Jermaine is not happy: he still wants Michael Buried in Neverland

True that is my opinion and isn't everything said here just our opinions. I agree opening neverland would run the risk of it becoming just another money maker but i would like to think that maybe it could be done in the spirit of Michael, the way he ran it, with children getting to use the rides, go to the zoo and eat candy in the theatre all for free.
I Found it!

Ed Bradley's Interview with Micahel on 60 Minutes - transcript link, but here's the excerpt eher Michael says NO to Neverland:

ED BRADLEY: How did you feel when they went into Neverland, I mean, with a search warrant? I mean, what were they looking for? What did they take?

MICHAEL JACKSON: My room is a complete wreck. My workers told me. They said, "Michael, don't go in your room." They were crying on the phone, my employees. They said, "If you saw your room, you would cry." I have stairs that go up to my bed. And they said, "You can't even get up the stairs. The room is totally trashed." And they had 80 policemen in this room, 80 policemen in one bedroom. That's really overdoing it. They took knives, and cut open my mattresses with knives. C — just cut everything open.

ED BRADLEY: Did — did they take anything from Neverland?

MICHAEL JACKSON: A— I'm not sure what they took. They never gave me a list.

ED BRADLEY: But you're saying that they destroyed your property?

MICHAEL JACKSON: Yes, they did. And then they, what they did was they made everybody that work at the property, they locked everybody out of the house. They had the whole house to themselves to do whatever they wanted. And — they totally took advantage. They went into areas they weren't supposed to go into — like my office. They didn't have search warrants for those places. And they totally took advantage. And the room is a total, total wreck, they told me. I don't think I wanna see it. I'm not ready to see it yet.

ED BRADLEY: So, you haven't been back there?

MICHAEL JACKSON: I've been back there. But not in my bedroom. I won't live there ever again. I'll visit Neverland. It's a house now. It's not a home anymore. I'll only visit there. What time is it? Cause I'm hurting. You know what? I'm — I'm hurting. I have to go pretty soon anyway. Yeah. Okay. I don't feel good.

Thank you!!!!!!
Okay, Hold on, Hold up....Time OUT! LOL!!!!

WHY are ppl going 'round in circles over something that has already been decided and finalized. And no matter how unhappy Jermaine is about it or what Jermaine wants or thinks is best, the truth of the matter is that he has ZERO say in the matter. He has ZERO authority now and evermore. Even after Mrs. Jackson is gone, there's a host of other Jacksons he'll have to go thru before he has the FINAL say about ANYTHING concerning Michael's estate and/or body.

And thank GOD and all that is holy (or whatever you believe in) FOR THAT!

So please stop stressing or getting upset over Jermaine talking out of his a$$. And that's not an opinion. It's fact. I'd bet my life and very last breath on it that's how sure I am about it.

However, since Jermaine loves the place so much and it makes HIM soooo happy now, perhaps he should work with Colony on having HIMSELF buried there. The line to get in and visit him should be backed up to Buellton. Sorry to be so mean, but the idea of taking someone back to a place they've never set foot on since the day they left is beyond mean. It's a form of cruelty. Forget about Michael's words. His actions spoke louder. He returned to California yet still refused to set foot on Nevy to even "visit" or move his things. He had other ppl move his stuff out FOR HIM, that's how much he was avoiding that place. A money-making piece of property was all it was at the end of the day. Anyone who can prove it wasn't, show YOUR evidence? For now, all we have are Michael's actions...which I think spoke louder than his words ever could.

I'm so done with this topic. No need to waste minutes of my life I'll never get back getting worked up over Jermaine's "bootychatter" :lol: (btw...thanks for the word bootychatter, sosodeaf...haha)! Normally, I try to be respectful to Michael's family...but this foolishness takes the cake and the candles. STFU Jermaine. For everyone's sake, please STFU already.
Michael Jackson Never Going Back To Neverland
Posted by Mitch Michaels on 01.23.2009

Too many bad memories...

Michael Jackson says he is
never going back to the Neverland Ranch, which he still owns.

Jackson moved into the ranch in 1988 and converted it into an amusement park and zoo, but abandoned the property in 2003 when he fled the United States.

According to sister LaToya Jackson: "Michael still owns
Neverland. He hasn't been there in about six years - not since the trial. He says he never wants to see it again. He doesn't want to be there. The memories are so awful."

Last November, Michael transferred ownership to Sycamore Valley Ranch Company LLC, a company he is the co-owner of.



I Found it!

Ed Bradley's Interview with Micahel on 60 Minutes - transcript link, but here's the excerpt eher Michael says NO to Neverland:

ED BRADLEY: How did you feel when they went into Neverland, I mean, with a search warrant? I mean, what were they looking for? What did they take?

MICHAEL JACKSON: My room is a complete wreck. My workers told me. They said, "Michael, don't go in your room." They were crying on the phone, my employees. They said, "If you saw your room, you would cry." I have stairs that go up to my bed. And they said, "You can't even get up the stairs. The room is totally trashed." And they had 80 policemen in this room, 80 policemen in one bedroom. That's really overdoing it. They took knives, and cut open my mattresses with knives. C — just cut everything open.

ED BRADLEY: Did — did they take anything from Neverland?

MICHAEL JACKSON: A— I'm not sure what they took. They never gave me a list.

ED BRADLEY: But you're saying that they destroyed your property?

MICHAEL JACKSON: Yes, they did. And then they, what they did was they made everybody that work at the property, they locked everybody out of the house. They had the whole house to themselves to do whatever they wanted. And — they totally took advantage. They went into areas they weren't supposed to go into — like my office. They didn't have search warrants for those places. And they totally took advantage. And the room is a total, total wreck, they told me. I don't think I wanna see it. I'm not ready to see it yet.

ED BRADLEY: So, you haven't been back there?

MICHAEL JACKSON: I've been back there. But not in my bedroom. I won't live there ever again. I'll visit Neverland. It's a house now. It's not a home anymore. I'll only visit there. What time is it? Cause I'm hurting. You know what? I'm — I'm hurting. I have to go pretty soon anyway. Yeah. Okay. I don't feel good.


I think it needs to be BILLBOARD size so that the message is clear. We should also send a clear message to Jermaine that WE KNOW what he is all about and why he is insisting on Neverland.---->



Also, if this Neverland tourist attraction is a go. . . do we really need Michael's body to be there to appreciate him and what the place once represented? I don't. I'd rather him be in a place, resting in peace, that doesn't bring him awful memories. . . like where he is now. I can go to Neverland and appreciate it as Michael's without him being there physically.
Neverland is but a shell of what it once was. The animals are gone, the amusements have long since been removed, the buildings stand empty. Although the memory of Michael will always be alive at Neverland, the whimsical fun atmosphere is gone.

Neverland was violated, and it was no longer a happy place for Michael. He never wanted to go back. He should stay at Forest Lawn surrounded by his idols and friends... I'm sure he would've wanted things like this.
True that is my opinion and isn't everything said here just our opinions. I agree opening neverland would run the risk of it becoming just another money maker but i would like to think that maybe it could be done in the spirit of Michael, the way he ran it, with children getting to use the rides, go to the zoo and eat candy in the theatre all for free.

Hmm...everything said is not purely our opinion but some are stating things based on MJ's statements and actions. Giving away the animals and selling the rides...-_- I don't think their plan is to run it like Michael did; I think their plan is to run it like Graceland.
Um wow! OK Jermaine is really upsetting me
He should just stop with all the madness.
I just saw this thread title. JERMAINE is not happy. HE wants Michael burried at Neverland.

Since when is Michael's death about Jermaine.

Makes me angry - can't people (especally his family) just think about what MICHAEL would have wanted. And it certainly wouldn't be this :cry:

I wish they'd all just let it go. Michael is finally at peace, in a beautiful place. Leave him alone :cry:
i think michael should stay where he is. why bury him at neverland? he left there after the police raids because he felt that neverland had been tainted. leave him where he is please. but often celebrities get moved later so it could happen if jermaine has his way.
For Mikes legacy it will be better to have him at neverland.

Elvis had Graceland Michael should have Neverland.

The media is right now brainwashing the fans and say Mike didn´t want Neverland etc etc. so he don´t get his own Graceland were millions of fans can visit him like Elvis.
The media wants that only Elvis is visited by millions of fans not Michael.
Michael is all for his fans he did not want to be buried where noone can visit him like he wasn´t a big star.

TOTALLY AGREE, MEDIA WANTS ELVIS TO BE AT TOP; Neverland was one of Michaels masterpieces, and much better then graceland, but people here seem to think just like the media, whatever, if Michaels fans dont want it, then i dont know, let Elvis reign with his Graceland ranch.... forget about Neverland, right? is that what MJ fans seem to want, i give up
i think michael should stay where he is. why bury him at neverland? he left there after the police raids because he felt that neverland had been tainted. leave him where he is please. but often celebrities get moved later so it could happen if jermaine has his way.

He won't. Fortunately for Michael, there are OTHER Jackson family members who actually care about his eternal peace as opposed to how much money his body can generate for them for years to come. God bless those Jackson family members! I hope they continue to stand up for Michael and protect his wishes. Hopefully, Michael's nephew Taj won't think twice about putting his uncle Jerm in a headlock, if need be. haha
TOTALLY AGREE, MEDIA WANTS ELVIS TO BE AT TOP; Neverland was one of Michaels masterpieces, and much better then graceland, but people here seem to think just like the media, whatever, if Michaels fans dont want it, then i dont know, let Elvis reign with his Graceland ranch.... forget about Neverland, right? is that what MJ fans seem to want, i give up

100% agree. Neverland was his creative masterpiece. But right now Graceland is much bigger! If the media has brainwashed even the hardcore fans and Michael isn´t buried at Neverland--Neverland will be forgotten while Graceland will be visited by millions and millions of fans in the future-so sad-Elvis will become a modern god(for some fans he already is) and Michael is lying in forest lawn where the fans can´t show their love-while Elvis has his own place the cult Graceland.
In the end the media will say Elvis is much more loved because millions of fans visited him at Graceland and 1-2 MJ fans went to Lawn.
Understand - it's not about us.

It's not about Elvis.

It's not about Graceland.

It's about respecting Michael's wishes.

TOTALLY AGREE, MEDIA WANTS ELVIS TO BE AT TOP; Neverland was one of Michaels masterpieces, and much better then graceland, but people here seem to think just like the media, whatever, if Michaels fans dont want it, then i dont know, let Elvis reign with his Graceland ranch.... forget about Neverland, right? is that what MJ fans seem to want, i give up
Understand - it's not about us.

It's not about Elvis.

It's not about Graceland.

It's about respecting Michael's wishes.

Where in Michaels testament does it say he does not want to be buried in Neverland??

If Michael hated Neverland in the end so much why doesn´t he say in his testament that he does not want to be buried at Neverland??

Fact is Graceland his full of live while Neverland his dead right now-breaks my heart
If the media has brainwashed even the hardcore fans and Michael isn´t buried in Neverland--Neverland will be forgotten

He said he did not want to live in Neverland ever again - so why should his body be there for eternity?

Just so his bones can make Colony Capital rich?

That's sick.

ED BRADLEY: So, you haven't been back there?

MICHAEL JACKSON: I've been back there. But not in my bedroom. I won't live there ever again. I'll visit Neverland. It's a house now. It's not a home anymore. I'll only visit there.
100% agree. Neverland was his creative masterpiece. But right now Graceland is much bigger! If the media has brainwashed even the hardcore fans and Michael isn´t buried in Neverland--Neverland will be forgotten while Graceland will be visited by millions of fans in the future-so sad-Elvis will become a modern god(for some fans he already is) and Michael is lying in forest lawn-while Elvis has his own place the cult Graceland.

This has nothing to do with the media. Michael was free to visit Neverland while he was alive and after the trial. He didn't. What does that tell you? He couldn't get away fast enuf after the verdict and when he finally returned to the USA, he was here for 3 years and failed to "visit" once. And instead of restoring the place, he started tearing it down and removing the things he wanted to keep....all without setting foot on the property. I'm thinking he was done with it and possibly thinking of finding a new place to create...but that's only my opinion based on his ACTIONS.
I Found it!

Ed Bradley's Interview with Micahel on 60 Minutes - transcript link, but here's the excerpt eher Michael says NO to Neverland:

ED BRADLEY: How did you feel when they went into Neverland, I mean, with a search warrant? I mean, what were they looking for? What did they take?

MICHAEL JACKSON: My room is a complete wreck. My workers told me. They said, "Michael, don't go in your room." They were crying on the phone, my employees. They said, "If you saw your room, you would cry." I have stairs that go up to my bed. And they said, "You can't even get up the stairs. The room is totally trashed." And they had 80 policemen in this room, 80 policemen in one bedroom. That's really overdoing it. They took knives, and cut open my mattresses with knives. C — just cut everything open.

ED BRADLEY: Did — did they take anything from Neverland?

MICHAEL JACKSON: A— I'm not sure what they took. They never gave me a list.

ED BRADLEY: But you're saying that they destroyed your property?

MICHAEL JACKSON: Yes, they did. And then they, what they did was they made everybody that work at the property, they locked everybody out of the house. They had the whole house to themselves to do whatever they wanted. And — they totally took advantage. They went into areas they weren't supposed to go into — like my office. They didn't have search warrants for those places. And they totally took advantage. And the room is a total, total wreck, they told me. I don't think I wanna see it. I'm not ready to see it yet.

ED BRADLEY: So, you haven't been back there?

MICHAEL JACKSON: I've been back there. But not in my bedroom. I won't live there ever again. I'll visit Neverland. It's a house now. It's not a home anymore. I'll only visit there. What time is it? Cause I'm hurting. You know what? I'm — I'm hurting. I have to go pretty soon anyway. Yeah. Okay. I don't feel good.

And if they did all that to his room, then you can imagine what they did to Prince, Paris and Blanket's rooms. All his children's belongings trashed like that.. he must have felt guilty afterwards to see that done to them.

Neverland is that last place that he should be resting in.
I do not know who is behind of Colony Capital. I do not want them to make money from Neverland. However I want MJ to be in Neverland and I see it like taking care of his own legacy. He didn’t want to come back when he was alive but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be there in spirit. PPL open your mind, please.
If MJ will get a true justice it will clean up his name from the media dirt. It will help to keep his legacy alive for many generations. In this case Neverland will be like his victory. But first somebody has to be punished.
Because the trials happened AFTER he signed his will.

Where in Michaels testament does it say it does not want to be buried in Neverland??

If Michael hated Neverland in the end so much why doesn´t he say in his testament that he does not want to be buried at Neverland??
TOTALLY AGREE, MEDIA WANTS ELVIS TO BE AT TOP; Neverland was one of Michaels masterpieces, and much better then graceland, but people here seem to think just like the media, whatever, if Michaels fans dont want it, then i dont know, let Elvis reign with his Graceland ranch.... forget about Neverland, right? is that what MJ fans seem to want, i give up

Why in the world should this be about Elvis and Graceland? Totally different circumstances, completely. Sometimes it just seems like this is some kind of one upmanship, to prove something to the world that doesn't need to be proven to make one side look better or worse.

Sorry to sound harsh, but d*mn.
I do not know who is behind of Colony Capital. I do not want them to make money from Neverland. However I want MJ to be in Neverland and I see it like taking care of his own legacy. He didn’t want to come back when he was alive but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be there in spirit. PPL open your mind, please.
If MJ will get a true justice it will clean up his name from the media dirt. It will help to keep his legacy alive for many generations. In this case Neverland will be like his victory. But first somebody has to be punished.

Very good post. I agree. Michaels spirit will always be in Neverland.

Neverland is Michael and Michael is Neverland while Forrest Lawn is a place Michael has not created in fact it has nothing to do with Michael at all.
That's the problem Asedora, had Colony Capital not be involved, and it be 100% ownership of the MJ estate, then eh... maybe.

But that's not the case. Colony Capital already applied for trademarks on the Neverland name for keychains & cheap souvenirs.

They are going to dance on Michael's grave if he's interred there and I can't accept that when he never wished to live there again.

I do not know who is behind of Colony Capital. I do not want them to make money from Neverland. However I want MJ to be in Neverland and I see it like taking care of his own legacy. He didn’t want to come back when he was alive but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be there in spirit. PPL open your mind, please.
If MJ will get a true justice it will clean up his name from the media dirt. It will help to keep his legacy alive for many generations. In this case Neverland will be like his victory. But first somebody has to be punished.
Because the trials happened AFTER he signed his will.

?????????????? So ????????????????

He could have signed a will after the trial just to make clear he doesn´t want to be buried at Neverland-but fact is he never did so I think he wanted to be buried at Neverland otherwise he would have told in his testament where he wanted to be buried-but he didn´t.

Why didn´t he say where he wanted to be buried?? Because he knew that everybody knew Neverland was his Graceland the place where they will burry him

Can´t you all see the white media is brainwashing you again because no black man should have his Graceland a place where millions of people can pilger to. Only Elvis deserves a pilgrimage site!!!!!!!!!!!!
?????????????? So ????????????????

He could have signed a will after the trial just to make clear he doesn´t want to be buried at Neverland-but fact is he never did so I think he wanted to be buried at Neverland otherwise he would have told in his testament where he wanted to be buried-but he didn´t.

Why didn´t he say where he wanted to be buried?? Because he knew that everybody knew Neverland was his Graceland the place where they will burry him

The man was only 50 years old, I'm sure the place that he wanted to be buried was the thing on his mind.
The man was only 50 years old, I'm sure the place that he wanted to be buried was the thing on his mind.

False!!!! So why even write a testament in the first place. He even told Lisa Marie that he won´t get old and will die young like Elvis. The media is brainwashing you!!
Can´t you all see the white media is brainwashing you again because no black man should have his Graceland a place where millions of people can pilger to. Only Elvis deserves a pilgrimage site!!!!!!!!!!!!

First the Staple Center fiasco where no fan could come and show the respect like they could when Elvis died and now no Graceland......
Very good post. I agree. Michaels spirit will always be in Neverland.

Neverland is Michael and Michael is Neverland while Forrest Lawn is a place Michael has not created in fact it has nothing to do with Michael at all.

Michael's spirit may always be in "Neverland", but Neverland as the idea and the ideal, not simply a piece of abandoned and tarnished land. He has reached his Neverland now if one believes in a heaven and afterlife.
Michael's spirit may always be in "Neverland", but Neverland as the idea and the ideal, not simply a piece of abandoned and tarnished land. He has reached his Neverland now if one believes in a heaven and afterlife.

Neverland stands for Michael -Forrest Lawn stands for what exactly???
And I repeat:

Like Michael sang in They Don't Care About Us:

"Don't you black or white me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us"

In this case, you don't care because it's all about a black man having a pilgrimage site.

And Michael's wishes about NEVER living in Neverland mean nothing to you.

Can´t you all see the white media is brainwashing you again because no black man should have his Graceland a place where millions of people can pilger to. Only Elvis deserves a pilgrimage site!!!!!!!!!!!!