US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

oh my....McCain has to win almost all of the rest to win

Who's getting Florida?!?!?!?!?!
CNN's John King just killed off McCain's chances. i want his touch screen.
haha stupid seems like they are for McClame..pssshh!
I'm telling you, watch Fox News. They called Ohio long before CNN, and they are pretty much conceding the rest of this race to Obama barring a miracle. Barack is President-Elect people, change has come.:clapping::punk::yes:
CNN?! It's definetly leaning for Obama... as is MSNBC. That John King over there makes it seem as if McCain has absolutely no chance, if ever possible, lol.
10 mins for the next call

Another 15, here are some of them.




Phoenix have turned off the news and are instead rockin to some country music lol

Funny and funny all at the same time.

The view from Chi-Town is AWESOME!!! This is some amazing stuff, you guys. :) Wow...... I am feel all happy right now.

Florida is still too close to call. Let's hope these people do the right thing and turn blue.

Let me go and watch the rest of the election.

BTW, it is 9:52 EST
Here it is so far....from
Presidential election night blog

6 mins ago
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Key win for Obama | 9:24 p.m.

Obama wins the battleground state of Ohio and its 20 electoral votes (AP). Heading into the election, Obama led McCain by 7 points. Ohio was considered a must-win state for McCain. However, the Obama campaign flooded the state with volunteers in March, specifically rural and suburban regions. Obama had 82 offices in Ohio, more than double the number McCain had. Ohio has voted for the winning presidential candidate in every election since 1964. According to NBC, Obama has a considerable lead in electoral votes: 200 to McCain's 90.

McCain has won North Dakota and Louisiana, totaling 12 more electoral votes (AP). ABC and CBS project McCain will win the big state of Texas and its 34 electoral votes.

NBC and Fox are also projecting Obama will win New Mexico's 5 electoral votes. Historically, the state has had close races: In 2004, George Bush beat John Kerry by fewer than 6,000 votes. In 2000, Al Gore squeaked by George W. Bush with less than 400 votes. Gov. Bill Richardson was a rumored vice-presidential candidate earlier this year and is expected to be a front-runner for a Cabinet position, should Obama win the election.
See more polls and results or read the latest from AP.

Obama wins 5 more states | 9:04 p.m.

Obama wins Michigan, New York, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, and Minnesota (AP). The big wins here are Michigan with 17 electoral votes, New York with 31, and Wisconsin with 10. Obama held a huge 16-point lead in Michigan's polls heading into Election Day. The state's hard-hit economy has been the focus of both candidates during the campaign. The last time Michigan voted Republican was in 1988.
McCain wins Arkansas, Wyoming, and Alabama adding 18 more electoral votes to his count (AP). CNN, NBC, and Fox also project McCain will win North's Dakota's 3 electoral votes.
See more polls and results or read the latest from AP.

Obama wins Pennsylvania | 8:42 p.m.

Obama wins the battleground state of Pennsylvania and its 21 electoral votes (AP). Heading into Election Day, he held a comfortable 10-point lead in the polls over McCain. Obama's campaign invested heavily in Sen. Biden's home state, with more than 60 offices throughout the state. The last time Pennsylvania went red was in 1988.

Obama has also won New Hampshire and its 4 electoral votes (AP). New Hampshire gave Obama the very first votes of Election Day, when he won the tiny town of Dixville Notch, the first Democrat to do so since 1968. The 75 or so residents of Dixville Notch began voting at midnight; the final tally: 15 votes for Obama, 6 for McCain. Since 1960, Dixville Notch has opened its polls just after midnight on Election Day.

ABC, CBS, and Fox project McCain will win Arkansas' 6 electoral votes. ABC and NBC also project McCain will win Alabama and its 9 electoral votes.

NBC and Fox project McCain will win the big-prize state of Georgia and its 15 electoral votes. Going into the election, McCain led Obama by a 5 percent margin, with 8 percent of voters undecided. Georgia has voted Republican in the last two presidential elections. Pres. Bush took the state twice, with huge wins over Al Gore and John Kerry.
See more polls and results or read the latest from AP.

Obama wins slew of states, McCain wins 2 | 8:04 p.m.

Obama wins Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New Jersey (AP). These 8 states give Obama another 72 electoral votes. Meanwhile, McCain has won Oklahoma and Tennessee, giving him 18 more electoral votes (AP).
See more polls and results or read the latest from AP.

TV networks project South Carolina | 7:47 p.m.

NBC and CBS project McCain will win South Carolina's 8 electoral votes. While Obama's primary win gave him a big boost against Sen. Hillary Clinton, the state has not voted a Democrat for president since 1976.
See more polls and results or read the latest from AP.

TV networks project West Virginia | 7:32 p.m.

CBS and Fox project McCain will win West Virginia and its 5 electoral votes. McCain had a comfortable 9-point lead over Obama going into the vote. George W. Bush took the state handily in both 2000 and 2004./p>
See more polls and results or read the latest from AP.
LMFAO @ CNN... They're still going on and on about how much McCain has no chance.

Wolf Blitzer always makes a hectic situation easy to handle with his non-existent emotions.
CNN's John King just killed off McCain's chances. i want his touch screen.

LOL!!!!!!! i KNOW!

He killed McCain with the touch screen and the "hypothetical" pink states, lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*vocal hiccup* I'm gonna make a change *hiccup* for once in myyyyyy liiiiiife...........
Iowa to Obama

Utah to McCain

135 - 207

Quick facts

Iowa is 91% white.
Holy SH!T!!! OBAMA has 202 Electoral votes, and they haven't counted the 55 from CA or the 7 from Oregon or the 11 from WA!! Whaddya think? Think he's got CA, OR and WA in the bag??
LMFAO @ CNN... They're still going on and on about how much McCain has no chance.

Wolf Blitzer always makes a hectic situation easy to handle with his non-existent emotions.

LOL!!!!!!! i KNOW!

He killed McCain with the touch screen and the "hypothetical" pink states, lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they're slowly burning souls in a very assholish way. love it.

^^ THere is NO WAY McCAIN is going to win CA...not the way the polls have been going...take it from me...I've been tracking them for weeks now...(I know I gotta go out and get a life! LOL!!)