is a pedo, base on", and they will name their facts. These people can be reasonable, but it depends on the person.

Oddly enough, I have found that even with people who thinks he is a pedo or just plain weird still listen and dance to his music. They would even admit what a genius he is and whatnot. So, this stigma is not as bad as the media is painting it to be.
think it in the case of the taxi driver he was just being a jerk.
yeah well sadly theres alot of jerks out there. and thats caused by the media and their agenda
I so want the truth to come out! But people will only believe what they want, if the truth was told people would still come up with stories that it was'nt true and that they were being payed of, or something!
I think the fact she's standing up for Michael and doing her best to let the truth be known is amazing! I thank her!