Jermaine is not happy: he still wants Michael Buried in Neverland

i just think Neverland is one of the biggest Michael Jackson trademarks, it should remain as one, bye
Like MJ said:

I'm a lover, not a fighter.

And I'll put away the sarcasm - I know, it's Dangerous (MJ again!) -

But you also need to see that many of us here want to respect the majority of the family's wishes, instead of projecting our wishes to mourn Michael in a place that will not only take advantage of us, but mostly MJs kids and and MJs remains who'll be pimped and profited by Colony Capital and their barrage of nebulous characters.

shimar, stop with the sarcasm, im not here to fight with fellow fans, ok?
I agree, a house is not a home (Oh Luther....) . Michael's heart was broken, there was nothing there but a gloom when he left Neverland. Did he love Neverland even after the trial? Probably not, I guess.

I do not know the true intention/reason of burying him in Neverland. It appears to be going nowhere but it has to because of financial reasons. It is cruel, vicious but that is the real world we are living in. If only Michael did not fall into financial difficulty because of the trials, if he did not go so soon, we have less problems now. I have no idea either about the estate's current financial position. But even if the estate have built enough cash reserve since Michael's passing to buy back remaining shares of Sycamore, will they have sustainable cash flow to maintain the property? One can easily assume that it will be a sure moneymaker, like Graceland. If Michael is buried there, it will certainly increase the potential value of the property as a moneymaker. Remember Graceland was turned into the moneymaker primarily due to financial reasons. The family simply could not afford to maintain the property.

The Neverland is just sitting there not earning a penny but cost (inc. taxes) is mounting to the Sycamore and it is very bad situation for a hedge fund manager... they sure had known it would be very difficult to sell and recoup their investment. How did they try to recoup? Why does Michael own the share (my memory is blurr…correct me if I am wrong)? I assume that they had a detailed plan. The investment could be just a temporary bridge financing so that Michael could buy back the property in the future? Whatever the plan was, the whole situation changed due to his death, so it may need to be altered. No hedge fund acts like a charity organization. They make returns, that is their job otherwise their investors will grill the fund managers.

If Jermain is ever a part of this, it is a crazy, very risky gamble, because he is NOT an heir. Jermain should not act like a representative of Michael's heirs. If Michael's mother and children choose to turn Neverland into a memorial place/museum, I respect their will.

I can imagine what media would say...eventually Sycamore will face with the difficult decision, unless someone angelic show up, buy the property, and open it to public maybe occasionally or somehow find a way to turn it to a museum or something (I heard that the village is opposing the idea of turning the property into a museum, according to an interview with Colony’s boss). Otherwise the fund just takes losses, maybe scrap the property into a bare land so that they can find buyers? Speculation, speculation, all speculation. Let's wait and see quietly, hoping that all the parties involved respect Michael's will and protect his children.
i just think Neverland is one of the biggest Michael Jackson trademarks, it should remain as one, bye


If Michael really "hated" the place he would have sold it out right when he had the chance the fact that he held onto part of it tells me he didnt want to let it go. But I hope its put back into the kids name (even tho thats a long shot) and made back into what Michael had and stood for. If Colonial Capital has anything to do with it they will taint it and make it into something only for profit and it will be tacky, MJ woudnt want anything Tacky.I think Neverland should just be put back together the way Michael had it and it should be run the way Michael had it, he would love to see people having fun there again. I dont think it even matters if Michael is burried there he can have a place for him like Graceland without being there.
ho'boy I wonder who's holding the big loaded gun to jerms heads:scratch:, cuz I know home boy is NOT this serious about wanting michael at NL?
I have a feeling this is not about anyone wishes.

It's all for the money ONLY and it's certainly Jermaines wish to get always.

I wish someone would call him out on talking too much. for his own good also, don't get this wrong. But the echo of all what Jermaine says here in Germany at least is already that ppl do not take him serious and see in him just a greedy brother. Well at least it's more going to the direction that ppl understand more that Michael distanced himself very clear from this family. But really... Jermaine is losing more with every word coming out of his mouth.
So if there are advisors of Jermaine reading here... I mean come on... can't you read all that yourself??? wow he should really better stop for his own good.

