Open Letter to Michael Jackson's Accuser - by Chris Tucker's Ex

Ppl they will not come forward. I can't believe you all think or hope they would. I really can't see that happening.

And again... the truth is already out there. Either ppl see it already or they do not want to see it or they are just blinded by whatever... but even that's somehow a choice. If you're doing judgement without being well informed... well nevermind but I do believe everybody will be judged the way they used to judge others one day.
However the truth is out there. When ppl start only to believe it when known liars are telling something... well ok poor world.

Btw Michael wasn't ok with paying in the Chandler case. It was his lawyers and his insurance voting for the deal and Michael had to give in as far as I remember.
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Just found this and wasn't even looking. Do you think its true?

Jordan Chandler: “Michael Jackson Never Touched Me”

June 29, 2009 by Richie

Michael’s accuser went to the press today; he said that he could no longer live the lie and keep the secret that he has been keeping since 1993. Michael never touched him. The boy claims that his father ordered him to go and report that he had been sexually abused by the pop star on several different occasions. “It was my father’s way of saving his family from the poor house; he convinced me that it was my duty to help him make us all rich, promising me anything that I wanted for doing it.” Evan Chandler reportedly confessed.

The now young man says that his biggest regret was not seeking out Michael Jackson and begging him for his forgiveness. “Now I will never be able to tell him just how truly sorry I am, I was young and just doing what I was told.” Evan realizes how much he destroyed Michael and he would do anything to take back some of the pain that his father caused.


no that wasn't confirmed. It was a hoax. It was ppl playing with fans expectations as exposed here.
I also have a hard time to believe they ever will come forward, at least not until their own death bed. (if even at that)

But it was a beautiful letter, and I wish more people around MJ wrote something like this.
The more people that come through with letters like this, the more focus will be taken away from all the BS around MJ.
They may not come forward but such letters reinforce Michael's innocence.

In years to come, such things will be reflected upon.

I also wish we could urge Spike Lee, as Michael's friend, to do a documentary-type that puts forward Michael's side of the story by taking an indepth examination of his accusers from 1993 till 2005.

Spike Lee has a high profile and if he did this and took an indepth look, it would blow open these people.
They don't need to confess anything, they just need to be exposed.

You see what Michael has suffered from is that his story has never been told. The media has persistently only told the story of his accussers and slander.

But if Spike Lee did a movie documentary like "The victimization of Michael Jackson", exploring not only the allegations but also things like Lupus/vitiligo and how the media progressively misinformed the public as well as motives behind each and every thing that was happening, this thing would blow the accussers, LWMJ and all other stuff out of the waters.

He would also do well to delve into the world of the music industry, catalogues and infighting, two-faced and all that.

The thing would be a blockbuster.
its intresting that shes wrote this letter as,well she didnt support them during the trai lbut she wanted to see thei good side (not that they had one) so she was someone who was actually quite pally with the family at the time
They may not come forward but such letters reinforce Michael's innocence.

In years to come, such things will be reflected upon.

I also wish we could urge Spike Lee, as Michael's friend, to do a documentary-type that puts forward Michael's side of the story by taking an indepth examination of his accusers from 1993 till 2005.

Spike Lee has a high profile and if he did this and took an indepth look, it would blow open these people.
They don't need to confess anything, they just need to be exposed.

You see what Michael has suffered from is that his story has never been told. The media has persistently only told the story of his accussers and slander.

But if Spike Lee did a movie documentary like "The victimization of Michael Jackson", exploring not only the allegations but also things like Lupus/vitiligo and how the media progressively misinformed the public as well as motives behind each and every thing that was happening, this thing would blow the accussers, LWMJ and all other stuff out of the waters.

He would also do well to delve into the world of the music industry, catalogues and infighting, two-faced and all that.

The thing would be a blockbuster.

Excellent idea!! :yes:...
Good for her. This needed to be written.
of course you wont' see this on CNN
These cowards need to come forward, when Michael met his maker he did so with a pure soul. These three will arrive at the pearly gates and find a big No Entry sign waiting for them, if they can't do it for Michael's family they should do it to save their own miserable souls - if any of them have one.
If it's true that the Arvizo family are in Witness Protection, then they can't come out even if they want to. It would mean they have different identities, and obviously the purpose of this is to protect them from fans who want revenge. Which would apply to the Chandlers as well. Dr. Murray has already gotten death threats, so you know someone will be after any false accusers.
If it's true that the Arvizo family are in Witness Protection, then they can't come out even if they want to. It would mean they have different identities, and obviously the purpose of this is to protect them from fans who want revenge. Which would apply to the Chandlers as well. Dr. Murray has already gotten death threats, so you know someone will be after any false accusers.

They can if they really want to. They can have their faces blurred on the TV screen if they want. No law can hold them back from telling the truth if they really want to.
Any legal system that can't allow accusers to reveal the truth without maintaining their safety, IMO, is faulty.
They may not come forward but such letters reinforce Michael's innocence.

In years to come, such things will be reflected upon.

