Open Letter to Michael Jackson's Accuser - by Chris Tucker's Ex

hmmm to me they do look like fools already now... maybe that's where we are different lol
Thank you azja!

Unfortnately i doubt they will come out to say the truth, they too gutless & weak to.
As i sit here listening to "will u be there" , i just wanna ask gavin/ arvizo : Will u be there for mike now? Or wil u forever hold ur peace?
This is amazing! Since Michael's death I've been thinking about this, about the boy. It's not his fault and you know he must be going through mental hell. Although, if you tell a lie long enough you start to believe it yourself. But in light of the truth, in his own mind it must be killing him.

It's time for him to come forward. We won't hold it against him. He's lost the best friend he's ever had. I don't care what happens to the other people involved but now is the time to vindicate Michael from the innocent accuser's own mouth. I can't imagine it though. Talk about can of worms. He would be turning on his own family and that would be a seriously difficult decision. We the fans would have to embrace him if he did.

Oooh, the writer hit the nail on the head. The accusers conspired to hit Michael in his softest spot. I know this from personal experience. He paid those people off to get it over with, NOT because he was guilty.

I'm preaching to the choir, huh? :)
Amazing letter. made me cry. Michael doesnt doesnt deserve what they've done to him. i only wonder how these people dont understand that they are held liable before God?
Even if Gavin and Jordan never come out in public and set the record straight, I hope this really affects their conscience emotionally and mentally.

To put it bluntly:

If they did come forward and tell the truth, a spark of hope for humanity would ignite the world again. It would for me. *IF* they do, we will CELEBRATE and dance in the streets!

Edit: Oh by the way, Thank you so much for finding this. It figures it would come from somewhere outside the U.S. I sent the link to our local TV news stations. This should be on Entertainment Tonight but I doubt that they would dredge this up again unless the family came forward and confessed. Can you imagine if they did? :D
ok ppl whatever you want to comment here... threatening anyone will imediately be reported and lead to taking this thread off!
Also we do have enough drama going on I think... and this is the past.
Michael was proven innocent by court, to me nobody could have told the family better and clearer what losers they truely are than the simple verdict told at court ... but ok for those to whom it feels good to digg in the past... just please try to controll yourselves... don't do drama... and better behave.
Thank you for taking a strong stand on threatening. That would be very ugly, and I would hate to see it.

I disagree, though, that this is the past. Every time Michael's name comes up outside of fan circles the words "child molester" and "pedophile" inevitably come up. It's not the past. It's the present. To say that it is in the past because he was acquitted ignores the reality that many people don't believe or are in doubt as to his innocence. As long as the media and the public keep bringing it up, it is not in the past.
Thank you for taking a strong stand on threatening. That would be very ugly, and I would hate to see it.

I disagree, though, that this is the past. Every time Michael's name comes up outside of fan circles the words "child molester" and "pedophile" inevitably come up. It's not the past. It's the present. To say that it is in the past because he was acquitted ignores the reality that many people don't believe or are in doubt as to his innocence. As long as the media and the public keep bringing it up, it is not in the past.

I think you got me a bit wrong... and maybe cuz it's my bad english... but if you follow my other posts in here maybe my point will get more clear.

Innocense is nothing to prove.
To me guilt has to be proven.
It never was. end of story.

Neither media nor some other fools will turn this around with me and I will always pretty clear have a stand of that if I should be confronted with it.
Here I am not. This smells to me as if Michael still has to prove his innocense although the truth is all out there easily to see for everybody already. Some just would never see it even if it would jump like trampoline in their faces again and again and again... but those are the fools.
The formerly accusers saying the truth... will not really 'change' a thing what's not already out there... there was NEVER ANY EVIDENCE. I do have my doubts the say of knowingly lyers will suddenly make ppl see who are blind because they want to be blind.
Ok... can't put it better into english... but hope you understand a bit better where I'm coming from.
Thank you for taking a strong stand on threatening. That would be very ugly, and I would hate to see it.

I disagree, though, that this is the past. Every time Michael's name comes up outside of fan circles the words "child molester" and "pedophile" inevitably come up. It's not the past. It's the present. To say that it is in the past because he was acquitted ignores the reality that many people don't believe or are in doubt as to his innocence. As long as the media and the public keep bringing it up, it is not in the past.

That's right...even though he's been cleared legally speaking, the label of child abuser is still there and will be brought up over and over when someone mentions his name...Michael doesn't deserve that, never did. Michael doesn't have a voice anymore, so others have to be that for him. Haters will always hate, can't change that, but that isn't the point.
What I don't understand about the whole Gavin accusations and trial is this: Michael was found innocent, BUT this automatically leads to the fact that Gavin lied. Wouldn't be natural that the justice punish a liar who made an innocent's man live a nightmare???
That's right...even though he's been cleared legally speaking, the label of child abuser is still there and will be brought up over and over when someone mentions his name...Michael doesn't deserve that, never did. Michael doesn't have a voice anymore, so others have to be that for him.

