Joe Jackson honoured - World needs more fathers like him!

whoa what a way to make want some mota....seriously....shimar got any ganja? like wtf? am i on some pills cuz u m? tha hell?
Can't we do anything about that??

I mean, talking about it to TV or radio or newspaper will just make people talk more about Joe, and he probably would like it anyway..
But is there anything we can do about that, not only for Michael, but for any good father on this planet or for any bad father who will say, 'hey I do a good job, look, he recieved an award for that'

This is a very dangerous event in my opinion.
where is scorpio to tell us that joe almost have a break down because of mj's lies about him
so to future dads out there: make sure you abuse your children while you raise them. you'll get an award later!
this is a joke right? :mello:

No, it's not. I saw the clip last night on Geraldo. Excuse me if I gag. Al Sharpton, you are wrong on this. Joe Jackson deserves no honor or recognition at this time. Maybe sometime in the future had he decided to give this award to him, it would be okay. But I think it's very disheartening that Joe Jackson is still so jealous of the love and admiration for his son that he is doing everything to capitalize on it. I could have some respect for Joe if he had shown Michael the love he craved all his life. But I don't think that ever happened. This is Michael's time; NOT Joe's! I will always love Michael. :(
The man was a genius, so said MJ himself. Give the man some credit...sheesh...had it not been for him, none of you would be sitting here typing about his "abuse" anyways.

He kept his children from falling into the stereotypical pitfalls that so commonly befall young black men.
With his assistance his family proved the "traditional white america" WRONG!

You would never experience the GENIUS of Michael Jackson had it not been for the GENIUS of Joe Jackson.

Sure, MJ picked it up from the middle...but you need a start to get to the middle.

You don't know everything outright. You may have talent but not know how to EXPRESS it. You need GUIDANCE.

You do not reach PERFECTION and SUCCESS without PAIN.

YES, if more fathers were like JOE JACKSON, we wouldn't have young black men proving statistics right. You wouldn't have crack,cocaine addicts, baby daddys, robbers, gangsters, and what ever seems to be the trend nowadays.

People like this end up this way , because they didn't have a parent with a dream.
They let them roam about like the "normal" children because being normal requires no effort in part by the parent.

What's a world full of normal people and no dreams? A World without Michael Jackson.

Maybe you'd have preferred this. But as for me, no way would I accept.

Thank you Joe, Thank you Katherine.
Thanks for sharing your most precious gift with the World.
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joe did raise a genius but he also raised deadbeat dads, abusive husband (Randy) , liars, thieves , opportunists , sex addicts , lazy , baby mamas and if you want to believe him , he raised a "junkie ".
The man was a genius, so said MJ himself. Give the man
some credit...sheesh...had it not been for him, none of you would be sitting here typing about his "abuse" anyways.

He kept his children from falling into the stereotypical pitfalls that so commonly befall young black men.

You would never experience the GENIUS of Michael Jackson had it not been for the GENIUS of Joe Jackson.

Sure, MJ picked it up from the middle...but you need a start to get to the middle.

You don't know everything outright. You may have talent but not know how to EXPRESS it. You need GUIDANCE.

You do not reach PERFECTION and SUCCESS without PAIN.

YES, if more fathers were like JOE JACKSON, we wouldn't have young black men proving statistics right. You wouldn't have crack,cocaine addicts, baby daddys, robbers, gangsters, and what ever seems to be the trend nowadays.

People like this end up this way , because they didn't have a parent with a dream.
They let them roam about like the "normal" children because being normal requires no effort in part by the parent.

What's a world full of normal people and no dreams? A World without Michael Jackson.

Maybe you'd have preferred this. But as for me, no way would I accept.

Thank you Joe, Thank you Katherine.
Thanks for sharing your most precious gift with the World.

Michael would have entered the music world without Joe. In fact, his father is nothing more than an abuser who tortured Michael physically and emotionally. Joe is a monster. Period.
and it is really pathetic to give joe credit for what mj did , mj's perception of the world was the opposite of joe .
Oh, I'm on your case tonight. Let me begin:

The man was a genius, so said MJ himself. Give the man some credit...sheesh...had it not been for him, none of you would be sitting here typing about his "abuse" anyways.

So child abuse is acceptable to you? Sure, if money & lust is your God.

He kept his children from falling into the stereotypical pitfalls that so commonly befall young black men.

HOW DARE YOU assume that young black men's problems are solved by whipping their kids till the skin peels off, making 5 year olds work in strip clubs to pay your rent & screwing every groupie that came Joe's way and beating you into silence so you won't tell Katherine is "family values" to you?

Not to mention all the other heinous sh&t Joe did after 3 days his "beloved" MJ died. Have you seen this?

And please don't give me that sorry azz excuse that older folks mourn in different ways.

But Imma continue:
You would never experience the GENIUS of Michael Jackson had it not been for the GENIUS of Joe Jackson.

