MTV Talking to MJ About Upcoming Video Awards

I hate MTV.
They made him look like an idiot in that prank and downplayed his significance in the network's success.
official apology to Mr. Michael Jackson should be issued before MJ is to appear in their pathetic show.
If Mike ain't got nothing new to promote (and no I don't count "Hold My Hand" in until the song is done or whatever), why would he even show up? I'm just saying.
I wanna know how are they going to get Guns & Roses, which doesn't exist (except as Velvet Revolver, lol and I'm not sure they exist anymore, because I've heard they kicked out Scott Weiland, the singer)
It's not about liking Michael. They downright were cruel to him, for no reason other then they wanted to join in on the fun of fu*king with him. I wouldn't want to do business with someone who treated me like that.
MTV appears to intentionally sabotage performances or otherwise humiliate performers (even those of legendary status) because they know that such clips will get replayed over-and-over-and-over again, and that thousands of additional reports about the special will be written and broadcast, and that the repeats will get more viewers than ever, and more people will tune in the following year to watch more trainwrecks. Even on the red carpet and backstage interviews, the trend has rapidly transitioned from having formal journalists interview the celebrities to having the likes of Perez Hilton, American Idol rejects, and those working for comedy shows and late night talk shows interviewing celebrities just to embarrass them... And the venues such as MTV condone and encourage such behavior. :(
MTV Networks President confirmed to Entertainment Weekly (issue July 11, 2008) that they are talking to a number of high-profile stars about appearing on the Sept. 7 show, including Michael Jackson.
If you are going to post something from Entertainment Weekly, please provide the link. Thanks!
MTV appears to intentionally sabotage performances or otherwise humiliate performers (even those of legendary status) because they know that such clips will get replayed over-and-over-and-over again, and that thousands of additional reports about the special will be written and broadcast, and that the repeats will get more viewers than ever, and more people will tune in the following year to watch more trainwrecks. Even on the red carpet and backstage interviews, the trend has rapidly transitioned from having formal journalists interview the celebrities to having the likes of Perez Hilton, American Idol rejects, and those working for comedy shows and late night talk shows interviewing celebrities just to embarrass them... And the venues such as MTV condone and encourage such behavior. :(

I know. It's horrific. They're sleezy. Not to mention how they allow their announcers to make fun of performers after they get off stage, while they're still in the arena. They did that to Michael if I'm not mistaken. Just mean.
Please elaborate on the highlighted part.:D

Michael Jackson depends on MTV and other music channels because he wants to reach more and new people or else he would not take help from todays most 'hottest' artist such as Akon, and many more. But why does he want to reach this new generation? MTV and other music channels can help Michael with: New fans and popularity - which results in -> more sales -> status -> buisness -> MONEY. I'm not saying its the only "thing" Michael could gain his money from. Lets talk reality, Michael is a buisness man and of course he would like to make as much money as he can when releasing a new album. You have to agree that music channels, such as VH1 and MTV, does boost his "image", "sales", "popluarity" - whatever you want to call it. I'll call it money.

When Michael Jackson releases his new album, he will "sell" himself. For example, he will attend to events and make interviews more often. He will not care if its MTV or BET. Look what he did when Invincible was realesed, he did a interview in TRL... I mean TRL?! Common. Signing autographs in the Virgin megastore? Such cool. But it was smart because everyone who had that channel on heard the name "Michael Jackson". Thats enough to get someone to google, download some songs and get hooked.
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I would actually be sick to my stomach if Michael would attend the MTV VMAs.

Just look what they did to Britney Spears last year. First, they allowed her to perform despite widespread common knowledge that she was both unstable and unprepared at the time. Then, immediately following her opening act, they allowed Sarah Silverman to viciously attack both her and her children (calling them mistakes) for an extended amount of time on stage. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, yet nobody seemed to care or even talk about it because it was apparently more popular to make fun of Britney at the time :rolleyes:.

After what MTV has done to Michael in the past and the way they totally downplayed his significance to the network for the 25 year anniversary, that would be the very last music awards show I would ever want to see him attend again. It's a complete joke, as are most of the other award shows these days. American Music Awards is another one that I cringe at the thought of Michael appearing. A lot of these specials thrive on controversy.
The AMAs is Dick Clark's show, so I would think that he would show up there before any other show because of his respect for Clark.

Still, I'm with Dat on this one: MJ needs to starting f***ing charging for the use of his name on a maybe or that there are 'talks'. :smilerolleyes:

Talks my Beavis and Butthole. Like the 'talks' the Grammy people supposedly had with MJ. Remember that?

This board was on maximum meltdown over a no-show. People all upset over knowing about absolutely NOTHING.

