Joe Jackson honoured - World needs more fathers like him!

*Think we have some family member's visit right now on this thread*

You can try, I won't change my mind, I hate Joe Jackson.

shimar, I don't agree with you on all your views about other subjects, but I think we share this one!
Well, I agree Joe made alot of mistakes and he may not deserve father of the years but I do understand why some feel Joes did his job (Not all the Jackson feel Joe did anything wrong so that can also be in the eyes on each child). I think he is mainly being honored for being a man who raise 9 children (six who were boys, especially BLACK men in a town that was poor and full or violence and dealing with racism). YOu also have to look at the time era. What he did was not unsuall in families. I think what many people fown upon is not the fact the he spanked but what he spanked for when spankings were done. However, I have always said that if people are going to blame Joe, then people need to also blame the record companys (who put this child in the studio to work), the PUBLIC (who brought the records and made this child more valuable. NO ONE complained when little Mike was on the stage performing and saying "no we will buy this child's cd or go to his shows. he is too young and needs a childhood). See, Joe could NOT do no more than what WE the public would have allowed. DO you know how many children are in show biz with parents like Joe or worst? MANY however, these children are not in our faces because the public has NOT brought and contribute to them being pushed. Look at Michael when he got even more famous, IT WAS FANS who made his life hard to go anywhere. SO if people are going to blame get mad with Joe, I think people need to look at what hand they had it in as well. To be honest, there is alot of blame to go around.
Hummm...what? We, the public, abused Michael? We, the fans, are responsible for Michael's pain? This must be a joke.
You mean MJJ7777, right?

I know what MJs been through, and jail is the Ritz Carlton for where Joe needs to be.

Mods, ban me if you have to, but I gotta say it.

Yes, I was talking to MJ777. I despise Joe Jackson and-in my opinion- he should be locked in a hospital room. I see no big difference beween Hitler and Joe Jackson. Perhaps, I'm being too unfair: Hitler was an evil genius which means he was way more intelligent than Joe.

I'm officially your fan :D
Not only because of this post :cheeky:

Pshaw!!!! :wub:

*Think we have some family member's visit right now on this thread*

You can try, I won't change my mind, I hate Joe Jackson.

shimar, I don't agree with you on all your views about other subjects, but I think we share this one!

Oh yes we have Ms. Carinemjj, but we've been able to handle our disagreements with civility - and I appreciate that very very much. mom always told me ..if you dont have anything nice to say... then dont say anything at all....I think I will take her advice....
Nope. To be correct, I have been an MJ fan ever since Bashir's interview, an interview which prompted a rebuttal from MJ's camp portraying MJ's family including his father in a light contrary to what you're arguing for.

Then I got almost 30 years on you as an MJ fan.

Some advice: Do your research before you comment.

And BTW, if you saw the Bashir (puke) interview, then you must've seen how MJ shook with fear & was horrified to relive those memories when speaking about Joe's abuse towards him and his brothers.

Here's a taste just in case you forgot:
I mean to give Joe credit for the pure Genius of Michael Joseph Jackson is just offensive.

If anything or any parent should receive any credit it should be Katherine.

The success of Michael Jackson can be credited to Michael Joseph Jackson. If you need to really find a second person to credit the Genius of Michael Joseph Jackson go no further than the Good Lord. and not necessarily in this order.

He was destined to be the greatest entertainer and he achieved it by learning and practicing and practicing and learning.

when michaels father was out messing around... michael was in the studio perfecting his craft by learning from his role models like wilson, brown, astaire.

Please! this idea that if it weren't for Joe beating the lights out of a poor 10 year old repeatedly, traumatizing him, withholding love, ........ this is the father of the year?

like i said earlier.... whatever the Rev. is putting in his hair is seeping into his brain clouding his judgment.
You know what? I will never understand the hatred. I feel this way because I feel MJ would have felt this way too. That is MJ's father, he may mean dirt to you, but to MJ he was more than that, and thats all that really matters, we're all just spectators, we know NOTHING really. We interpret what we see and hear but that doesn't mean we know ONE thing.
So go on with the Hate Fest and I was sorry to interrupt, I hope it brings you all the joy and satisfaction that there is to be brought.
But as for me ,To feel strong hate for someone is not what I got out of MJ for all these years.

I do not think Joe has been the best father or husband. But to me, he wasn't the worst.
Then I got almost 30 years on you as an MJ fan.

Some advice: Do your research before you comment.

And BTW, if you saw the Bashir (puke) interview, then you must've seen how MJ shook with fear & was horrified to relive those memories when speaking about Joe's abuse towards him and his brothers.

Here's a taste just in case you forgot:
I'm sorry but I referred to MJ's take, The footage you were never meant to see, not Bashir's interpretation:smilerolleyes:.

I'm not justifying Joe's form of "Discipline". To the contrary. I think its wrong.
But I don't focus on one side of the story and run with the wind blindlessly. I like being open to the other side, forgive me.

You could have been a fan ever since Bible times, that doesn't phase me.

What am I gonna do about it?

