MTV Talking to MJ About Upcoming Video Awards

I have not posted the video with the intention of offending, of course!
I wanted to show the reason why I don't want to see Michael in the MTV Awards.
That argument could be used to post any offensive article about MJ. Not good enough.
The most important are my intention.They're not bad.I love and respect Michael, of course!
But I apologize for posting ... I had no intention to offend.
What would people's reaction be if MJ decided to perform on the show, and he pulled off a magical performance just like he did back in 1995.

If the performance turned out to be nothing but positive with regards to Mike and promotion for his new album, would you still complain?

I bet some would feel betrayed. I'm actually indifferent to do it: damn if he does and damn if he doesn't.
I think the video was posted to show people how pathetic MTV is. I think the video should be on here. People need to know. Thank god someone invented youtube.

Let the speculation continue!

I agree. Let it continue.
The most important are my intention.They're not bad.I love and respect Michael, of course!
But I apologize for posting ... I had no intention to offend.
I know Dri. bit just think of how you would feel it that aweful thing was being posted and broadcast after all these years. I know I wouldn't lijke it. i doubt Mj would.
I can't see the video to tell what it's contents are so I'll wait for another staff to come on an review it but in the mean time lets move on with the topic and not focus on one aspect.

I'm just looking forward to seeing MJ on tv again - the thought of video awards is exciting :yes:
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I dont even know why theres a thread on here regarding this. Michael will no more show up that night then will Elvis. I dont even think it deserves speculation. We all know these networks like to create a big stir by throwing around big names. It draws in viewers and creates hype. I bet they are not in any talks with Michael Jackson. For one, Michael would unlikely attend another MTV awards show after the 2002 fiasco. For two, this is no different then the Grammy's, Superbowl, BET, and American Idol rumors. All proved to be untrue. Now your telling me Michael would turn down all of them and instead go on MTV...not going to happen. Just wait and see...Michael Jackson will not attend this event at all.
For some unknowqn reason I get the feeling that MJ has diplomatically told these people to Kiss his Beeehiind and then go take a flying jump. I really don't think he will be using the mainstream media to promote anything anymore. he bypassed them for thriller 25 and it still got publicity. I don't thik he cares anymore. i see a rather militant MJ after the trial.
I think the video was posted to show people how pathetic MTV is. I think the video should be on here. People need to know. Thank god someone invented youtube.

I agree. Let it continue.

exactly what I would say!!!thank you!

Ok, but that's assuming that people even give a crap to watch MTV anymore, and as you've seen on here, even Michael's fans don't want to watch it. MTV didn't just make fun of him and humiliate him, they also SUCK big time and they are not about music anymore. I don't think he should associate himself with that scum and trash in any way. He does not need them to be successful! It isn't as if he has to depend on them to get publicity or as the only way for him to perform.
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if michael didnt forgive and move on he would have no where to go!
in my honest opinion he must move forward like he has in the past! sony have continued to support michael jackson after some problems in the past, so i dont see why MTV wouldnt do the same.. so what if they made fun of him in 2002? if ur not a MJ die-hard, it was FUNNY! we can be so sensitive sometimes. (i did not find it funny but can see why some did)

i believe MTV CAN (not will, but CAN, its possible) put together a good awards show this year. Its their 25th Anniversary. Michael has been HEAVILY involved in MTV in years gone by. He did the 2001 N*Sync guest spot, 1995 opening, 1994 opening, and a number of other appearances as well.

MTV will without doubt target the biggest people to have ever had involvement with them for their special anniversary. Michael being one. They will try their best to get him. Probably guarantee him no jokes (like 1995)... Whether he is interested is another thing;)
Well, I will say this: I think it's a big 'so what'. It's one thing for comedians to do jokes, but for a network to punk Michael Jackson on live TV is humiliation and for what? He didn't deserve that... No one does. And anyone laughing at that was laughing at him at his expense. As bad as Britney was last year, I saw nothing funny about humiliating that girl when it was clear she had serious unaddressed mental issues at that time. And I'm not close to being a Britney fan.

Yet still, as I have said before, any appearance that MJ makes on any show will be because it is of ultimate benefit to him in the long run.

If MJ would appear and perform on the VMAs, I hope it is because MTV is returning to the music standard and not to have tongues wagging over the latest celebrity train wreck shown on live TV.
What would people's reaction be if MJ decided to perform on the show, and he pulled off a magical performance just like he did back in 1995.

If the performance turned out to be nothing but positive with regards to Mike and promotion for his new album, would you still complain?
I don't think we are talking apples and apples here. If MJ were to perform on the VMAs, it will be because HE gets a benefit from it. It doesn't negate how he has been treated unless they turn around and start to kiss up to him and apologize for the past and I don't see that happening.

The VMAs is a train wreck in and of itself and MTV needs to decide if it wants to represent the cutting edge of music and music videos again, or will they continue down the path of doing anything to get people to watch their show.
I dont even know why theres a thread on here regarding this. Michael will no more show up that night then will Elvis. I dont even think it deserves speculation. We all know these networks like to create a big stir by throwing around big names. It draws in viewers and creates hype. I bet they are not in any talks with Michael Jackson. For one, Michael would unlikely attend another MTV awards show after the 2002 fiasco. For two, this is no different then the Grammy's, Superbowl, BET, and American Idol rumors. All proved to be untrue. Now your telling me Michael would turn down all of them and instead go on MTV...not going to happen. Just wait and see...Michael Jackson will not attend this event at all.
If people want to speculate, they can all they want to. The thread continues...
Well, I'd love to see MJ perform again no matter the stage and I think that performing at the MTV awards would be beneficial to his career.

That being said, MTV can stuff it where the sun don't shine. That crap they pulled with MJ a few years back was mean-spirited and completely unnecessary. MJ doesn't owe them anything, it's the other way around. Look at what they've done with the legacy that he and other great artists created, too. They've completely ruined it by turning the channel into a faux gossip/fictional drama station. It's really kind of pathetic.
But why not .......if there is an award , $$ and more puplicity ,i wouldn't mind it ... sorry but this is my opimion !!!

i had no idea about this am agree now...but anyway who gives a shit..michael was before them..and will continue to be after them...michael will use mtv once again for his own good.. i think not now but when the new album comes..and once again when michael comes on stage they will have to stand up for him....
is it possible to get another source like that, a link or something else. Or someone would be so kind an scan the article?
I posted the actual article at:

And again, it was nothing more than EW taking wild guesses as to who might be performing this year "Michael Jackson, Guns N' Roses, U2, No Doubt, Eminem, Dr. Dre, and even Britney Spears?"

MTV said nothing to confirm that they've been in talks with Michael at all, they just used the run-of-the-mill saying, "We're talking to them all" to indicate that nothing is completely out of the question as far as performers go. The speculation this year is no less nor any greater than it is each year.

What would people's reaction be if MJ decided to perform on the show, and he pulled off a magical performance just like he did back in 1995.

If the performance turned out to be nothing but positive with regards to Mike and promotion for his new album, would you still complain?
I doubt that any of us are concerned about Michael himself putting on a great performance. It's just the possibility of intentional sabotage and ridicule that MTV could throw at him either during or after the performance that causes concern and complaints amongst the fans. Imagine Michael putting on a brilliant performance, and then having Jay Leno or somebody walk out afterwards and start rambling off all of the typical nose/molestation/freak jokes, similar to the way MTV allowed Sarah Silverman to maliciously attack Britney after her performance last year (such mockery would not go over well with the audience, but it would be embarrassing regardless).

Of course, there is no way to predict what MTV would or would not do. It could go over perfectly, but historically speaking MTV has shown that they have no regrets about completely disrespecting musical artists for the sake of ratings.
grrrrr...If i'm made to watch another awards show with my finger on the record button......

I mean, I love award shows...but DONT tell me Michael Jackson ids coming if he's not!!!!! lol!

Yeah no kidding...I know exactly how you
when Michael does a performance he'll announce it.. He'll want a huge rating draw.. And if he does not announce it ppl wont know he'll be there..

But if he does a fast suprise apperance for whatever reason that's different..

IDK, we'll see.................... Again!! loL!
does anyone remember why we as fans tuned into the show?

It was stated that he was going to recieve the MTV Artist Of The Millenium award..

So it was not just him that thought it.. They gave out the wrong information, and they turned it to show MJ like that..