Joe Jackson honoured - World needs more fathers like him!

Sorry it was a general post, not directing to you especially, of course you have the right to give credit to who you want. We are all different and have an opinion on something. This is a difficult subject and very touchy since many of us have a straight opinion on certain people depending on our values beliefs and everything. You have the opinion you want, and we also have the right to not agree, that's what discussion is all about.
Hm...I guess I agree with you here.
The one who refuses to accept is YOU.

Here we are, schooling you with fact upon fact - upon FACT, yet you refuse to learn. Joe Jackson is a selfish, evil, corrupt child abuser and a horrible example to the word "father."

Had Joe's actions proven otherwise, my opinion would change about him.

Not going into the beatings, the physical, psychological, emotional abuse Joe put all of his children through the years (we already covered that):

But let's even go to more recent times...

...when a father and his cabal of thieves sue a son for $40 million dollars 2 weeks before his death for a concert Joe dreamed up of and MJ had no signature nor approval of this concert because MJ was going London...

...who smiles like a cheshire cat promoting his latest get-rich-quick scheme 3 days after his death when the world drank gallons of tears over his sons death ...

...when a father goes to every tabloid & paparazzi nest to sell his story for cash...

...when a father charges $3,000 for MJ fans to sit next to him during the "This Is IT" movie while wiping his mouth salivating at the chance to sue AEG as well...

...when a father accepts an award while being boasted by a "reverend" who's more politician (think Alderman Fred Davis on Good Times) than a man of God...

...And in said award claims that the "world needs more fathers like him" - when there is recorded incident after incident of various children testifying to Joe's abuse which has scarred them for life...

..You, my dear need to research before you comment.

You forgot to add:....Tips the paparazzi to photograph his grandchildren when they go out. lol
*shimar's on fire*


(but I understand why, I usually get very expressive and defensive over MJ's discussion on any subject!)

I'm sorry, when Mr/Ms MJJ7777 came off like that - it burned me up.

Rule of thumb is to never piss off a Latina.
Which you obviously don't have much of both since you run your mouth without researching first.
Wow. o_O

You really do hate my guts.

Well ...Don't worry I've pissed off alot of people regardless of their race...its not just you. (P.S. I'm a black girl, I have more gene potential of going off on anyone, which I have chosen not to for the sake of respect and civility).

But I will say I do not need to be taught anymore than you need to. I have seen everything if not more of what you're "teaching" me. Its just a matter of perspective and opinion, upon you and I will never agree on.
I will end this idiocracy of a discussion and move on. Do whatever it is of productivity that you were doing before I even intruded with my unknowledgeable and senseless self...
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Wow. o_O

You really do hate my guts. :doh:

Well ...Don't worry I've pissed off alot of people regardless of their race...its not just you.

But I will say I do not need to be taught anymore than you need to. I have seen everything of not more of what you're "teaching" me. Its just a matter of perspective and opinion, upon you and I will never agree on.
I will end this idiocracy of a discussion and move on. Do whatever it is of productivity that you were doing before I even intruded with my unknowledgeable and senseless self...

I don't hate you - I don't even know you enough to even dislike you.

But you do need to research your MJ material before you come off with comments like the ones you made.
It makes you look arrogant & ignorant. And I'm sure you're not.

We are hardcore MJ fans. Granted, there are some that are more hardcore than I am here and around the world.

And I wouldn't be popping off at you if I couldn't back up what I said.

All I'm saying is, when you feel the need to say something, make sure you can back it up, otherwise get ready to get taught.
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yeah that's indeed what the world needs, a man who strip his kids of his clothes , oil him and beat the shit out of him, a father who screws whores in the next room and look into his son eyes and tell him that what real men do , a father who teach his sons that you should take adantage of every woman / girl you meet . a father who send his 5 years old boy to perform in sex clubs .

You pretty much summarized it.

The man was a genius, so said MJ himself. Give the man some credit...sheesh...had it not been for him, none of you would be sitting here typing about his "abuse" anyways.

He kept his children from falling into the stereotypical pitfalls that so commonly befall young black men.
With his assistance his family proved the "traditional white america" WRONG!

You would never experience the GENIUS of Michael Jackson had it not been for the GENIUS of Joe Jackson.

Sure, MJ picked it up from the middle...but you need a start to get to the middle.

You don't know everything outright. You may have talent but not know how to EXPRESS it. You need GUIDANCE.

You do not reach PERFECTION and SUCCESS without PAIN.

YES, if more fathers were like JOE JACKSON, we wouldn't have young black men proving statistics right. You wouldn't have crack,cocaine addicts, baby daddys, robbers, gangsters, and what ever seems to be the trend nowadays.

People like this end up this way , because they didn't have a parent with a dream.
They let them roam about like the "normal" children because being normal requires no effort in part by the parent.

What's a world full of normal people and no dreams? A World without Michael Jackson.

Maybe you'd have preferred this. But as for me, no way would I accept.

Thank you Joe, Thank you Katherine.
Thanks for sharing your most precious gift with the World.

Its still possible to keep our children from falling into the stereotypical traps that await them without physically and emotionally abusing them. We have enough people in this world crushing the self-esteem of young black children and making them think that they are of low value. We sure as hell don't need to hear it from our parents. You can be strict and loving without being abusive.
Joe Jackson is one of the biggest causes of Michael Jackson final destination, that man used and abused Michael since he was 5 year old (and you must picture a 5 year old boy when i say it, cause everybody says it so fast, they forget what a tragedy that is, just remember Michael Jackson was used since his 5 years old), he used him all of his life, he keeps on using him now after his death, and in a very SHAMELESS WAY, Joe Jakcson is a bastard MF, and he does NOT HAVE MY RESPECT

Shimar, you are amazing, :)
I mean to give Joe credit for the pure Genius of Michael Joseph Jackson is just offensive.

LY, friend :cheeky:

ok... If we give him credit for that, I just ask myself.... Why this world has only ONE King of Pop, Music?
I mean he was not the only child in the family. Just wondered.....

lol, i just saw this "Rule of thumb is to never piss off a Latina." :D
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The IDIOCY of Rev. Al is one thing.:no:

The lack of tack that allowed JOE to accept it is beyond me. :doh:

What's next? The balloon boy's parents gets awarded "Parents of the Year award" from the Rev. AL???:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Clearly, some of the other Black people that are for all of Joe's tactics do not represent me. He was overly abusive. It was beyond spankings or what we black folks call whippings. I got whippings with chords wire hanger etc. Was it right. Maybe not but it was the sign of the times. As I state earlier, eventhough I was whipped my single parent never ever mentally abused me. Never told me I wasn't good enough, ugly, your nothing, too black, your not my son because you are ugly. Along, with the excessive cheating with groupies almost three times younger than himself and there is no telling what else he did that the family does not want to put out there. You would have to think it is much worse than what we all know. To say that is the only discipline to tame black men is an insult to black men and other black men trying to raise their families. He was not an animal. MJ was treated worse than most dogs. All he wante was love from that man. If he would have received love the whippings no longer matter. In my case, the love won out over the whippings.
LY, friend :cheeky:

ok... If we give him credit for that, I just ask myself.... Why this world has only ONE King of Pop, Music?
I mean he was not the only child in the family. Just wondered.....
Much of the credit belongs to Michael Jackson. Yes he is the only one that took the education to heart and ran with it. He made beyond the best of his situation.
Upon not being satisfied at the level his brothers remained satisfied...he made something beyond wonderful of himself.

But think for one second...Its alot easier to accomplish your dreams when they are at first supported and nurtured, in a sense.

Imagine how much harder it would have been for someone like MJ to have made it into the music industry without knowing all the ropes, especially in a time of extreme racism?
Remember this isn't our new and seemingly accepting generation of today, but the generation of that time who beat a black school girl simply because she wanted quality education she was being restricted from.

Don't you think that there are some very talented people whom you'll never hear about because they had no one to encourage their potential? Do you Know that?
Some people live with the fact that they could have been something big sharing their talent with the world yet their parents or people close to them shot their dreams down?

These people don't go unto American Idol and make a mockery of themselves...They just live with the fact that they'll never live their dream out.

I remember listening to Steve Harvey's segment once, once when he mentioned that he was in Ohio listening to the radio as he heard a white commentator say that the Osmonds are better than the Jacksons, because their WHITE. (Segment is on Youtube if you wish to find it. A rebuttal to Bill O Reilly).

Yes, that is why I believe that in order to make it. The Jacksons didn't just have to perform. But perform their hearts out. Something that as a black girl, my mother's always said, whatever you do , do it better than the white man, granted I never got it as bad as MJ did...but I am at the top of my class because of the strict and disciplinary ways about my mother. I used to always think what a cold woman! She hardly ever said I Love you like I'd seen the normal kids parents do all the time. But now to see where I'm at, I thank her so much for not letting me be average , but above average.

Heres a thought...

Who knew that just to hear the angelic voice of a 12 year old required so much pain and suffering?

There was a young mexican or spaniard singer I believe who went by the name Roselito. As a young child, just like MJ, I think he strained too hard.
but who requested more and more from them?

People should have said, Wait! This child is performing for me but at what cost?

Is he going to a normal school to get the schooling that a child really needs?

Wow! He dances and sings so well...I wonder how much of his playtime his rehearsing takes up?

Joe's at fault, but who else , as terrell asked before?

At the end of the day...Everyone wanted something from MJ and he was glad to give it.

The Family might have wanted income, media wanted his reputation and stature, we wanted his music.

Kinda sucks to see how much he really had to pay for all that.
Poor MJ.
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Clearly, some of the other Black people that are for all of Joe's tactics do not represent me. He was overly abusive. It was beyond spankings or what we black folks call whippings. I got whippings with chords wire hanger etc. Was it right. Maybe not but it was the sign of the times. As I state earlier, eventhough I was whipped my single parent never ever mentally abused me. Never told me I wasn't good enough, ugly, your nothing, too black, your not my son because you are ugly. Along, with the excessive cheating with groupies almost three times younger than himself and there is no telling what else he did that the family does not want to put out there. You would have to think it is much worse than what we all know. To say that is the only discipline to tame black men is an insult to black men and other black men trying to raise their families. He was not an animal. MJ was treated worse than most dogs. All he wante was love from that man. If he would have received love the whippings no longer matter. In my case, the love won out over the whippings.

You got that right.

Except a dog is not forced to dance & sing & smile & earn money for an ENTIRE family after a whooping.
The ultimate responsibility falls on the parent. I parent my children. I am not their employer, manager or friend. I provide them guidance, love and safety among other things. That is my job. I do my best to buid character and most of all tell them how much I love them and how much they matter. A parent has the ability to say no more. I don't care how much money is on the table. That is not a good example. Come Again.
We tend to want to blame everybody but where the blame falls. That little house in Gary Indiana. Michael never blamed the fans because he truly felt we cared for him. He said this time and time again. He felt we loved him unconditionally. Some of us did demand a lot of his time, but their are some of us wanted to see him be happy. He was missing something in his life and he told us over and over again. HIS FATHER'S LOVE. Why do we refuse to believe him. Most of our problems as adults stems from our childhood think about it.
We tend to want to blame everybody but where the blame falls. That little house in Gary Indiana. Michael never blamed the fans because he truly felt we cared for him. He said this time and time again. He felt we loved him unconditionally. Some of us did demand a lot of his time, but their are some of us wanted to see him be happy. He was missing something in his life and he told us over and over again. HIS FATHER'S LOVE. Why do we refuse to believe him. Most of our problems as adults stems from our childhood think about it.
I agree with you. I believe MJ. I feel him. I do not agree with what Joe Jackson's done.

I don't understand all the hate though. The only person who deserves to express hate is MJ and he never did that. He Might have, with reason, yet later forgave Thats all I'am,have been, and will always try to say, WHY THE Eternal HATE?

I guess I'll never get it.

I just stop to think that Joe is someone's father, grandfather, uncle,son, cousin, brother, etc., and I keep myself from saying such hateful things. Because you might not end up hurting Joe, who doesnt give a flying hoot on whats said against him anways, its the people who are family to this man you are hurting with your words.

Imagine how much pain one can cause a young grandson or granddaughter once they come across a thread in an MJ community looking for solace or whatever it may be and they come across an MJ fan wishing death upon their grandfather, is that nice?:no:

Its getting Immature and redundant to a point.
We tend to want to blame everybody but where the blame falls. That little house in Gary Indiana. Michael never blamed the fans because he truly felt we cared for him. He said this time and time again. He felt we loved him unconditionally. Some of us did demand a lot of his time, but their are some of us wanted to see him be happy. He was missing something in his life and he told us over and over again. HIS FATHER'S LOVE. Why do we refuse to believe him. Most of our problems as adults stems from our childhood think about it.

Well he might not have blamed the fans but sometimes they could be burdensome too. Also I don't understand why Mike didn't seek therapy for his emotional issues rather than continue to use the Joe abused me situation as a crutch.At sometime in your life, one needs to come to terms with what has happened and confront it and heal from it, it's like Mike either didn't want to let it go or couldn't.