MTV Talking to MJ About Upcoming Video Awards

I hope he tells them to F*** off. As someone said, they start these rumors every year to get ppl to watch/attend their whack show. Please!
it would be awsome for Mike to attend..

But every award show I say that.. But MTV awards is one of the better ones for him.
How is it BETTER for him? More people watch BET than MTV. And even more people will watch the Grammies. So how is MTV better?

MTV is a joke. I can not stand that Sarah Silverman woman and i will never forgive her for calling Brittany's innocent little children a MISTAKE.
WOW, thanx guys for convincing yourselves that Michael won't be on the show because YOU don't think he should. i'M only saying that because you all know how disappointed you will be when he does show up unannounced and you all MISS IT!:smilerolleyes: You all know Mike wants to do something we won't expect him to do so I think we should start thinking more outside the box as he would do. This would make us all more prepared for the new stuff.:yes:

How is it BETTER for him? More people watch BET than MTV. And even more people will watch the Grammies. So how is MTV better?

MTV is a joke. I can not stand that Sarah Silverman woman and i will never forgive her for calling Brittany's innocent little children a MISTAKE.

See, what I fear is the people around him could convince him that it's a good idea for him to do it. No disrespect to KOPV, but I thought to myself when I read his post, what if MJ is surrounded by people who think the same way.
I just want to see him out there again! I don't care where, I'll leave that up to him to decide.
I just want to see him out there again! I don't care where, I'll leave that up to him to decide.

You're absolutely right. I guess some people are a bit worried since MTV has become somewhat "hostile territory" when it comes to MJ. Of course, we have no way of knowing what goes on behind closed doors so whatever Michael decides we just have to trust he's taken all those things into account. :)
Of course, we have no way of knowing what goes on behind closed doors so whatever Michael decides we just have to trust he's taken all those things into account.
if there should be a disclaimer on/for/to anything, it should be this.
Well, here's the actual blurb from Entertainment Weekly (in print):

Michael Jackson, Guns N' Roses, U2, No Doubt, Eminem, Dr. Dre, and even Britney Spears--don't count anyone out for this year's MTV Video Music Awards. After a decade away from L.A., the telecast heads to Paramount Studios on Sept. 7, and folks are already trying to guess which performers will appear on the show. MTV Networks president Van Toffler will only say "we're talking to all of them," but one rumor in particular caught him off guard. Is 'N Sync readying a reunion? "Wow," he replies. "I haven't heard that one. We'd definitely like to see jaws drop on the other end of the screen when someone walks on stage. If you have any other good reunion ideas, bring them to me." Okay, then: anybody but Color Me Badd.

The way I see it, this is nothing more than the annual speculation that comes about each year. And, MTV saying "we're talking to all of them" hardly means that they've actually been in contact with Michael or most of the others named off by EW for that matter. It's just the typical thing to say to make it seem like nothing is out of the question at the show.
***** Do you think there is a gathering in one of the MTV's offices every week, so they can talk about how much they hate Michael Jackson? Don't be stupid. MTV profits alot from Michael Jackson, but the man himself also profits as much as MTV does from him. Do you think MTV depends on Michael Jackson? Of course not. Does Michael Jackson depends on MTV and other music channels? Yes.

If Michael Jackson is smart and the time is right, hes gonna attend. I bet my balls on he will sometime in his life, as I said, when the time is right.
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I would actually be sick to my stomach if Michael would attend the MTV VMAs.

Just look what they did to Britney Spears last year. First, they allowed her to perform despite widespread common knowledge that she was both unstable and unprepared at the time. Then, immediately following her opening act, they allowed Sarah Silverman to viciously attack both her and her children (calling them mistakes) for an extended amount of time on stage. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, yet nobody seemed to care or even talk about it because it was apparently more popular to make fun of Britney at the time :rolleyes:.

After what MTV has done to Michael in the past and the way they totally downplayed his significance to the network for the 25 year anniversary, that would be the very last music awards show I would ever want to see him attend again. It's a complete joke, as are most of the other award shows these days. American Music Awards is another one that I cringe at the thought of Michael appearing. A lot of these specials thrive on controversy.

