Joe Jackson honoured - World needs more fathers like him!

wow this just makes me beyond sick! Whaty kind of a moran honors Joe for being a "stern father"?! The guy beat the crap out of his kids and Michael was the one who suffered the affects the worst! This is so wrong! What kind of father not only beats his kids but RIGHT after Micheal died Joe went on TV talking about how big of a star michael was and then talked about a record label he was starting! WTF??? Im just so sick by this. omg. what the F**k.
Nobody is giving credit to everyone else for what Michael achieve however NO ONE makes it to the top alone without help. That is life with all us. And if any fan think MJ did this along, you are crazy because no no is an island. We all learn from people and we all learn how to mold those things into in order to get our success.

So true. A little off topic, but if not for Epic threatening to pull off all their music from MTV, Michael would not have been put on MTV.

All of his talent and the quality of his work alone was not enough to get him through the MTV doors.

The Jacksons had talent, but it was Joe's rehearsing them constantly that got them at a professional level by the time they auditioned for Motown.

It was absolutely reprehensible and NOT excusable the extent Joe exercised to exact the results he wanted from his sons. The Jacksons could have practiced again and again, and had the professionalism he instilled in them WITHOUT the abuse, but his drive and perfectionism is what helped greatly to get them out of that living room and eventually in
front of Berry Gordy. Again, NOT THE ABUSE!!!!!! (I stress this part because my earlier post was misinterpret by some regarding the abuse)
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Well, whether you agree or disagree (I happen to fall into the latter category), you've got to admit that this is the absolute strangest thing seen in a long long time...
What the &*!! is this about?? Good Lord!! This doesn't make me feel any better at all....what is the world coming to?

That's IT!

I quit this planet.

Anybody gotta ride to Jupiter?

I'll pitch in for gas.

And Rev. Sharpton, PLEASE turn in your Reverend card at the nearest church.

I mean, WTF????

And what church is the Rev. AL Sharpton a "reverend" for?

:bugeyed what a load of bull manure :bugeyed

I hope you have a seat for me..... I will pitch in on the gas as well.

May be we can meet up with MJ waiting for us in Jupiter :angel:

holy mother of god........ really? and he had to be recognized this year?

I mean ever? but this year?

this is worst than spitting on MJ's mausoleum... WORST.


and, I feel EXTREMELY insulted by this news. This is REALLY insulting for us fans, for good fathers on this earth and especially for Michael.

maybe we are suppose to read between the lines??

the award really is for MJ for being the best father .... but Joe is accepting on MJ's behalf??

:bugeyed well I am going to pretend this ^:no:

otherwise I may just have to send a letter to the rev. whatever he is putting in his hair is seeping into his brain clouding his judgment.:doh:
maybe we are suppose to read between the lines??

the award really is for MJ for being the best father .... but Joe is accepting on MJ's behalf??

:bugeyed well I am going to pretend this ^:no:

otherwise I may just have to send a letter to the rev. whatever he is putting in his hair is seeping into his brain clouding his judgment.:doh:

LMAO, you are too funny. =) Also, I like your thinking. I will pretend that too.
by the way... MJ was destined to achieve the level of success he did. he didn't need to be beaten, bruised or traumatized for life.

the talent was there. the desire for greatness was there. the respect of the greats before him was there. the work ethic was there.

a little bit of play time and I love you michael would not have deterred this GENIUS from realizing his destiny. It would have made his live more rewarding.

Good God of Mighty!
Looks like Michael death is the best thing that ever happened to Joe.
Sounds harsh, but that's the way it seems.
:bugeyed what a load of bull manure :bugeyed

I hope you have a seat for me..... I will pitch in on the gas as well.

May be we can meet up with MJ waiting for us in Jupiter :angel:

holy mother of god........ really? and he had to be recognized this year?

I mean ever? but this year?

this is worst than spitting on MJ's mausoleum... WORST.


Mind if I join y'all? I'll pitch in for the gas too. F*ck this planet!

Jesus Christ, what the hell?!?!?!?!
by the way... MJ was destined to achieve the level of success he did. he didn't need to be beaten, bruised or traumatized for life.

the talent was there. the desire for greatness was there. the respect of the greats before him was there. the work ethic was there.

a little bit of play time and I love you michael would not have deterred this GENIUS from realizing his destiny. It would have made his live more rewarding.

Good God of Mighty!

Amen to that. He was already destined to be great. If Joseph hadn't brutalized him, I think he would have been able to change the world in ways that we cannot even comprehend. True, he would not have started in the music business had it not been for Joseph. But, I think he would have accomplished even more if Joseph had encouraged him and not terrified and abused him. Michael was too sensitive for that, it really damaged him. I know Joseph and Michael came to some sort of peace in the last few years, so I am not going to run him down. But I have to say, sorry Joseph, but thumbs down on the "good Dad" award.
yeah that's indeed what the world needs, a man who strip his kids of his clothes , oil him and beat the shit out of him, a father who screws whores in the next room and look into his son eyes and tell him that what real men do , a father who teach his sons that you should take adantage of every woman / girl you meet . a father who send his 5 years old boy to perform in sex clubs .

and who said joe was MJ's father, at best he was an ex-manager like his co felon rowe.
yeah that's indeed what the world needs, a man who strip his kids of his clothes , oil him and beat the shit out of him, a father who screws whores in the next room and look into his son eyes and tell him that what real men do , a father who teach his sons that you should take adantage of every woman / girl you meet . a father who send his 5 years old boy to perform in sex clubs .

and who said joe was MJ's father, at best he was an ex-manager like his co felon rowe.

do I hear H-A-L-L-E-L-U-J-A-H in the background?
Looks like Michael death is the best thing that ever happened to Joe.
Sounds harsh, but that's the way it seems.

I can vouch for that.

Joe, get a life while you still have time and stop trying spray Febreeze on what already smells like SH&T, aka, your reputation and so called fatherly-skills.
yeah that's indeed what the world needs, a man who strip his kids of his clothes , oil him and beat the shit out of him, a father who screws whores in the next room and look into his son eyes and tell him that what real men do , a father who teach his sons that you should take adantage of every woman / girl you meet . a father who send his 5 years old boy to perform in sex clubs .

and who said joe was MJ's father, at best he was an ex-manager like his co felon rowe.
Finally someone who wrote it like it should, i fully AGREE:agree::agree::agree::agree::agree::agree::agree:
Sounds like some type of mutual "admiration" thing between two losers to me.

Al & Joe will apparently do anything to keep themselves in the spotlight and cash in.