Joe Jackson honoured - World needs more fathers like him!

:scratch:What the heck...... Did I just step into the twilight zone?:ph34r:
Anyway the person who should get the World's Greatest Father Award shouldn't be Joe, but Michael Jackson himself. Enough said.
:scratch:What the heck...... Did I just step into the twilight zone?:ph34r:
Anyway the person who should get the World's Greatest Father Award shouldn't be Joe, but Michael Jackson himself. Enough said.
Well, Joe got it and there is nothing no one can do. SO why sweat over it.
It does not matter, the bottom line is MJ has dealth with his father on how he feels.
No, you're wrong. Michael could never feel the love and care he needed from his father, Michael always felt he wasnt good enough cause his father Joe make sure Michael knew he was not good enough at anything, he would said to Michael he was average, Michael was insecure cause of his father,

Michael could never really heal that part (thats a big part if not the biggest cause of his trauma of seeking perfection at what was already perfect, and that is why he ended up the way he did),

Michael was a sensitive creature, more than common people cause he was a genius, he never felt he was good enough, his father would have never say to him "you were fantastic" he would say "you were ok" istead, Michael was fantastic but his father, the one Michael most wanted to be recognised would never do it, Michael end up hating him, but it was like a hate but an admiration or more than admiration a hate, a loss for not having a good father he may have seen other kids had,

Michael thought Joe had some kind of power over everybody cause Joe was agressive, Michael hated and feared Joe more than respected him, Joe make Michael a hell of an insecure person, add to that Michaels own natural seek of perfection, Michael ended up feeling his father was a bad father, or that his father didnt wanted him, and we all know how the story developed since the 5 year old Michael till the last day Michael...
No, you're wrong. Michael could never feel the love and care he needed from his father, Michael always felt he wasnt good enough cause his father Joe make sure Michael knew he was not good enough at anything, he would said to Michael he was average, Michael was insecure cause of his father,

Michael could never really heal that part (thats a big part if not the biggest cause of his trauma of seeking perfection at what was already perfect, and that is why he ended up the way he did),

Michael was a sensitive creature, more than common people cause he was a genius, he never felt he was good enough, his father would have never say to him "you were fantastic" he would say "you were ok" istead, Michael was fantastic but his father, the one Michael most wanted to be recognised would never do it, Michael end up hating him, but it was like a hate but an admiration or more than admiration a hate, a loss for not having a good father he may have seen other kids had,

Michael thought Joe had some kind of power over everybody cause Joe was agressive, Michael hated and feared Joe more than respected him, Joe make Michael a hell of an insecure person, add to that Michaels own natural seek of perfection, Michael ended up feeling his father was a bad father, or that his father didnt wanted him, and we all know how the story developed since the 5 year old Michael till the last day Michael...
Well the last quote I heard from MJ was that he basicly said he father was changing maybe it has to do with age and getter older. We do not know now what their last feeling were. MJ attended his parents anniversay in May so who know what they had in the end in 2009.
If anyone wants to see how a father should be and how a father should treat his children then look at Michael. He showered his 3 babies with unconditional love and never forced them into anything, he has nurtured them, educated them and taught them to be kind, careing and loving. All that mattered to MJ was his kids happiness.
I can't forgive Joe.

totally agree.
its not april yet is it? maybe an early aprils fools then?
o well its an award for joe, we dont have to agree with it most people probally wont but Michael did say he loved his father even after all he went through
> YOu are just said mobbing is successful then you turn around and say I and no one know the defination of success. Make up your mind. I still say there is alot of blame to go around (even Michael talk about how he was unable to go anywhere. MAny celebs are successful but they can walk the street so I do not understand that example).

i was very clear. i didn't contradict myself. i said MJ's success is the best definition of success. everything that goes with that success is the definition of it. those celebs that can walk the street did not have success as big as Michael's. and THOSE celebs have been said to be jealous of Michael. and many of THOSE celebs have been known to be nasty to their fans, so apparently, THOSE celebs didn't feel they had enough success. there are many reports of Michael and his fans having wondeful talks for long periods of time. That's what i'm talking about. i can't explain it any better than that. on one can. if u don't want to see it, there's nothing i can do about it. you know that Michael said he loves his fans. how much more clear can you get than that? you're going to pick his statements and turn them to advance your theory, but it's hard to dispute that MJ said he loves his fans.
Well the last quote I heard from MJ was that he basicly said he father was changing maybe it has to do with age and getter older. We do not know now what their last feeling were. MJ attended his parents anniversay in May so who know what they had in the end in 2009.
Its like what im saying, Michael was confused, he was still trying to make his father love him, Michael was the one trying to be loved, im sure all Michael wanted was to FEEL his father love, and im sure Michael died not feeling it.
i was very clear. i didn't contradict myself. i said MJ's success is the best definition of success. everything that goes with that success is the definition of it. those celebs that can walk the street did not have success as big as Michael's. and THOSE celebs have been said to be jealous of Michael. and many of THOSE celebs have been known to be nasty to their fans, so apparently, THOSE celebs didn't feel they had enough success. there are many reports of Michael and his fans having wondeful talks for long periods of time. That's what i'm talking about. i can't explain it any better than that. on one can. if u don't want to see it, there's nothing i can do about it. you know that Michael said he loves his fans. how much more clear can you get than that? you're going to pick his statements and turn them to advance your theory, but it's hard to dispute that MJ said he loves his fans.
Regardless if those other celebs do not have the success of MJ does NOT mean they are not successful in their own right. AKK JAnet Jackson. Still who cares about this. My point still when you go back to the original statement about his father, there are still enough blame to go around. Not just joe
I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Joe was a good father. Whether we like it or not. He made Mj. Without Joe, mj wouldn’t be who he was. Joe worked his ass of 24/7 to feed his family and you guys have the nerve to call him a bad father. MJ forgave his father at the end and understood why he did what he did. We have to remember, this was the 60’s.