So I see this as rumor and speculation. I could give two licks on a stick if Entertainment Weekly got 'confirmation' from MTV's President. Bull***.

For all we know, the MTV Prez threw MJ's name in the mix to get MJ fans to watch the show.

Well sorry. I just have to 'miss' MJ, because unless they straight up announce it in advance, I'm STILL not watching that trash of a show.

MTV is played. They have jumped the shark. Hell, they don't even play videos anymore.

The AMAs is Dick Clark's show, so I would think that he would show up there before any other show because of his respect for Clark.
The major problem I have had with the AMAs, at least for the past four years, is that they've had Jimmy Kimmel host the event. Not only does Kimmel completely disrespect musical talents of all levels, but he's made repeated and very offensive jokes about Michael Jackson both on his own show and while hosting the AMAs. I believe it was 2004 when Kimmel was hosting the show, and Janet was in attendance (as were a few other Jackson family members if I recall), and within a couple minutes of the show's start he was already rambling off a string of Michael Jackson jokes.... So, the AMAs lost virtually all respect from me by their continued persistence of allowing a man who has no credentials nor respect towards the musical scene to host the show and to make jokes about the artists both in and not in attendance.
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In the last four years, Dick Clark hasn't had it good in the last few years. Remember the stroke in 2004? Pretty much Jimmy was hired by the people at ABC for shock/comedy value. In the sense, it WAS Dick's show but it really isn't anymore.
i don't know why people say that MJ NEEDs this or that. mtv wasn't always.

and there will be stuff after mtv. people thought the internet couldn't usurp things but it has..things change..

the power is inside MJ...not outside him.
The major problem I have had with the AMAs, at least for the past four years, is that they've had Jimmy Kimmel host the event. Not only does Kimmel completely disrespect musical talents of all levels, but he's made repeated and very offensive jokes about Michael Jackson both on his own show and while hosting the AMAs. I believe it was 2004 when Kimmel was hosting the show, and Janet was in attendance (as were a few other Jackson family members if I recall), and within a couple minutes of the show's start he was already rambling off a string of Michael Jackson jokes.... So, the AMAs lost virtually all respect from me by their continued persistence of allowing a man who has no credentials nor respect towards the musical scene to host the show and to make jokes about the artists both in and not in attendance.
While I understand your frustration, Kimmel is not the AMAs in the long run and if MJ does decide to show up or perform on any of these shows, it will be for business and promotional reasons. I just don't like how this speculation starts with these shows, only to see peeps disappointed.

And MTV is so played. Their edginess is gone and they are the outward manifestation of what is currently wrong with the music industry.

MTV would want Michael NO DOUBT... And the would try convince him NO DOUBT.... and that means theyre talking NO DOUBT... but Mikes mouth would probably be saying a whole lot of "F-OFF!"

The only way I can see it happening is if Michael makes MTV sign a strict agreement to not make fun of him, with massive consequences if they do. A very serious agreement. Otherwise it will be Britney all over again (plus all the times they did it to Michael)
I am with Rasta and Marie on this. I kinda see this as a business move. Rasta posted some really awesome info on the songs that MJ owns and the connection to Viacom (the people who own BET and MTV). If these clowns from MTV treat MJ as the king that he should have been treated in 2002, then Ia m all for it. I usually say, "HELL NO" to MTV, but let's see what happens. MTV still sucks and everyone knows that.

I doubt that MTV would let a 15 year old child host a very controversial award show. I can't see that happy ass Miley Cyrus host the MTV awards considering the fact that she is an Disney employee and MTV is Viacom.

However, I am gonna remain positive on this and who knows if MTV contacted MJ. We do not know so we should not try to say that they did not contact MJ. A lot of people contact Mike. Who knows? They could have told Michael some things and MJ was like, "hmmmm, interesting. So, how is this gonna benefit me and are you guys gonna kiss my ass?" I mean, who knows. MTV is trash, we know, but it would be good to see MJ on that trashy award show.

And if MJ don't show up, I am cool with that. I hope some fans who feel for some strange reason that MJ "needs" MTV would accept the fact if MJ decides not to show up.
ok ppl. Michael May or May NOT go. Let's see what happnes, instead of predicting our selves whats gonna happne. I mean, we've been predicting since a very long time a go.

If Michael thinks its a good move to be on MTV, then so be it! i mean who's career is it we're talking about. Not ours.
ok ppl. Michael May or May NOT go. Let's see what happnes, instead of predicting our selves whats gonna happne. I mean, we've been predicting since a very long time a go.

If Michael thinks its a good move to be on MTV, then so be it! i mean who's career is it we're talking about. Not ours.
I agree. :) Whatever Michael's does, we just gotta live with it, it's really his choice whether he goes, or does not. We will just have to wait and see what happens, does not mean we have to watch the dang show, but I'm sure if he goes, it ill be somewhat big news, and be on Youtube somewhere. LOL
While I understand your frustration, Kimmel is not the AMAs in the long run and if MJ does decide to show up or perform on any of these shows, it will be for business and promotional reasons. I just don't like how this speculation starts with these shows, only to see peeps disappointed.

And MTV is so played. Their edginess is gone and they are the outward manifestation of what is currently wrong with the music industry.

Pretty much. It's just a rumor but if MJ goes, hey, we know it ain't personal. I could care less.
If the album comes out sooner than we think so it may kinda help in promotion though Michael never needs that...but I just hope they're not using his name!!
Michael still to this day claims he made MTV what it is. And he is right. He is THE reason MTV is/was (probably more towards was lol) a big force and promo tool in the music industry.

But 25 years, well, it doesnt mean he will go. He didnt go to BET for 25 years of Thriller when Ne-yo performed Lady In My Life. He didnt go to Grammy's when a 25 year celebration for Thriller was even on the TV ad. And they were for his PERSONAL achievements.

He DID go to the WMA in 2006 to celebrate the 25th year of thriller (but der, it was the 24th, someone at WMA cant count)... and he was even prepared to sing there (but they shut of his music halfway, idiots)

IF he went, I would do it like this....

Wrap up the T25 Promotions with Michael opening the show with a spectacular tribute to what MADE MTV.. Billie Jean, Beat It and Thriller... A medley, much like the one when he opened these same awards in 1995. Then, like in 1995 with You Are Not Alone, end the performance with a NEW song! Michael opening the 1995 show with "OLD HITS" didnt hurt his performance at all, because he STILL performed his "NEW HIT" as well... So IF he had a new song out by then, he could do the best of both worlds. Thrill people with the old stuff, and hit them with the new one too:)
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MTV appears to intentionally sabotage performances or otherwise humiliate performers (even those of legendary status) because they know that such clips will get replayed over-and-over-and-over again, and that thousands of additional reports about the special will be written and broadcast, and that the repeats will get more viewers than ever, and more people will tune in the following year to watch more trainwrecks. Even on the red carpet and backstage interviews, the trend has rapidly transitioned from having formal journalists interview the celebrities to having the likes of Perez Hilton, American Idol rejects, and those working for comedy shows and late night talk shows interviewing celebrities just to embarrass them... And the venues such as MTV condone and encourage such behavior. :(

This is why I don't get the "it's just business" argument. It's clear as day what it's all about with them these days. Some of the comments in this thread just sound so outdated. These days, that channel is not at all about music. Can anyone name the last time an VMA performance got props?
This is why I don't get the "it's just business" argument. It's clear as day what it's all about with them these days. Some of the comments in this thread just sound so outdated. These days, that channel is not at all about music. Can anyone name the last time an VMA performance got props?

last year Chris Brown did.;)
LOL, you KNOW you need MJ back when someone dances as average as Chris Brown did to Billie Jean and everyone can't stop talking about it haha :D
The VMA 2002 was very humiliating for him.And the VMA, 2006, as well...
I think Mj not goes.I support MJ in any decision...

I'm tired the stuffs...I'm tired of especulations!
Well from a personal,selfish point of view ;) I would hope that if he goes to an award show it would be on the VMA's since that is broadcast worldwide so I can watch it lol
I understand all the arguments that have been said here,but in the end if he does show up we will all be happy to see him eventhough it's on mtv...
I hope Michael doesn't appear within a 10 mile radius of that whack TV awards. I forgot MTV played music still. pffft.
I've been asked for a link but it's not live yet...I get the magazine delivered early to my home and that's where I saw it .... the online version should be available early next week I imagine
I agree Bee with your post. With it being the 25th anniversary they are going to approach the real talent. The ones they always mess with because they know how crap their shows have become.

But if MJ decides to go I certainly won't mind. It's his choice. He can gangsta walk up on that stage and show them how it's really done. Prince too! That would be the greatest revenge and give the two fingers up to them. Get on do your thing and walk off. LOL!! I'm all for that he does decide to go for his own reasons.

Apparently they have also approached Britney as well.
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I hope Michael doesn't appear within a 10 mile radius of that whack TV awards. I forgot MTV played music still. pffft.

You`re right. MTV is no longer a traditional music channel, as earlier times. I've never seen so much garbage.

MTV had the intention - except music - to bring other aspects to their programme (cartoons, real life projects, series.. ) but I do not believe that their ratings have increased with their new concept.

Anyway, if Michael will be there - I would switch to MTV;-)
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