Joe Jackson honoured - World needs more fathers like him!

My face and mouth were literlly like this O_O. wth? I have a father like him and I the last think I would ever think the world will need is fathers like this.
I was shocked when I saw this on Geraldo last night. Didn't anyone ever listen to Michael's recounts of the abuse at the hands of his father? Well, I did and it always saddened me. It affected him his entire life.

Yes, Joe's "stern" parenting may have gotten his family out of poverty but I don't approve of his abusive parenting methods. There's a huge difference between disciplining a child and abusing them. By Michael's descriptions it was pure abuse, both physical and emotional.

It's one thing for Michael to forgive his father (that was a good thing for him to do more so for himself - something I can relate to somewhat) but I really don't think Joe deserves "praise" or awards for his parental methods. I'm disappointed in Al Sharpton (whose rousing speeches I enjoyed at the memorial and the Spike Lee thing).
I was shocked when I saw this on Geraldo last night. Didn't anyone ever listen to Michael's recounts of the abuse at the hands of his father? Well, I did and it always saddened me. It affected him his entire life.

Yes, Joe's "stern" parenting may have gotten his family out of poverty but I don't approve of his abusive parenting methods. There's a huge difference between disciplining a child and abusing them. By Michael's descriptions it was pure abuse, both physical and emotional.

It's one thing for Michael to forgive his father (that was a good thing for him to do more so for himself - something I can relate to somewhat) but I really don't think Joe deserves "praise" or awards for his parental methods. I'm disappointed in Al Sharpton (whose rousing speeches I enjoyed at the memorial and the Spike Lee thing).
Agreed 100%
great post
This is ridiculous. More fathers like Joseph? Hell no! I really don't want to bash him, he's MJ's father and he did some good stuff for his son (as an artist), not only terrible, I have to admit. But why does anybody want to honour him for that? Michael (and his brothers and sisters) suffered too much because of him, in my opinion.
I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Joe was a good father. Whether we like it or not. He made Mj. Without Joe, mj wouldn’t be who he was. Joe worked his ass of 24/7 to feed his family and you guys have the nerve to call him a bad father. MJ forgave his father at the end and understood why he did what he did. We have to remember, this was the 60’s.

Joe made Michael???? Is that what you just said am i reading right!! How can you say that!! The only decent influence joe had on michael was how NOT to treat his children!! Michael was brought up without feeling love and affection from his own father how is that being a good dad?? Michael was the man he became because off HIS talents not Joes beatings and pressure michael was born to perform!
Joe made Michael???? Is that what you just said am i reading right!! How can you say that!! The only decent influence joe had on michael was how NOT to treat his children!! Michael was brought up without feeling love and affection from his own father how is that being a good dad?? Michael was the man he became because off HIS talents not Joes beatings and pressure michael was born to perform!

You are reading right. I understand where you coming from. Like I said before I’m not here to defend Joe, what he did to Mj was a foolish and wrong. Period.
Doesn’t he at least deserve a respect from the fans? After all he's mj’s father.
I think MJ was such a perfectionist because he wasn´t good enough for his father.At least Joe never told him that.
One reason why he couldn´t sleep was because he was thinking how he should do the concerts more perfect and not being able to sleep killed him.
You are reading right. I understand where you coming from. Like I said before I’m not here to defend Joe, what he did to Mj was a foolish and wrong. Period.
Doesn’t he at least deserve a respect from the fans? After all he's mj’s father.

No, Joe HAS NOT earned my respect.

I respect MJ. My respect for MJ is non-transferable to his abusing & conniving father.
You are reading right. I understand where you coming from. Like I said before I’m not here to defend Joe, what he did to Mj was a foolish and wrong. Period.
Doesn’t he at least deserve a respect from the fans? After all he's mj’s father.

I have no respect for him what so ever! Like i have no respect for anyone else who made Michaels life hell!
.....i don't wanna say anything bad about joe jackson
'cause i respect him as michael's father
BUT an award!!! :mello: WT....
Well, I agree Joe made alot of mistakes and he may not deserve father of the years but I do understand why some feel Joes did his job (Not all the Jackson feel Joe did anything wrong so that can also be in the eyes on each child). I think he is mainly being honored for being a man who raise 9 children (six who were boys, especially BLACK men in a town that was poor and full or violence and dealing with racism). YOu also have to look at the time era. What he did was not unsuall in families. I think what many people fown upon is not the fact the he spanked but what he spanked for when spankings were done. However, I have always said that if people are going to blame Joe, then people need to also blame the record companys (who put this child in the studio to work), the PUBLIC (who brought the records and made this child more valuable. NO ONE complained when little Mike was on the stage performing and saying "no we will buy this child's cd or go to his shows. he is too young and needs a childhood). See, Joe could NOT do no more than what WE the public would have allowed. DO you know how many children are in show biz with parents like Joe or worst? MANY however, these children are not in our faces because the public has NOT brought and contribute to them being pushed. Look at Michael when he got even more famous, IT WAS FANS who made his life hard to go anywhere. SO if people are going to blame get mad with Joe, I think people need to look at what hand they had it in as well. To be honest, there is alot of blame to go around.
From a PR standpoint, this award was a disaster. There is enough information out there, much of it in Michael's own words, to indicate that Joe was an abusive father to Michael --- physically and emotionally. One should not attempt to rewrite history, when there are many who know the truth.
And one more thing, if Michael would have stayed in Gary, IND, who to say that he would have still had a childhood? ALot of black men who grew up with the Jackson are either dead, in prison,etc. Yes, Michael died at 50 but if he would have stayed in Gary, he might have died at 16 or 18 years old. We do not know. I know Michael had forgiven his father and I will respect him for that. I have issues with my bio dad so I understand but I learned to move on just like Michael.
Well, I agree Joe made alot of mistakes and he may not deserve father of the years but I do understand why some feel Joes did his job (Not all the Jackson feel Joe did anything wrong so that can also be in the eyes on each child). I think he is mainly being honored for being a man who raise 9 children (six who were boys, especially BLACK men in a town that was poor and full or violence and dealing with racism). YOu also have to look at the time era. What he did was not unsuall in families. I think what many people fown upon is not the fact the he spanked but what he spanked for when spankings were done. However, I have always said that if people are going to blame Joe, then people need to also blame the record companys (who put this child in the studio to work), the PUBLIC (who brought the records and made this child more valuable. NO ONE complained when little Mike was on the stage performing and saying "no we will buy this child's cd or go to his shows. he is too young and needs a childhood). See, Joe could NOT do no more than what WE the public would have allowed. DO you know how many children are in show biz with parents like Joe or worst? MANY however, these children are not in our faces because the public has NOT brought and contribute to them being pushed. Look at Michael when he got even more famous, IT WAS FANS who made his life hard to go anywhere. SO if people are going to blame get mad with Joe, I think people need to look at what hand they had it in as well. To be honest, there is alot of blame to go around.

I cant believe you have just said that! It was the fans who made Michael happy, i as a fan had no part in Michael being un happy or down or unloved! Infact none of us fans did!

We the fans did the opposite we told him we loved him we helped him get through everything! That is a really nasty thing to say that the fans need to look at what hand they had in michaels unhappiness!
And one more thing, if Michael would have stayed in Gary, IND, who to say that he would have still had a childhood? ALot of black men who grew up with the Jackson are either dead, in prison,etc. Yes, Michael died at 50 but if he would have stayed in Gary, he might have died at 16 or 18 years old. We do not know. I know Michael had forgiven his father and I will respect him for that. I have issues with my bio dad so I understand but I learned to move on just like Michael.
No, Michael said he forgave his father, but when he said it, he said "I HAVE TO", not like he was saying "i WANT TO", he said "I HAVE TO FORGIVE HIM"

Joe Jackson at around 1992 and of course before too, specially, would ask Michael million, half million dollars all the time, and Michael hated it, but he did gave it to him....

joe jackson always took advantage of Michael since he was 5 years old when he was alive, he wont stop now, we can clearly see...
I cant believe you have just said that! It was the fans who made Michael happy, i as a fan had no part in Michael being un happy or down or unloved! Infact none of us fans did!