Firstly I respect your opinion but I need to express my own too, Joe didn't made Michael who he was I feel that Michael made himself who he was because he believed in himself.
If it was up to Joe Michael would have stayed in the Jackson 5 forever, but Michael wanted to be on his own and start his carreer.
So for me Joe was only the force behind the Jackson 5 but not behind Michael.
Also for me Joe is only Michael's father but for the rest I have no respect for the man!
Its like what im saying, Michael was confused, he was still trying to make his father love him, Michael was the one trying to be loved, im sure all Michael wanted was to FEEL his father love, and im sure Michael died not feeling it.
Well, none of us was with him on his days. But I hope him and his father have made things better ( I will give Joe the befenit that he was there for Michael in his times of needs like the trials, etc). I hear fans saying the can not forgive Joe. WHO CARES. It is not up to us for forgive him because it is not about us. It is about Michael and Joe. And again, I think that is what these people who gave him this award are doing. They know he made faults but they think he did the best he could do even if it could have been done better.
No, you're wrong. Michael could never feel the love and care he needed from his father, Michael always felt he wasnt good enough cause his father Joe make sure Michael knew he was not good enough at anything, he would said to Michael he was average, Michael was insecure cause of his father,

Sorry, no offence intended but I don't think that you can just tell somebody 'you're wrong' because let's be honest - very few people on this board have actually met Michael let alone have an in depth conversation with him. And I doubt Michael would have shared his feelings about his father only with close friends and people he trusted. We all have a right to opinion, which I respect, but I just don't like to see people saying "you're wrong" when nobody actually knew the man personally let alone what went on with his father.
Firstly I respect your opinion but I need to express my own too, Joe didn't made Michael who he was I feel that Michael made himself who he was because he believed in himself.
If it was up to Joe Michael would have stayed in the Jackson 5 forever, but Michael wanted to be on his own and start his carreer.
So for me Joe was only the force behind the Jackson 5 but not behind Michael.
Also for me Joe is only Michael's father but for the rest I have no respect for the man!
I think that comment is based on the fact Joe was hard on Michael and help put MJ in show Biz. Also, you cannot say what MJ did with the Jackson 5 had no impact on what he did solo. We talk about Joe wanting perfection, well, that is the drive that lead MJ to want "perfection" as a solo artist. That knowledge began somewhere and it just did not pop up when he went solo.
Sorry, no offence intended but I don't think that you can just tell somebody 'you're wrong' because let's be honest - very few people on this board have actually met Michael let alone have an in depth conversation with him. And I doubt Michael would have shared his feelings about his father only with close friends and people he trusted. We all have a right to opinion, which I respect, but I just don't like to see people saying "you're wrong" when nobody actually knew the man personally let alone what went on with his father.
Thank you.
This is a sad day. Michael we believe you and you are not a liar. I grew up with some whippings. I was whipped with a chord before. The difference was, there was a balance. I was never told I was ugly, to black, dumb. I was told that I was loved. The whippings mean nothing to me now, but how my parent felt about me does. MJ did not have that luxury. He longed for that love from Joe. I don't know what to think of this.

Someone with some sense for a change. Balance is the word. Not alone having to up also with his father's infedility on top of that. You only have to look at the way he acted after Michael died, during the weeks leading up to his death when he knew Michael would be making some money, and the way he continues to act. As my Mother said there is something mentally wrong with that man. Michael figured that one out a long time ago, that is why he couldn't understand him. I think he gave up on it and accepted him as a bit of a mental case. LOL! Seriously.
I think that comment is based on the fact Joe was hard on Michael and help put MJ in show Biz. Also, you cannot say what MJ did with the Jackson 5 had no impact on what he did solo. We talk about Joe wanting perfection, well, that is the drive that lead MJ to want "perfection" as a solo artist. That knowledge began somewhere and it just did not pop up when he went solo.

i firmly disagree with that. that's the problem..people always seem to give everybody else credit for what Michael achieved, have a problem with how he was successful, and always are more critical of him than of the people who worked with him. he's always the last person to get the credit, and the first to be looked at with a critical eye. yet it's MJ who has the big success, here. not anyone else. if your theory is true, then all the brothers should have his measure of success. nobody is saying that the jackson 5 and joseph aren't responsible for the jackson 5 success. but MICHEAL is responsible for Michael's success. not quincy, not joe, not riley, not anyone else. if MJ was an abject failure, guess who they would blame? they wouldn't blame teddy riley, quincy jones, joseph jackson, or Michael's brothers. they would blame MICHAEL. why all the hypocrisy? why is it that everybody is responsible for their own decisions, but others get credit for their success, but THEY get blame if they fail?
Joe Jackson is desperate for attention and the limelight. Desperate for money. He is seriously deluded and the public also think that. It's a shame really because the Jackson family have been destroyed in the eyes of the public by their behaviour. It's funny how in death Michael became the sane one in the family. It's so sad that he was not listened to while he was alive. Janet I think will do OK.
I think that comment is based on the fact Joe was hard on Michael and help put MJ in show Biz. Also, you cannot say what MJ did with the Jackson 5 had no impact on what he did solo. We talk about Joe wanting perfection, well, that is the drive that lead MJ to want "perfection" as a solo artist. That knowledge began somewhere and it just did not pop up when he went solo.

Okay, but I just tried to say that Joe made the Jackson 5 and not Michael.
Michael went his own way and Michael had a dream of who he wanted to be and what he wanted to do already when he was young.

but MICHEAL is responsible for Michael's success. not quincy, not joe, not riley, not anyone else.

That is exactly what I tried to say :yes:
Sorry, no offence intended but I don't think that you can just tell somebody 'you're wrong' because let's be honest - very few people on this board have actually met Michael let alone have an in depth conversation with him. And I doubt Michael would have shared his feelings about his father only with close friends and people he trusted. We all have a right to opinion, which I respect, but I just don't like to see people saying "you're wrong" when nobody actually knew the man personally let alone what went on with his father.
i didnt said it in a bad way... i gave a whole explanation, i've heard many taped conversations, and thats what i feel, but in a whole, you are right i dont know nothing.

i firmly disagree with that. that's the problem..people always seem to give everybody else credit for what Michael achieved, have a problem with how he was successful, and always are more critical of him than of the people who worked with him. he's always the last person to get the credit, and the first to be looked at with a critical eye. yet it's MJ who has the big success, here. not anyone else. if your theory is true, then all the brothers should have his measure of success. nobody is saying that the jackson 5 and joseph aren't responsible for the jackson 5 success. but MICHEAL is responsible for Michael's success. not quincy, not joe, not riley, not anyone else. if MJ was an abject failure, guess who they would blame? they wouldn't blame teddy riley, quincy jones, joseph jackson, or Michael's brothers. they would blame MICHAEL. why all the hypocrisy? why is it that everybody is responsible for their own decisions, but others get credit for their success, but THEY get blame if they fail?
Nobody is giving credit to everyone else for what Michael achieve however NO ONE makes it to the top alone without help. That is life with all us. And if any fan think MJ did this along, you are crazy because no no is an island. We all learn from people and we all learn how to mold those things into in order to get our success.
This is also true then it comes to the moonwalk. That dance was done in 1950's (it was called someelse during this time). Later the Rockets did it in the 1970's (later called the backslide). Micheal saw some kids do it, MJ took that KNOWLEDGE and PERFECTED the move and called it MOONWALK. So you see, THIS KNOWLEDGE was STILL given to Michael by others but he put his own spin on it made it a success.
Someone once told me "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" and for once, I'm going to follow that advice and sloooowly moonwalk out of this thread......
Firstly I respect your opinion but I need to express my own too, Joe didn't made Michael who he was I feel that Michael made himself who he was because he believed in himself.
If it was up to Joe Michael would have stayed in the Jackson 5 forever, but Michael wanted to be on his own and start his carreer.
So for me Joe was only the force behind the Jackson 5 but not behind Michael.
Also for me Joe is only Michael's father but for the rest I have no respect for the man!

Thanks for respecting my opinion. I still think he’s in part of mj’s success. Joe took care of his family and did what he had to do to pay the bills. Those days were tough and being black did not help either. People often blame the parents, it easier said than done. As a Mj got older he understood that and forgive his father. Who are we to stand in the way?

I think that comment is based on the fact Joe was hard on Michael and help put MJ in show Biz. Also, you cannot say what MJ did with the Jackson 5 had no impact on what he did solo. We talk about Joe wanting perfection, well, that is the drive that lead MJ to want "perfection" as a solo artist. That knowledge began somewhere and it just did not pop up when he went solo.

I full agree. without Joe, where would they be?

I’m not going to deny. I love the Jackson Family. And I think they’re an amazing family.
No, Joe HAS NOT earned my respect.

I respect MJ. My respect for MJ is non-transferable to his abusing & conniving father.


and, I feel EXTREMELY insulted by this news. This is REALLY insulting for us fans, for good fathers on this earth and especially for Michael.
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