Open Letter to Michael Jackson's Accuser - by Chris Tucker's Ex

I so want the truth to come out! But people will only believe what they want, if the truth was told people would still come up with stories that it was'nt true and that they were being payed of, or something!
very true. fans saw that alot in 03-05. even when u had claims of ppl being made to disapear in hot air ballons and being held hostage while hanging with celebs in florida and going on shipping sprees and the craziness over all the clocks being hidden or broken in the ranch and the blantent lies re the porn mag dates. haters will alway hate even if chandler came clean for example they would just say they were paid to say it.ppl used to say at the time if god himself came down and told them mj was innocent they wouldnt believe it
Most people do not read court cases. I did not even read those documents because they are long-winded, boring, and confusing at times. Most people did not come to their conclusion about the case by reading 'tabloids'. They read the clip notes and looked at the news. That is what I did and you can a good summery on the case on wikipedia.

The average Joe is not going to waste time looking up a case that does not effect them. They do what million of people do and watch the news for their information. The problem was and still is, is that the media was bias. Unless someone went out of their way to look up certain information, Michael does look like he could be guilty of something.

The general public do not believe the boy in the case was molest, but Michael's personality leans towards someone who could molest a child. That is how the media portray him. So, calling people ignorance because they are not willing to read thousands of pages of court docs is not far. For most, Michael was found not guilty and that is the end of that for them.
They don't have to read documents. If you haven't researched something or don't know enough about something. Shut your face and don't make a comment about it as if you know it to be true. You means general public.
pretty much. the media are a dangerous weapon. as the saying goes the pen is mighter than the sword. modern day from of brainwashing. why do you think a taxi driver shouted pedo at fans and mjs hotel window as he drove past in london in march? cause he sits in his cab all day reading the sun or mirror so hes been brainwashed. he has no clue about facts of the case. hes just as MJ would say an ignorant fool whos opinions are irrelevent cause he has no knowlege of the case.just beleives whatever his paper/media outlets tell him to believe. as mj said prejudice is ignorance. prejudice based on a lack of knowledge and believing sterotypes on a certain members of this board during 03-05 used to say to haters. go read the transcripts them come back and discuss the subject. cause you cant have an opinion/argument about something u know nothing about
well said. well said.
It isn't realistic to think that people are going to shut up simply because they haven't researched a subject. People are out there talking about all kinds of things they know little about. A lack of knowledge has never stopped anybody from spouting off. :lol: I've also noticed, it's often the ones who know LITTLE about a subject who are the most often listened to. Probably because of the pushy way they make their point.

BUT MY POINT WAS...if you want to change minds, calling people names is just going to turn them off and shut down their hearts/minds. It's counter productive.

Now, if you (general) just want to feel superior, or just want to argue and fight and call people names, that's another thing entirely. You can do that, but keep in mind, people won't be seeing "Michael" when they look at you, so in a way you'll really be muddying up his legacy.
More people should do the same as Ms. Pryor did. Madonna said we (AS IN THE SHOWBIZZ COMMUNITY and some fans) abandoned Michael, True. Because of this mess that the accuser's family had caused even the 1st Accuser who really rocked his world. This man had all demons in his sleep at night and couldn't sleep peacefully since it happened to him. After all he's been though and Won The Case in 2005,he still had to deal with exaccused Childmolester before they say anything positive Now that it's not proven that he did anything,He couldn't even do a comeback concert because he was at the hands of a jerk that didn't know what he was really doing(or Did He ?) without the proper equiptment to help this man comeback to life incase something goes wrong like the doctor not monitoring Michael while he's dying in a room with a needle drip in his arm. ALL THESE PEOPLE WHO HURT MICHAEL JACKSON WILL PAY THE PRICE WHEN THEY STAND BEFORE THE LORD.THEY WON"T BE ABLE TO JUSTIFY WHY THEY DID THIS TO HIM AND EXPLAIN WHY THERE WAS SUCH A NEED TO GET HIS MONEY AND TO DESTROY A PERSON THAT DID NOTHING BUT SPREAD HIS LOVE AND KINDNESS TO PEOPLE IN NEED.
Most people do not read court cases. I did not even read those documents because they are long-winded, boring, and confusing at times. Most people did not come to their conclusion about the case by reading 'tabloids'. They read the clip notes and looked at the news. That is what I did and you can a good summery on the case on wikipedia.
Do you mean "cliff notes"? :unsure:

I think probably 70% of people got their info from lame-stream media, and 30% from tabloids. Unfortunately these days, there isn't a lot of difference.

The average Joe is not going to waste time looking up a case that does not effect them. They do what million of people do and watch the news for their information. The problem was and still is, is that the media was bias. Unless someone went out of their way to look up certain information, Michael does look like he could be guilty of something.
I think this too. Michael did a horrible job speaking for himself and defending himself to the public. I don't know how much his PR people had to do with his statement or lack of statements at the time, but I do know his PR people did a HORRIBLE job protecting his image and a HORRIBLE job of getting the right image out there. (Who Michael REALLY was.)

The average person doesn't/didn't have time, nor interest, in delving further into something that looked so glaringly settled, (because that is what the media wanted people to think - that Michael was guilty, end of story.)

The general public do not believe the boy in the case was molest, but Michael's personality leans towards someone who could molest a child. That is how the media portray him. So, calling people ignorance because they are not willing to read thousands of pages of court docs is not far.
If you mean "not fair" then I agree.

For most, Michael was found not guilty and that is the end of that for them.
I do think there are still a lot of people out there who think people were paid off though. Just because Michael had money some people will assume he paid people off, because he COULD. Kinda like what we're seeing with a lot of other allegations flying around here. ;)
<<<<I think this too. Michael did a horrible job speaking for himself and defending himself to the public.>>. To me, Michael spoke just fine however the media will find a way to twist things. Look how they do the President Obama and he is VERY clear in what he say. Media does things for their own agenda.
I think this too. Michael did a horrible job speaking for himself and defending himself to the public.

do you mean the bashit documentary ?

if so then listen dear:

Bashit was the one who asked MJ to talk about children , he was the one who convinced mj the more he talked about his relationship with children the more the public would understand his postion .

Bashit told mj because of the documentary and the talk about how much important kids were to him , he was going to guarantee him a meeting with Kofi Anan to discuss issues and causes that concerns children around the world .

Bashit told mj all the money generated from the documentary would go to charity and made mj sign paper releasing Bashit and the tv behind him from any financial obligations toward him.

when the documentary was aired in the UK, mj knew Bashit was shady and contacted the company which produced the documentary ,when he asked where the profits were going , they replied "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS ".

Martin insisted that MJ should bring a group of young children to neverland that group should not be less than 50 child , and that would have helped the cause of the documentary . THAT WAS MARTIN'S IDEA NOT MJ'S .

Martin asked mj to invite Macaulay Culkin to neverland so he could join mj in this documentary , but for some reason mj could not get Mac . MJ invited then Dave Dave to neverland and Bashit did interview him and he also interviewed Gavin.

Now do you know why Bashit wanted Macaulay in the documentary ? I 'll tell you dear , to highlight the allegations of 1993 and suggest that this very beloved child star very well known around the world may have been a victim of Michael Jackson . could you even imagine the damage Bashit was planing to do? just the suggestion that mj was molesting mac in that documentary which was broad casted in 110 countries around the world would have destroyed mj more than Gavin allegations did . mac the boy who is very famous and represent everything people love about children was going to be presented to the audience in 110 countries as a most probably victim of sexual abuse by the Devil MJ .

when mac did not come , Bashit was left with either Dave or Gavin . Dave with his burned face and his heartbreaking story humanized mj alot and showed that no matter what the kid looked like mj was there to help and there was no sick feelings toward these children but someone who was just trying to help , and Gavin with his head on mj's shoulder .

that shot gave Bashit what he wanted , to try and suggest that mj was a pedo and his relationship with children was not at all innocent and this boy was probably a victim of him .

How come mj could have known that? how come mj knew that martin asked him to bring a 50 child to neverland and then claim " I was very disturbed by this , because he was previously accused of molesting boys , but he still invited children to his ranch "

He asked mj to bring Mac and when mac was not available he chose Gavin over Dave because gavin's head on mj's shoulder meant alot more sensationalism and then suggested he was very disturbed by the kid appearance on the documentary and why he would have been invited to neverland in the first place when mj was accused before of molesting boys .

please before you know the whole story , don't judge mj , he had no idea what that evil pig Bashit had for him .

everything in that documentary was staged by Bashit and then he appeared on ABC saying " I was very shocked and disturbed by this behaviour , this man was accused of molesting boys , yet he continues to invite those children to his ranch ." it was Martin's idea not MJ .
read Mez questioning of Bashit, all I'm talking about was brought up by Mez and Bashit refused to answer any question, he knew what he did exactly . God has a special hell for him , sneddon, evan , katz , rothman, feldman , jordan , gavin, star , zonan and jason .
William, I wasn't referring to the Bashit :hysterical: documentary, although if MJ didn't suspect Bashit, then his PR people at least should have been a little suspicious. That was their JOB, and they should've been on top of it. I can understand MJ not being suspicious because he was such a trusting person. (All the more reason his PR people needed to screen these people!)

I was referring more to when MJ made his tv appearance and asked that people wait to judge him. I remember the reaction to that being that people were disgusted by his appearance, so they were more apt to believe he was capable of being a child molester. He didn't do himself any favors! I think that appearance just worked against him. And then he settled with the Chandlers so people assumed that MJ paid them off. :doh:

everything in that documentary was staged by Bashit and then he appeared on ABC saying " I was very shocked and disturbed by this behaviour , this man was accused of molesting boys , yet he continues to invite those children to his ranch ." it was Martin's idea not MJ .
Totally agree. The whole thing was one big set-up. :angry:
I think this too. Michael did a horrible job speaking for himself and defending himself to the public.

To me, Michael spoke just fine however the media will find a way to twist things.

I think you're both right. He was too natural and honest for this jaded world to handle. In PR terms - Yeah, some bad bad moves. As far as humanity goes - I'll take untainted and real over some false image any day.
do you mean the bashit documentary ?

if so then listen dear:

Bashit was the one who asked MJ to talk about children , he was the one who convinced mj the more he talked about his relationship with children the more the public would understand his postion .

Bashit told mj because of the documentary and the talk about how much important kids were to him , he was going to guarantee him a meeting with Kofi Anan to discuss issues and causes that concerns children around the world .

Bashit told mj all the money generated from the documentary would go to charity and made mj sign paper releasing Bashit and the tv behind him from any financial obligations toward him.

when the documentary was aired in the UK, mj knew Bashit was shady and contacted the company which produced the documentary ,when he asked where the profits were going , they replied "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS ".

Martin insisted that MJ should bring a group of young children to neverland that group should not be less than 50 child , and that would have helped the cause of the documentary . THAT WAS MARTIN'S IDEA NOT MJ'S .

Martin asked mj to invite Macaulay Culkin to neverland so he could join mj in this documentary , but for some reason mj could not get Mac . MJ invited then Dave Dave to neverland and Bashit did interview him and he also interviewed Gavin.

Now do you know why Bashit wanted Macaulay in the documentary ? I 'll tell you dear , to highlight the allegations of 1993 and suggest that this very beloved child star very well known around the world may have been a victim of Michael Jackson . could you even imagine the damage Bashit was planing to do? just the suggestion that mj was molesting mac in that documentary which was broad casted in 110 countries around the world would have destroyed mj more than Gavin allegations did . mac the boy who is very famous and represent everything people love about children was going to be presented to the audience in 110 countries as a most probably victim of sexual abuse by the Devil MJ .

when mac did not come , Bashit was left with either Dave or Gavin . Dave with his burned face and his heartbreaking story humanized mj alot and showed that no matter what the kid looked like mj was there to help and there was no sick feelings toward these children but someone who was just trying to help , and Gavin with his head on mj's shoulder .

that shot gave Bashit what he wanted , to try and suggest that mj was a pedo and his relationship with children was not at all innocent and this boy was probably a victim of him .

How come mj could have known that? how come mj knew that martin asked him to bring a 50 child to neverland and then claim " I was very disturbed by this , because he was previously accused of molesting boys , but he still invited children to his ranch "

He asked mj to bring Mac and when mac was not available he chose Gavin over Dave because gavin's head on mj's shoulder meant alot more sensationalism and then suggested he was very disturbed by the kid appearance on the documentary and why he would have been invited to neverland in the first place when mj was accused before of molesting boys .

please before you know the whole story , don't judge mj , he had no idea what that evil pig Bashit had for him .

everything in that documentary was staged by Bashit and then he appeared on ABC saying " I was very shocked and disturbed by this behaviour , this man was accused of molesting boys , yet he continues to invite those children to his ranch ." it was Martin's idea not MJ .

I totally agree with everything u said on here :clapping:
I think probably 70% of people got their info from lame-stream media, and 30% from tabloids. Unfortunately these days, there isn't a lot of difference.
and thats the problem when u have ppl like reuters blatently lieing about motion rulings etc during the trial. saying that mj had lost important motions when he had won for example and theres no border between tabloids and mainstream when it comes to mj you have a dangerous combination. ppl have been brainwashed since 93. other than the fans the gen public no only one side of the case. the are totally unaware of the insurance settlement. unaware of the threatening phonecall by evan. amongst other things.the media dictated which way to run with the story interms of their agenda. to the point where even if they come forward and say nothing happened alot of the gen public will say they are saying it cause they feel sorry for mj now or they got given money to say it.
It isn't realistic to think that people are going to shut up simply because they haven't researched a subject. People are out there talking about all kinds of things they know little about. A lack of knowledge has never stopped anybody from spouting off. :lol: I've also noticed, it's often the ones who know LITTLE about a subject who are the most often listened to. Probably because of the pushy way they make their point.
of course but at least you know if they have no knowledge of the case and are jsut one of the brainwashed masses you know their opinion is irrelevent and they are just ignorant enough to believe what the media tell that case u can just feel sorry for them.and only care what they have to say once they have educated themselves on the said issues. thats the same with anything in life. i aint gonna care what someone who reads the daily mail (right wing paper) in the uk thinks about immigration cause i know very well what their opinion will be based on the B.S that paper prints
Haven't any of you had a random someone come out and say that MJ was a pedophile and you were upset that even to this day some still believe it? I have had arguments with people about it and there are a lot of people out there who will STILL say how wrong he was to do what he did in 'sleeping' with little boys. They don't know the facts and they hear or read the stories and don't understand.

Even Oprah has her issues with this and I am quite surprised at it myself and don't understand. The Bashir thing was disgraceful and it just shows that people are two faced and unkind in damaging ways.

I believe Michael was all about loving children. He may have had issues in his life with managers, employees and such, but I don't think the whole world looks as closely as his fans do.

I blame these accusers for destroying his life and these are the people who killed his spirit and took away what he built up and loved. It was a horrible experience for him and should never have gotten as far as it did. I blame them for his eventual death more even than I blame Dr Murray. I always felt like he had this huge heavy weight on his shoulders after all of that happened.
Haven't any of you had a random someone come out and say that MJ was a pedophile and you were upset that even to this day some still believe it? I have had arguments with people about it and there are a lot of people out there who will STILL say how wrong he was to do what he did in 'sleeping' with little boys. They don't know the facts and they hear or read the stories and don't understand.

Even Oprah has her issues with this and I am quite surprised at it myself and don't understand. The Bashir thing was disgraceful and it just shows that people are two faced and unkind in damaging ways.

I believe Michael was all about loving children. He may have had issues in his life with managers, employees and such, but I don't think the whole world looks as closely as his fans do.

I blame these accusers for destroying his life and these are the people who killed his spirit and took away what he built up and loved. It was a horrible experience for him and should never have gotten as far as it did. I blame them for his eventual death more even than I blame Dr Murray. I always felt like he had this huge heavy weight on his shoulders after all of that happened.

very true. i have no doubt mj would stil lbe here now if none of that had happened.
Given I do not believe in playing the 'what if' game, I cannot say what directly or indirectly lead to his death.

Michael had suffer from sleep problems for most of his life and it seemed to have only gotten worst as he got older. Insomnia is a very complex disorder and does not have one single cause, so I cannot say what did and what did not cause his sleeplessness. Even his Lupus could had caused his insomnia. This possibly could had happen at anytime in his life, but we can never say.

Although I do not personally believe the stuff he lived through directly or indirectly caused his death, they did nothing to enhance his quality of life either. Even if he still died the way he did, he would had lived a heather and happier life if he was not force to deal with the hardship he went through.

However, maybe all those hardship were a blessing in his life. Most people are inspire by the tragedy of their lives and maybe Michael was one of them. Given I never knew Michael or what motivated him, it is all guess work.

I kind of think of Michael's life like that episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Tapestry. The quote I am thinking of it this:

"There are many parts of my youth that I'm not proud of. There were loose threads - untidy parts of me that I would like to remove. But when I pulled on one of those threads, it unraveled the tapestry of my life."

For Michael, he would not be who he was if he did not live through what he did. Although these sad times are hard, it could ultimately make you a better person. The accusers and the media witch hunt are the tapestry of Michael's life. I think to take any of that would unraveled his life. Only God knows for sure.
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Given I do not believe in playing the 'what if' game, I cannot say what directly or indirectly lead to his death.
ofcourse but it hardly helped. and set the stage for him being offered such concerts. bashir had never happened his whole life would have taken a different path.mj was put through a year and half of hell not knowing at the end whether he would survive. when i look at pictures from back then it kills me cause he went through that hell to only get 4 more years with his kids. the bastards got him in the end one way or the other and that kills me inside
ofcourse but it hardly helped. and set the stage for him being offered such concerts. bashir had never happened his whole life would have taken a different path.mj was put through a year and half of hell not knowing at the end whether he would survive. when i look at pictures from back then it kills me cause he went through that hell to only get 4 more years with his kids. the bastards got him in the end one way or the other and that kills me inside

But would it had been a 'better' path? That is simply something you cannot guess. As Picard said:

"There are many parts of my youth that I'm not proud of. There were loose threads - untidy parts of me that I would like to remove. But when I pulled on one of those threads, it unraveled the tapestry of my life."

Maybe he would had lived longer, maybe not. Maybe he would had died during another concert tour or maybe he would had fallen down a flight of stairs and die. It one of those things in life.
But would it had been a 'better' path? That is simply something you cannot guess. As Picard said:
well it can hardly of been any worse.. end of the day bashir made alot of mjs remaining years hell. and he can go there for that. this was a thing that happened and all the other things such as going to bahrain and the hassle that bought was a direct result of thing led to another.bashir set the ball rolling for everything that happened post 05. no bashir no trial and everything that happened afterwards bahrain,mj not working creating money issues. getting involved with colony who got him invovled with thing led to another. of course anything else could have happened but i can only judge on WHAT did happen
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well it can hardly of been any worse.. end of the day bashir made alot of mjs remaining years hell. and he can go there for that. this was a thing that happened and all the other things such as going to bahrain and the hassle that bought was a direct result of thing led to another

Never say things cannot be worst. Things can always be much worst in life. For example, he could had went to jail for 20 years, lost his kids, committed suicide. Things can always be worst. It is only when you die that things cannot get worst.
ofcourse but it hardly helped. and set the stage for him being offered such concerts. bashir had never happened his whole life would have taken a different path.mj was put through a year and half of hell not knowing at the end whether he would survive. when i look at pictures from back then it kills me cause he went through that hell to only get 4 more years with his kids. the bastards got him in the end one way or the other and that kills me inside

this kills me too!:no:
i get your point but at the end of the day mj is gone, of course if he was convicted it would have been worse but he wasnt so its irrelvent. im concentrating on how we got to this point based on what did happen.everything that led to us been where we are now has a direct connection to bashir.
i get your point but at the end of the day mj is gone, of course if he was convicted it would have been worse but he wasnt so its irrelvent. im concentrating on how we got to this point based on what did happen.everything that led to us been where we are now has a direct connection to bashir.

I fail to see how Bashir directly led to Michael taking the drug that killed him, given the fact he took the exact same drug during the History Tour, but that is how I personally see it. Michael wanted to do those concerts for whatever his reasons where and I do not see a direct connection from Bashir to that. However, since I do not know the entire situation, it would arrogant of me to say for sure if that is the case.

We clearly have different philosophies on the subject, so we just have to agree to disagree. We can at least agree on the point that these events did not help his quality of life.

Btw, when I say I think you miss my point, a meant whole philosophy of the tapestry. Just wanted to clear that up.
I fail to see how Bashir directly led to Michael taking the drug that killed him,
it helped to lead to the situation where mj was doing these shows in the first place which led to using this drug. mj had said b4 he didnt want to do big tours/amounts of shows again. this was prob the reason why as he said to the sony reps.
I think Bashir definitely played a part in the mess MJ had to endure in the last 16 years of his life as far as the allegations go. I don't discount what Sundaram said in that Sneddon was looking for another kid to "get" it was bound to happen regardless of the interview with Bashir, if not him then some other way. Come hell or high water Sneddon was going to do it and he had the political and judicial power. I have to wonder what Sundaram thinks now and his knowledge of the situation back then, and what it lead to since Michael is now gone.
it helped to lead to the situation where mj was doing these shows in the first place which led to using this drug. mj had said b4 he didnt want to do big tours/amounts of shows again. this was prob the reason why as he said to the sony reps.

No offense to Michael, but he said that after every tour. He said he would never do another tour again after Bad. He also took the same drug during the History Tour, before Bashir. He also might of have taken for other tours as well.

Michael was going to do the tour for multiple reasons. It was his decision to hit the road again, it it hardly the first time he lied about not touring again.
I don't discount what Sundaram said in that Sneddon was looking for another kid to "get" it was bound to happen regardless of the interview with Bashir, if not him then some other way. Come hell or high water Sneddon was going to do it and he had the political and judicial power. I have to wonder what Sundaram thinks now and his knowledge of the situation back then, and what it lead to since Michael is now gone.
true. bashir was just the one thing that sneddon needed to go after mj again.but i guess bashir didnt care about the consequences. his plan was as clear as day when he used the footage of arvizo instead of rothenburg in the programe even though both were filmed on the same day and the info that came out in the trial. it was one big set up from the get go