Jermaine is not happy: he still wants Michael Buried in Neverland

Michael can´t have his Neverland even in death?? Even in death the two fucked up family´s Chandler and Arizinos will win and destroy his legacy because o these two family´s Michael cannot be buried in Neverland?? So in the End the bastards win?? Please that cannot be!! Michael is unbreakable and should not surrender to them.
How is the media brainwashing me?

Michael said it with his own words - and here they are again just in case:

MICHAEL JACKSON: I've been back there. But not in my bedroom. I won't live there ever again. I'll visit Neverland. It's a house now. It's not a home anymore. I'll only visit there.

False!!!! So why even write a testament in the first place. He even told Lisa Marie that he won´t get old and will die young like Elvis. The media is brainwashing you!!
Can´t you all see the white media is brainwashing you again because no black man should have his Graceland a place where millions of people can pilger to. Only Elvis deserves a pilgrimage site!!!!!!!!!!!!

First the Staple Center fiasco where no fan could come and show the respect like they could when Elvis died and now no Graceland......
And Michael's wishes about NEVER living in Neverland mean nothing to you.

Michael never said that he would never wanted to be buried in Neverland. You´re all tripping!!! When Michael said he never would be living in Neverland he made a statement at that day that doesn´t mean that he would not change his opinion in the future.

Fact is and the only fact we fans have is Michael does not say in his testament that he is against being buried at Neverland!!!!!!!
Forest Lawn stands for the place where Michael's body was laid to rest.

But his music, artistry, his beautiful children, his historical charitable contributions and most of all the LOVE that Michel gave us and we gave back to him...

That is Michael's monument, bigger than Graceland and Neverland, and any land!

LOVE is the monument - and that one can't be knocked down or bought.

Neverland stands for Michael -Forrest Lawn stands for what exactly???
Michael should be buried at Neverland, thts all i have to say, but as always, people here seem to know everything, when in fact noone knows what Michael really wanted, Neverland would be MUCH BIGGER then Graceland, but i guess that wont happen. I bet my soul that if Michael could write a letter from heavens he would say that he wants to be at Neverland, Michael was a great humanitarian and the Neverland is the material proof of it, neverland was built to help the kids, Neverland Valley Ranch was designed by Michael, it was his place, Michael said he was Peter Pan in his heart, thats why he built Neverland
How do you all know Michael wanted to be buried at Forrest Lawn??

Maybe he would ´ve hated the idea??? Who knows?? Maybe he wanted to have his own place his own Graceland??? Maybe he thought he coud build another Neverland but he could not finish it so at least he should be buried at the "old" Neverland instead at Forrest Lawn a place that hs nothing to do with Michael.
Jermaine, is that you?

Michael never said that he would never wanted to be buried in Neverland. You´re all tripping!!! When Michael said he never would be living in Neverland he made a statement at that day that doesn´t mean that he would not change his opinion in the future.

Fact is and the only fact we fans have is Michael does not say in his testament that he is against being buried at Neverland!!!!!!!
I really hope Jermaine is strong enough and fights for Neverland!

Jermaine 1000´s of MJ fans support you!!!
Michael never said that he would never wanted to be buried in Neverland. You´re all tripping!!! When Michael said he never would be living in Neverland he made a statement at that day that doesn´t mean that he would not change his opinion in the future.

Fact is and the only fact we fans have is Michael does not say in his testament that he is against being buried at Neverland!!!!!!!

ok your saying that we as fans don't know what Micheal's final wishes were
doesn't the fact that all of the family members (except Jermaine) say he didn't want to go back there tell you THAT HE REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO GO BACK THERE
Only because he once (and at a very angry state) said he didnt like Neverland all this afirmation that he hated Neverland, NOT TRUE, Michael loved Neverland, and fact is, if Neverland is open to the public( i care cause if it is open the ones getting the earnings are his kids, not Jermaine, jermaine is like a disease(im tired of hearing his name, sorry but he wont get any money out of this, the kids will), it wont be the same if his body is buried there then if it isnt, fans want ot visit him, i want to visit him, i want ot visit Michael in his Neverland ranch
False!!!! So why even write a testament in the first place. He even told Lisa Marie that he won´t get old and will die young like Elvis. The media is brainwashing you!!
Can´t you all see the white media is brainwashing you again because no black man should have his Graceland a place where millions of people can pilger to. Only Elvis deserves a pilgrimage site!!!!!!!!!!!!

First the Staple Center fiasco where no fan could come and show the respect like they could when Elvis died and now no Graceland......

lol... what? How is the media brainwashing me when I have avoided almost all MJ news coverage?

Let me ask you something, if Michael was buried in neverland but they never opened it up to the public and allowed absolutely NO fans to visit, then would you still want him buried there?

And if neverland is sold off in he future then do you feel comfortable knowing that his children won't be able to visit him whenever they want, and they'd have to ask the new owners for permission if they wanted to?

Neverland stands for Michael -Forrest Lawn stands for what exactly???

It's a place where he can finally rest in peace and have his privacy respected.
That´s the point!! A lot of people are afraid of this.Right now they ´re laughing because it won´t happen.
exactly, they have killed Michael and now they want to kill one of his most distinguished masterpieces, the wonderful Neverland Valley Ranch
He didn't want to be buried there or anywhere for that matter.

His mother made the decision. And I think it was a good one, given that Colony Capital and Jermaine are hellbent on turning his resting place into a tourist trap.

Elvis did not make his decision to be buried in Graceland - in fact, when they buried him in the Memphis cemetery, grave robbers stole the corpse.
It was then they decided to get Elvis' body back to Graceland so they can hire private guards to watch over him. From there, they turned it into a tourist site given the demand.

I remember reading somewhere, and I can't remember where, (and I paraphrase) Michael expressed that he wanted to be cremated and his ashes scattered on top of a mountain where no one could reach him.

LOVE is the monument that Michael built. Neverland is just a piece of land.

How do you all know Michael wanted to be buried at Forrest Lawn??

Maybe he would ´ve hated the idea??? Who knows?? Maybe he wanted to have his own place his own Graceland??? Maybe he thought he coud build another Neverland but he could not finish it so at least he should be buried at the "old" Neverland instead at Forrest Lawn a place that hs nothing to do with Michael.
ok your saying that we as fans don't know what Micheal's final wishes were
doesn't the fact that all of the family members (except Jermaine) say he didn't want to go back there tell you THAT HE REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO GO BACK THERE

??? It is obvious that Michael was not in an love affair with Neverland shortly after the trial.
But if he could´ve have choosen between Forrest Lawn( a place he never called home) and his masterpiece Neverland I strongly believe Michael would haven choosen Neverland.

The fact is Michael wanted his own Graceland but right now he doesn´t have it!!!!
I really hope Jermaine is strong enough and fights for Neverland!

Jermaine 1000´s of MJ fans support you!!!

Well... more like a handful of fans. Michael has said he doesn't want to live there and has refused to go back ever since.. what more do you want? A signed statement saying "don't bury me in neverland"? :mello:

Only because he once (and at a very angry state) said he didnt like Neverland all this afirmation that he hated Neverland, NOT TRUE, Michael loved Neverland, and fact is, if Neverland is open to the public( i care cause if it is open the ones getting the earnings are his kids, not Jermaine, jermaine is like a disease(im tired of hearing his name, sorry but he wont get any money out of this, the kids will), it wont be the same if his body is buried there then if it isnt, fans want ot visit him, i want to visit him, i want ot visit Michael in his Neverland ranch

There you have it...
He said he did not want to live in Neverland ever again - so why should his body be there for eternity?

Just so his bones can make Colony Capital rich?

That's sick.

ED BRADLEY: So, you haven't been back there?

MICHAEL JACKSON: I've been back there. But not in my bedroom. I won't live there ever again. I'll visit Neverland. It's a house now. It's not a home anymore. I'll only visit there.
cant you see???, he was angry when he said that, everybody says they hate something or somebody when they are mad, but thats the only time he said it, he didnt said it again, not once!
Only because he once (and at a very angry state) said he didnt like Neverland all this afirmation that he hated Neverland, NOT TRUE, Michael loved Neverland, and fact is, if Neverland is open to the public( i care cause if it is open the ones getting the earnings are his kids, not Jermaine, jermaine is like a disease(im tired of hearing his name, sorry but he wont get any money out of this, the kids will), it wont be the same if his body is buried there then if it isnt, fans want ot visit him, i want to visit him, i want ot visit Michael in his Neverland ranch

none of us know what Micheal did or didn't want or love or didn't love
the fact that Janet (who knows him most ) and his mother said "no" tells me more than just fan speculation
so stop being so selfish and let Micheal rest
lol... what? How is the media brainwashing me when I have avoided almost all MJ news coverage?

Let me ask you something, if Michael was buried in neverland but they never opened it up to the public and allowed absolutely NO fans to visit, then would you still want him buried there?

100% YESSS from my heart!!! Michael wanted his Graceland so he created Neverland! He loved the place and because of two bastard families he cannot have his Graceland!!
So the bastards win?? That hurts so much.NOOOOOOO! No way!! I really hope Jermaine is fighting for his brother!!
I´m 100% sure that Michael wanted to be buried at Neverland!

Otherwise why didn´t he stated in his testament where he wanted to be buried???

Michael would have choose another place I don´t think he would have leave something to chance when it comes to his legacy!!
Michael can´t have his Neverland even in death?? Even in death the two fucked up family´s Chandler and Arvizos will win and destroy his legacy because o these two family´s Michael cannot be buried in Neverland?? So in the End the bastards win?? Please that cannot be!! Michael is unbreakable and should not surrender to them.
dont forget about the sneddon snake and the white old supremacy, im white, and thats why i know a lot about it, i hate how they are trying to make Michael just a common singer, i hate it, dont let that happen, we as fans should stand up!
cant you see???, he was angry when he said that, everybody says they hate something or somebody when they are mad, but thats the only time he said it, he didnt said it again, not once!

He also never went back!!

My goodness, why can't fans put their own need to visit him aside and actually be realistic about what neverland was. Yes he loved it very much, until 80 sheriffs went in and gutted the place.

He had 4 years to go back there and he never did. Colony capital is ripping out the rides and changing the place as we speak... neverland is not "neverland" anymore in many ways. The fans need to let the place go..
I think Neverland is a beautiful place fit for him, eventhough he was hurt alot there, and some people associate it with crime. However Neverland is Michael's creation, and I believe that he would love to be visited by fans, even after death. Neverland is all he was about. He might have moved on, but his heart was still attached to it. Still FL is amazing, but I think Michael deserves his own resting place.
So the brainwashing is already working. No pilgrimage site for a black man...

Ultimately, I'm not understanding why anyone thinks fans should have more say in this than his immediate family (excluding Jermaine and his ties with the co-owners of Sycamore Ranch). ?
Stop it please.

That is the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard.

Like Mother Katherine, Janet, Rebbie and LaToya, we want to respect Michael's wishes to NEVER return to Neverland.

So the brainwashing is already working. No pilgrimage site for a black man...
So then if you're so sure, why didn't he specify he wanted to be interred at Neverland?

Your logic is circular.

I´m 100% sure that Michael wanted to be buried at Neverland!

Otherwise why didn´t he stated in his testament where he wanted to be buried???

Michael would have choose another place I don´t think he would have leave something to chance when it comes to his legacy!!
He also never went back!!

My goodness, why can't fans put their own need to visit him aside and actually be realistic about what neverland was. Yes he loved it very much, until 80 sheriffs went in and gutted the place.

He had 4 years to go back there and he never did. Colony capital is ripping out the rides and changing the place as we speak... neverland is not "neverland" anymore in many ways. The fans need to let the place go..
because after the trial Michael was having money troubles, he couldnt go back to Neverland, dont you know how expensive is to keep Neverland running??? he couldnt go back even if he wanted, but he was fighting, he was about to recover Neverland entirely after the 50 concerts and the tour and the album and everything he was going to do to save Neverland for him and for his kids
dont forget about the sneddon snake and the white old supremacy, im white, and thats why i know a lot about it, i hate how they are trying to make Michael just a common singer, i hate it, dont let that happen, we as fans should stand up!

100% agree they are really trying very I´m mean very hard to make Michael just a common singer. For a start they take from him his Graceland his pilgrimage site for all the millions of fans. It would look very bad if millions of people would visit him -would look very bad for elvis and all the white haters.