SERIOUSLY? *** Do you think there is a gathering in one of the MTV's offices every week, so they can talk about how much they hate Michael Jackson? Don't be stupid. MTV profits alot from Michael Jackson, but the man himself also profits as much as MTV does from him. Do you think MTV depends on Michael Jackson? Of course not. Does Michael Jackson depends on MTV and other music channels? Yes.

If Michael Jackson is smart and the time is right, hes gonna attend. I bet my balls on he will sometime in his life, as I said, when the time is right.
Please elaborate on the highlighted part.:D
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SERIOUSLY? *** Do you think there is a gathering in one of the MTV's offices every week, so they can talk about how much they hate Michael Jackson? Don't be stupid. MTV profits alot from Michael Jackson, but the man himself also profits as much as MTV does from him. Do you think MTV depends on Michael Jackson? Of course not. Does Michael Jackson depends on MTV and other music channels? Yes.

If Michael Jackson is smart and the time is right, hes gonna attend. I bet my balls on he will sometime in his life, as I said, when the time is right.

whatever happened to principles?:doh:

And once again TSCM is right, as is the case every year, Mike's name gets thrown in the hat of possible performers without Mj even actually being in takes with MTV.

Seriously though, it would really surprise me if Michael Jackson ever appeared on any future VMA show!
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whatever happened to principles?:doh:

And once again TSCM is right, as is the case every year, Mike's name gets thrown in the hat of possible performers without Mj even actually being in takes with MTV.

Seriously though, it would really surprise me if Michael Jackson ever appeared on any future VMA show!
I agree. I don't think MJ need the shows at all. MJ can put on a one man show and get more ratings than all those superstars put together. He could have his own redcarpet like he did in Japan and watch the entire world clambering to be there. I don't understand why MJ should need a show that disrespects him.
Well, here's the actual blurb from Entertainment Weekly (in print):

Michael Jackson, Guns N' Roses, U2, No Doubt, Eminem, Dr. Dre, and even Britney Spears--don't count anyone out for this year's MTV Video Music Awards. After a decade away from L.A., the telecast heads to Paramount Studios on Sept. 7, and folks are already trying to guess which performers will appear on the show. MTV Networks president Van Toffler will only say "we're talking to all of them," but one rumor in particular caught him off guard. Is 'N Sync readying a reunion? "Wow," he replies. "I haven't heard that one. We'd definitely like to see jaws drop on the other end of the screen when someone walks on stage. If you have any other good reunion ideas, bring them to me." Okay, then: anybody but Color Me Badd.

The way I see it, this is nothing more than the annual speculation that comes about each year. And, MTV saying "we're talking to all of them" hardly means that they've actually been in contact with Michael or most of the others named off by EW for that matter. It's just the typical thing to say to make it seem like nothing is out of the question at the show.

So MTV didn't actually say they are talking to MJ. And here's 4 page thread for nothing :lol:
If I would be emotional, then I would say that the idea of Michael participating "MTV Video Music Awards" is disgusting, totally loathsome; cynicism of their production team reached absolute bottom and you can not even start think of those people as human in decent way when they do the nasty deeds. If "Viacom" would fire those line of producers and apologize to Jackson and others for their deeds, then I would be fine with possible attendance.

But being usual self, I have to say that whatever of my feelings and wishes are completely irrelevant to anything beyond myself. Thus, *if* Michael actually comes to finishing his album and will be ready to promote it, then appearing on "MTV's" awards is possible and can have certain marketing meaning, despite anything. Even more: appearance with Oprah is possible. At the same time, Michael can produce and sell show/documentary for federal channel without performing on award shows.

As to Oprah, if I would be emotional, then I would say that I could accept Michael going there if he would again talk live and would smash her arrogance, judgmentality and hipocricy right in her face with appropriate comeuppance.

But, again, in reality there is no trace of possibility such action in Jackson's character. He indeed tends to move one, as Lady Bee said. And, Michael is not very well suited for argumentative discussion. Elizabeth Taylor mentioned that he needs to be protected, when in outer world, and she, probably, could do it for him in similar situations.
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I agree with DuranDuran how can they have an awards show when they don't show videos the way they used to? MTV used to mean music videos but now it has become a joke, they have lost all focus..I would advise MJ to pass on the show.
I agree. I don't think MJ need the shows at all. MJ can put on a one man show and get more ratings than all those superstars put together. He could have his own redcarpet like he did in Japan and watch the entire world clambering to be there. I don't understand why MJ should need a show that disrespects him.

Well, Dats, I'm with ya on this one. Michael Jackson DOES NOT need MTV. This is the one time your suspicions about people using Michael should be applied. MTV is only mentioning Michael's name to stir up anticipation in people to make them watch the show just to see if he will appear. Notice how they listed his name first. Yet he is supposed to be IRRELEVANT.

Like Elizabeth Taylor would say.....Irrelevant, my ass! :D
This thread is going to reach 300 pages and when MJ doesn't show up 312 members will all say how much MJ has let them down.
It's true that he don't need mtv, but it would be fun (for most of us) if he showed up right?

Are some of you afraid that he's gonna mess up? Not that he's gonna mess up, but that people mess with him when he's there?

I always think positive. Whatever he decides to do, it would be great and spectacular no matter what he chooses. Even if he chooses to just sit there and watch. You know the cameras will be on him all night.

He don't need it. A lot of other artists don't need mtv either. But it is a show. A very controversial show. And I think, if Michael is gonna be there, people expect something, you know. People want to see him. How does he look like now? Whats his hair like? Whats he wearing? Whats he gonna do? Is he gonna do something crazy? Yes? How great!! Yeaaah! Most people want to just see him. And if you can carry yourself like that, it's something special. He's special. We love the guy! Even the haters loves him, although they are showing it in an odd way.

I haven't watched MTV in ages, it sucks. But if Michael is gonna be on the show, I'm watching. I'm a sucker for guys like Mike =P
This is his chance to introduce himself to the public again!! Any publicity is good. As long as he does a groundbreaking act, people won't remember 'the incident'.. :D
This is a rumour.........why is everyone getting so excited over a rumour?
I would actually be sick to my stomach if Michael would attend the MTV VMAs.

Just look what they did to Britney Spears last year. First, they allowed her to perform despite widespread common knowledge that she was both unstable and unprepared at the time. Then, immediately following her opening act, they allowed Sarah Silverman to viciously attack both her and her children (calling them mistakes) for an extended amount of time on stage. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, yet nobody seemed to care or even talk about it because it was apparently more popular to make fun of Britney at the time :rolleyes:.

After what MTV has done to Michael in the past and the way they totally downplayed his significance to the network for the 25 year anniversary, that would be the very last music awards show I would ever want to see him attend again. It's a complete joke, as are most of the other award shows these days. American Music Awards is another one that I cringe at the thought of Michael appearing. A lot of these specials thrive on controversy.

:clapping: You read my mind.

Wouldn't it be cool if MJ, Prince and Madonna did a huge performance together since they are all going to be 50

Michael and Price yeah!...Madge? hell to the nah!

Michael's firt appearance CAN NOT be on MTV!!!! :puke:
No it for either BET or the Grammys.
One thing is for sure though, when Michaels does the MTV awards, MTV do go full out and they put alot more money into the sets and stuff than any other show does, look at 1991 & 1995, Michael gets what he wants with them

good point..... and this is a new MJ... if he does go on MTV.. I am sure.. its not going to be as easy as 1-2-3 for MTV...

and with Sony/ATV's purchase of Famous muisc which has a lot of Viacom music in that catalog.... Michael has a lot more leverage than he did back in 2001/2002

remember Viacom is the parent company of MTV

Famous Music was the worldwide music publishing division of Paramount Pictures, a division of Viacom. Its copyright holdings span several decades and includes music from such Academy Award-winning motion pictures as The Godfather and Forrest Gump. It was founded in 1928 by Paramount’s predecessor, the Famous-Lasky Corporation, to publish music from its "talking pictures."
Famous Music also provided licensing and administration services for many prominent music catalog owners such as The Clyde Otis Music Catalogs, as well as for other Viacom divisions including MTV, Nickelodeon and BET.

In May 2007, Viacom sold Famous Music to Sony-ATV Music Publishing co owned by Sony and Michael Jackson for a reported $370m.[1]