Sure, MJ picked it up from the middle...but you need a start to get to the middle.

You don't know everything outright. You may have talent but not know how to EXPRESS it. You need GUIDANCE.
Guidance is one thing. Child Abuse is another.

MJ learned more from James Brown & Sammy Davis, Jr. and Fred Astaire than he did from Joe Jackson. All he ever learned from him is that daddy is gonna beat you.
You do not reach PERFECTION and SUCCESS without PAIN.
Pain = gain, but Child Abuse = JAIL, which is where Joe Jackson would be nowadays.
YES, if more fathers were like JOE JACKSON, we wouldn't have young black men proving statistics right. You wouldn't have crack,cocaine addicts, baby daddys, robbers, gangsters, and what ever seems to be the trend nowadays.
Who the F-K are you to even go there? Joe Jackson IS A BABY DADDY!! He had JoVonne in 1974 and God knows how many others out there which MJ had to support in order to save his poor mother the embarassment.

It don't matter WHAT color a child is, a child needs assertive but non-abusive discipline, LOVE, affection and positive reinforcement.

And I say this as a proud mother of my baby girl who is doing wonderful thanks to the lessons of God the almighty and positive parenting.

People like this end up this way , because they didn't have a parent with a dream.
They let them roam about like the "normal" children because being normal requires no effort in part by the parent.

What's a world full of normal people and no dreams? A World without Michael Jackson.
You've got to be kidding me. All Joe did was donate sperm to Katherine.

God had Michael's plan charted, with or without Joe Jackson.
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Oh, I'm on your case tonight. Let me begin:

So child abuse is acceptable to you? Sure, if money & lust is your God.


HOW DARE YOU assume that young black men's problems are solved by whipping their kids till the skin peels off, making 5 year olds work in strip clubs to pay your rent & screwing every groupie that came Joe's way and beating you into silence so you won't tell Katherine is "family values" to you?

Not to mention all the other heinous sh&t Joe did after 3 days his "beloved" MJ died. Have you seen this?

And please don't give me that sorry azz excuse that older folks mourn in different ways.

But Imma continue:
Guidance is one thing. Child Abuse is another.

MJ learned more from James Brown & Sammy Davis, Jr. and Fred Astaire than he did from Joe Jackson. All he ever learned from him is that daddy is gonna beat you.
Pain = gain, but Child Abuse = JAIL, which is Joe Jackson would be nowadays.
Who the F-K are you to even go there? Joe Jackson IS A BABY DADDY!! He had JoVonne in 1974 and God knows how many others out there which MJ had to support in order to save his poor mother the embarassment.

It don't matter WHAT color a child is, a child needs assertive but non-abusive discipline, LOVE, affection and positive reinforcement.

And I say this as a proud mother of my baby girl who is doing wonderful thanks to the lessons of God the almighty and positive parenting.

You've got to be kidding me. All Joe did was donate sperm to Katherine.

God had Michael's plan charted, with or without Joe Jackson.
So...Good! Good for you! :clapping:
As for me, I agree with Sharpton on this one.

I don't mind being the minority on here.
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^ i was gonna say something because I hesitate... God gave my ideas/comment to SHIMAR^

This comment also reminded me about what MJ said to Kenny Ortega & Randy Phillips & Victoria Falls.

"If I don't use it, God will give the idea to Prince" - so sweet!
He might have helped alot with their success but hmm great it's clear that his children have suffered mental abuse because of him.
Well, I agree Joe made alot of mistakes and he may not deserve father of the years but I do understand why some feel Joes did his job (Not all the Jackson feel Joe did anything wrong so that can also be in the eyes on each child). I think he is mainly being honored for being a man who raise 9 children (six who were boys, especially BLACK men in a town that was poor and full or violence and dealing with racism). YOu also have to look at the time era. What he did was not unsuall in families. I think what many people fown upon is not the fact the he spanked but what he spanked for when spankings were done. However, I have always said that if people are going to blame Joe, then people need to also blame the record companys (who put this child in the studio to work), the PUBLIC (who brought the records and made this child more valuable. NO ONE complained when little Mike was on the stage performing and saying "no we will buy this child's cd or go to his shows. he is too young and needs a childhood). See, Joe could NOT do no more than what WE the public would have allowed. DO you know how many children are in show biz with parents like Joe or worst? MANY however, these children are not in our faces because the public has NOT brought and contribute to them being pushed. Look at Michael when he got even more famous, IT WAS FANS who made his life hard to go anywhere. SO if people are going to blame get mad with Joe, I think people need to look at what hand they had it in as well. To be honest, there is alot of blame to go around.

I didn't see your post before but I think you said it better than I could ever imagine.
He might have helped alot with their success but hmm great it's clear that his children have suffered mental abuse because of him.

Joe helped a lot in what? Michael was already an amateur performer by the time Joe saw his talent.