Open Letter to Michael Jackson's Accuser - by Chris Tucker's Ex

Yes..the day will have to come soon when these dispecable evil ones who are such a disgrace to humanity will tell the world that they framed Michael and falsely accused him of things he NEVER did! And then EVERY ONE will accept, honour and be proud of the beautiful, innocent, honourable man we love forever! And they'll be ashamed that they caused Michael the torture, pain, sadness he NEVER deserved! We love you and are so proud of you dearest Michael, forever! Rejoice with the Angels of Light in your new Home of Love, Bliss, Harmony! You've always deserved the BEST!
The only latest thing I've read about Jordan Chandler is when he filed a restraining order against his father back in Aug 2005 found HERE

Interesting.. Why the hell do things like this not get leaked out in the media. Chandlers are the ones who started this mess, Evan in particular, his ass is the one who should be in the media. The truth needs to be released NOW.

Im begging begging begging Jordan Chandler to come forward... Make a statement, an interview.. Whatever it is.. Just come forward, now is the time.
people don't have to believe me but I as well as my brother know what we saw. Whether Entertainment Tonight will show that footage again or not it's up to them. I don't make up stuff online for fun. I state my opinions on topics, but I don't make up false events. Oh well, you all have a right to your opinion and can't blame you for not believing me with all the rumors people spread about MJ.
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Sorry if anyone else already mentioned this and I missed it, but is there some kind of statute of limitations in CA regarding lying to the police and/or in a court of law? Like a certain number of years out in which you could get in deep sh*t for having lied? I wonder because I've always considered that a factor as well. The liars, if they ever grew a conscience and felt the need to confess, might want to wait until such time they won't end up in jail or owing millions to the court system for what they've done. I don't know how that would work. Anyone know?
Sorry if anyone else already mentioned this and I missed it, but is there some kind of statute of limitations in CA regarding lying to the police and/or in a court of law? Like a certain number of years out in which you could get in deep sh*t for having lied? I wonder because I've always considered that a factor as well. The liars, if they ever grew a conscience and felt the need to confess, might want to wait until such time they won't end up in jail or owing millions to the court system for what they've done. I don't know how that would work. Anyone know?

I was wondering about this too. I think I read that the statute of limitations in California is only 3 years, but I don't know if it is 3 years from the lie or three years from the time the lie was or should have been discovered. I think it would be the latter.
BTW this is what the first accuser, Jordan Chandler looks like today; chandler/kinkyformj/PM45O46150.jpg



May god show NO mercy on him..
Well written letter. Wouldn't it be wonderful for these people to come forward and publicly clear MJ's name? Unfortunately I can't see it happening.

Is there a thread or link somewhere that explains how these families actually got to know MJ and worm their way into his life?
Azja Pryor was actually on Access Hollywood tonight talking about that open letter that she wrote to the Arvizos. Thank goodness that this is getting some coverage. Two things that bothered me though. AH didn't give a web address to where people could read the whole letter. They barely went through it during the interview.

Azja said that she only physically met Michael once but spent much time at Neverland Ranch and with the Arvizo family. Maria Menounos questioned Azja's opinion of Michael's character since she only met him once. . . :( But then Azja said that the Arvizo kids would beg to stay in Michael's room when he wasn't there at the property and she questioned why would those kids want to stay in his room if Michael was supposedly hurting them.

Azja also said that the Arvizos felt that Michael owed them more than he actually gave them because they made an appearance on the Bashir documentary.

Then after the interview Billy Bush and Nancy O'Dell said something along the lines of 'I guess we'll never know the truth. There are some people that believe that Michael didn't do it 100% and others that believe he did do it 100%.' I wanted to say those people are the ignorant people or the people trying to extort money from him or from other outlets that want his 'inner circle' to talk sh*t about him.

What I hate is that, here is a woman who is standing up for Michael by all means possible, yet she is still being slighted by the journalists. Her every answer being questioned and whatnot. Makes me sick how the media just wants to believe the worst in people.
Wonderful letter indeed. Perfectly said.

Unfortunately, I think Michael is one of the best examples in history of how unfair life can be. He had to go through more sh*t than anyone I've ever seen :no:

I'm slightly confused about something. We all know the tens of articles that have been going around about Jordy confessing - articles we considered fake. But my mom came to me the other day and told me she SAW the guy on tv confessing the whole thing :huh: I asked her if she was sure, and she said that it was the guy from '93, currently in his 20s.
I know she wouldn't have made this up, but at the same time, I'd imagine this video would be all over youtube if it existed :unsure: Anyone else know something about it?

Ok.Now your mom saw it as well....i don't know wath's going on...2 other ppl told me the same thing ,that they SAW the boy saying he lied.And they thought it was going to be all over on tv in the next 24 hr,but they never saw it again.
And she didn't write this letter earlier because....?
I'm sure this could have helped Michael a lot when he was alive... could have changed the public's perception of him.
And she didn't write this letter earlier because....?
I'm sure this could have helped Michael a lot when he was alive... could have changed the public's perception of him.

The situation would have been exactly as it is now - the media not giving a damn about this letter.
That letter is very well written. Ever since MJ died and I started looking more into the allegations that were brought against him, I've been wondering if his accusers would ever step forward and admit to their deception.
That letter is very well written. Ever since MJ died and I started looking more into the allegations that were brought against him, I've been wondering if his accusers would ever step forward and admit to their deception.

as if.... bad ppl always stand up and proud as if they were saints or sth
sadly but true...good ppl always have conscience - bad ppl feel no guilt whatsoever!!!:boohoo:censored::censored:
And she didn't write this letter earlier because....?
I'm sure this could have helped Michael a lot when he was alive... could have changed the public's perception of him.

She testified on Michael's behalf during the trial.
It's naive of you to think this letter will change public opinion. Mainstream media has not acknowleged this letter. there are at least 5 people who saw a video of Jordan confessing. Why is this video nowhere to be found? :mello: I've been looking all over the Internet for it!!!
I don't get what's happening.
Sorry this took so long to post up - (my father in law in from UK, twins and hubby driving me NUTS!)
But I recorded this last night and finally got it uploaded for all to see in case some missed this.
I am just so great full to Azja for speaking out like this. And wth did Access Hollywood BLIP out Gavin's name for? The guy is NOW over 18 years old!

To watch this, click on play, then PAUSE it so it can fully load (walk away for 10 minutes! lol) then hit play. Sometimes Divshare server is slow. Can't post this on Youtube.. others have tried and Youtube won't post it!

Here's the video of Azja on Access Hollywood:
These boys need to come out and set the record straight.

Hmm, her letter was much better than her interview. It seemed really weak to me. Of course she had nothing to do with what was going to make it into the video shown to the world. I'm guessing they edited the heck out of it because her letter sure packed a punch.

I hate the media...more now than ever.
Sorry this took so long to post up - (my father in law in from UK, twins and hubby driving me NUTS!)
But I recorded this last night and finally got it uploaded for all to see in case some missed this.
I am just so great full to Azja for speaking out like this. And wth did Access Hollywood BLIP out Gavin's name for? The guy is NOW over 18 years old!

To watch this, click on play, then PAUSE it so it can fully load (walk away for 10 minutes! lol) then hit play. Sometimes Divshare server is slow. Can't post this on Youtube.. others have tried and Youtube won't post it!

I can't see the video. Like there is nothing for me to press play. Is it possible for you to give a link instead of embedding? I wonder why youtube won't post this video. . . I've seen clips from access hollywood on there before. there are at least 5 people who saw a video of Jordan confessing. Why is this video nowhere to be found? :mello: I've been looking all over the Internet for it!!!
I don't get what's happening.
video doesnt excist if it did more than 5 ppl would have seen it. he told enough ppl personally nothing happened and these ppl would have testifyed if chandler has showed up
She testified on Michael's behalf during the trial.
It's naive of you to think this letter will change public opinion. Mainstream media has not acknowleged this letter.

Excuse me? She was on Access Hollywood last night with her story. TONS of people watch that show. She could have come out with her story years ago.
video doesnt excist if it did more than 5 ppl would have seen it. he told enough ppl personally nothing happened and these ppl would have testifyed if chandler has showed up

I agree. I would think that what happened is that the Jordan Chandler hoax confession that was spreading like wildfire after Michael's death got repeated on t.v. and that is what they heard, not Chandler himself confessing. It's interesting, though. Someone posted a thread from another board about a week ago where people were saying the same thing, that they had seen Chandler confess on t.v. Such torture. I would so love for it to be true.
I can't see the video. Like there is nothing for me to press play. Is it possible for you to give a link instead of embedding? I wonder why youtube won't post this video. . . I've seen clips from access hollywood on there before.

That is strange. The one I posted is not working but when you quoted me with the vid, that one seems to work.

HERE is where you can view online or download if you wish

You still might want to hit play, THEN PAUSE to let it FULLY load, then hit play on the above link.

So sorry for the weird Divshare problem.