I also wish we could urge Spike Lee, as Michael's friend, to do a documentary-type that puts forward Michael's side of the story by taking an indepth examination of his accusers from 1993 till 2005.

Spike Lee has a high profile and if he did this and took an indepth look, it would blow open these people.
They don't need to confess anything, they just need to be exposed.

You see what Michael has suffered from is that his story has never been told. The media has persistently only told the story of his accussers and slander.

But if Spike Lee did a movie documentary like "The victimization of Michael Jackson", exploring not only the allegations but also things like Lupus/vitiligo and how the media progressively misinformed the public as well as motives behind each and every thing that was happening, this thing would blow the accussers, LWMJ and all other stuff out of the waters.

He would also do well to delve into the world of the music industry, catalogues and infighting, two-faced and all that.

The thing would be a blockbuster.

This is such a great idea ! How do we get this idea out there to make it happen?
they aren't going to choose to be charged with making a false statement, giving false testimony, and conspiracy to commit a crime. Jordy would have nothing to worry about on the other hand. he was a child being forced by his abusive father whom he has a restraining order against. even his dad would be immune due to statutes of limitations.

Gavin though? yeah right. if we learned anything about that family it's how dishonest and corrupt they are.
they aren't going to choose to be charged with making a false statement, giving false testimony, and conspiracy to commit a crime. Jordy would have nothing to worry about on the other hand. he was a child being forced by his abusive father whom he has a restraining order against. even his dad would be immune due to statutes of limitations.

Gavin though? yeah right. if we learned anything about that family it's how dishonest and corrupt they are.

I agree with you about Gavin. I have more hope of Jordan recanting than him. Honesty doesn't seem to be prized very highly in the Arvizo family.

In regards to the Statute of Limitations, are you sure Jordan and his father are in the clear? I know the SOL for perjury is generally only a few years, but wouldn't the SOL toll from the time the perjury was learned of or should have been learned of, not from the time they actually lied?
You know what pisses me off bad... The media will totally ignore this letter and not mention it BUT if it were a letter to the accusers stating the opposite, stating that she believed MJ was guilty and that the accusers should get peace I GUARANTEE you it would be FRONT page news everywhere & they would of gone on and on and on about it!

I don't understand God and I don't understand this world. All the good people suffer but the evil people get away with everything!
If it's true that the Arvizo family are in Witness Protection, then they can't come out even if they want to.
Well if that is true, WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD GAVIN PUT UP A MYSPACE ACCOUNT THEN!!!???/. Someone here on mjjc said that he had a myspace account, and if that is true- wouldnt that put his '' witness protection'' in jeopardy?
Well if that is true, WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD GAVIN PUT UP A MYSPACE ACCOUNT THEN!!!???/. Someone here on mjjc said that he had a myspace account, and if that is true- wouldnt that put his '' witness protection'' in jeopardy?

Who said Gavin has a MySpace account and how do we know it's real?
Come on, let's make sure of the facts first.
I cant remember who it was, but someone said gavin had a myspace page.Im not saying this to hurt or offend anyone but im sure that is what someone said.
If this family has any ounce of a conscience, they will come forward and heed Ms.Pryor's words.
She wrote a very powerful and revealing letter. Lets hope something comes of it.
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I really hope those boys do come clean. I hate that MJs legacy is dirtied by those cases. Sure some stubborn folks would still believe he was a child molester, but most people would believe he was an innocent person if the boys finally told the truth. Honestly I wouldn't be mad at the boys if they told the truth, I would commend them on their braveness. I used to feel I would be mad because they lied on MJ, but I would be happy that they were brave enough to come and tell the truth.

OT: To the user called ThankyouMichael the picture of MJ in your signature is too sexy. I have been staring at it in different posts lol.
Thank you for writing that letter, Ms. Pryor. It's relieving to see folks stand up for truth and justice.

It's so damn sad that such a great artist with all his child-like innocence has had his reputation sullied due to the wicked greed of a few heartless pieces of ****. It's just sad. But it also enrages me, I gotta be honest.
They may not come forward but such letters reinforce Michael's innocence.

In years to come, such things will be reflected upon.

I also wish we could urge Spike Lee, as Michael's friend, to do a documentary-type that puts forward Michael's side of the story by taking an indepth examination of his accusers from 1993 till 2005.

Spike Lee has a high profile and if he did this and took an indepth look, it would blow open these people.
They don't need to confess anything, they just need to be exposed.

You see what Michael has suffered from is that his story has never been told. The media has persistently only told the story of his accussers and slander.

But if Spike Lee did a movie documentary like "The victimization of Michael Jackson", exploring not only the allegations but also things like Lupus/vitiligo and how the media progressively misinformed the public as well as motives behind each and every thing that was happening, this thing would blow the accussers, LWMJ and all other stuff out of the waters.

He would also do well to delve into the world of the music industry, catalogues and infighting, two-faced and all that.

The thing would be a blockbuster.

:clapping:I've been thinking the same thing for the past couple of weeks. I was just telling my mother the other day that I know many greedy people are scrambling for the rights for a MJ biopic, but the only person I trust to do it the right way is Spike Lee.