We the fans did the opposite we told him we loved him we helped him get through everything! That is a really nasty thing to say that the fans need to look at what hand they had in michaels unhappiness!
I did not say fans did not make him unhappy but MANY fans did make his life hard. Come on now, when this man goes out, he is MOBBED (even with his children). ARe you going to tell me that is not difficult? Like it or not, some fans did make things difficult. Heck I have plenty of footage to see for myself as well as it has been a discussion on this board.
No, Michael said he forgave his father, but when he said it, he said "I HAVE TO", not like he was saying "i WANT TO", he said "I HAVE TO FORGIVE HIM"

Joe Jackson at around 1992 and of course before too, specially, would ask Michael million, half million dollars all the time, and Michael hated it, but he did gave it to him....

joe jackson always took advantage of Michael since he was 5 years old when he was alive, he wont stop now, we can clearly see...
It does not matter, the bottom line is MJ has dealth with his father on how he feels.
And one more thing, if Michael would have stayed in Gary, IND, who to say that he would have still had a childhood? ALot of black men who grew up with the Jackson are either dead, in prison,etc. Yes, Michael died at 50 but if he would have stayed in Gary, he might have died at 16 or 18 years old. We do not know. I know Michael had forgiven his father and I will respect him for that. I have issues with my bio dad so I understand but I learned to move on just like Michael.

I think that's what happened sadly to the original drummer of the Jackson 5 group (the kid you see in the pics with the drums doing the 60's), he was murdered by somebody a couple of year ago. :(
From a PR standpoint, this award was a disaster. There is enough information out there, much of it in Michael's own words, to indicate that Joe was an abusive father to Michael --- physically and emotionally. One should not attempt to rewrite history, when there are many who know the truth.
I think at this point, Joe does not care what anyone thinks so it being a disaster is in the eyes of the beholder. I am sure Joe is happy about it and does not care what fans think about it.
I did not say fans did not make him unhappy but MANY fans did make his life hard. Come on now, when this man goes out, he is MOBBED (even with his children). ARe you going to tell me that is not difficult? Like it or not, some fans did make things difficult. Heck I have plenty of footage to see for myself as well as it has been a discussion on this board.

hello...mobbing him means he's successful. didn't want him to be successful? he didn't go out that much...and when he did, he had what other artists WISHED they would have...and u would wish it too, if u were an artist, and u were honest with urself. when i saw pics of him, fans reached out and were careful, as all they wanted was to touch him and get an autograph. he smiled, and he didn't seem physically hurt by that. and other fans made the effort to check each other and make sure, at their best, that he didn't get hurt in the melee.

i'm sure u think u have a better definition of succes..but u don't. nobody does. u can't get any better than MJ's success.
I think that's what happened sadly to the original drummer of the Jackson 5 group (the kid you see in the pics with the drums doing the 60's), he was murdered by somebody a couple of year ago. :(
Exactly (and he had it hard even before that incident happen and who know what all else. he was not famous so we do not know what all else he was involved in). gary is a rough city ( I have been there. I have two distant relatives who use to live there).
If anyone wants to see how a father should be and how a father should treat his children then look at Michael. He showered his 3 babies with unconditional love and never forced them into anything, he has nurtured them, educated them and taught them to be kind, careing and loving. All that mattered to MJ was his kids happiness.
I can't forgive Joe.
hello...mobbing him means he's successful. didn't want him to be successful? he didn't go out that much...and when he did, he had what other artists WISHED they would have...and u would wish it too, if u were an artist, and u were honest with urself. when i saw pics of him, fans reached out and were careful, as all they wanted was to touch him and get an autograph. he smiled, and he didn't seem physically hurt by that. and other fans made the effort to check each other and make sure, at their best, that he didn't get hurt in the melee.

i'm sure u think u have a better definition of succes..but u don't. nobody does. u can't get any better than MJ's success.
Michael did get hurt in some situations. I remember his hair being pulled by a fan. You can love someone without mobbing them. Look, all I am saying is that people are hating on his father YET these are the same people and there are other people who went along with the ride. Joe help put Michael is show biz but no one did turn the Jacksons down because they were too young. When Michael was young, GROWN women use to chase this child, now you want to listen to these women/people complaine about Joe when these people also help build him up. That is my point.
Oh my!
People will give out awards for anything..... and Joe or Jermanine for that matter will accept them.
Joe just needs to sit his behind down for awhile.
I suppose he thinks he carrying on MJ's legacy but he's not.
> YOu are just said mobbing is successful then you turn around and say I and no one know the defination of success. Make up your mind. I still say there is alot of blame to go around (even Michael talk about how he was unable to go anywhere. MAny celebs are successful but they can walk the street so I do not understand that example).