Open Letter to Michael Jackson's Accuser - by Chris Tucker's Ex

But why would someone WANT to believe that a man is a child molester? It doesn't make sense to me. It's like saying they want to believe this child was molested. Why would they want to believe anything like that? I just think people believed the allegations because they don't know the facts and the media were telling them a bunch of cr@p. And because the media are supposed to be a reliable source of information, they believe everything that comes out of their tv screens. I am sure, that if Jordan and/or Gavin admitted to lying about Michael Jackson, then that would officially clear his name. If any one tried to call Michael Jackson a child molester after that they are going to look like idiots.
I don't think people do want to believe it. Look at what happened in the days following MJ's death. That rumor about Chandler confessing spread like wildfire even though was it clearly a poorly written hoax. I still keep hearing people refer to it. I think this shows that A) people generally want to believe Michael's innocence, and B) people uncritically accept what they are told. The latter part is unfortunate because so many media and public figures have repeatedly insinuated or even flat out stated that Michael is a pedophile. As Michael said, if people hear a lie often enough they start to believe it.

I think what is really hurting Michael's case is the 1993 accusation. There is a general understanding that the 2005 case was weak. The problem is that whatever doubts people had about the 1993 case were destroyed when the second accusation arose. People were willing to believe the allegations, especially since a number was being done on Michael's image with the Bashir documentary and everything else. It's not that people believe the Arvizos, but that the Arvizo claims made the public more willing to believe the Chandlers' claim. That is what it comes down to. It is the fact that the Chandler case was settled that makes so many people uncertain about Michael's innocence. That Jordan still hasn't come forward now that he is an adult away from his parent's control probably implicitly confirms in people's minds that his parents didn't put him up to it.

That is what we are up against. I do think, though, that if Gavin came forward it would help Michael and make people rethink their opinion of the 1993 case.
I don't think people do want to believe it. Look at what happened in the days following MJ's death. That rumor about Chandler confessing spread like wildfire even though was it clearly a poorly written hoax. I still keep hearing people refer to it. I think this shows that A) people generally want to believe Michael's innocence, and B) people uncritically accept what they are told. The latter part is unfortunate because so many media and public figures have repeatedly insinuated or even flat out stated that Michael is a pedophile. As Michael said, if people hear a lie often enough they start to believe it.

I think what is really hurting Michael's case is the 1993 accusation. There is a general understanding that the 2005 case was weak. The problem is that whatever doubts people had about the 1993 case were destroyed when the second accusation arose. People were willing to believe the allegations, especially since a number was being done on Michael's image with the Bashir documentary and everything else. It's not that people believe the Arvizos, but that the Arvizo claims made the public more willing to believe the Chandlers' claim. That is what it comes down to. It is the fact that the Chandler case was settled that makes so many people uncertain about Michael's innocence. That Jordan still hasn't come forward now that he is an adult away from his parent's control probably implicitly confirms in people's minds that his parents didn't put him up to it.

That is what we are up against. I do think, though, that if Gavin came forward it would help Michael and make people rethink their opinion of the 1993 case.

Well said, I agree with that. It would be much more helpful if Jordie Chandler came forward and admitted he lied. That would help Michael more since most of the public sees the 20 million dollar payoff as an admission of guilt.
So you guys do believe that the public will turn around when the liars confess they truely are liars. So you want ppl to believe proven liars.
Honestly... I don't think that will ever happen.

I think what should happen to those ppl is just that (even more since I do not believe they will ever come forward with the truth) nobody intelligent should really take them serious ever again.
I really hope they read this. And I really, really hope their conscience pains them to tell the truth. It would be a dream come true if those kids fessed up and exonerated him. This is critical for his children more than anyone in this world now so that they can grow up free of all the slurs, free of persecution because of a stigma attached to Michael - all because of LIES. Think of the children!!!
Can Jordie confess without violating the whole agreement? I found this on the Internet. Dont know if its reliable or not.

Jackson's settlement with Chandler, like any well-crafted
confidentiality agreement, binds not only the parties themselves but
also their "heirs, administrators, executors, conservators,
successors, and assigns."

Confidentiality would only apply to the things that were said and done in the case and settlement process, not to the things outside of them. So as far as confidentiality goes, Jordan could say that Michael did nothing to him because it doesn't relate to the making of the settlement.

Paragraph 9 of the settlement agreement relates to this. The agreement says the executors and heirs of MJ could sue, but the breach lies in profiting. I think as long as Jordan did not make money off of it, he could recant publicly.
I really hope they read this.

Me too. I've never heard of Eurweb before. It's a California-based medium? Is it popular? I wonder if the Arvizo's will see it. Regardless, I hope the letter gets lots of public attention. It is such a plain, honest argument in favor of Michael's innocence.
Lately, on reflections I've been laying a whole heap of blame directly with JC and the Arvizos. They are responsible for all the pain Michael endured, the suffering and humilitation he went through and the subsequent pressures laid on him by a media thriving on claims of molestation. So I am with Arja on this.

Wont make a blind bit of difference though, as much as I have a small amount of hope that there is some decency left in this world that will make them come forward and clear his name, a bigger part of me feels that a letter such as this will fall on deaf ears. abit this the same gavin who was mikes friend in LWMJ? =/ i know i sound ignorant but i thought they were friends?
I am so moved by this letter. You think you start to deal with MJ's passing and then you go read and see things like this and you realise that no, this mourning thing is'nt over yet. I cry every minute now over the slightest thing.

For years I've always prayed and hoped that these people would come out publically and confess their wrong doing, but it never happened. The pain Michael must've been dealing with all these years is unimaginable to us as fans. I would certainly hope what these peole could'nt do in life they will now find the decency to do in death.

I'll always love you Michael Jackson!
I have remained silent for many years, but I can no longer do so. Right now I struggle to find the words to adequately write this letter, as I am so filled with anger towards you and pain for the Jackson family.
^ This is the part that impacts me the most. Next is the fact that she knew this family and she knew Michael and has been carrying this burden of knowing what the Arvizo family put Michael through just for monetary gain.

Yeah, I'm a little pissed off now too.
lilsusie I wish I could agree with it...
but there was a jury of 12 ppl not believing that family knowing all evidence existing. If that doesn't clear Michaels name I don't have much faith anything else will.

If they were to come out and clear their conscience and tell the truth, I really think it would solve the problems.

Too many think Michael just got out of it because of his money (ie, if he was a regular joe he'd have been placed in jail), and because he was 'rich and famous' they let him off the hook. abit this the same gavin who was mikes friend in LWMJ? =/ i know i sound ignorant but i thought they were friends?

Yeah, it is the same one! The other crazy thing is that his mum stood up for Michael and said he is a great guy and helped them very much in 'Take 2' (hosted by Maury Povich), and then shortly after that she turns around accuses Michael of all sorts of nonsense.
Usually when an infamous so called "predater" dies, the media chase down his/her victims so that they can express their feelings about their tormentors know, they come on tv saying stuff like, "now that he's gone, he won't be able to harm anyone else", (boohoohoo). No chance of that happening here, especially if the self-proclaimed "victims" are somewhere grieving their predater's death out of guilt...that is, if they have a soul. Did any of them attend the memorial? Afterall, no one knows what they look like now. The media can find pictures and video of the raid in 2003 and splash them all over the news but they don't bother looking for the FAKE victims that brought on that mess??? Hmmm...I wonder why? His a$$ is 19 now. No need to protect his identity--after all, we know the media NEVER gives a damn about protecting kids' privacy anyway. Just look at the checkout lines in any grocery store. I've seen at least 5 magazines with Michael's kids on the front cover when I went to walmart yesterday. Michael did everything in his power to prevent this from happening. I've seen those kids more in 2 WEEKS than I've seen them in the last 12 YEARS!

The media can find his punk a$$. They want to keep this lie going because a guilty MJ is more profitable than an innocent one. They choose who they want to interview VERY CAREFULLY. We will never see people like Geraldine Hughes & Ms. Pryor on TV who was actually there or in Ms. Hughes case, did extensive research on those false allegations.

I never want to see that punk again. I use to love a lot of the footage from LWMJ but I refuse to watch it, especially now. Listening to Bashit and seeing that punk on there makes my blood boil. If he chooses to tell the truth, I hope he does it like Ms. Pryor and maybe have that crooked attorney of his hold a press conference and read the letter there. Then they can crawl back in their holes and never be heard from again. I'm not holding my breath but that's my wish for Michael and his entire family.
If they were to come out and clear their conscience and tell the truth, I really think it would solve the problems.

Too many think Michael just got out of it because of his money (ie, if he was a regular joe he'd have been placed in jail), and because he was 'rich and famous' they let him off the hook.

I also think that they should tell the truth -- Mechi, we believe that MJ was innocent, but so many journalists again and again tell about their doubts. First they tell the truth, in the next sentence they question it...

There are many mass media theories running against MJ: If you tell anything often enough it becomes a truth (thats how suggestion works, in positive and terrible ways); the opinion offered first is believed by the most people;

You know... i know far too many people who just have a "bad feeling"

and these bad feelings are there because MJ gave money to the first accuser (whoever said he should do that should lose his job as PR-person and pray for forgiveness). And simply the existence of a second case is prove enough for many.

Both young men should tell what really happened.

It has to be, no matter what costs.

I am sure that the Jackson family would never sue them! Maybe it is necessary to tell them (the accusers) that...??
There are many mass media theories running against MJ: If you tell anything often enough it becomes a truth (thats how suggestion works, in positive and terrible ways); the opinion offered first is believed by the most people;
Adolph Hitler also said this.
God bless her, but Jordan Chandler needs to do the same. I expect he is hiding somewhere, and let us not forget Jason Francia.

These three young men will have no hiding place in the next world. I agree that as fans of a man who had such a gentle soul we must not advocate or support any act of violence, however they must know that there are people out there who would not show our level of restraint, or respect for the law.

These cowards need to come forward, when Michael met his maker he did so with a pure soul. These three will arrive at the pearly gates and find a big No Entry sign waiting for them, if they can't do it for Michael's family they should do it to save their own miserable souls - if any of them have one.
and these bad feelings are there because MJ gave money to the first accuser (whoever said he should do that should lose his job as PR-person and pray for forgiveness). And simply the existence of a second case is prove enough for many.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't a *PR person*, but a qualified lawyer who did what was best for Michael's case. Remember, he only settled the civil lawsuit (while still denying all wrongdoing) which preceded the criminal suit and would have drained the defense. Chandler could still have testified in the criminal trial and pursued, ahem, "justice", but he didn't. Which proves that they were only after the money. The media of course presented it as hush money, although it was far from it.
It's so sad how the public isn't interested in the truth, just sensationalism - not only don't they bother to look into it themselves, they even ignore the true reports that just don't sound controversial enough. :rolleyes:
God bless her, but Jordan Chandler needs to do the same. I expect he is hiding somewhere, and let us not forget Jason Francia.

These three young men will have no hiding place in the next world. I agree that as fans of a man who had such a gentle soul we must not advocate or support any act of violence, however they must know that there are people out there who would not show our level of restraint, or respect for the law.

These cowards need to come forward, when Michael met his maker he did so with a pure soul. These three will arrive at the pearly gates and find a big No Entry sign waiting for them, if they can't do it for Michael's family they should do it to save their own miserable souls - if any of them have one.

you're right, i just hope they come forward. in fact, what are they waiting for?
Just found this and wasn't even looking. Do you think its true?

Jordan Chandler: “Michael Jackson Never Touched Me”

June 29, 2009 by Richie

Michael’s accuser went to the press today; he said that he could no longer live the lie and keep the secret that he has been keeping since 1993. Michael never touched him. The boy claims that his father ordered him to go and report that he had been sexually abused by the pop star on several different occasions. “It was my father’s way of saving his family from the poor house; he convinced me that it was my duty to help him make us all rich, promising me anything that I wanted for doing it.” Evan Chandler reportedly confessed.

The now young man says that his biggest regret was not seeking out Michael Jackson and begging him for his forgiveness. “Now I will never be able to tell him just how truly sorry I am, I was young and just doing what I was told.” Evan realizes how much he destroyed Michael and he would do anything to take back some of the pain that his father caused.