The tribute concert is going to be a (money)desaster. Did anyone mention that in the interview here in Germany he didn't mention again those stars he talked about would really appear... and mentioning this neverland stuff after Michael was just put to rest somewhere is only a try to make fans put pressure on the family... for that Michael will be moved again... for the money.
What Jermaine seems to be not able to care about is really Michael and/or his kids and or his very own mom (can't believe what Jermaine puts these beautiful souls through).
Also the ppl living there in the beautiful valley for decades or all of their lives are obviously not on anyones mindwhere Sycamore Ranch is. They've maybe chosen this place for their families and themselves for a reason and that's not to see it stamped down by thousands of fans and media through years?
Officials simply are not giving permission for a reason.
Sometimes I think that's maybe why Michael once chosed to live there. Thankfully it seems his neighbours and officials of the valley are not to buy easily... they're thankfully not easily impressed by money?!
Michael said good bye to that place long ago... at least as it looked to me very clear the last years.
Look at the pictures on this very forum here (when I do have the time I'll search for it myself, I just remember the havoc those pics caused some of our very emotional members)... he removed everything... the place went completely down... that's not how you treat a place you love and or want to cherish once again or even still care a bit about.
I think Sycamore only wasn't sold completely cuz Michael didn't get the money he wanted for it minimum simply cuz estate prices went down the last years.
Well if you want so... Sycamore Ranch was back then already only about the money... so in a way Jermaine keeps Michaels legacy???... just Michael didn't have to sell a dead brother ever for being recognized.
ho'boy I wonder who's holding the big loaded gun to jerms heads:scratch:, cuz I know home boy is NOT this serious about wanting michael at NL?

Ya know, this is what I'm woundering. Besides if Jermaine borrowed money from Thome or Colony, they might be pressuring him to convince the family to bury Mike at NL.....if he owes them $, they may feel that this is the one thing that will pay them off.

Don't know, just speculating. I can't see NL turned into a tourist attraction....Michael stated how it wasn't home to him anymore. Just ask some of the fans he said it to, they have the real answers.
OH Jermanie....
I don't even understand why he is even speaking about this.
IF he is not happy that Michael is not at Neverland, then he needs to speak to his momma.... Why make this a public matter when its not??

I too at first thought Michael should be buried at Neverland but the decision the family made was the right one......

Also without even getting into whether or not Michael still had an emotional attachment to Neverland or not,logically Neverland is not conducive to Michael being buried there for two reasons.
The law and logistics.
Until those things are out of the way there was no other decision that could have been made. Michael had to to buried, they couldn't hold out much longer. Those two issues alone will take some time to sort out.....

Jermaine is on some other type mess
I was talking with someone. And they said they wondered why he didn't have his burial arrangements in the will? He took care of his money and where he wanted to go. But I think your finally resting place is just as important if not more important part of your will.

But I'm pretty sure it is more common than I think in will's.
if they are intending to move MJ to Neverland then why have the family purchased another 12 plots at Forest Lawns? i was assuming it was so they would eventually all be together.
MJ is now resting amongst people whom he loved and admired in a setting that is full of his favourite art...
I was a ProNeverland burial up until the final resting place was announced.
MJ never wanted to go into the ground
and never wanted to be all alone

leave him where he is! Amongst people he loved in privacy so that his kids can go and visit him any time....that is the best place

Keep Neverland, build a shrine for us to have a place to pay our respect but do not even think about disturbing the peace MJ finally has...If Jermaine pushes ahead with this I will not sit and watch on...
wonmder why MJ never stipulated where he would like to be buried in his will

its fairly common nowerdays for people with money etc
I'm sorry for saying this, but Jermaine needs a slap in his face to bring him back to earth!

I absolutely agree with you, I see this as Jermaine's ''wish'' not Michael's wish, I don't know where Michael wanted to be buried but please the man has some rest now let him have it!
Guys stop the fighting now!

You've all stated your opinions. They are known and understood. It's time to agree to disagree and then move on.

Find someone you can make smile today! That's better and not such a waste of time.

This decision is anyways up to the family. To me it's done for now.
This means for us the fans to respect it finally however they did or will decide, don't you think.
And yeah we shouldn't put our very own wishes and needs in the focus.
Michael died. It's about him. And it's a private matter. And neither him nor his family doesn't owe fans anything! I'm sorry!!!
However Michael will not be bothered by this anymore... honestly he does know better then this already.
Anyone who wants Michael buried in Neverland wants it for their own selfish reasons... fans included.

I don't think that is fair to say.

Although I wouldn't like seeing Michael burried at Sycamore Valley Ranch also I just see there's ppl around who just want to know Michael at a unique, safe and very very beautiful place burried.

That is not to call selfish!

But this discussion is somehow old!
cant you see???, he was angry when he said that, everybody says they hate something or somebody when they are mad, but thats the only time he said it, he didnt said it again, not once!
but he never went back after the trial and ONLY stayed there after the raid for trial or case related things.

he did stay there and they raided it again, scaring his kids, just to get dna from him. so um....IF he was trying to go back and live there, that sealed the deal.
Jermaine needs to give this up. Sorry, no disrespect to you Jermaine. But Michael is in a beautiful place and things that he loved in live. Let it be and let it rest. He's well protected and that is all that matters. The rest is trivial.
Where in Michaels testament does it say he does not want to be buried in Neverland??

If Michael hated Neverland in the end so much why doesn´t he say in his testament that he does not want to be buried at Neverland??

Fact is Graceland his full of live while Neverland his dead right now-breaks my heart
u have no point b/c where in his 'testament' does he say he wants to be buried there?

he didn't specify a place so he didn't care. if it mattered to him, he'd make it explicit. he allowed his mother tomake that choice. so mj felt comfortable w/ whatever his mother would do.

so should we.
raise ur hand if u've heard mj speak about this IN PERSON.....

raise ur hand if u can understand that mj never went back for PLEASURE as far as neverland goes.

raise ur hand if u can understand that the place that caused him so much pain in life is not a place that he should rest in peace in death

raise ur hand if u realize just how selfish some of u are being.

he didn't stipulate b/c his mother was the one to make that decision. he didn't stipulate it when neverland was his home and he didn't amend the will to reflect anything after it was no longer his home.

meaning, even before the arrest he didn't want it to be his resting place.

he DID NOT want to be a freak show. u don'tneed him there for it to be a park. u don'tneed him there for it to be a museum. u want him there cuz of ur needs, not of his or his family's or his children.

how can they mourn in peace w/ him there? over three hrs away from where they live?

this choice belongs to his children, not to his brother. not to his fans....his mothermade this choice and wants him laid to rest ONCE.

it's jermaine vs. the rest of the family. and a handful of fans...yippee...

i will forever fail to see ur logic

this isn't about black or white. m jwill forever make more than elvis just b/c he is michael jackson. ranch or no ranch....he doesn't need it for sales. he won't need it for a legacy. this is the end of an era. NOW he's the kop and now he's a legend and he will be forever.

it's pretty friggin sad that people think a piece of land is what will define him and keep his legacy going. apparently his art means nothing and his work and acheivements mean nothing.

the key to his success all along was neverland. wow

it was HIM who made it special. that place is gross now. it is run down, they're trying to bring it back but his'magical' whatever the hell...that he 'loved' so much?

he let go to hell.he told us he would never go back. we didn't believe himuntil my friend called and said the animals were leaving. then we knew, right then and there, mj was serious. cuz he always talks but this was real. he was seriousthis time and he never went back.
Jermaine is entitled to his opinion, and we have no right to critisise. Michael's spirit is free to be where ever he wants to be, it is his physical remains that are needing to be somewhere. Neverland would be a beautiful setting, but would Michael have wanted that, we don't know, he did not want to be there in life, but in death he is safe from the so call justice system down there.