We're that voice. :) But it sure would be sweet to hear it from his accusers.
Even if Gavin and Jordan never come out in public and set the record straight, I hope this really affects their conscience emotionally and mentally.

To put it bluntly:


They ARE because they have to hide from MJ fans!
What I don't understand about the whole Gavin accusations and trial is this: Michael was found innocent, BUT this automatically leads to the fact that Gavin lied. Wouldn't be natural that the justice punish a liar who made an innocent's man live a nightmare???

Right. And that's the can of worms if he came forward and confessed. He wouldn't actually be the one in trouble (I don't think) because he was a minor and manipulated by adults. The adults would be in deep crap and I can't see an adult/child making amends now and putting family in jeopardy. It would be nice though. :)
that letter is a tear jerker. i like that she mentioned his age and that he should know better now. these liars should come forward though, court does clear names, but the mature , good thing to do is apologize if your a liar and destroy peoples lives. is this kid as an adult as evil as his parents now..

sadly people don't think innocent until proven guilty in this country or EVEN if your proven innocent you still have that cloud over you. only in movies do they have a happy ending in courts it seems. these families are evil. imagine being accused of something you did not do. wow. poor michael. knowing your innocent, you still live in hell.
If I knew a way to contact Ms. Pryor, I would let her know how much I am grateful that she, Chris Tucker, and the Casios, etc. were around during the whole Arvizo "kidnapping" by Michael Jackson. I am glad that Eurweb was willing to publish her letter for the public (at least, the black reading public since Eurweb is geared towards African-Americans) to read and process.

Because of the Chandlers, Francias, Arvizos and the other leaches who smiled in his face and then turned around and stabbed him in the back, Michael Jackson is no longer here. I blame it all on them, particularly the Chandlers. Right now, I don't care if this statement is rational. It probably isn't, but I'm saying it anyway.

Reading that letter just brought the whole trial back to me: the picture of Michael in handcuffs, the mugshot, the circus-like media coverage, the rehashing of the 1993 allegations, Diane Dimond, Nancy Grace, Gloria Allred, Lisa Bloom, Jeanne Pirro, Wendy Murphy. Tom Sneddon and company. And I thought what Michael went through in 1993/94 was bad.

Then there was this business of everyone and their mama being all up and through Michael's finances. Does anyone have any idea how detrimental that may have been to any business ventures he hoped to partake in? How was he going to continue generating money if you've got the media and God knows who orchestrating this rubbish?

This letter dredged all of this back up. And it has me angry all over again. I can't seem to stop grieving even after I think I've finally gotten to a place where I was okay. Even when I think I've finally accepted that God has taken this brother to a more peaceful place, I get upset once again. With me reacting in this manner, I can't even begin to imagine how the Jacksons are faring; how this loss will affect his beloved children.

I don't see Jordan Chandler, Jason Francia or Gavin Arvizo (or whatever the frek he's answering these days) coming forward to admit squat. I would truly love for them to prove me wrong. I would especially love for Jordan to prove me wrong because it is him and his father who set this whole business in motion. I should probably have faith in the impossible, but I've chosen not to hold my breath.

I am so incensed.
they wouldnt have to do an interview or anything like that. just a press release. nobody knows what that kid looks like nowadays. he has no reason not to come clean unless he is wanting to go to hell.
*Massive APPLAUSE!!!!*

I read the whole letter and it is very well thought out and produced.

And 100 % the Truth! Well done Ms. Pryor!! :clap:

And thanks for posting this by the way. :)
they wouldnt have to do an interview or anything like that. just a press release. nobody knows what that kid looks like nowadays. he has no reason not to come clean unless he is wanting to go to hell.

KARMA!He deserves this, he has put MJ through extreme hell! :mad:
I think if either came out and said Michael never committed any crime, his name would be cleared.

I almost got into a punch up with this loser from work because he was telling me that Michael was accused once, and once only and that Michael paid 20 million dollars to settle the 2005 case.

Here I am trying to make him understand certain facts about BOTH cases, and he was talking over me telling me I had no idea what I was talking about.
What I don't understand about the whole Gavin accusations and trial is this: Michael was found innocent, BUT this automatically leads to the fact that Gavin lied.
No, it does not. All it means technically is that guilt could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Lack of proof does not mean there is a lie. There are many cases where a party is telling the truth but does not have enough evidence to prove her or his claim. I don't think that is the case with Gavin, but there is still not enough evidence to prove legally that he lied.

Innocense is nothing to prove.
To me guilt has to be proven.
It never was. end of story.

