US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

^^ THere is NO WAY McCAIN is going to win CA...not the way the polls have been going...take it from me...I've been tracking them for weeks now...(I know I gotta go out and get a life! LOL!!)

WOOT WOOT.... :girl_dance:
Republicans having a go at the BBC. The reporter had an argument with John Bolton and ten that red guy said the BBC should fire him, lol.
:dntknw:eek:k....I gotta admit that I'm nervous about Cali!!!!!!!!!!!
who's watching Comedy Central?

"Everyone knows Republicans love this country, they just hate half the people in it!" © Jon Stewart
**** all those right-wing pundits saying Barack moved to the centre when 2 days ago they were calling him a socialist.
Virginia and North Carolina are water-tight. Hard to say which way they'll go. Fingers crossed that both go to Obama so that he can wrap up 270 electoral votes early. If Obama wins VA, NC, CO and FL he'll surpass 270 electoral votes. So we'll know the official winner without having to wait for the west-coast states to be counted.
**** all those right-wing pundits saying Barack moved to the centre when 2 days ago they were calling him a socialist.

I saw that too. CNN right? The panel they had were saying that Obama is a centrist-Democrat when before today they were calling him a far-left commi. LOL
WTH is taking Florida so long? I can't believe my county is the hold up, yet AGAIN. :doh:

I swear Imma move to a blue State....but looking at the map they're all up North...and I'm no snow girl. :censored:
no no dont go to a blue state - need your vote in those red states :)
Nebraska to McCain, he has 3 of the 5 points and 2 to still be decided.

207 - 138
Bit quiet here now.
Cause people are either starting the party or going to bed...Fox just called VA. Once Florida comes in and if Barack gets NC, Barack wins before the West Coast can even give them their votes. I know people are playing it safe, but this night has been over for the past hour and a half. lol Toast to our new Pres and to a bright future!:cheers:
"Exceedingly grim" © Wolf Blitzer

and now i'm seeing a ""hologram"" of lol very corny stuff from cnn there...

edit: and will just popped a robot move there lol
Its already a party up in here (the thread thAT IS). Where my 'Bama peps at, dawgs; say AYO TECHNOLOGY!
sorry! had to go wash my face and brush my teeth :)

What'd I miss??????

not much it looks like

Nah. You didn't miss much. Florida still isn't in...which usually means someone is somewhere stealing votes or finding a reason to discount votes from highly democratic areas. :weeping: Pleeeeease let me be wrong, God. Not again!!! :banghead: