Jermaine is not happy: he still wants Michael Buried in Neverland

Jermaine = Dr Tohme = Colony Capital = Barack

This is the company seeking patents to the names Neverland Valley and to build a museum

To make most money, they need Michael's body there.

These people are lining Jermaine and financing him directly and indirectly. Don't be surprised if travelling and other expenses by Jermaine have been paid by Colony/Dr Tohme

Jermaine feels indebted to them and knows more will come his way with MJ's body in Neverland

Just like how the Prince was lining him up with Rolls Royce and all that other stuff that comes with high life.

Not just any commoner gets to enjoy the luxuries of a palace and gifts that accompany that.

MJ's body and name unfortunately is now Jermaine's meals ticket to all that.

I mean, what right does he have over both his parents who wanted MJ buried elsewhere?
And this is where i fear his influence on the kids as he might pressure them in future to move their father's burial place - for the benefit of Colony.

Jermaine is now all over the world, US to Austria to England to Germany

When MJ was alive, he had ceased giving such endless interviews. Now MJ is gone, everyone feels freed up to talk and use him as they wish.
oh thosekids know what nvr meant to their dad. they never went back. there's a reason. he took it all down and brought what he wanted to las vegas. i mean he had it taken apart and shipped to him. he never set foot on that property again. he left and didn't look back.

once those kids are older, they'll see the other side to all of this. his pain was obvious, no matter how much of a brave face he put on, it was obvious. no matter how old they were, (cept blank) they could see it.

so no, mj was put there to stay

I pray and pray that John Branca and John McClain put their foot down on everybody and everything related to this.

Jermaine = Dr Tohme = Colony Capital = Barack

This is the company seeking patents to the names Neverland Valley and to build a museum

To make most money, they need Michael's body there.

These people are lining Jermaine and financing him directly and indirectly. Don't be surprised if travelling and other expenses by Jermaine have been paid by Colony/Dr Tohme

Jermaine feels indebted to them and knows more will come his way with MJ's body in Neverland

Just like how the Prince was lining him up with Rolls Royce and all that other stuff that comes with high life.

Not just any commoner gets to enjoy the luxuries of a palace and gifts that accompany that.

MJ's body and name unfortunately is now Jermaine's meals ticket to all that.

I mean, what right does he have over both his parents who wanted MJ buried elsewhere?
And this is where i fear his influence on the kids as he might pressure them in future to move their father's burial place - for the benefit of Colony.

Jermaine is now all over the world, US to Austria to England to Germany

When MJ was alive, he had ceased giving such endless interviews. Now MJ is gone, everyone feels freed up to talk and use him as they wish.
oh well but omg did u see his suit? chile mto has him on BLAST and that suit? we thought the oxford suit was bad?

i love jermaine. i want him to be a good dude but he's getting mixed up w/ the wrong folk. this is looking bad. very bad. even if it's done w/ love and no ounce of illicit motive, it smells funny.

i want it to be ok. i want this to be as sanitized as possible. everything he's saying points to a bigger plan. i don't like it.

bury here cuz we gonna have a park...? dude no.
For Mikes legacy it will be better to have him at neverland.

Elvis had Graceland Michael should have Neverland.

The media is right now brainwashing the fans and say Mike didn´t want Neverland etc etc. so he don´t get his own Graceland were millions of fans can visit him like Elvis.
The media wants that only Elvis is visited by millions of fans not Michael.
Michael is all for his fans he did not want to be buried where noone can visit him like he wasn´t a big star.
Jermaine need to be quiet. When Micheal's kids grow up, they will decide bury place (Netherland, GREAT mauloseum, Las Vegas .etc.) later for fans to visit.
Jermaine should stop. Michael is laid to rest, finally. Jermaine's connection to Colony Capital makes him look like his out for money and that is not good. Lay off Jermaine. Michael never wanted to go back to Neverland and he should respect that.
Jermaine needs to just STOP already!

For real now he's pissing me off.......let Michael rest in peace!
Jermaine is not happy: he still wants Michael Buried in Neverland...

Well, I still want Michel to be alive, Am I gonna get what I want?


So you do.
So Michael stating that he NEVER wanted to go back to Neverland doesn't mean anything to you?

It means something to me, and if Michael did not want to go back, the we have to respect that.

I have seen the possible place where Michael's body is laid to rest, and it's spectacular, fit for an Egyptian Pharaoh or a Loved, Gentle King as he is.

Sleeping in Beauty ~ Rest in Peace, Michael Jackson

For Mikes legacy it will be better to have him at neverland.

Elvis had Graceland Michael should have Neverland.

The media is right now brainwashing the fans and say Mike didn´t want Neverland etc etc. so he don´t get his own Graceland were millions of fans can visit him like Elvis.
The media wants that only Elvis is visited by millions of fans not Michael.
Michael is all for his fans he did not want to be buried where noone can visit him like he wasn´t a big star.
If this is true, (which I hope it isn't but..) it just proves all along what their motives were....not that we really doubted it. And Thome, Michael let him handle is money...big mistake. He found out what he was all about.

Now they're talking about burrying him at NL? They did b4, but I think Jermaine's being pressured somewhat. I mea, I can't see him wanting to make his own brother a 'meal ticket.' If he's got contracts or agreements and they're loading this s*it on him...

Reburying your bro is one thing, but to go against your mother's wishes and doing what's classy and honorable...a whole different story.

Michael is gone, let him rest in peace, and allow his family, friends and fans to heal. If this goes through....nothing good can come of it. Esp if the state is concerned.
So Michael stating that he NEVER wanted to go back to Neverland doesn't mean anything to you?

It means something to me, and if Michael did not want to go back, the we have to respect that.

I have seen the possible place where Michael's body is laid to rest, and it's spectacular, fit for an Egyptian Pharaoh or a Loved, Gentle King as he is.

Sleeping in Beauty ~ Rest in Peace, Michael Jackson

Did Michael really ever say he never wanted to go back? The only comment I recall ever hearing him say in regards to Neverland is that he WOULD go back to visit Neverland, but didn't want to LIVE there again.

In regards to the building where Michael is now laid to rest, sure it's beautiful. But nothing, I repeat NOTHING mankind has ever built will ever have the beauty of what nature has created on the grounds of what was once known as Neverland. When it's my time to go I hope I'm buried somewhere comparable to the grounds of the former Neverland ranch amongst nature instead of a cold, dimly lit building.

That said, I hope they just let Michael rest in peace now and forever.
what does ^^^ mean? I seriously do not understand it.

Jermaine means that he was there to support him and give him strength. That's what he means by saying I was his backbone. He also said in the same interview with Matt Lauer that he was like Aaron and Michael was like Moses (meaning he would speak for Mike and defend him when Michael couldn't do it).
Yes i know, i feel the same but is not about jermaine!! is about Michael!, Neverland was and will always be Michael

I hope I'm wrong but it seems that Jermaine wants it to appear that it'a about MJ, but in reality it appears that he is trying to push his will to the fore, just like he did with the reunion concerts when he was saying it was going to happen.
Did Michael really ever say he never wanted to go back? The only comment I recall ever hearing him say in regards to Neverland is that he WOULD go back to visit Neverland, but didn't want to LIVE there again.

In regards to the building where Michael is now laid to rest, sure it's beautiful. But nothing, I repeat NOTHING mankind has ever built will ever have the beauty of what nature has created on the grounds of what was once known as Neverland. When it's my time to go I hope I'm buried somewhere comparable to the grounds of the former Neverland ranch amongst nature instead of a cold, dimly lit building.

That said, I hope they just let Michael rest in peace now and forever.

Michael Jackson Never Going Back To Neverland
Posted by Mitch Michaels on 01.23.2009

Too many bad memories...

Michael Jackson says he is
never going back to the Neverland Ranch, which he still owns.

Jackson moved into the ranch in 1988 and converted it into an amusement park and zoo, but abandoned the property in 2003 when he fled the United States.

According to sister LaToya Jackson: "Michael still owns
Neverland. He hasn't been there in about six years - not since the trial. He says he never wants to see it again. He doesn't want to be there. The memories are so awful."

Last November, Michael transferred ownership to Sycamore Valley Ranch Company LLC, a company he is the co-owner of.


Why? So the people who now control Neverland can make grand theft money off of Mike's carcass?! Hell no!

All this whining from Jermaine makes me suspicious as to what kind of kickback or promises he may have been offered to convince his family to bury Mike's body at Neverland.

You are reading my mind verbatim.
Michael Jackson Never Going Back To Neverland
Posted by Mitch Michaels on 01.23.2009

Too many bad memories...

Michael Jackson says he is
never going back to the Neverland Ranch, which he still owns.

Jackson moved into the ranch in 1988 and converted it into an amusement park and zoo, but abandoned the property in 2003 when he fled the United States.

According to sister LaToya Jackson: "Michael still owns
Neverland. He hasn't been there in about six years - not since the trial. He says he never wants to see it again. He doesn't want to be there. The memories are so awful."

Last November, Michael transferred ownership to Sycamore Valley Ranch Company LLC, a company he is the co-owner of.



Ok thanks. So only LaToya has said that Michael never wanted to go back, and there is no record anywhere of Michael actually ever saying this.
Jermaine is not happy!!!!????!! :(
It's so sad. This brought me to tears. :smilerolleyes:

The most important thing in the world is what he wants!!!??? :no:

Well, I should just shut my mouth!
Damm I’m just so pissed again today! :wild:

End my English is not good enough. Lucky for Jermaine :evil:

Yeah he said it clearly in the Ed Bradley interview:

MJ: I won't live there ever again. I'll visit Neverland. It's a house now. It's not a home anymore. I'll only visit there.

ok thanks, I thought it was in the Ed Bradley interview but didn't have a copy handy to look at. He clearly says twice that he would indeed go back to Neverland.

So if, as some here state, Michael said he never wanted to visit Neverland in a different interview then he contradicted himself. If however, he never said that he didn't ever want to visit Neverland again then a lot of people on this messageboard are putting words into Michael's mouth that he never said. And lord knows he's been through enough of that already and doesn't need it coming from his own fans.
For Mikes legacy it will be better to have him at neverland.

Elvis had Graceland Michael should have Neverland.

The media is right now brainwashing the fans and say Mike didn´t want Neverland etc etc. so he don´t get his own Graceland were millions of fans can visit him like Elvis.
The media wants that only Elvis is visited by millions of fans not Michael.
Michael is all for his fans he did not want to be buried where noone can visit him like he wasn´t a big star.

What? this isn't coming from the media.. that came from Michael himself. he said he didnt want to go back. that is not coming from any meida source and i know i can only speak for myself, I aint brainwashed. :lol:

plus i thought we can visit him at forest lawn.. i read an articale last week saying that.. or is that incorrect? hes been placed to rest and needs to stay there.

Ok thanks. So only LaToya has said that Michael never wanted to go back, and there is no record anywhere of Michael actually ever saying this.

he stated it in interviews, himself.
I think that Jermaine has been making a VERY bad name for himself since Michael passed away. He acts as though HE KNEW Michael's wishes. Why in the name of God would Jermaine want to put Michael somewhere that caused him so much pain?? Jermaine keeps stating.."Michael belongs at Neverland". It really is a terrible thing on the part of Jermaine to be so selfish, obviously he is only thinking of Jermaine and not Michael. I believe that Katherine made the best discussion when she chose to put Michael at Forest Lawn. He can finally Rest....and the people who are still trying to make money off of him like JERMAINE, need to get a life of their own now and leave Michael in peace.
Did Michael really ever say he never wanted to go back? The only comment I recall ever hearing him say in regards to Neverland is that he WOULD go back to visit Neverland, but didn't want to LIVE there again.

yes he said that. sorry i don't have a link or an audio file to support that but he never wanted to go back there. didn't feel safe there during the trial either. constantly had it swept for bugs. he hated the place.
For Mikes legacy it will be better to have him at neverland.

Elvis had Graceland Michael should have Neverland.

The media is right now brainwashing the fans and say Mike didn´t want Neverland etc etc. so he don´t get his own Graceland were millions of fans can visit him like Elvis.
The media wants that only Elvis is visited by millions of fans not Michael.
Michael is all for his fans he did not want to be buried where noone can visit him like he wasn´t a big star.
the media isn't brainwashing anyone.

sorry, i didn't know taj was a part of the media :no:

mj didn't want neverland.

IF mike wanted his fans to be able to visit him after his life had ended, he would've put it in his will. he did not meaning he left that up to whomever he put in charge. he trusted his mother w/ his children so makes sense he trusted her w/ where he would be placed.

the fact that the will was made before the trial meant that he didn't specifiy the ranch. before AND after the crap happened there. so he didn't want it then and he didn't want it after the trial.

what's so hard about it? if it mattered to MJ as much as it apparently matters to jermaine, then it would've been stated.

if people can't see that this is a business opportunity adn NOT about a legacy, that'd be amazing. i don't care if i can see mj or 'pay my respects' b/c it's just a stone. mj is everywhere i want him to be. it doesn't matter where he physically rests.

if y'all wanna get into neverland, then say so. but realize you'll only be getting into sycamore valley was michael's love and spirit that made 5225 fig. mtn rd magic. he's gone now. the magic has been gone so whatever

jermaine can wish all he wants. themore he does the worse he looks