Jermaine is not happy: he still wants Michael Buried in Neverland

Jermaine is entitled to his opinion, and we have no right to critisise. Michael's spirit is free to be where ever he wants to be, it is his physical remains that are needing to be somewhere. Neverland would be a beautiful setting, but would Michael have wanted that, we don't know, he did not want to be there in life, but in death he is safe from the so call justice system down there.

100% agree!!
Jermaine is entitled to his opinion, and we have no right to critisise. Michael's spirit is free to be where ever he wants to be, it is his physical remains that are needing to be somewhere. Neverland would be a beautiful setting, but would Michael have wanted that, we don't know, he did not want to be there in life, but in death he is safe from the so call justice system down there.
Exactly my thought. :yes:
Ummmm.... I watched this interview on ZDF last night and have it recorded. I did not hear him say that it might not be the final resting place! In fact, he says, "YES, THIS WAS THE FINAL RESTING PLACE FOR MICHAEL" (referring to Forest Lawn). He once again voiced his opinion that he had wanted Neverland, but I believe that's it.

The problem is, you barely hear what Jermaine actually says because they dub over it in German and my German skills leave something to be desired. Didn't anyone else in Germany watch it last night? I'll have my husband watch the whole thing again when he comes home from work late tonight to verify, but at this point I'm thinking this article everyone's freaking out about just took something out of context and is making assumptions.
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Sorry but Jermaine should get over it. Michael is already buried at a wonderful place surrounded with Walt Disney. This is what he would like i think. He hated Neverland.
God cant he just be allowed to rest now!!!
His family and his kids have just had to bury him, why does he want to rebury him in a place Michael never wanted to return to!