MTV Talking to MJ About Upcoming Video Awards

I hope he performs, it doesn't matter about the past MJ puts it behind him, so should we. At the end of the day he keeps appearing at the MTV Awards and thats his choice so no matter what anyone says, its up to Michael and people saying its a bad idea just need to sit back and let MJ do his own thing, if he does perform and it helps him then thats great, if it turns out bad then it still might not be so bad after all its publicity if it goes ahead
Yeah, MTV isn't even about music anymore. They are a reality tv show. Even though I don't want Michael to go on there, MTV are the ones who need Michael. They need him to remind them of who they were in the first place. If they are not gonna focus on music but once a year and use entertainers to boost their ratings, then they need to change their name to RTV....Reality TV.

But if Michael goes on there, he should be a complete spoiled celeb and demand that they change the name to Michael TV again before he comes on.....just for the hell of it. Then we will see just how much they want him on there. I betcha any money, they would appease him.
Yeah, MTV isn't even about music anymore. They are a reality tv show. Even though I don't want Michael to go on there, MTV are the ones who need Michael. They need him to remind them of who they were in the first place. If they are not gonna focus on music but once a year and use entertainers to boost their ratings, then they need to change their name to RTV....Reality TV.

But if Michael goes on there, he should be a complete spoiled celeb and demand that they change the name to Michael TV again before he comes on.....just for the hell of it. Then we will see just how much they want him on there. I betcha any money, they would appease him.
Did they really do that?
Yeah, Dats. I think it was some sort of promotion going on for one of his albums or something and they changed the name of the show to Michael TV. I can't remember the details, so maybe one of the other fans here can explaing it to you. I know KOPV can.
Whooo, thanks flowers. Aint that something, That is real power. No wonder they hate him so. Pity MJ didn't buy their when he had the money to do so. Them Jacksons should hav bought out some tv station a long time ago.
When the M in MTV stands for music, like it did many moons ago, then Michael could use an appearance. But MTV has forgotten what it stands for. And long ago, they forgot what Michael meant for the station. They have a lot to thank Michael for, but instead they laughed in his face. In the end it's all down to doing business, so if Michael would appear, I would fully understand that. But he better make sure he has a sound contract that says what MTV can and Can't do regarding his performance, including the stand-up section of the show.
Dats, what I think Michael is gonna end up owning is Motown. Bandier was the one who brokered the deal for Paramount/Universal so he knows all about it. And I do believe that Unviersal may end up having to sell it before they merge or something like that. And if they do, I know Marty has his eyes opened for that jewel of a catalogue.

Yep, the baby of Motown is gonna end up owning it.

But back to what you are saying....I can easily see Michael owning a tv station. And if the parent company Viacom had to sell Famous Music (which Michael now owns), then maybe they are trying to get out of anything music related all together. I would not be suprised if we see Viacom taking bids for MTV in the future.
Dats, what I think Michael is gonna end up owning is Motown. Bandier was the one who brokered the deal for Paramount/Universal so he knows all about it. And I do believe that Unviersal may end up having to sell it before they merge or something like that. And if they do, I know Marty has his eyes opened for that jewel of a catalogue.

Yep, the baby of Motown is gonna end up owning it.

But back to what you are saying....I can easily see Michael owning a tv station. And if the parent company Viacom had to sell Famous Music (which Michael now owns), then maybe they are trying to get out of anything music related all together. I would not be suprised if we see Viacom taking bids for MTV in the future.
I truly hope so. Mj owning Motown and MTV would be the icing on the cake.l:angel:
michael will be in mtv when thw new album comes and he will give such a show that we are going to remeber...and am sure he will tour again.
When the M in MTV stands for music, like it did many moons ago, then Michael could use an appearance. But MTV has forgotten what it stands for. And long ago, they forgot what Michael meant for the station. They have a lot to thank Michael for, but instead they laughed in his face. In the end it's all down to doing business, so if Michael would appear, I would fully understand that. But he better make sure he has a sound contract that says what MTV can and Can't do regarding his performance, including the stand-up section of the show.
I would agree. :yes:
Michael still to this day claims he made MTV what it is. And he is right. He is THE reason MTV is/was (probably more towards was lol) a big force and promo tool in the music industry.

But 25 years, well, it doesnt mean he will go. He didnt go to BET for 25 years of Thriller when Ne-yo performed Lady In My Life. He didnt go to Grammy's when a 25 year celebration for Thriller was even on the TV ad. And they were for his PERSONAL achievements.

He DID go to the WMA in 2006 to celebrate the 25th year of thriller (but der, it was the 24th, someone at WMA cant count)... and he was even prepared to sing there (but they shut of his music halfway, idiots)

IF he went, I would do it like this....

Wrap up the T25 Promotions with Michael opening the show with a spectacular tribute to what MADE MTV.. Billie Jean, Beat It and Thriller... A medley, much like the one when he opened these same awards in 1995. Then, like in 1995 with You Are Not Alone, end the performance with a NEW song! Michael opening the 1995 show with "OLD HITS" didnt hurt his performance at all, because he STILL performed his "NEW HIT" as well... So IF he had a new song out by then, he could do the best of both worlds. Thrill people with the old stuff, and hit them with the new one too:)

BET doesn't have the viewership of WMA or MTV.... if I am not mistaken...

anyways... in regards to Michael owning a TV station .. I don't see it..

over the years Michael has given clues to his ambitions... and if I was listening right..
I don't think Mike will deviate from that...

music, music publishing and films is his thing...
"sooner than they think"

Boom chicka wah waaaaaaaaahh

Oooooh yeaaaaaaaaah.

MTV: "we're not worthy we're not worthy but could ja please please please come to our whack show michael!":hysterical:

ME: Don't do it michael don't do it.:hysterical:

Gosh man michael cut a few vocals and now everybody wanta be on his nuts.:hysterical:
Get it MIKEEEE!:punk:

hahaha! I hope he does it, just to show these ameteurs and Michael-wannabes how it's REALLY done. Even if he just shows up, all of the attention will be on him.

One thing is for sure though, when Michaels does the MTV awards, MTV do go full out and they put alot more money into the sets and stuff than any other show does, look at 1991 & 1995, Michael gets what he wants with them

Mikey ALWAYS gets what he wants! Bow down to the KING!! :p

I would actually be sick to my stomach if Michael would attend the MTV VMAs.

Just look what they did to Britney Spears last year. First, they allowed her to perform despite widespread common knowledge that she was both unstable and unprepared at the time. Then, immediately following her opening act, they allowed Sarah Silverman to viciously attack both her and her children (calling them mistakes) for an extended amount of time on stage. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, yet nobody seemed to care or even talk about it because it was apparently more popular to make fun of Britney at the time :rolleyes:.

After what MTV has done to Michael in the past and the way they totally downplayed his significance to the network for the 25 year anniversary, that would be the very last music awards show I would ever want to see him attend again. It's a complete joke, as are most of the other award shows these days. American Music Awards is another one that I cringe at the thought of Michael appearing. A lot of these specials thrive on controversy.

Well that's true, but damn, Mike can't ever appear at another popular awards show again? Come on! He's the King of Pop! They can't dethrone him, no matter what they do!

***** Do you think there is a gathering in one of the MTV's offices every week, so they can talk about how much they hate Michael Jackson? Don't be stupid. MTV profits alot from Michael Jackson, but the man himself also profits as much as MTV does from him. Do you think MTV depends on Michael Jackson? Of course not. Does Michael Jackson depends on MTV and other music channels? Yes.

If Michael Jackson is smart and the time is right, hes gonna attend. I bet my balls on he will sometime in his life, as I said, when the time is right.

I promise you, Michael Jackson does NOT depend on, or need, MTV. Maybe up and coming artists do, but Michael? No.
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Well, here's the actual blurb from Entertainment Weekly (in print):

Michael Jackson, Guns N' Roses, U2, No Doubt, Eminem, Dr. Dre, and even Britney Spears--don't count anyone out for this year's MTV Video Music Awards. After a decade away from L.A., the telecast heads to Paramount Studios on Sept. 7, and folks are already trying to guess which performers will appear on the show. MTV Networks president Van Toffler will only say "we're talking to all of them," but one rumor in particular caught him off guard. Is 'N Sync readying a reunion? "Wow," he replies. "I haven't heard that one. We'd definitely like to see jaws drop on the other end of the screen when someone walks on stage. If you have any other good reunion ideas, bring them to me." Okay, then: anybody but Color Me Badd.

The way I see it, this is nothing more than the annual speculation that comes about each year. And, MTV saying "we're talking to all of them" hardly means that they've actually been in contact with Michael or most of the others named off by EW for that matter. It's just the typical thing to say to make it seem like nothing is out of the question at the show.

as tscm said above. all this for a throw away quote.u think MTV are talking to half the names listed? i doubt it. but they are hardly gonna say no we aint talking to no one.

the only positive for appearing at vma's is the world wide attention the show gets. no other show gets the amount of WW publicity that that show does for whatever reason. business is business at the end of the day and if mj wants huge attention for a performance then going there will give him it. not that i want him to touch them with a barge pole
MJ should start charging for the use of his name. It could live off that alone.


I still can't get over how MTV humiliated MJ the last time he was at their awards show with Britney. That was just unacceptable, especially since they didn't even APOLOGIZE to Michael. MTV needs to make up for that...BIG TIME.
Mello, could you please explain to Dats about that time MTV was renamed Michael TV? I forgot the details on that and KOPV doesn't seem to be here. She was surprised about it and I wanted her to get the whole story. So please do me the honors.
Mello, could you please explain to Dats about that time MTV was renamed Michael TV? I forgot the details on that and KOPV doesn't seem to be here. She was surprised about it and I wanted her to get the whole story. So please do me the honors.
I would love to, but this story is new to me as well....
This happens EVERY YEAR. They say Michael may attend and get everyone hyped up and tuned in and he almost never shows up.

I don't think he'll show up again after the "Artist of the Millenium" stunt

Yeah, and I've gotten my hopes up way too many times and watched too much CRAP on TV just hoping to get a glimpse of him. Forget that! I won't watch it or get excited about it unless we get official word from Michael himself that he will be there.
Oh, well, where is KOPV when you need him/her?
Michael Jackson was given the 'Artist of the Millenium Award' at Thursday's MTV Video Music Awards by Britney Spears, a day that also was the King of Pop's 44th birthday. Jackson said, "Wow. Godgod bless you. I love you, too. Thank you very much. Britney spears, you look wonderful. If -- when I was a little boy in Indiana if someone had told me -- if someone had told me that one day I would be getting as a musician the Artist of the Millennium Award, I wouldn't have believed it. This is really amazing. I can't believe it. Thank you so very much. There's a couple of people I have to thank who made this possible. First of all, I'd like to thank God who makes all things possible. My mother, Joseph Jackson, Katherine Jackson, Triewdy Green, Howard Kauffman, the genius of John McLean. Diana Ross, Gladys Knight. Quincy Jones I love you. David Blaine your magic is real and I believe in you. I would like to thank -- I think james Brown is a genius. All the fans around the world, I love you. God bless you, thank you." Update: The Artist Of The Millenium wasn't the award Michael got... it was just a birthday present, as ***** misunderstood when Britney said something about being the artist of the millenium.

Posted on Thursday, August 29 2002 @ 23:42:10 CDT by MusicMan

That was just mean to do that to him and embarass him like that, esp. after he helped them to become what they became before they decided to become trash.
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