Neither media nor some other fools will turn this around with me and I will always pretty clear have a stand of that if I should be confronted with it.
Here I am not. This smells to me as if Michael still has to prove his innocense although the truth is all out there easily to see for everybody already. Some just would never see it even if it would jump like trampoline in their faces again and again and again... but those are the fools.
The formerly accusers saying the truth... will not really 'change' a thing what's not already out there... there was NEVER ANY EVIDENCE. I do have my doubts the say of knowingly lyers will suddenly make ppl see who are blind because they want to be blind.
Ok... can't put it better into english... but hope you understand a bit better where I'm coming from.
I see what you're saying. I do think that if the accusers came forward that it would change people's opinions. A lot of people don't realize how little evidence there was and some people think Michael just bought his way out of the case. A confession by the accusers would definitely prove that Michael was innocent. I agree that he shouldn't have to keep trying to prove his innocence, but unfortunately those are the circumstances, at least in the U.S. where public opinion towards him has been very negative.
I pray one day either Gavin or Jordan comes forth and tells the truth. It would be amazing to clear Michael's name in the eye of the public and only this would do it. Please Gavin and Jordan...tell the truth. It won't be you who gets in trouble it will be your parents! Michael deserves to be cleared of this nonsense.
I hope they do the right thing... thats my only wish.

I think Arvizos are terrified for what will happen IF they confess - will the Jackson family sue their ass off for instance?

Can Jordie confess without violating the whole agreement? I found this on the Internet. Dont know if its reliable or not.

Jackson's settlement with Chandler, like any well-crafted
confidentiality agreement, binds not only the parties themselves but
also their "heirs, administrators, executors, conservators,
successors, and assigns." The death of Jackson, or Chandler for that
matter, would have no effect on the settlement's secrecy obligations. Generally speaking, contractual rights extend to a party's heirs even if the contract fails to make that point explicit. Death voids a contractual obligation only if the person who died was himself central to the performance of the contract. For example, if Chandler had agreed to cut Jackson's hair every month, Jackson's death would have released Chandler from his responsibilities. Chandler might argue that the confidentiality provision in the 1994 settlement was personal to Jackson—it was solely for his benefit and, now that he's gone, the obligation should be dissolved. However, Jackson's heirs could make the straightforward case that they rely on a stream of income (royalties on record sales, licensing fees, etc.) that is partially dependent on Jackson's reputation. If the Internet rumor turns out to be true, and Chandler has, indeed, breached the settlement agreement, then Jackson's estate or heirs can sue him for breach of contract. Most agreements stipulate that if the plaintiff spills the beans, he must either return the entire settlement amount or a specified sum (usually less than the original settlement) plus legal expenses. But many people don't bother to enforce confidentiality agreements for two reasons. The vast majority of settlements (unlike Chandler's $15.3 million windfall, after legal fees) are relatively small. Most plaintiffs have relatively modest assets to start with, and they quickly become judgment proof by blowing the settlement money on everyday expenses. Also, a second lawsuit would only drag out the media circus and could make Jackson's family look as if it's trying to bully the victim. That may be why the Catholic Church has declined to sue loose-lipped victims of molestation by priests. The most common and effective use of the confidentiality agreement is to get a court order silencing potential blabbermouths before they start talking. Oprah Winfrey has used this tactic successfully against former associates who threatened to go public about their time in Oprah's employ. Violating a private confidentiality agreement is one thing; disobeying a judge is something entirely different.

Even with a cooperative plaintiff, confidentiality agreements are not particularly reliable. Courts have, at times, voided the provisions because they can be at odds with the public interest. For example, Jeffrey Wigand, the former Brown & Williamson scientist who was portrayed by Russell Crowe in The Insider, was released from his confidentiality agreement in order to publicize controversial research conducted by the tobacco industry. Confidentiality agreements that do not contravene public policy can still be superseded by a subpoena in a criminal case, a doctrine that Michael Jackson learned during his 2005 molestation trial as he watched a parade of employees reveal his secrets.

A wonderful, hearbreaking letter. Michael was put through so much. I hope the Arvizo's do the right thing, but I think they are gutless cowards and I'd be suprised if The Arvizo's or Chandler's ever came forward, but I am happy Azja Pryor wrote this. It needed to be said and what makes her story more credible is that Azja actually knew the Arvizo's personally.

And I agree with those who said that regardless of the acquittal people still believe MJ's guilty of those charges. A lot of people believe his celebrity and money "got him off" so no, unfortunately, his acquittal meant nothing to some people. Only Jordan and Gavin or their families could ever truly help to clear Michael's name, but I doubt that will ever happen. I just wanna know how they can live with themselves knowing what they've done? They 'caused MJ tons of umaginable stress, heartache and ruined his reputation. How can these people sleep at night.
A wonderful, hearbreaking letter. Michael was put through so much. I hope the Arvizo's do the right thing, but I think they are gutless cowards and I'd be suprised if The Arvizo's or Chandler's ever came forward, but I am happy Azja Pryor wrote this. It needed to be said and what makes her story more credible is that Azja actually knew the Arvizo's personally.

And I agree with those who said that regardless of the acquittal people still believe MJ's guilty of those charges. A lot of people believe his celebrity and money "got him off" so no, unfortunately, his acquittal meant nothing to some people. Only Jordan and Gavin or their families could ever truly help to clear Michael's name, but I doubt that will ever happen. I just wanna know how they can live with themselves knowing what they've done? They 'caused MJ tons of umaginable stress, heartache and ruined his reputation. How can these people sleep at night.

That's easy.. Because they are cowards!I clearly doubt the two families actually cared about MJ, just his money :mad: