US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

I'm not a drinker but I need a drink right about now. Might have to pop the bubbly in a bit just to calm my nerves. :lol:

OBAMA PROJECTED PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obama is president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMGOMGOMGOMGOGM!!! :woohoo::woohoo:

Edit: OMG I feel so overwhelemed LMFAO. *breathe*

Tell me it aint so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OBAMA BABY!!!! Oh man!!!!!

MY family is going INSANE, y'all!!!!

Going to pop the bubbly babyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! :drinking: No thanks to Florida! bah!
new era. right now i'm just pleased for what will happen to the economy. gotta go find me an apartment and quick lol
BARACK WON!! He is the NEW PRESIDENT ELECT !!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! WOOO HOOO!!! I'm crying..this is so historic....I just wish Martin Luther King HIMSELF could have lived long enough to see this moment in history..!!!
Such a shame we have to wait 2 more months for him to actually take charge. Bush needs to get evicted like NOW! :lol:
IT IS A NEW DAY, BABY!!! A NEW DAY!! You guys, wow, effed the Phillies win. I have not been THIS HAPPY since out man, our dawg, Mike Jack was freed from the monsters!!!


I am CRYING right now!! You guys cannot understand what this means for me and anyone who has ever been discriminated against because of the color of their skin. Who have SUFFERED for all those years just so they can vote. For the leaders before Obama, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, even James Brown, t6hose brave people who have died so that THIS DAY CAN HAPPEN!!!

This is a very happy, emotional and awesome day for America! It really has. Today, I can truly say that I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!



People are honking their horns in Philly.

Wow, all I can say is THANK YOU for this thread, Bob George. Thank you to all of y'all who kept this wonderful thread running.

To my fellow American MJ fans - THIS IS OUR DAY!!!! THIS IS A DAY TO NEVER FORGET!! The fools will FINALLY LEAVE the white house and a new leader, will come there and finally save our country!!

This is one of those nights I will remember for the rest of my life. We are not just watching history, we are living it. It truly is amazing.

I am soooooo happy

:cheers::clap::dancin::woohoo::holiday: :pash::shout:

Talk about history being made. We were just talking about this in my International Studies class. This is the most important nation in the world, and we have crushed the stereotype that every other country has held against us. This is a HUGE step, not only for the United States, but the entire world. So many people outside of the US said "are they gonna let him win" -and were looking to this election to see f the US could match the diversity that it's population represents. Congratulations Obama, and you have changed the world