US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

FINALLY!!! It is about time.

And let me tell you ALL something, anyone that ever tell ANY OF YOU that you cannot do anything in this world, you tell them "Look at Michael Jackson, Look at Oprah, look at Barack Obama. They were all told that they could not do this and that and look at them now! I can do whatever I want to do in this world." This ends the nastyiness of race. There is no such thing as "racism" anymore. That term is so yesterday. It is so last year. It is truly now about the human race.

Congrats to the entire Obama family and everyone that helped made sure this day would happened. I am happy, oh so happy, that I voted. I really am.

McCain is doing his consession speech and he called Obama on the phone to congratlate him. Let me be respectful here regarding McCain: no matter what I think about his policies, he is a great American who serve his country well. Really, that is enough. That is all he has to do to earn my respect. He was not meant to be President because he is too old school and he is a Republican. That is a reality. However, he did what he had to do.

Anyway, I do not want to miss Obama talk. These are HAPPY DAYS!!


GREAT POST! :woohoo: I agree! Congrats Obama! :cheers:

oh no- Palin is gonna cry :(
I saw that too.. aw well. :( Kind of sad.. but yea, hopefully she will move on fine.
Can't you....feel a...brand new dayyyyyyyyy! Can't you....feel a....brand new dayyyyy! :dance:

Everybody sing the dang song!!!! :woohoo:
Oooo! Now waiting for remarks from Obama now on the news! :woohoo:



Who would have those that this sweet little boy would be the 44th President of the United States of America? Wow..............
as long as he ant bashn him no mo, then im cool. I'm just dandy.

Am I dreaming?.... am I?
I'm really looking forward to hear what Obama is going to say. :) :wild:
DAMN stupid commercials. O_O Hurry up.
Obama won Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes! Yes! Yes! We aren't completely incompetent! :swoon:
People are marching down Broad Street in Philly and cheering "OBAMA" in my neighborhood. :) This is a great day.
Dang, you know what I am thinking? I think that someone with some computer graphic skills makes some awesome Obama siggys for all of us to rock. What do you guys think?
Can't you....feel a...brand new dayyyyyyyyy! Can't you....feel a....brand new dayyyyy! :dance:

Everybody sing the dang song!!!! :woohoo:

"Everybody look around
'Cause there's a reason to rejoice you see
Everybody come out
And let's commence to singing joyfully
Everybody look up
And feel the hope that we've been waiting for"


GROUP MJJC HUG!!!!!!!!!!!:wub:
Kenya have announced they are going to have a national holiday for Barack Obama.

Go, Obama!!,,20237913,00.html

Breaking News

Barack Obama Makes History!
By Stephen M. Silverman

Originally posted Tuesday November 04, 2008 11:00 PM EST


The results are in: Barack Obama has been elected the 44th President of the United States. This wins makes him the first African-American chief executive in the 232-year history of the country.

While handily taking the New England states, Obama gained the lead in the race by also winning the hotly contested Ohio and Pennsylvania.

The Western states helped put him firmly in the victory column, and the announcement that he had the necessary electoral-college votes was made immediately after the polls closed in California at 11 p.m. ET.

Though race was a theme that wafted throughout a tough fight against Republicans John McCain and Sarah Palin, most political pundits credited the poor economy as the central factor in the minds of Americans once they closed the curtains in polling booths.

In a presidential campaign that stretched over two years – and saw the rise and fall of so formidable a rival as Hillary Clinton – Obama triumphed with the help of early support from Oprah Winfrey and endorsements from a variety of Hollywood stars like Scarlett Johansson and Matt Damon. Only last weekend, he was serenaded in concert by Bruce Springsteen.

'Transformational Figure'
Since first appearing on the national stage only four years ago, when he walloped Illinois radio host Alan Keyes to become a U.S. senator, the Chicago Democrat, 47, has emerged as his generation's political rock star, forging a path to the White House with sharp focus and stunning speed.

Always, it seemed, there were huge crowds gathered to see the charismatic candidate, whom Colin Powell, in his own endorsement of Obama, labeled "a transformational figure."

But there were tough personal times, too, such as when Obama broke off campaigning for two days in the final stretch to visit his gravely ill grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, 86, in Hawaii. Dunham died two days before the election, never living to see Obama rise to this pinnacle.

The president-elect takes with him to the White House on Inauguration Day Jan. 20 his wife of 16 years, Michelle Obama, and their two daughters, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7.

Obama is expected to make his victory speech at a rally in Chicago's Grant Park, where 70,000 guests received coveted tickets to the event – and up to 1 million people could show up, according to Chicago authorities.

Read more about the new president in the latest issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday.
I'm watching live here in Brazil the happiness for the ppl on Chicago!!!!

I'm so happy for you guys!Congrats!!:clapping: