Jermaine is not happy: he still wants Michael Buried in Neverland

Yes i know he said he didnt like Neverland anymore, but he said it when he was very angry, but then why he did everything he could to not lose Neverland?? he could have sell neverland for good, but he didnt, Neverland is and will always be Michael Jackson

I personally think that where Michael's body now is where he'd want it to be. Katherine made a wise choice.

As far as why he never got rid of Neverland, I think even though the place holds a lot of bad memories it also hold a lot of good ones.

Michael helped a lot of children there, he created some of his best work there, his children grew up there and in a way so did he.

Completely letting go of those memories is never easy.
Michael was Neverland, thats why i want him there, not for Jermaine who i dont like at all. But i remember that article in which the Neverland Valley Ranch neighbors acted like if they hated Michael saying "oh No!! we dont want that circus!!!" who the hell they think they are??!, they are nothing compare to Michael, i hated that stupid article, and i would to throw the fact that Michael could be wherever he wanted right in front of there faces, stupid neighbors, sorry, i got angry for some reason.
Brother says Michael Jackson could be exhumed

Thu, 10 Sep 2009 18:47:25 GMT

Michael Jackson may not have found his last resting place in a California cemetery, with his brother Jermaine telling a German television show Thursday he would like to see the grave moved. "I'm not so happy with it," said the elder Jackson, according to text released in advance of broadcast by the Johannes B Kerner Show. "I always felt he should be buried in Neverland," he added, referring to the music star's private ranch. Jermaine Jackson, 54, who was interviewed in the German capital Berlin by the show for ZDF German public television, said he expected an exhumation and reburial at Neverland, which had been his brother's "creation."Michael Jackson died June 25 and was buried September 3 at the Grand Mausoleum of the historic Forest Lawn Memorial Park.,brother-says-michael-jackson-could-be-exhumed.html

Mr.Jackson stated many many times...he would NEVER go back to Neverland...society took something innocent and beautiful and made it into something very ugly..!

Mrs.Jackson has made the right decision...I know her son would be very happy, and proud..!

:angel:We Are The World...Heal The World...Education IS The Key..!
I personally think that where Michael's body now is where he'd want it to be. Katherine made a wise choice.

As far as why he never got rid of Neverland, I think even though the place holds a lot of bad memories it also hold a lot of good ones.

Michael helped a lot of children there, he created some of his best work there, his children grew up there and in a way so did he.

Completely letting go of those memories is never easy.
i repeat it Michael left neverland cause he was angry, but that was a triunph for sneddon, he hurt Michael and Michael left, and i know he realized he did wrong and he wanted Neverland back
Jermaine needs to really stop thinking about himself and start thinking about Michael and if you go deeper into this issue, he really isn't, IMO
all that really needs to be said.. Jermaine needs to just STFU already.

Michael wanted to go back to Neverland, if he hated Neverland as some say, why he did everything he could to keep Neverlnad on his name???, Michael said he would never go back to Neverland but he said it when he was very angry, everybody when is angry says stuff that then regret

the thing is even years after he continued to say he would never go back, ever. He stated repeatedly that Neverland was destroyed for him and had to many bad memories. As to why he kept it.. like others said it was a good business move to keep it plus its soooo hard to let go of good memories, even if they are tainted with bad.

i'm glad the family chose to have him at Forest Lawn. even though i'd choose to have him back if i could..:(
Mr.Jackson stated many many times...he would NEVER go back to Neverland...society took something innocent and beautiful and made it into something very ugly..!

Mrs.Jackson has made the right decision...I know her son would be very happy, and proud..!

:angel:We Are The World...Heal The World...Education IS The Key..!
Michael felt desappointed and he left, but then he realized that leaving neverland was to let the sneddon snake win and he did wante dneverland back, he was doing everything not to let go Neverland
I have a difficult time trusting Jermaine...I want to, but more and more it's looking like he is trying desperately to profit off of his baby brother's death.

Sad, really.
I hope I'm just misunderstanding his actions...
I have a difficult time trusting Jermaine...I want to, but more and more it's looking like he is trying desperately to profit off of his baby brother's death.

Sad, really.
I hope I'm just misunderstanding his actions...
Yes i know, i feel the same but is not about jermaine!! is about Michael!, Neverland was and will always be Michael
No, not Neverland! :( I'll fly over and chain myself on the gate if I have to, to prevent it! :rant: :lol: Michael didn't wanna go back...why would ANYONE who loved him or cared about him want to take him back there??!! It would just be mean!!
Honestly I did think before,that the best place to bury him is at neverland.He invented that place,and that place was Michael.Even tough after 2005 he didn't go back there.
but I think that really Katherine in the end picked up the best place
but I can see neverland to become graceland in future
If this was not Michael, then i dont know what it was LOOK PLEASE; REMEMBER THE MAGIC OF Neverland Valley

Neverland was beautiful and magical :).. no one is saying it wasn't.. however what a bunch of us have said is what Michael himself said repeatedley. He Didn't EVER want to go back there. He said that in other times not just when he was angry.
Michael felt desappointed and he left, but then he realized that leaving neverland was to let the sneddon snake win and he did wante dneverland back, he was doing everything not to let go Neverland

With no disrepect intended...
We are all entitled to our own thoughts and opinions; but I MUST and wholeheartedly disagree with you on this one...It was smart for Mr.Jackson to hold on to this entity (Neverland) for legal and/or business purposes.

As far as him personally wanting to ever live there again, or have it as his final resting place..?

Think again..!

:angel:We Are The World...Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~
I don't think it's what Jermaine wants, more what he thinks will benefit him the most. Am I wrong in thinking every other Jackson family member is happy with Forest Lawn? If this is the case, why is Jermaine so eager and ruthless in trying to get Michael moved?

Jermaine lost a younger brother, and we lost a great man and the worlds greatest entertainer. Sure we may not be completely over it, but we can pretty much take each day as it comes now, slightly over Michaels passing. But Jermaine, yes he performed at the memorial, and said kind things on public television, but he also recorded Word To The Badd about Michaels over the top sucess, and Jermaines obvious jealousy of a fellow family member.

And thats exactly it. A family member. Michael was Jermaine's dear brother. Janet appeared to be closest to Michael before his passing and Katherine and the rest of the family loved him greatly. Then theres Jermaine, the original lead of the Jackson 5. He now does reality shows and may be low on money.

Let Michael rest, please. He's gone, Jermaine. We had the greatest musical talent ever and he was snatched from us. Please let him be in peace, and it really doesn't matter where. Michaels spirit must be at peace and we don't need someone trying to disrupt a spirits journey to heaven with more controversy.

Sorry for making this sound so mean, but all I have heard from Jermaine is negativity. He needs to learn what's right for others, his family and fans, and forget about how Michaels passing can be used to benefit his own career.
I was a 'pro-neverland' one, but now that he his in this GREAT mauloseum, he should stay there, it's beautiful, peaceful and surrounded by people he loved (Walt Disney!!)

I hope Jermaine didn't say that, really, let him rest please.

Anyway, now Neverland doesn't look a thing like it used to.. no more games or rides, no train, no candy, no joy. Period.

I was too. He is where he should be now. And I'm happy that I don't have to see the grave of Michael's and I hope I never will. I know he is dead, but not seeing a grave make it seems to me that he just isn't out and about in the media or he's away. It feels to me that he is still with us. Seeing a grave stone will remind me that he is in fact dead.
I think Jermaine needs to sit back and chill. Michael was buried in a beautiful place I wish people would just let him rest in peace. Another thing I know some fans are having a hard time getting over Neverland, but Michael has said plenty of times that he never wanted to go back to Neverland and I think we need to respect that...
this news has made me so angry that i'm sitting here crying. when will he STOP already?
Michael didn't go back to Neverland for a REASON!!
He told people he never wanted to go back there for a REASON!!
Why? So the people who now control Neverland can make grand theft money off of Mike's carcass?! Hell no!

All this whining from Jermaine makes me suspicious as to what kind of kickback or promises he may have been offered to convince his family to bury Mike's body at Neverland.
Why? So the people who now control Neverland can make grand theft money off of Mike's carcass?! Hell no!

All this whining from Jermaine makes me suspicious as to what kind of kickback or promises he may have been offered to convince his family to bury Mike's body at Neverland.

I agree with this completely...
He was promised 1 million gallons of Crisco for his baby hairs.

*putting on flame retardant suit*

Why? So the people who now control Neverland can make grand theft money off of Mike's carcass?! Hell no!

All this whining from Jermaine makes me suspicious as to what kind of kickback or promises he may have been offered to convince his family to bury Mike's body at Neverland.
What can I say.. The man doesn't really know his brother. Somebody should tell Jermaine that Mike didn't wanted to go to Neverland after trial. Funny that jermaine claims that he was Mike's "backbone" :D oh .jermaine, you are crazy man
What can I say.. The man doesn't really know his brother. Somebody should tell Jermaine that Mike didn't wanted to go to Neverland after trial. Funny that jermaine claims that he was Mike's "backbone" :D oh .jermaine, you are crazy man

what does ^^^ mean? I seriously do not understand it.

i have out of respect for michael not said too much against jermaine.. but
i've had enough. the fans have had enough.

katherine is not going to allow the move so long as she is alive.

now when she is gone.... who is going to make that decision...? at least until are of age , who will be making those decisions?

OMG~~!!!!!!!!!!!! Michael can't be at peace with all this crap that jermaine is doing.
i repeat it Michael left neverland cause he was angry, but that was a triunph for sneddon, he hurt Michael and Michael left, and i know he realized he did wrong and he wanted Neverland back
u r wrong about that imho my friend worked there, mj took everything from that place that he wanted and he let it go to crap. he didn't care. monetary wise, it was worth money. the magic is not the place, it was the man. how did he let sneddon win? mj had the last laugh. he poured cement and BUILT on the most soil rich areas on that property...uknow, theones that could be used for winery the property, for what people would initially want it for, is useless

jermaine wants graceland. there's a reason y katherine took a long time to make her decision. MJ WILL NOT BE MOVED. he will be put to rest once and only once.

u cannot bury a person at neverland....u need a permit. they also wont permit a museum/fun factory craptastic place like the one colony is envisioning.

taj said mj wouldn't want neverland. so the family isagainst it. jermaine is really showing his true colours and this will divide him from the family, once and for all. blood is blood but man...honestly, this isn't benefiting anyone at all.
I think Jermaine needs to sit back and chill. Michael was buried in a beautiful place I wish people would just let him rest in peace. Another thing I know some fans are having a hard time getting over Neverland, but Michael has said plenty of times that he never wanted to go back to Neverland and I think we need to respect that...
