MTV Talking to MJ About Upcoming Video Awards

Thanks for posting that information, Rasta. Wow. Good point making in the previous quoting also. It's true that he alone draws more interest to the show (if it comes official that he will show up, the hype will begin. Think Spears)

If I was the chief executive of the award show (it's not really an award show though, it's more like a...well...a show) I would deff be in talk with the best artists. Michael Jackson is always a DREAM to have has a guest. But then again, if I was the CEO I would make sure that people would be NICE to Mike. Give him ALL the special privileges 8)
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What MTV did to Michael was cruel. They don't deserve to have him on their worthless show. I wouldn't trust them.
I read somewhere that the host for this years show will be Miley Cyrus...if true, does that sound like the kind of show Mike should appear?
don't forget - this is the awards 25th year, coinciding with Thriller's 25.
^^^OMG Rasta...Mike is sooo Gangsta!!! MTV, Nickelodeon, and BET???!!!

so damn Gangsta!! no, there needs to be a new word to describe MJ the businessman.. how about ... Illmatic?, The Don, no ....MIKE IS AN ASSASSIN !!lol :assassin: he is slicin' and dicin' music catalogues, kickin a** and taking names! beware music moguls and rent-a-MJs..when you wake up in a cold sweat..thats cause MJ owns yo' sh*t!!
^^^OMG Rasta...Mike is sooo Gangsta!!! MTV, Nickelodeon, and BET???!!!

so damn Gangsta!! no, there needs to be a new word to describe MJ the businessman.. how about ... Illmatic?, The Don, no ....MIKE IS AN ASSASSIN !!lol :assassin: he is slicin' and dicin' music catalogues, kickin a** and taking names! beware music moguls and rent-a-MJs..when you wake up in a cold sweat..thats cause MJ owns yo' sh*t!!

Isn't she like only popular in the states?

And her ackey breaky heart...

Does anyone belive this rumour?

I don't. Who the hell started this rumour that Michael actually gives a flying hell about MTV?
I read somewhere that the host for this years show will be Miley Cyrus...if true, does that sound like the kind of show Mike should appear?

I don't think that will be an issue.. Michael went to an orphanage the week he accepted that award from MTV Japan and he invited those kids to his party in Japan last March..
there was no protest anywhere about it.....this was all after his Vindication...

if Michael has music to promote....he is going to use what ever medium with the greatest exposure.. and MTV internationally.. can deliver billions of viewers across the globe..

and Michael owes little bit of that MTV in more ways than one...

and as someone mentioned.. its MTV 25th year..coinciding with Thrillers 25 year...

Sony.. today is not the Sony of 2001...IF Michael wants to be on MTV.. he will be with all the bang and it or not....
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You Go, Rasta!

They better roll out the red carpet, the gold carpet, the diamond carpet and the platinum. LOL
I saw Miley Cyrus in Provo Utah last night.....for the 4th. She wasn't bad. She is actually.....really......just normal and pop sounding. Like too many people. Actually she sounds a lot like MJ and his Invincible days. Just normal. Nothing spectacular.
I saw Miley Cyrus in Provo Utah last night.....for the 4th. She wasn't bad. She is actually.....really......just normal and pop sounding. Like too many people. Actually she sounds a lot like MJ and his Invincible days. Just normal. Nothing spectacular.

Blasphemy! That's so off, I don't even know what to say.
I saw Miley Cyrus in Provo Utah last night.....for the 4th. She wasn't bad. She is actually.....really......just normal and pop sounding. Like too many people. Actually she sounds a lot like MJ and his Invincible days. Just normal. Nothing spectacular.

WEEEEEE!!! Ain't that great y'all?!?!?

:sigh: :lol:
MTV Networks President confirmed to Entertainment Weekly (issue July 11, 2008) that they are talking to a number of high-profile stars about appearing on the Sept. 7 show, including Michael Jackson.

DAMMMMN! no wayyy! If MTV gets Michael Jackson to appear, than I'll start
watching their show again ;) *crosses fingers*
MJ should start charging for the use of his name. It could live off that alone.

i agree..and i don't think they spoke to him..i think they said they WILL...

lol..that is if they can reach saying you said they spoke to him, Datsymay..i'm saying they are putting the spin on their words.)

i also agree with the poster who spoke of the aritst of the millenium stunt. they still haven't apologized for that.

tell em one republic/'s too laaate to's too laaateeeee

you just can't keep forgiving and forgetting...i've seen videos of MJ pissed off and not doing anything anymore for people who stepped on him...

there'd be nothing left if some payback didn't happen.

even God doesnt forgive, numerous times without some sorta

why should human beings do it? why should Michael..?
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i also agree with the poster who spoke of the aritst of the millenium stunt. they still haven't apologized for that.

That whole thing is so humiliating. It really is. They didn't just punk him, they kicked him around and laughed at him. To this day when they have specials and reports on the VMAS, they still mention that shit and bash him. That's why him going anyhwere near that channel again, would be crazy. Especially after seeing what happened to Britney last year. Want more evidence do you need to see that all they want these days is a trainwreck? I pray he doesn't let them use him again. Say what you want about the Grammys, but at least a performance on there wouldn't have a "trainwreck" expectation thing to do it.
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That whole thing is so humiliating. It really is. They didn't just punk him, they kicked him around and laughed at him. To this day when they have specials and reports on the VMAS, they still mention that shit and bash him. That's why him going anyhwere near that channel again, would be crazy. Especaily after seeing what happened to Britney last year. Want more evidence do you need to see that all they want these days is a trainwreck? I pray he doesn't let them use him again. Say what you want about the Grammys, but at least a performance on there wouldn't have a "trainwreck" expectation thing to do it.

You're right about that. That's why I said what they did to Michael was cruel. It was completely mean-spirited and wrong and it made me sick. And they did it to him on his birthday no less. What makes me so ill over it is the fact that Michael is such a nice person, a genuinely nice person, and they treated him like he wasn't worth the dirt that they walk on. After all he's done for that channle. I'm with you and I hope he doesn't give those bastards the benifit of the doubt.
I don't think that will be an issue.. Michael went to an orphanage the week he accepted that award from MTV Japan and he invited those kids to his party in Japan last March..
there was no protest anywhere about it.....this was all after his Vindication...

lmao Rasta! I didn't meant it like that!!! :doh:

I meant to make a point about the credibility of the show, having someone as Miley Cirus hosting the it.
You're right about that. That's why I said what they did to Michael was cruel. It was completely mean-spirited and wrong and it made me sick. And they did it to him on his birthday no less. What makes me so ill over it is the fact that Michael is such a nice person, a genuinely nice person, and they treated him like he wasn't worth the dirt that they walk on. After all he's done for that channle. I'm with you and I hope he doesn't give those bastards the benifit of the doubt.

Nice to see someone isn't backtracking on this. That channel just sucks. And even if you take away what they did to him in 2002, that channel is just horrible towards him. Anytime that have any specials on their history, MJ is always barely mentioned while Madonna's ass is kissed heavily. Going by them, you'd think she invented the music video. And don't even get me started on the crap that were saying about him when he was on trial. That channel is just evil. It's just all so sad. Because like you said, MJ is a nice ass caring dude.
Yup. Just in general, they've been horrible to him. He made MTV the force it became, and they pay him back by, as you said, kicking him around and laughing at him. And he had never said a bad word about them or anyone there, not even now does he. They really don't deserve a massive ratings boost from him.
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Well they don't got to like the man personally, imo. I mean, even if he did appear (just if), I'd see it only as business. Award shows these days have been gettin phonier and less appealing every year, they can't hide it.
It's not about liking Michael. They downright were cruel to him, for no reason other then they wanted to join in on the fun of fu*king with him. I wouldn't want to do business with someone who treated me like that.
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Yeah, but... I just wish programs like them wouldn't be that way with him. Like peps have said here, he's done soo much for them, and they know it too, but they won't say so, I'm guessing in fear they'll be some sort of outcast or whatever the reasons might be. What about BET? Would they be a better choice?
BET would be better. Any awards show would be better, to be honest. Even the Grammy's. Though I'm not too keen on them either. The AMA's would be good too.
If Mike ain't got nothing new to promote (and no I don't count "Hold My Hand" in until the song is done or whatever), why would he even show up? I'm just saying.

That's why I said this is some bullsh*t.