Joe Jackson honoured - World needs more fathers like him!

I have nothing to say but accepting the fact that the world is getting stranger and stranger.
If it had been up to Joe, Michael would have never even left The Jacksons. :\

I mean...:doh:

....I mean :wtf2

I mean... :poke:

...uhg... :shock:


Are we at the point where they think we're so manipulated that they can do something LIKE THIS!!!

This is totally disgusting!

Ok, then, stand up and applaud best lifetime achievement winner : Charles Manson! oh wait, there was an equal.. Hitler, come join in too!
*on stage performance of them both and Rev. Scrapton singing ''We are the world we are the children''*

I ... am .... horrified now

*Count me in for Jupiter, please.
Er.... Wow?? O_O

I mean I believe in discipline as well but I think Joe did not discipline his children at all.

He instilled fear in them to be perfect. He made them all leave home in a young age except for Mike and La Toya. He left emotional and mental damages to his children. I know he tried to make up for it in his latter years but sadly it was too late... really, is this legit? cuz i mean, it's from al i only love him for one reason. talking so long so that i could go potty at staples...other than that....yeah.....activator.
There is a BIG difference in spanking and hitting to abuse. I got spankings (and I deserved them) but it was not because I made a bad dance step. Big difference.
"The arrogance of [people] attacking a man for being a stern father," Sharpton said. "I wish we had more stern fathers - then we wouldn't be shooting each other up."

No, but therapists would be on a heck of alot of money because all kids would be getting beaten!
I have nothing to say but accepting the fact that the world is getting stranger and stranger.

Actually, I think the world has become more enlightened about the damage that can be caused by the kind of corporal methods Joe used with his children.

I also think Michael would not object to Joe getting an award. He never ever said he didn't love Joe, even credited him with fostering his drive and determination to be acknowledged as the best.

I will never excuse how Joe treated his children and think he was indeed abusive, even beyond being a product of his particular time. But I also believe he was instrumental to the Jacksons success.
are you serious? :\ The world needs more fathers who beat their kids and give them a trauma for the rest of their life?
Michael would've been succesful without Joe too somehow.. But without the pain.
I will never excuse how Joe treated his children and think he was indeed abusive, even beyond being a product of his particular time. But I also believe he was instrumental to the Jacksons success.

To the point of emotionally, physically, psychologically scarring his children FOR LIFE????

Look at what Joe did to Michael! Forcing him to work at 5 YEARS OLD in STRIP CLUBS? Beating him senselessly? I could go on & on, and I need my head to work today.

Sorry, but no success is worth that.
are you serious? :\ The world needs more fathers who beat their kids and give them a trauma for the rest of their life?
Michael would've been succesful without Joe too somehow.. But without the pain

I dont really know what to think about this :mello:

Well i wouldn't think anything of it. I mean the one thing I wished Michael would not have done was discuss his issues with his father because that is all people focus on. They never include the part when he said his father was a genius and that his father's work ethic rubbed off on him. I am not saying Joe is perfect(far from it)but give the man some credit for seeing a vision beyond Gary Indiana.
Well i wouldn't think anything of it. I mean the one thing I wished Michael would not have done was discuss his issues with his father because that is all people focus on. They never include the part when he said his father was a genius and that his father's work ethic rubbed off on him. I am not saying Joe is perfect(far from it)but give the man some credit for seeing a vision beyond Gary Indiana.

I don't think that's really worthy of being honoured as a great father though. He was great at what he did in that sense and Michael would probably just be plain old Michael Jackson from Gary, Indiana and might not be famous if it wasn't for him. So, I suppose we should give him a little credit for that in a business sense, but definitely not in a fatherly way IMO.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"My father was a management genius. But what I really wanted was a dad."[/FONT]
I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Joe was a good father. Whether we like it or not. He made Mj. Without Joe, mj wouldn’t be who he was. Joe worked his ass of 24/7 to feed his family and you guys have the nerve to call him a bad father. MJ forgave his father at the end and understood why he did what he did. We have to remember, this was the 60’s.
Joe worked his ass of 24/7 to feed his family and you guys have the nerve to call him a bad father. MJ forgave his father at the end and understood why he did what he did. We have to remember, this was the 60’s.

Michael didn't ever understand Joe - he said it himself "I wish I could understand my father". Yeah, he did work to feed them but to me, I don't think it matters wether its the year 2000 or the year 1500, parents should still know that it's wrong to beat their children - just because laws weren't in place back then I don't think that makes it OK, or maybe it's because I've grown up since all these laws are in place. Anyway, I don't want to turn this into an argument or a slag off Joe thread. At the end of the day, he was Michaels father, Michael loved Joe and Joe loved Michael.
Michael didn't ever understand Joe - he said it himself "I wish I could understand my father". Yeah, he did work to feed them but to me, I don't think it matters wether its the year 2000 or the year 1500, parents should still know that it's wrong to beat their children - just because laws weren't in place back then I don't think that makes it OK, or maybe it's because I've grown up since all these laws are in place. Anyway, I don't want to turn this into an argument or a slag off Joe thread. At the end of the day, he was Michaels father, Michael loved Joe and Joe loved Michael.

I agree. I’m not here to defend Joe and I surely don’t think he’s the father of the year. But we have to understand one thing. We can’t blame Joe what happened to MJ.

Joe did what he thought was best at his time. He loved his son very much.
This is a sad day. Michael we believe you and you are not a liar. I grew up with some whippings. I was whipped with a chord before. The difference was, there was a balance. I was never told I was ugly, to black, dumb. I was told that I was loved. The whippings mean nothing to me now, but how my parent felt about me does. MJ did not have that luxury. He longed for that love from Joe. I don't know what to think of this.
Damn, the Award should have read: To Michael Jackson: World's Greatest Father
Joe, is not someone I look to for my parenting skills.
I look to him to see how it's NOT done.
Thanks Al, you now look like an ass.
Wonder what your dear friend Michael would say about this?? :mello: