Jermaine is not happy: he still wants Michael Buried in Neverland

Ok thanks. So only LaToya has said that Michael never wanted to go back, and there is no record anywhere of Michael actually ever saying this.

I Found it!

Ed Bradley's Interview with Micahel on 60 Minutes - transcript link, but here's the excerpt eher Michael says NO to Neverland:

ED BRADLEY: How did you feel when they went into Neverland, I mean, with a search warrant? I mean, what were they looking for? What did they take?

MICHAEL JACKSON: My room is a complete wreck. My workers told me. They said, "Michael, don't go in your room." They were crying on the phone, my employees. They said, "If you saw your room, you would cry." I have stairs that go up to my bed. And they said, "You can't even get up the stairs. The room is totally trashed." And they had 80 policemen in this room, 80 policemen in one bedroom. That's really overdoing it. They took knives, and cut open my mattresses with knives. C — just cut everything open.

ED BRADLEY: Did — did they take anything from Neverland?

MICHAEL JACKSON: A— I'm not sure what they took. They never gave me a list.

ED BRADLEY: But you're saying that they destroyed your property?

MICHAEL JACKSON: Yes, they did. And then they, what they did was they made everybody that work at the property, they locked everybody out of the house. They had the whole house to themselves to do whatever they wanted. And — they totally took advantage. They went into areas they weren't supposed to go into — like my office. They didn't have search warrants for those places. And they totally took advantage. And the room is a total, total wreck, they told me. I don't think I wanna see it. I'm not ready to see it yet.

ED BRADLEY: So, you haven't been back there?

MICHAEL JACKSON: I've been back there. But not in my bedroom. I won't live there ever again. I'll visit Neverland. It's a house now. It's not a home anymore. I'll only visit there. What time is it? Cause I'm hurting. You know what? I'm — I'm hurting. I have to go pretty soon anyway. Yeah. Okay. I don't feel good.
What? this isn't coming from the media.. that came from Michael himself. he said he didnt want to go back. that is not coming from any meida source and i know i can only speak for myself, I aint brainwashed. :lol:

plus i thought we can visit him at forest lawn.. i read an articale last week saying that.. or is that incorrect? hes been placed to rest and needs to stay there.

he stated it in interviews, himself.

hahahahaha they brainwashed a lot of people.
Michael said he would visit, but it was no longer his home. He even said (what was is a month after the raid) that he hadn't even entered his own bedroom! I think it was said in the "Untold story of Neverland" video that Michael ended up staying at one of the guest houses at Neverland, he didn't even want to stay in his own house.
And the public isn't allowed to see where Michael is, you can go in to see the Last Supper window, but that is as close as we could ever get.
Why Jermaine Why? I really need Jermaine to shut up for awhile.
Visiting is one thing, but living there is another.

And having your body lay there for eternity is definitely ANOTHER.

ok thanks, I thought it was in the Ed Bradley interview but didn't have a copy handy to look at. He clearly says twice that he would indeed go back to Neverland.

So if, as some here state, Michael said he never wanted to visit Neverland in a different interview then he contradicted himself. If however, he never said that he didn't ever want to visit Neverland again then a lot of people on this messageboard are putting words into Michael's mouth that he never said. And lord knows he's been through enough of that already and doesn't need it coming from his own fans.
. mj is everywhere i want him to be. it doesn't matter where he physically rests.

if y'all wanna get into neverland, then say so. but realize you'll only be getting into sycamore valley was michael's love and spirit that made 5225 fig. mtn rd magic. he's gone now. the magic has been gone so whatever

100% agree with you Soso
if he couldn't even stand to go there to make sure all his property was gone, what makes u th ink he wants his body to be there?

and the ONLY reason y they stayed there for the trial cuz it was financially the only thing they could do. he already had to pay for mez susan to stay in a condo and the bodyguards at the whole fam? hell naw.

it was never HOME to him again b/c he didn't feel the love he felt when he created it. how can u twist that around into him 'not' saying he never wanted to live there again?
Visiting is one thing, but living there is another.

And having your body lay there for eternity is definitely ANOTHER.

Thanks. My main point in bringing this up is that we have documented proof that Michael HAS said he WOULD return to Neverland, at least for visits, while it has been posted countless times on this message board by people saying that Michael said he never wanted to return to the property.

Again I say, if someone can come up with proof that Michael himself stated he never wanted to return there then Michael obviously said two completely different and conflicting things. If however, people can't come up with any documented proof that Micahel himself ever said that then I think people here need to stop putting words into Michael's mouth.

It's just that Michael has already had enough misinformation spread about him and his words twisted or manufactured to fit people's agenda and we don't need to add to that here.
hahahahaha they brainwashed a lot of people.
Michael said he would visit, but it was no longer his home. He even said (what was is a month after the raid) that he hadn't even entered his own bedroom! I think it was said in the "Untold story of Neverland" video that Michael ended up staying at one of the guest houses at Neverland, he didn't even want to stay in his own house.
And the public isn't allowed to see where Michael is, you can go in to see the Last Supper window, but that is as close as we could ever get.

ohh i know the media brainwashed people..

Visiting is one thing, but living there is another.

And having your body lay there for eternity is definitely ANOTHER.

absolutely.. i think that's where some of this confussion is coming up for some? there is a huge difference of going back to live and going back to visit. MJ did not ever want to live there ever again he would visit but never live..

why would anyone in his family even consider trying to have him placed to rest there? fans know what Michael felt about that place after the raid.. you gonna say his brother doesn't know how he felt? the whole thing sickens me tbh :no:
Thanks. My main point in bringing this up is that we have documented proof that Michael HAS said he WOULD return to Neverland, at least for visits, while it has been posted countless times on this message board by people saying that Michael said he never wanted to return to the property.

Again I say, if someone can come up with proof that Michael himself stated he never wanted to return there then Michael obviously said two completely different and conflicting things. If however, people can't come up with any documented proof that Micahel himself ever said that then I think people here need to stop putting words into Michael's mouth.

It's just that Michael has already had enough misinformation spread about him and his words twisted or manufactured to fit people's agenda and we don't need to add to that here.
friend, ur confusing what he needs vs. what he wanted

the times he spent there AFTER the arrest and the crap that was done was for fiscal reasons. he NEVER went back after the trial. meaning, after he no longer had a reason to be in sbc, he left and never went back.

so he legally had to be at the trial. once that issue was over, he never went back and had all his stuff sent to him. he never went back after he no longer needed to be there.

he was there cuz he needed to be. not b/c he wanted to.
ohh i know the media brainwashed people..

absolutely.. i think that's where some of this confussion is coming up for some? there is a huge difference of going back to live and going back to visit. MJ did not ever want to live there ever again he would visit but never live..

why would anyone in his family even consider trying to have him placed to rest there? fans know what Michael felt about that place after the raid.. you gonna say his brother doesn't know how he felt? the whole thing sickens me tbh :no:
sure they did. not about mj and the ranch, thouh

and visiting and living are two different things. ur correct but everytime mj was at teh ranch, it was for a reason. after the arrest....

remember the bev hills house? that was for a yr. he moved to the ranch again for the trial

these weren't visits. the party i went to, was for pr. again, right before jury selection. it wasn't just random.
Yes, and I as well as others gave you the proof.

I spent time googling it because I know MJ said it in an interview but I did not remember when and with who.

Thanks. My main point in bringing this up is that we have documented proof that Michael HAS said he WOULD return to Neverland, at least for visits, while it has been posted countless times on this message board by people saying that Michael said he never wanted to return to the property.

Again I say, if someone can come up with proof that Michael himself stated he never wanted to return there then Michael obviously said two completely different and conflicting things. If however, people can't come up with any documented proof that Micahel himself ever said that then I think people here need to stop putting words into Michael's mouth.

It's just that Michael has already had enough misinformation spread about him and his words twisted or manufactured to fit people's agenda and we don't need to add to that here.
Thanks. My main point in bringing this up is that we have documented proof that Michael HAS said he WOULD return to Neverland, at least for visits, while it has been posted countless times on this message board by people saying that Michael said he never wanted to return to the property.

Again I say, if someone can come up with proof that Michael himself stated he never wanted to return there then Michael obviously said two completely different and conflicting things. If however, people can't come up with any documented proof that Micahel himself ever said that then I think people here need to stop putting words into Michael's mouth.

It's just that Michael has already had enough misinformation spread about him and his words twisted or manufactured to fit people's agenda and we don't need to add to that here.

now i know i cant speak for anyone else.. but when i stated he didnt want to return.. i meant he didnt want to retrun to live. perhaps you took what people said to literally? :scratch:i dont think i saw anyone say he wouldn't go back to visit..and we are talking about his burial.. why would he want to be buried where he wouldn't go back to live?
At this point, Michael should be left where he is. It is beautiful and peaceful - and there are others there that he respected. Let it be done and let the man rest.

As for Neverland - if in the FUTURE - meaning let time pass, PLEASE - I could understand if Neverland was recreated as it had been in the past and museums created - but ONLY and I mean ONLY, if it can be placed completely in the hands of Michael's children, and only if Michael's original rules were inforced regarding no cameras. No outside company has any moral right, IMO, to profit from the dream Michael had created. If any part of the ranch is out of the children's hands or not in trust for them, then it should remain as it is now. In any case, it is not necessary for Michael ever to be moved there, and I can't even think of a good reason for it that doesn't involve using him to make a profit and that is just ugly.
Okay i realise Michael had said he didn't want to live there again, but burying him there is different for the obvious reason. I also think if he really planned on never going back he would have sold it, instead he called off the auction which was going to sell off all the contents of Neverland. I hope Jermaine wins out on this one because having Neverland open to the public i believe will keep Michael alive in many ways and hopfully they would continue to invite underpriveliged kids to visit for free.
Yes, and I as well as others gave you the proof.

I spent time googling it because I know MJ said it in an interview but I did not remember when and with who.

No, nobody gave any proof at all that Michael ever said he never wanted to return to Neverland. There IS proof however, that he said in the Ed Bradley interview that he DID admit he WOULD visit Neverland again.

And once again for those saying why would he want to be buried somewhere he didn't want to live, I'll once again say that's not my point for bringing this up. My point is that some people are saying that Michael said something, yet nobody can prove it. Yet they state it as fact and use it to bolster their arguments as to what Michael supposedly did or did not want.

I'll also say again that if anyone can come up with proof that Micahel himself said he never set foot on Neverland again as some folks are trying to infer, then it is proof that Michael contradicted himself. But until someone comes up with proof that Micahel said that, then I think we should go by the proof we DO have from the Ed Bradley interview.

Anyways, we're all on the same side here so I'll not go any further into this. It's just nice to be among other great fans of Michael.

And again I hope they leave him be to rest in peace.
shoot me, but i'd love for michael to be at neverland. mostly because i wanna visit him. mj deserves a whole land to himself for his final resting place. he is king! but i definitely respect his mothers decision. just would love to visit him
shoot me, but i'd love for michael to be at neverland. mostly because i wanna visit him. mj deserves a whole land to himself for his final resting place. he is king! but i definitely respect his mothers decision. just would love to visit him

I agree that the only reason I would want him at Neverland is to visit hm and finally see this place, even if the magic isn't there anymore...
Okay i realise Michael had said he didn't want to live there again, but burying him there is different for the obvious reason. I also think if he really planned on never going back he would have sold it, instead he called off the auction which was going to sell off all the contents of Neverland. I hope Jermaine wins out on this one because having Neverland open to the public i believe will keep Michael alive in many ways and hopfully they would continue to invite underpriveliged kids to visit for free.

It's not necessary for Michael to be buried there for any of that to happen. And it should not happen if Colony and company profit from it. No one should profit but Michael's children - it was his dream. Regardless of what is ever done, Neverland as it was before the trial can never be restored. Even if everything is made the way it was, it will never be anything but a museum and a memory of the past.
no, this is wrong. I love the place they chose! Michael wanted to be somewhat normal, and didn't want to be isolated. And also, neverland is 3 hours away from LA where the kids, katherine, and all michael's real close friends live. Its easier for them to see him there at Forest Lawn. And besides, Michael loved neverland, and had goodtimes there but he did vow never to go back because the magic had been broken. Jermaine does need to get slapped in the face. LET THE MAN REST! Jesus, now they want to "re-dig" him. pffttt por guy needs to be left alone (michael).
No, nobody gave any proof at all that Michael ever said he never wanted to return to Neverland. There IS proof however, that he said in the Ed Bradley interview that he DID admit he WOULD visit Neverland again.

And once again for those saying why would he want to be buried somewhere he didn't want to live, I'll once again say that's not my point for bringing this up. My point is that some people are saying that Michael said something, yet nobody can prove it. Yet they state it as fact and use it to bolster their arguments as to what Michael supposedly did or did not want.

I'll also say again that if anyone can come up with proof that Micahel himself said he never set foot on Neverland again as some folks are trying to infer, then it is proof that Michael contradicted himself. But until someone comes up with proof that Micahel said that, then I think we should go by the proof we DO have from the Ed Bradley interview.

Anyways, we're all on the same side here so I'll not go any further into this. It's just nice to be among other great fans of Michael.

And again I hope they leave him be to rest in peace.
well i wish i could go back in time and have my friend, mj's former employee, have mj speak into a mike and record what he said.

so just b/c there's no audio or video doesn't mean theman didn't say it. justmeans u don't know about it

he never went BACK after he had to. what do u call a visit? i call staying there during teh arraingment NOT a visit, but crashing there cuz it would be too expensive otherwise. dang
Hey, no problem. I understand what you are saying, but the semantics of visit vs. live vs. spending eternity at are very different.

And heck yeah we are on the same team!


No, nobody gave any proof at all that Michael ever said he never wanted to return to Neverland. There IS proof however, that he said in the Ed Bradley interview that he DID admit he WOULD visit Neverland again.

And once again for those saying why would he want to be buried somewhere he didn't want to live, I'll once again say that's not my point for bringing this up. My point is that some people are saying that Michael said something, yet nobody can prove it. Yet they state it as fact and use it to bolster their arguments as to what Michael supposedly did or did not want.

I'll also say again that if anyone can come up with proof that Micahel himself said he never set foot on Neverland again as some folks are trying to infer, then it is proof that Michael contradicted himself. But until someone comes up with proof that Micahel said that, then I think we should go by the proof we DO have from the Ed Bradley interview.

Anyways, we're all on the same side here so I'll not go any further into this. It's just nice to be among other great fans of Michael.

And again I hope they leave him be to rest in peace.
Okay i realise Michael had said he didn't want to live there again, but burying him there is different for the obvious reason. I also think if he really planned on never going back he would have sold it, instead he called off the auction which was going to sell off all the contents of Neverland. I hope Jermaine wins out on this one because having Neverland open to the public i believe will keep Michael alive in many ways and hopfully they would continue to invite underpriveliged kids to visit for free.
no he called off the auction cuz of aeg. not cuz he didn't want to. u don't take everything down if u plan to buy it back. he never intended to do so. he wasn't tricked into that auction but they could make more money puttignthat in a museum so y sell it? the value would only go up. so he cancelled at the 11th hr and had to pay for that mistake.

and don't u think burying and living there would fall under teh same category? he couldn't stand to live there but place my body there forever?
visit he never did unless it was official court biz. live he only did for teh trial, again, no emotional attatchment to the place...and buried? he already is at rest
no he called off the auction cuz of aeg. not cuz he didn't want to. u don't take everything down if u plan to buy it back. he never intended to do so. he wasn't tricked into that auction but they could make more money puttignthat in a museum so y sell it? the value would only go up. so he cancelled at the 11th hr and had to pay for that mistake.

and don't u think burying and living there would fall under teh same category? he couldn't stand to live there but place my body there forever?

I'm not religious in any way and i don't believe in an afterlife so it won't actually matter to Michael where he is buried.
Why is Jermaine saying these things?? Just for attention I suppose. By talking so openly and regularly about his brother's death i guess it gets the brothers back in the spotlight - heck, the board's full of what Jermaine has said over the past 2 and a half months!
the media isn't brainwashing anyone.

sorry, i didn't know taj was a part of the media :no:

mj didn't want neverland.

IF mike wanted his fans to be able to visit him after his life had ended, he would've put it in his will. he did not meaning he left that up to whomever he put in charge. he trusted his mother w/ his children so makes sense he trusted her w/ where he would be placed.

the fact that the will was made before the trial meant that he didn't specifiy the ranch. before AND after the crap happened there. so he didn't want it then and he didn't want it after the trial.

what's so hard about it? if it mattered to MJ as much as it apparently matters to jermaine, then it would've been stated.

if people can't see that this is a business opportunity adn NOT about a legacy, that'd be amazing. i don't care if i can see mj or 'pay my respects' b/c it's just a stone. mj is everywhere i want him to be. it doesn't matter where he physically rests.

if y'all wanna get into neverland, then say so. but realize you'll only be getting into sycamore valley was michael's love and spirit that made 5225 fig. mtn rd magic. he's gone now. the magic has been gone so whatever

jermaine can wish all he wants. themore he does the worse he looks

could not have said it better if one tried.:clapping:
Why is Jermaine saying these things?? Just for attention I suppose. By talking so openly and regularly about his brother's death i guess it gets the brothers back in the spotlight - heck, the board's full of what Jermaine has said over the past 2 and a half months!

it is so hard to believe that it has been that long already.....It seems like yesterday.....Jeez I truly miss him..:cry:
I'm not religious in any way and i don't believe in an afterlife so it won't actually matter to Michael where he is buried.

Okay i realise Michael had said he didn't want to live there again, but burying him there is different for the obvious reason. I also think if he really planned on never going back he would have sold it, instead he called off the auction which was going to sell off all the contents of Neverland. I hope Jermaine wins out on this one because having Neverland open to the public i believe will keep Michael alive in many ways and hopfully they would continue to invite underpriveliged kids to visit for free.

No offense, but that's your personal opinion. Not Mike's. You can't claim that it wouldn't matter to him where he was buried. Inviting kids to visit for free? Not unless they make alot of $$$ at first to afford it. The new "Neverland" would be like a themepark not a public park; for profit.
For Mikes legacy it will be better to have him at neverland.

Elvis had Graceland Michael should have Neverland.

The media is right now brainwashing the fans and say Mike didn´t want Neverland etc etc. so he don´t get his own Graceland were millions of fans can visit him like Elvis.
The media wants that only Elvis is visited by millions of fans not Michael.
Michael is all for his fans he did not want to be buried where noone can visit him like he wasn´t a big star.

So the media made MJ say he never wants to go back to Neverland again?