Its all about quality not quantity.
Then I got almost 30 years on you as an MJ fan.

Some advice: Do your research before you comment.

And BTW, if you saw the Bashir (puke) interview, then you must've seen how MJ shook with fear & was horrified to relive those memories when speaking about Joe's abuse towards him and his brothers.

Here's a taste just in case you forgot:
I became a fan in 01 and I have done my research lmao , and I can't stand Joe sorry to say
When will Joe die? I hope he dies soon.

okay I shouldn't laugh at that but damn you are so blunt
Tolerance is something different people have at different levels.
Some people can be very tolerant for a thing and not tolerate another.
You have the right to be more tolerant about Joe Jackson if you want, it's your values, your choice and you deal with it like you want, and, I know I'm a bit excessive in my reaction sometimes, but I know Joe Jackson I don't tolerate, sorry.

Tell him that it's human nature...
Tolerance is something different people have at different levels.
Some people can be very tolerant for a thing and not tolerate another.
You have the right to be more tolerant about Joe Jackson if you want, it's your values, your choice and you deal with it like you want, and, I know I'm a bit excessive in my reaction sometimes, but I know Joe Jackson I don't tolerate, sorry.

Tell him that it's human nature...
I'm not tolerating him. I'm just giving what I believe to be due credit for the good that has come out from what he's done. Is that wrong?
I'm not tolerating him. I'm just giving what I believe to be due credit for the good that has come out from what he's done. Is that wrong?

Sorry it was a general post, not directing to you especially, of course you have the right to give credit to who you want. We are all different and have an opinion on something. This is a difficult subject and very touchy since many of us have a straight opinion on certain people depending on our values beliefs and everything. You have the opinion you want, and we also have the right to not agree, that's what discussion is all about.
I'm not tolerating him. I'm just giving what I believe to be due credit for the good that has come out from what he's done. Is that wrong?
As far as making the jacksons the success that they are , yes he got them there but his skills as a parent are questionable , al sharpton went overboard there
You know what? I will never understand the hatred. I feel this way because I feel MJ would have felt this way too. That is MJ's father, he may mean dirt to you, but to MJ he was more than that, and thats all that really matters, we're all just spectators, we know NOTHING really. We interpret what we see and hear but that doesn't mean we know ONE thing.
So go on with the Hate Fest and I was sorry to interrupt, I hope it brings you all the joy and satisfaction that there is to be brought.
But as for me ,To feel strong hate for someone is not what I got out of MJ for all these years.

I do not think Joe has been the best father or husband. But to me, he wasn't the worst.

The one who refuses to accept is YOU.

Here we are, schooling you with fact upon fact - upon FACT, yet you refuse to learn. Joe Jackson is a selfish, evil, corrupt child abuser and a horrible example to the word "father."

Had Joe's actions proven otherwise, my opinion would change about him.

Not going into the beatings, the physical, psychological, emotional abuse Joe put all of his children through the years (we already covered that):

But let's even go to more recent times...

...when a father and his cabal of thieves sue a son for $40 million dollars 2 weeks before his death for a concert Joe dreamed up of and MJ had no signature nor approval of this concert because MJ was going London...

...who smiles like a cheshire cat promoting his latest get-rich-quick scheme 3 days after his death when the world drank gallons of tears over his sons death ...

...when a father goes to every tabloid & paparazzi nest to sell his story for cash...

...when a father charges $3,000 for MJ fans to sit next to him during the "This Is IT" movie while wiping his mouth salivating at the chance to sue AEG as well...

...when a father accepts an award while being boasted by a "reverend" who's more politician (think Alderman Fred Davis on Good Times) than a man of God...

...And in said award claims that the "world needs more fathers like him" - when there is recorded incident after incident of various children testifying to Joe's abuse which has scarred them for life...

..You, my dear need to research before you comment.
I'm sorry but I referred to MJ's take, The footage you were never meant to see, not Bashir's interpretation:smilerolleyes:.

I'm not justifying Joe's form of "Discipline". To the contrary. I think its wrong.
But I don't focus on one side of the story and run with the wind blindlessly. I like being open to the other side, forgive me.

You could have been a fan ever since Bible times, that doesn't phase me.

What am I gonna do about it?

Its all about quality not quantity.

Which you obviously don't have much of both since you run your mouth without researching first.
I agree. I’m not here to defend Joe and I surely don’t think he’s the father of the year. But we have to understand one thing. We can’t blame Joe what happened to MJ.

Joe did what he thought was best at his time. He loved his son very much.

Ehh?? Do you mean we can't blame Joe for Michael's self esteem issues?

Yes, back then was a different time: but there is a difference between being stern/strict and being abusive. Joe was clearly the latter.

So we need more fathers that beat their children, so they don't do guns when their older? That's basically what he's saying

I dunno what the hell is up with Al (just giving an award to his friend I guess), b/c is it a well known fact that Michael has said that Joe abused him. Recently we had Al's team telling the press that he'd contact the Jacksons to figure out whether or not MJ was in NY or not a certain dates and now this. :smilerolleyes: :doh:
