MTV Talking to MJ About Upcoming Video Awards

Dang, am I the only one who remembers when MTV briefly renamed the show Michael TV? Who else remembers this?
^^ See, what MTV did to MJ was so grimey... :( That is so horrible and on his Bday! I remember Jack Black comming out afterwards and had the nerve to even wear the same red jacket with the bling EXACTLY what MJ was wearing, come out onstage in some cheap JoAnn fabric costume and MOCK Michael like he was some kind of ...joke Jack even imitated when MJ accidentally brushed the side of the stage when he walked out... -_- MJ seems to move on and forgive easily I just hope those oh so intelligent peps who thought of playin' MJ like this are no longer running things.
^^ See, what MTV did to MJ was so grimey... :( That is so horrible and on his Bday! I remember Jack Black comming out afterwards and had the nerve to even wear the same red jacket with the bling EXACTLY what MJ was wearing, come out onstage in some cheap JoAnn fabric costume and MOCK Michael like he was some kind of ...joke Jack even imitated when MJ accidentally brushed the side of the stage when he walked out... -_- MJ seems to move on and forgive easily I just hope those oh so intelligent peps who thought of playin' MJ like this are no longer running things.

Hmm, I never saw Jack Black do that. I like him, but that would have pissed me off. The only way I would want Michael to do MTV, after the crap they have given him, is if he bought the channel first.
Dang, am I the only one who remembers when MTV briefly renamed the show Michael TV? Who else remembers this?
Back in the day they would have "Michael Jackson Weekends" on MTV where they'd air his videos and stuff all weekend, I suspect it was during these periods when they'd refer to the network as "Michael TV." Otherwise, I'm not sure.

Michael Jackson was given the 'Artist of the Millenium Award' at Thursday's MTV Video Music Awards by Britney Spears, a day that also was the King of Pop's 44th birthday. Jackson said, "Wow. Godgod bless you. I love you, too. Thank you very much. Britney spears, you look wonderful. If -- when I was a little boy in Indiana if someone had told me -- if someone had told me that one day I would be getting as a musician the Artist of the Millennium Award, I wouldn't have believed it. This is really amazing. I can't believe it. Thank you so very much. There's a couple of people I have to thank who made this possible. First of all, I'd like to thank God who makes all things possible. My mother, Joseph Jackson, Katherine Jackson, Triewdy Green, Howard Kauffman, the genius of John McLean. Diana Ross, Gladys Knight. Quincy Jones I love you. David Blaine your magic is real and I believe in you. I would like to thank -- I think james Brown is a genius. All the fans around the world, I love you. God bless you, thank you." Update: The Artist Of The Millenium wasn't the award Michael got... it was just a birthday present, as ***** misunderstood when Britney said something about being the artist of the millenium.

Posted on Thursday, August 29 2002 @ 23:42:10 CDT by MusicMan

That was just mean to do that to him and embarass him like that, esp. after he helped them to become what they became before they decided to become trash.
And, long before the awards show ever aired, media outlets were already tipped off by MTV that Michael would be honored by Britney Spears with an award. They convinced Michael to attend the show based on the false pretense of the "Artist of the Millennium" award and birthday honor, Michael had even prepared an entire list of people to thank and a speech to give, on paper, based on this claim. Some fans have also said they have screen captures of MTV's site from immediately after or during the show where they too announced that Michael had been awarded as such, only to completely revert the claim after the show ended to make Michael look like a complete fool.

The only amusing part about it is that Michael did in fact get an "Artist of the Millennium" award at the 2000 World Music Awards, and a "Pop Artist of the Millennium" award in 2002 at the Bambi awards :p
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TSCM, you explain it so perfectly. Michael was truly tricked by MTV into coming to their show. And if we see this, I know that everybody in the music industry saw it as well.
Some fans have also said they have screen captures of MTV's site from immediately after or during the show where they too announced that Michael had been awarded as such, only to completely revert the claim after the show ended to make Michael look like a complete fool.

I'd like to see one of those screen captures.
I DO NOT want my MTV! :pth: I'd rather buy the dvd...if there are short films to come with his next project...I'll wait and put the money in HIS pocket...I am not giving them the ratings for their pissant award show. It ain't worth the aggravation...even to Michael given the disrespect they've shown him.
Back in the day they would have "Michael Jackson Weekends" on MTV where they'd air his videos and stuff all weekend, I suspect it was during these periods when they'd refer to the network as "Michael TV." Otherwise, I'm not sure.

And, long before the awards show ever aired, media outlets were already tipped off by MTV that Michael would be honored by Britney Spears with an award. They convinced Michael to attend the show based on the false pretense of the "Artist of the Millennium" award and birthday honor, Michael had even prepared an entire list of people to thank and a speech to give, on paper, based on this claim. Some fans have also said they have screen captures of MTV's site from immediately after or during the show where they too announced that Michael had been awarded as such, only to completely revert the claim after the show ended to make Michael look like a complete fool.

The only amusing part about it is that Michael did in fact get an "Artist of the Millennium" award at the 2000 World Music Awards, and a "Pop Artist of the Millennium" award in 2002 at the Bambi awards :p

Exactly. It was so damn hurtful what they did. I still shake my head every time I recall it.
I remember 'Michael TV' definitely. They did that from time to time if they were doing a music special on Michael too.
I'd like to see one of those screen captures.
this is correct, me by myself have such files, but somewhere on CD, it would last days to find them. But I can confirm for sure that is was the fact that they have had an announcement on their site that they would award Michael with a special honour, after the show the item was removed.
MTV Networks President confirmed to Entertainment Weekly (issue July 11, 2008) that they are talking to a number of high-profile stars about appearing on the Sept. 7 show, including Michael Jackson.
is it possible to get another source like that, a link or something else. Or someone would be so kind an scan the article?
Actually I don't think those kind of horrible things are planned by MTV in the first.
MTV does only what labels and mojor tell them to do depending on the money, especially shows like Video Awards they are told what to do what to say who to mock who will win etc... so I think behind the terrible jokes at the time there was the bad situation between MJ and Sony music.
MTV DID trick Michael. I saw the advertismenet and that was the reason why I watched. The next day, I was mad when I saw the show when the guy who was the host said something about the decorations on the cake being some kind of award. MIchael is told these things before he appeared that is why that "he misunderstood" was BS. I torn a hole into someone on the TJMS message board at the time because that poster thought Michael was getting the big head. When I broke her down, she shut up and agree that it was wrong. IT was even POSTED MIchael would received the MTV award in papers and I posted them. I wish I had it in my data base but I do not at work because it was not worth saving.
I would actually be sick to my stomach if Michael would attend the MTV VMAs.

Just look what they did to Britney Spears last year. First, they allowed her to perform despite widespread common knowledge that she was both unstable and unprepared at the time. Then, immediately following her opening act, they allowed Sarah Silverman to viciously attack both her and her children (calling them mistakes) for an extended amount of time on stage. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, yet nobody seemed to care or even talk about it because it was apparently more popular to make fun of Britney at the time :rolleyes:.
Aww Britney :( that still makes me sick. So MJ back on MTV......No!!
if michael didnt forgive and move on he would have no where to go!
in my honest opinion he must move forward like he has in the past! sony have continued to support michael jackson after some problems in the past, so i dont see why MTV wouldnt do the same.. so what if they made fun of him in 2002? if ur not a MJ die-hard, it was FUNNY! we can be so sensitive sometimes. (i did not find it funny but can see why some did)

i believe MTV CAN (not will, but CAN, its possible) put together a good awards show this year. Its their 25th Anniversary. Michael has been HEAVILY involved in MTV in years gone by. He did the 2001 N*Sync guest spot, 1995 opening, 1994 opening, and a number of other appearances as well.

MTV will without doubt target the biggest people to have ever had involvement with them for their special anniversary. Michael being one. They will try their best to get him. Probably guarantee him no jokes (like 1995)... Whether he is interested is another thing;)
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^^they made him look like an idiot and you think it's funny?
I can't even get myself to watch it, it's such a pain to watch it.
you don't have to be a die hard fan to see how bad it was.
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if michael didnt forgive and move on he would have no where to go!
in my honest opinion he must move forward like he has in the past! sony have continued to support michael jackson after some problems in the past, so i dont see why MTV wouldnt do the same.. so what if they made fun of him in 2002? if ur not a MJ die-hard, it was FUNNY! we can be so sensitive sometimes. (i did not find it funny but can see why some did)

i believe MTV CAN (not will, but CAN, its possible) put together a good awards show this year. Its their 25th Anniversary. Michael has been HEAVILY involved in MTV in years gone by. He did the 2001 N*Sync guest spot, 1995 opening, 1994 opening, and a number of other appearances as well.

MTV will without doubt target the biggest people to have ever had involvement with them for their special anniversary. Michael being one. They will try their best to get him. Probably guarantee him no jokes (like 1995)... Whether he is interested is another thing;)

You can easly forgive but have nothing to do with the person or persons you have forgiven. This is the same network that during a Christmas show in 03 used a photo of Michael's mug shot has a Christmas ornament and made fun of him being arrested. This is much deeper then that award thing. So, going to this show IMO is out of the question. Hell no
You can easly forgive but have nothing to do with the person or persons you have forgiven. This is the same network that during a Christmas show in 03 used a photo of Michael's mug shot has a Christmas ornament and made fun of him being arrested. This is much deeper then that award thing. So, going to this show IMO is out of the question. Hell no
A few years back when they celebrated the most influential artist on their show, they showed MJ 'dangling' blanket over the balcony. You would think in all of 25 years experience they couldn't find a more fitting picture, relating to his music. May they rot in hell. I woulkdn't watch their show even if MJ appeared on it.
What would people's reaction be if MJ decided to perform on the show, and he pulled off a magical performance just like he did back in 1995.

If the performance turned out to be nothing but positive with regards to Mike and promotion for his new album, would you still complain?
Of course, we have no way of knowing what goes on behind closed doors so whatever Michael decides we just have to trust he's taken all those things into account. :)
What would people's reaction be if MJ decided to perform on the show, and he pulled off a magical performance just like he did back in 1995.

If the performance turned out to be nothing but positive with regards to Mike and promotion for his new album, would you still complain?

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What would people's reaction be if MJ decided to perform on the show, and he pulled off a magical performance just like he did back in 1995.

If the performance turned out to be nothing but positive with regards to Mike and promotion for his new album, would you still complain?
Nobody is complaining about MJ . We are sounding off about the behaviour of MTV. We are just saying how we feel. if MJ decides to go we have no chouce but to accept it and hope for the best.
Let me say this - a lot of people on here bought up some excellent points about the nasty behavior of MTV and how they treated MJ. This is the same network that played that racist Emimen video but banned TDCAU. The same network that trashed his looks, that have two losers, Kurt Loder and that questionable dude, John Norris always hating on MJ. The same network that denied in the Ebony magazine article what REALLY happened regarding MJ being the first black artist to be played on heavy rotation on MTV. This network has been very nasty towards a man that gave them so much success. Without MJ, this channel would never be here. Period. I do not care what anyone says. However, I do believe that we all should just move on and let's see what happens in the coming months. Today, is exactly two months until the award show happens. That gives MTV time to set up the show. It is possible that these people have called MJ and asked MJ to be on their show and it is possible that MJ could be in talks to do the show. It is also possible that MJ is probably not doing the show. Who really knows? We do know that MJ changes his mind a lot, he doesn't hold grudges and that he does the unexpected. So let's see what happens.

But if Michael goes on there, he should be a complete spoiled celeb and demand that they change the name to Michael TV again before he comes on.....just for the hell of it. Then we will see just how much they want him on there. I betcha any money, they would appease him.

ATLF, I feel you on this. I want those people to kiss his rear, give him something to drink and eat when he asks. Treat his children well and if he kids wanna be rowdy, MTV better let them. MTV should listen to everything that MJ tells them. If MJ wants a major big time performance, MTV better give that to him. IF MJ wants to spend 20 minutes on a speech, MTV better give that to him. If wants to lash out at his haters, MTV better let him have the floor. I want MTV to create a contract where they have to do the things that I listed above, MJ has to sign it, and make copies to send to their buddies in the media to know the deal: MJ IS NOT PLAYING! He is the KING and the KING always gets his way, period. Ain't no ands, ifs, buts, maybes, I don't knows, I am questionable about thats, doubts, etc. The contract should be clear and precise.

If the performance turned out to be nothing but positive with regards to Mike and promotion for his new album, would you still complain?

No, I would not complain but I will never forgive MTV for what they did to MJ and Britney. Trashing someone's children is beyond evil and disgusting. For MTV to let that ugly Sarah Silverman trash innocent children is low and patheic. Look at MTV's desperation: trying to get the big stars of the past 25 years on their show. What happened to the current stars of their channel? Why not used them? Or, THAT'S RIGHT, they are not really stars to begin with and those stars are not able to get the big ratings in like an MJ would. Fools. This is their KARMA for what they did to Mike: their channel is a JOKE!
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Let me say this - a lot of people on here bought up some excellent points about the nasty behavior of MTV and how they treated MJ. This is the same network that played that racist Emimen video but banned TDCAU. The same network that trashed his looks, that have two losers, Kurt Loder and that questionable dude, John Norris always hating on MJ. The same network that denied in the Ebony magazine what REALLY happened regarding MJ being the first black artist to be played on heavy rotation on MTV. This network has been very nasty towards a man that gave them so much success. Without MJ, this channel would never be here. Period. I do not care what anyone says. However, I do believe that we all should just move on and let's see what happens in the coming months. Today, is exactly two months until the award show happens. That gives MTV time to set up the show. It is possible that these people have called MJ and asked MJ ato be on their show and it is possible that MJ could be in talks to do the show. It is also possible that MJ is probably not doing the show. Who really knows? We do know that MJ changes his mind a lot, he doesn't hold grudges and that he does the unexpected. So let's see what happens.

ATLF, I feel you on this. I want those people to kiss his rear, give him something to drink and eat when he asks. Treat his children well and if he kids wanna be rowdy, MTV better let them. MTV should listen to everything that MJ tells them. If MJ wants a major big time performance, MTV better give that to him. IF MJ wants to spend 20 minutes on a speech, MTV better give that to him. If wants to lash out at his haters, MTV better let him have the floor. I want MTV to create a contract where they have to do the things that I listed above, MJ has to sign it, and make copies to send to their buddies in the media to know the deal: MJ IS NOT PLAYING! He is the KING and the KING always gets his way, period. Ain't no ands, ifsbuts, maybes, I don't knows, I am questionable about thats, doubts, etc. The contract should be clear and precise.

No, I wo9uld not complain but I will never forgive MTV for what they did to MJ and Britney. Trashing someone's children is beyond eveil and disgusting. For MTV to let that ugly Sarah Silverman trash innocent children is low and patheic. Look at MTV's desperation: trying to get the big stars of the past 25 years on their show. What happened to the current stars of their channel? Why not used them? Or, THAT'S RIGHT, they are not really stars to begin with and those stars are not able to get the big ratings in like an MJ would. Fools. This is their KARMA for what they did to Mike: their channel is a JOKE!
Ok, so it's the 25th anniversary of MTV, coupled with Thriller celebrating it's 25th anniversary and confirmation of talks being made with Michael regarding the show, and not to mention Michael's recent words "'s coming sooner than they think".

Let the speculation continue!:)