MTV Talking to MJ About Upcoming Video Awards

Look, if Michael decides to go on MTV again, and he feels it will be benificial to whatever project he is promoting, then that's fine. It's his choice and I have no right to tell him what and what not to do. I don't want to tell him. And I'm not doing that here. I'm just stating my opinion on MTV and what they did. It WAS a big deal. They humiliated him on national television, they were cruel to him for no good reason other then their desire to see him suffer, and they still use their manipulation of him as a means to elicit laughs. It's beyond mean-spirited what they did, and to someone so nice, it just makes me ill. It's not that I think it would be a bad career move for Michael to go on their pathetic show, it's more like I want Michael to be respected and treated with kindness, as he treats everyone else. And MTV has failed miserably in that department. I wouldn't be angry at Michael or think less of him if he went on MTV, I just don't think MTV deserves him, his forgiveness or the benifit of the doubt. Not after all he's done for them and then having to watch them turn around and kick him in the face so unexpectedly and with malicious intent.
Well, whether he is going or not, I'm not gonna worry cause it's his choice.. and it hasn't even happened yet. We don't even know for sure is MTV DID contact him.. they might of just said his name to spike up viewers or have the public interest more in the show since Michael "might" show up. :mello: So.. I'm just gunna leave it at that.. we'll see.. but mostly, Michael does not show up at events much, but you never know with him also.. so it's hard..lmfao. Ahh, he'll surprise us somehow .

Then again janet seems to have patched up her relationship with MTV. She made her first appearance back on TRL in 7 years and then made another appearance to promote her tour and word that she'll be doing a reality show for them.
Michael Jackson would be playing with fire if he makes any kind of agreement with MTV. They have proven themselves by past events. If Michael wouldn't go to the BET Awards, then why in the HELL would he go on MTV, so they can put on the comedian of the moment after him and ridicule him. MTV isn't even that relevant anymore for Michael to grace the show with his presence. When Jackson returns to the limelight, it should be on his own terms. His own TV special. Why give MTV the chance to humiliate you and show it over and over again in repeats? I don't think Jackson will give MTV the chance to make a fool out of him again.
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Look, if Michael decides to go on MTV again, and he feels it will be benificial to whatever project he is promoting, then that's fine. It's his choice and I have no right to tell him what and what not to do. I don't want to tell him. And I'm not doing that here. I'm just stating my opinion on MTV and what they did. It WAS a big deal. They humiliated him on national television, they were cruel to him for no good reason other then their desire to see him suffer, and they still use their manipulation of him as a means to elicit laughs. It's beyond mean-spirited what they did, and to someone so nice, it just makes me ill. It's not that I think it would be a bad career move for Michael to go on their pathetic show, it's more like I want Michael to be respected and treated with kindness, as he treats everyone else. And MTV has failed miserably in that department. I wouldn't be angry at Michael or think less of him if he went on MTV, I just don't think MTV deserves him, his forgiveness or the benifit of the doubt. Not after all he's done for them and then having to watch them turn around and kick him in the face so unexpectedly and with malicious intent.

Wholehearterdly agree! :clapping:

MTV doesn't give a crap about respecting anyone, they're out to shock audiences and I couldn't trust them to not pull another disgusting stunt like the one on 2002 just to make their pathetic show the one thing everyone talks about.
Michael would not purposly NOT go on MTV simply for what they said or did in the past.. He'll do whatever will help him NOW.. If MTV is a good venue, he'll go on it..

Same thing as Sony,even though they did what they did, as long as they will do a good job NOW, that's all he'll care about..

He knows the business is like that, people will say and do anything for personal gain.. MTV will do what sells.. He knew that a long time ago..
Then again janet seems to have patched up her relationship with MTV. She made her first appearance back on TRL in 7 years and then made another appearance to promote her tour and word that she'll be doing a reality show for them.

Yeah, but to be fair, Janet is more desperate than MJ is these days. She needs all the mainstream exposure she can get. And also, it wasn't until boobagte they treated her like crap. With MJ, his shitty treatment has went on for years. I remember him being slandered by them back during the 1st allegations. That's why him getting punk'd was so embarrassing because it was already out there that the channel hated him.
business is business.. he'd go on MTV. Michael will go wherever opportunity lies. It's that simple.

You think he sits around and gets mad over what MTV did NOW?? of corse not, us fans hold grudges MUCH longer than Michael himself.

incase if some of yall have not noticed by now, 99% of the industry is the same way.. They are all opportunists.. You cannot make it big without being an opportunists.. NOW, some do it sleezy and some do it smart..

if MTV provided a good platform for him on an MTV awards, you better believe he'd be there.. (of course if the timeing for the album etc. is right)

And I hate to say it, but even I have to start admiting to myself that Michael is not the only one picked on.. Yes he's attacked MORE than any other celeb. But not the ONLY.. You watch VH1's shows that they have those comedians on there talking about stuff that happened.. They crack jokes about everyone from fergie, britney, Elton John, and Michael Jackson.. But when we see the MJ thing WE get hurt.. U know fergie fans do the same thing when they see her stuff. etc..

Us MJ fans wont even give it the time of day to even think about.. I bet Fergie wont show up at the VH1 show because they talked about her peeing herself on stage...

But fergie fans are all over that topic.. lol!
business is business.. he'd go on MTV. Michael will go wherever opportunity lies. It's that simple.

You think he sits around and gets mad over what MTV did NOW?? of corse not, us fans hold grudges MUCH longer than Michael himself.

incase if some of yall have not noticed by now, 99% of the industry is the same way.. They are all opportunists.. You cannot make it big without being an opportunists.. NOW, some do it sleezy and some do it smart..

if MTV provided a good platform for him on an MTV awards, you better believe he'd be there.. (of course if the timeing for the album etc. is right)

And I hate to say it, but even I have to start admiting to myself that Michael is not the only one picked on.. Yes he's attacked MORE than any other celeb. But not the ONLY.. You watch VH1's shows that they have those comedians on there talking about stuff that happened.. They crack jokes about everyone from fergie, britney, Elton John, and Michael Jackson.. But when we see the MJ thing WE get hurt.. U know fergie fans do the same thing when they see her stuff. etc..

Us MJ fans wont even give it the time of day to even think about.. I bet Fergie wont show up at the VH1 show because they talked about her peeing herself on stage...

But fergie fans are all over that topic.. lol!

we really don't know what Michael will or will not do, nor how he feels.
I think that performing at the MTV awards would be beneficial to his career.

MJ's career was benefitted by Thriller. MJ does nopt need that shitty channel. They need him.

MTV is DESPERATE. They see what the BET Awards show have to offer. Look at this years - it meshed with the old and new and respected everyone. MTV does not do that. They need MJ for the ratings and this is their true karma. They need the main person that gave all of them a paycheck to help them in their damn award show. That is sad on MTV's part. What we read is proof why MTV sucks. BET does not need to be desperate to get peopel to come to their award show. There are so many real talented people out there and BET has so much respect for those talented people that it would not a problem for those people to come on that show. With MTV, they have to let EW know what they are trying to do.

You think he sits around and gets mad over what MTV did NOW?? of corse not, us fans hold grudges MUCH longer than Michael himself

I agree with that. I understand why the fans were mad. I was mad myself on how they lied to him and to the media. I think they did what they did to him on purpose. However, I think that we have to move on from that time but we should never forget.

They crack jokes about everyone from fergie, britney, Elton John, and Michael Jackson.. But when we see the MJ thing WE get hurt.. U know fergie fans do the same thing when they see her stuff. etc

That is a good point. I do not see the point of those crappy shows anyway but people want to dwell on other people's sorrows and mishaps.

I have no clue what kinds of tricks MTV will pull this year but let's see what happens.
well I think Mike has shown that he takes chances.. if he lived in fear of what someone, some chanell, some company would do negitivally he would not get anywhere..

MTV could make fun of MJ.. But so could ABC, CBS, NBC, VH1, CNN, FOX, E!, and so on.. What is he going to boycott and refuse to go on every chanell because of it?? If he did that he would not go on any channel..

SONY back stabbed him, but he'll probably release his next album with Sony..

You know how many 'friends' sued him over something, how many companies turned there back on him etc..?? He does not STOP because of it..

We can be mad at MTV all we want but that's not going to do anything.. MTV help launch MJ's career as Michael launched MTV.. I get that.

If MTV is a media outlet, they will do what sells.. Once promoting Michael will help bring them in money, they will back him.. The time will come when MTV will promote Michael in a positive light..
yeah, But To Be Fair, Janet Is More Desperate Than Mj Is These Days. She Needs All The Mainstream Exposure She Can Get. And Also, It Wasn't Until Boobagte They Treated Her Like Crap. With Mj, His Shitty Treatment Has Went On For Years. I Remember Him Being Slandered By Them Back During The 1st Allegations. That's Why Him Getting Punk'd Was So Embarrassing Because It Was Already Out There That The Channel Hated Him.

Wen Did Mj Get Punkd
Well, I think that it is not a chance worth taking. MTV had to have sat down in a conference room and PLANNED what they did to Michael for it to work out so smoothly the way it did. So why on earth would Michael trust them like that again? They ridiculed him before, during and as he was walking off the stage. Then they laughed at him for weeks and weeks thereafter. So I say to Michael, "would it be worth taking a chance on them again?

Sure, Michael can go on their show, but Michael would have no guarantee whatsoever that MTV would do right by him and not plan yet another trick on him. So it would be a chance he would be taking. But if he were to go on BET, I doubt very seriously if he would have anything to worry about. In fact, I don't think he would have anything to worry about with the Grammies or the AMAs either.

So what do we have here? BET, Grammies and AMAs. That is three major music shows right there. He does not need all!

And yall, this is not about the fans or Michael, being bitter, unforgiving, or whatever you want to call it. It is about Michael being wise and careful.
well I think Mike has shown that he takes chances.. if he lived in fear of what someone, some chanell, some company would do negitivally he would not get anywhere..

MTV could make fun of MJ.. But so could ABC, CBS, NBC, VH1, CNN, FOX, E!, and so on.. What is he going to boycott and refuse to go on every chanell because of it?? If he did that he would not go on any channel..

SONY back stabbed him, but he'll probably release his next album with Sony..

You know how many 'friends' sued him over something, how many companies turned there back on him etc..?? He does not STOP because of it..

We can be mad at MTV all we want but that's not going to do anything.. MTV help launch MJ's career as Michael launched MTV.. I get that.

If MTV is a media outlet, they will do what sells.. Once promoting Michael will help bring them in money, they will back him.. The time will come when MTV will promote Michael in a positive light..

Come on, dude. The man has self respect. There's a reason why he spoke to Ebony Magazine over Rolling Stone and People magazine. And I don't get your point at all about Sony. Tommy Mottolla isn't there, is he?

Wen Did Mj Get Punkd

You know the 2002 VMAS
Good point. There WAS a reason he went to Ebony. That was the first time Michael had spoken after that trial and I am willing to betcha that he thought carefully about who he would allow to interview him for the anniversary of T25. This is why I don't think that Michael is gonna show up for MtV. He doesn't need them at all. There are too many other venues he can use. I think Michael only wants positivity at this point. He don't want no foolishness this time around.
well I think Mike has shown that he takes chances.. if he lived in fear of what someone, some chanell, some company would do negitivally he would not get anywhere..

MTV could make fun of MJ.. But so could ABC, CBS, NBC, VH1, CNN, FOX, E!, and so on.. What is he going to boycott and refuse to go on every chanell because of it?? If he did that he would not go on any channel..

SONY back stabbed him, but he'll probably release his next album with Sony..

You know how many 'friends' sued him over something, how many companies turned there back on him etc..?? He does not STOP because of it..

We can be mad at MTV all we want but that's not going to do anything.. MTV help launch MJ's career as Michael launched MTV.. I get that.

If MTV is a media outlet, they will do what sells.. Once promoting Michael will help bring them in money, they will back him.. The time will come when MTV will promote Michael in a positive light..
Well, since the trial, I have not seen Michael going anywhere near any of those stations, so I would like to guess that he is definately boycotting them. the only tiome they have had any MJ stories is when he turns up at some gathering and they clamber to get pictures of him. So far he has stayed away from all of them. I feel that MJ is boycotting the mainstream media.
MTV is utter crap, their programme in recent years has been beyond ridiculous. The VMAs were the highlight for many years, but they've become crappy as well. I would hate for MJ to give them ratings. BUT I still think he will have to appear, if the wants to connect to a younger audience, and from everything I've heard so far about the people he's collaborating with I'd say that he wants to do exactly that. Not that I'm very happy about it, I still don't like the fact he's collaborating with people like Will.I.Am or Akon, but these are exactly the artists that are represented by MTV, so eventually MJ will have to collaborate with MTV as well. I'd rather see him perform at the Grammys. IF MJ should do the VMAs, he should merely perform, NOT accept another Artist of the Millenium/Universe whatever crap award, this will embarrass him all over again. If MTV offers to give him such a fake award, MJ has to say NO. He must show himself merely as a musician and performer.
MTV is utter crap, their programme in recent years has been beyond ridiculous. The VMAs were the highlight for many years, but they've become crappy as well. I would hate for MJ to give them ratings. BUT I still think he will have to appear, if the wants to connect to a younger audience, and from everything I've heard so far about the people he's collaborating with I'd say that he wants to do exactly that. Not that I'm very happy about it, I still don't like the fact he's collaborating with people like Will.I.Am or Akon, but these are exactly the artists that are represented by MTV, so eventually MJ will have to collaborate with MTV as well. I'd rather see him perform at the Grammys. IF MJ should do the VMAs, he should merely perform, NOT accept another Artist of the Millenium/Universe whatever crap award, this will embarrass him all over again. If MTV offers to give him such a fake award, MJ has to say NO. He must show himself merely as a musician and performer.
For some reason I don't think MJ really cares about connecting with youth now. I really feel that he is comfortable where he is right now and isn't concerned about making an entrance into the pop world again. I think he is just happy to write music and releases it if or when he feels like it. There is no need for MJ to compete with the youngsters out there. I think MJ is happy to be a mentor for them. He will release an album, but I think it is mainly for pleasure and for his fans.
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Well, since the trial, I have not seen Michael going anywhere near any of those stations, so I would like to guess that he is definately boycotting them. the only tiome they have had any MJ stories is when he turns up at some gathering and they clamber to get pictures of him. So far he has stayed away from all of them. I feel that MJ is boycotting the mainstream media.

He did appear in Access Hollywood over 2 special episodes.
He did appear on the MTV Awards in Japan in 2006 also.
The WMA 2006.
He did the fan events and military camp in Japan also in 2007.
Ebony was in 2007, which also featured some stuff from Access Hollywood.
He video messaged NRJ awards.

So its not like he is trying to avoid people. I'd say he just wants to keep a low profile and not appear as if he is trying to make his "comeback" until he ACTUALLY WANTS TO MAKE his comeback, ya know:) ... Thats my theory why he wasnt involved n Grammys this year the day before T25 came out, and why he didnt go to BET awards when he was to be honored, and all of that. I reckon he didnt want THRILLER to be seen as his "comeback"... with OLD material... I reckon he is waiting till the time is right to do it properly:)
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He did appear in Access Hollywood over 2 special episodes.
He did appear on the MTV Awards in Japan in 2006 also.
The WMA 2006.
He did the fan events and military camp in Japan also in 2007.
Ebony was in 2007, which also featured some stuff from Access Hollywood.
He video messaged NRJ awards.

So its not like he is trying to avoid people. I'd say he just wants to keep a low profile and not appear as if he is trying to make his "comeback" until he ACTUALLY WANTS TO MAKE his comeback, ya know:) ... Thats my theory why he wasnt involved n Grammys this year the day before T25 came out, and why he didnt go to BET awards when he was to be honored, and all of that. I reckon he didnt want THRILLER to be seen as his "comeback"... with OLD material... I reckon he is waiting till the time is right to do it properly:)
I did not say he was trying to avoid people. I said I believe he was BOYCOTTING mainstream media, by being very selective about who he speaks to. Yes, he has spoken to s selected few but in the main, he seems not to be speaking to cetain groups, esp in America and Britain.
You all are making MTV bigger than it is.
They do only what majors and labels tell them to do, who to play, which videos have to be on heavy rotation, which videos have to be avoid, wich artist to be always on to of their airplay which ones they have to avoid, who has to win who has to lose the awards and so on and on...
For mtv to do such cruel things on mj birthday and plan everything from a to z for no reason is not so reasonable, that episode and some others were happening during the period MJ and Sony were into fight... that's why I believe MJ forgive so easily, because he knows how things work and what there is relly behind everything. Come on... MTV is just a creepy bunch of puppets... I don't care if MJ would like to appear on their show or not, really don't care.
We can be mad at MTV all we want but that's not going to do anything.. MTV help launch MJ's career as Michael launched MTV.. I get that.

Your right, it is not going to do anything. MTV never help launch MJ's career. MJ was already a legend way before MTV even existed. MTV is the same channel that was not trying to put black people on their channel. MTV deserves zero credit as far as I am concerned. There are clowns. Now, I would like to see MJ on the VMAS, performance wise, and that is about it. MJ can leave the place and move on.

As for the Grammys, let's not forget how they played people. They were supposed to do something on MJ, we saw the commercial and everything and decided last minute not to even do the special on Mike. I find that laughable. Anyway, whatever.

I said I believe he was BOYCOTTING mainstream media

Ebony is a mainstream magazine. However, I see what you are saying. MJ being selective is a very intelligent move for right now. However, when he has to promote something, he might need that mainstream media.
To keep some things in perspective:

Generally the 'top tier' stars don't appear on these award shows anymore unless (a) they have a project to promote, or (b) a special award is being handed to them.

It may be a special anniversary year for MTV, but this ani't Motown 25 and Berry Gordy or Arista Records and Clive Davis. The stars showed up because they respected the men behind those companies.

MTV can 'talk' to whoever about whatever. It doesn't mean that they will agree to show up unless there is something in it for them. The only mega name MTV may pull is Madonna because she has an album out and an upcoming tour to promote.

As for MJ, we only have 2nd and 3rd hand information that he is even working on his album. We have a leaked song that has since been pulled and no official information as to when it will be released for radio play or even whether it will be a part of anyone's album.

Since I don't see what would be in it for MJ to show up, I really don't see it happening, regardless of MTV's dubious past history.

Maybe he will make an appearance, but then again, maybe not. If the Grammy people were unsuccessful in getting MJ to show, what makes MTV a better prospect?
If anyone is going to interview him,It has to be someone he can trust,Ebony was the right Mag for him and Now We need to see him being interviewed by a Good Honest respected journalist that Michael can really trust.Janet did a nice interview with Larry King and it was cute that she showed him how to dance.He looked for arkward it was so funny.I still look at it when it comes on.I hope Michael will be interviewed soon before a CD Drops or a Song Drops.I want to see that Sexy SMiLE and hear that sexy pre 50 or after 50 voice.hmm He looks just as sexy as Prince at 50.
What ever he decides to do,I hope these people will treat him fair and not pull any stunts on him or He'll never trust again.
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Look, if Michael decides to go on MTV again, and he feels it will be benificial to whatever project he is promoting, then that's fine. It's his choice and I have no right to tell him what and what not to do. I don't want to tell him. And I'm not doing that here. I'm just stating my opinion on MTV and what they did. It WAS a big deal. They humiliated him on national television, they were cruel to him for no good reason other then their desire to see him suffer, and they still use their manipulation of him as a means to elicit laughs. It's beyond mean-spirited what they did, and to someone so nice, it just makes me ill. It's not that I think it would be a bad career move for Michael to go on their pathetic show, it's more like I want Michael to be respected and treated with kindness, as he treats everyone else. And MTV has failed miserably in that department. I wouldn't be angry at Michael or think less of him if he went on MTV, I just don't think MTV deserves him, his forgiveness or the benifit of the doubt. Not after all he's done for them and then having to watch them turn around and kick him in the face so unexpectedly and with malicious intent.

Exactly! That is how I feel too. If he decided to be on their show, then that is his choice, and I really hope that things turn out great for him. I only want what's best for him, and I want him to be treated right. They do not deserve him or for him to help them in any way, but if he thinks it will benefit himself, then he should go for it. I can't stand MTV, they are not about music anymore, and they are a joke. I do think it would be better to do the Grammys or something else, but again, it's Michael's choice.
Of course if he performed, it would be amazing, and I know I would love it and be impressed, as I always am with him. I just feel protective of him and don't want him to be hurt again.
Well, I think that it is not a chance worth taking. MTV had to have sat down in a conference room and PLANNED what they did to Michael for it to work out so smoothly the way it did. So why on earth would Michael trust them like that again? They ridiculed him before, during and as he was walking off the stage. Then they laughed at him for weeks and weeks thereafter. So I say to Michael, "would it be worth taking a chance on them again?

Sure, Michael can go on their show, but Michael would have no guarantee whatsoever that MTV would do right by him and not plan yet another trick on him. So it would be a chance he would be taking. But if he were to go on BET, I doubt very seriously if he would have anything to worry about. In fact, I don't think he would have anything to worry about with the Grammies or the AMAs either.

So what do we have here? BET, Grammies and AMAs. That is three major music shows right there. He does not need all!

And yall, this is not about the fans or Michael, being bitter, unforgiving, or whatever you want to call it. It is about Michael being wise and careful.

Right! It isn't like we expect him to still be sitting at home, crying, thinking how could they do that to him. Of course we want him to be over it and not even think about it anymore. No one is saying he should hold a grudge against them (even though we do, lol) BUT he needs to be careful about trusting again. Can they be trusted not to do something to him again? You can forgive someone, but then you don't give them the opportunity to hurt you again.

I just watched that clip, and I remember seeing the pics afterward with him and Britney, and I remember hearing about it at the time. I did not see the actual show when they did that to him. I only heard about it on the messageboard afterward. When did he realize it wasn't real? It seemed real at first but then was kind of weird when he was still up there, and they continued to hand out awards.
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