US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]



Go Obama. Finally a different kind of face, color and name for a change. This is a day that I will tell my children and my grandchildren!!!!!


This is a day that I will never, ever forget.

Man, I do not think I am going to sleep tonight. LOL.

my gosh- I wonder how Obama feels right now, and what he's doing right now.......

I wanted him to win SO much and a pert of me thought that I was gonna be disappointed again. I can't believe that we canfinally look past race, and see humans as humans.
This is amazing.

Just imagine - no more complaints about "the white man doing this....." No more of that mess. This is a amazing day for us all. Wow...... The entire world should be cheering now. What a awesome night. This is one of the best days of my life. :)

MCCAIN's ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


gosh- i feel sorry for him, and he is a good man and I respect him so much.

He's giving a great speech

EDIT: McCain is talking now, lol. o_O
McCain speech. He rang Obama, republicans boo. MccCain hushs them.

He respects Obama for inspiring America. And commends him for the hope he gave people.

Recognises Obamas Grandma and says that she is proud of him.

He urges all Americans to congratulate Obama and come together and bridge their differences and leave the country stronger for our children and grandchildren than the America we grew up in.

I was soooooooo prepared to be disappointed. I was soo ready to trhow in the towel and say f*ck it. BUt it aint gonna happen.
For the first time in my life I'm going to get smashed between crying my eyes out. (happy tears)
I hope that we can all work together now- democrats and republicans.

We are all in the same country and we all want this country to be saved and continue to prosper.

like McCain said- whatever our differences we are fellow Americans


and God bless McCain :yes:
look past race, and see humans as humans.

FINALLY!!! It is about time.

And let me tell you ALL something, anyone that ever tell ANY OF YOU that you cannot do anything in this world, you tell them "Look at Michael Jackson, Look at Oprah, look at Barack Obama. They were all told that they could not do this and that and look at them now! I can do whatever I want to do in this world." This ends the nastyiness of race. There is no such thing as "racism" anymore. That term is so yesterday. It is so last year. It is truly now about the human race.

Congrats to the entire Obama family and everyone that helped made sure this day would happened. I am happy, oh so happy, that I voted. I really am.

McCain is doing his consession speech and he called Obama on the phone to congratlate him. Let me be respectful here regarding McCain: no matter what I think about his policies, he is a great American who serve his country well. Really, that is enough. That is all he has to do to earn my respect. He was not meant to be President because he is too old school and he is a Republican. That is a reality. However, he did what he had to do.

Anyway, I do not want to miss Obama talk. These are HAPPY DAYS!!

FINALLY!!! It is about time.

And let me tell you ALL something, anyone that ever tell ANY OF YOU that you cannot do anything in this world, you tell them "Look at Michael Jackson, Look at Oprah, look at Barack Obama. They were all told that they could not do this and that and look at them now! I can do whatever I want to do in this world." This ends the nastyiness of race. There is no such thing as "racism" anymore. That term is so yesterday. It is so last year. It is truly now about the human race.

Congrats to the entire Obama family and everyone that helped made sure this day would happened. I am happy, oh so happy, that I voted. I really am.

McCain is doing his consession speech and he called Obama on the phone to congratlate him. Let me be respectful here regarding McCain: no matter what I think about his policies, he is a great American who serve his country well. Really, that is enough. That is all he has to do to earn my respect. He was not meant to be President because he is too old school and he is a Republican. That is a reality. However, he did what he had to do.

Anyway, I do not want to miss Obama talk. These are HAPPY DAYS!!


Omg, so true!!!! crying right now.. tears of JOY!!!
Congrats for all of you,americans!!!:wild:

I'm Brazilian but I got say...OBAMA seems president of the WORLD!:wild:

I respect,honor,support and like very much this man!EUA will change!

I'm happy too!God bless all of americans and Mr. Obama! :clapping: :clapping:
Darn my sensitive self!!!!!!!!

why do I always have to feel bad for ppl????!!!!!??!?!
Jesse Jackson is crying.

That man is awesome. He seen so much in his lifetime and to for him to see this awesome, emotional and amazing day, just IMAGINE what he is thinking about? Wow. Him and all those civil rights leaders who fought for equal rights - THANK YOU!! Without those brave people, we would not be able to have this awesome day.

Wow..... just wow.

You know what, I truly love you guys. I know that we have our many differences, but this day has shown me that no matter what, we are finally one people. I just want to hug every last one of you. I am in a hugging mood. :) I adore you guys.